I will be crowned king

Chapter 494 Is it you? !

With the tacit cooperation of the Beluga Harbor Council, the inauguration ceremony of the statue was very successful; with thunderous applause, Anson was awarded the title of "Honorary Speaker for Life" amidst countless cheers at the scene, and will always have the title of "Honorary Speaker for Life" in the Council of 500 people. a place.

Due to some well-known secret, the MPs on the scene all directly addressed him as "Your Excellency Speaker", deliberately or forgetfully ignoring the prefix of "honor".

Anson, who was equally forgetful, simply ignored this fact and accepted the congressmen's address to him as such and the sincere greetings they respectfully paid to him with peace of mind.

As for the parliamentary seat vacated by Speaker Harold's "heroic sacrifice" - after repeated discussions in the 500-person parliament, it was considered that such an important identity would be extremely inappropriate if it were handed over to Harold's young son prematurely. Responsible behavior.

Therefore, the most appropriate thing to do is, of course, to hand it over to another more mature and responsible person to take over "temporarily" before the child reaches adulthood; after another round of heated discussions, the parliament decided to hand the seat to Talia Ogu Accepted by Miss St. Luhn.

As for whether Miss Talia will continue to retain her seat or return it voluntarily after Harold's youngest son reaches adulthood, that has nothing to do with the council - at least now, they have made a very responsible decision.

So far, the Beluga Port Council, as a local leader, has completely accepted the rule of the Storm Master, and with the addition of the powerful outsider, the Luen family, the first piece of the pie that Anson gave to Thalia has been completely implemented.

And Talia also took advantage of this identity to the extreme - not only announced on the spot at the celebration ceremony that she would join the League of the Faithful, and swore to become an "Ecumenical Believer," she also announced the launch of the "Arms Committee" and "Animal Husbandry Committee."

For a colony with rich resources and a sparse population, it is very unrealistic to want to become rich through the large-scale textile industry like many large cities in the mainland.

All manufacturing industries will be squeezed out of labor by resource industries that also require a large amount of labor, and the market will be suppressed by untaxed local products. It is almost impossible to develop.

At least until the population grows to a certain level, the only way Beluga Port can get rich is by selling resources and cultivating wasteland. At most, it can only maintain a very small proportion of manufacturing workers and do some filling after importing.

Therefore, Anson is only prepared to produce a very small amount of steel and gunpowder, which is enough to maintain the minimum needs of the Storm Division and reduce logistical pressure.

On the one hand, this will not harm the interests of colonial mine owners, and at the same time, it will not encounter too strong opposition from the locals.

At the same time, in order to fill the labor vacancies in the colonies and expand trade routes, he prepared to import large quantities of livestock including horses, cattle, and pigs from the colonies controlled by the empire.

In the past, the reason for the high price of livestock in the colonies was not only that it was scarce, but also because the distance between the two sides was too long and the transportation capacity was insufficient. The purchase quantity was not enough, which caused the price to rise; but now Anson has an entire fleet in his hands, and he can go directly to the other side's port for large-scale operations. Purchase in bulk to keep prices down.

The two committees, the former and the Storm Division continue to be deeply tied, while the latter can benefit the entire colonial agriculture and resource industry. The Lune family who controls them will have a pivotal position in Beluga Harbor and can easily affect the entire colony even without the use of force. colony.

In fact, if feasible, Anson would prefer to directly establish a joint-stock company; but on the one hand, if the local people who are keen on harvesting leeks see the profits of the colony, there is no guarantee that they will not increase their efforts to harvest leeks, and the money they have earned through financing will be free... All were dedicated to the royal family.

On the other hand, the property transfer of the Luen family is still in progress, and their power in the colony is still relatively weak. If we do not rely on the force of the Storm Division to deter fair competition, there is no guarantee that local businessmen like Mason Wetzler will not seize most of the property. Profit, then the gain outweighs the loss.

Fair free trade is of course a good thing, but that is only if you have an absolute dominant advantage, otherwise you would rather suffer a loss than let others make money.

Anyway, the White Whale Port Assembly is a colonial autonomous institution in name, but in fact it is a large-scale monopoly business group that divides the spoils. Five hundred members who are likely to be hereditary and irreplaceable control more than half of the fixed assets and seize absolutely more than 5%. The profit of 10% is no different from that of a colonial company.

"...And now, both Beluga Harbor and Beluga Harbor Council are already in your possession."

In the spacious carriage compartment, Ian Clemens picked up the Tirpitz rum with ice cubes on it, and smiled at Anson opposite with a deliberately flattering smile:

"Congratulations, Your Excellency, Commander of the Garrison Corps and Speaker."

"Just the honorary speaker."

The expressionless Anson waved his hand and didn't even pick up the wine glass at hand: "You risked being caught and came to the door uninvited. Could it be that you just wanted to say congratulations?"

"of course not."

Ian was completely unfazed by the cold reception. He raised his glass and took a sip before putting it in his hand. His smile remained the same: "How unpopular our Faithless Knights are in Beluga Port right now. Just looking at the Trust-Keepers on the roadside. The number of alliances is deeply felt.”

It can be said that the reason why the entire alliance has its current scale and momentum is partly because the "death of Speaker Harold" detonated the powder keg of conflicts between immigrants and heretical natives; and as a "fuse" The Faithless Knights have reached the point where everyone is calling for beatings.

Even if the garrison commander personally vouched for it and became the "White Gloves", a new organization affiliated with the alliance, it does not mean that the people of Beluga Port are blind people with only the memory of goldfish.

As far as the fragile cooperative relationship between the two parties is concerned, Anson actually doesn't mind killing all these dangerous elements as long as the opportunity is right.

"But I guess...this thing should be popular, right?"

With a meaningful chuckle, Ian took out an envelope from his arms and carefully pushed it from the table to Anson.

"This is……"

"The Great Magic Book...the third volume."

Anson's pupils trembled slightly.

Anson, who resisted the urge to open it immediately and avoided picking up the envelope directly, leaned back, clasped his fingers together, and asked in a leisurely manner:

"I remember someone said not long ago that he knew nothing about the so-called "Great Magic Book"; in less than a month, one of the twelve volumes was discovered - if this is an accident, That’s too surprising, right?”

“But it was a real surprise.”

Ian's eyes spoke of sincerity: "On the second day after the big warehouse incident, we searched the secret rooms of the indigenous old gods buried in the ruins at night. Unintentionally, we were extremely lucky to find in a very secret corner. its existence.”

Unintentional, secretive, lucky.

Anson sneered in his heart.

"Considering safety factors, we have also considered whether to hand it over to the Promise Keepers Alliance or the Garrison Corps, and then hand it over to you by someone you can trust more, but..." Ian suddenly sighed, his expression showing. Showing a hint of guilt:

"Due to a series of uncontrollable consequences caused by some previous accidents, I finally decided to take the risk and it would be more appropriate for me to hand it over to you personally."

Accident, what accident?

Anson was a little stunned, and then a flash of realization flashed in his mind.

He was talking about the anonymous letter that made Lisa make her own decisions and run to the warehouse alone!

"My companions and I are deeply sorry for that incident. At that time, we really didn't expect that the final result would turn out to be... like that." Noticing a trace of anger flashing in the corner of Anson's eyes, Ian quickly apologized:

"While we apologize, we also hope to use this special gift as a suitable greeting gift."

"Meeting gift?" Anson blinked curiously, as if he wasn't even a little angry about that incident.

That's right, wasn't it just that he almost released an out-of-control monster that was a blasphemous mage, destroyed half of Beluga Harbor, and blew himself up into the sky? There's nothing to be angry about, right? Right? ! Right!

"There is a special guest who wants to meet you." Ignoring the killing intent in Anson's eyes, Ian said in a deep voice:

"But for some unknown reason, he and his friends still have some concerns about contacting you, so they hope to use this precious gift as a 'stepping stone' to visit you and win your friendship. "

"Then what is the name of this 'distinguished guest'? Can you tell me?" Anson picked up the wine glass and stuffed the envelope into his cuffs quietly.

"I can't - as mentioned just now, he and his friends still have concerns." Ian took a sip of rum:

"But I can assure you that he is definitely not your enemy; on the contrary, if the goals are consistent, he can become your ally, even the most important ally."

"Oh, what should I say?" Anson raised his eyebrows.

"It depends on what you want." Ian still refused to answer directly:

"But at least now, he hopes to meet you as soon as possible - privately, of course, and absolutely without anyone knowing."

"Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief and Speaker, your opinion is..."

Looking at Ian whose eyes were full of expectation, Anson chuckled.

Since the other party refused to say anything, he didn't intend to reply directly - he picked up the wine glass and said leisurely:

"Let's have a drink."


After sending away a certain sneaky "White Glove", Anson, who was riding in a carriage, did not stay there for too long and returned to the headquarters from the city alone.

As March approaches, caravans from surrounding towns and farms have begun to appear outside the city of Beluga Port, preparing to take advantage of this year's "Tax Day" grand bazaar to purchase local products.

Coffee beans, sugar, cotton cloth, alcohol, salt, tobacco...the wild new world is full of almost everything. Even if Beluga Port produces nothing, it can still maintain its status as an excellent harbor and transportation hub. absolute position throughout the colony.

But because of this, the prosperous trade has led to the fact that apart from fishing, there are almost no decent industries in Beluga Port, and it is extremely dependent on trade. Except for seafood, everything else relies on external inputs, especially local manufactured products and Agricultural products and primary processed products from surrounding colonies.

In addition, there is almost zero tariff between the mainland and the colonies. Even if Beluga Port wants to develop some industries, it is almost impossible. It can only be willing to have raw materials purchased by the mainland at low prices, sell the finished products at high prices to cut leeks, and then use the locally imported products. The products are sold at a high price and the leeks of other small colonies around are harvested.

In the end, most of the profits - especially all kinds of raw materials - will be taken away by the locals, leaving only the last scraps in Beluga Port.

As an army officer who is loyal to the royal family, Anson does not think there is any problem with such an excellent economic system; but as the "honorary speaker" of Beluga Port, he believes that this economic system still has room for improvement.

The key to everything lies in the annual "taxation" of the mainland - the royal family's annual purchase volume and price have seriously weakened the profits of the colony. Coupled with export restrictions, it has almost curbed the possibility of trade development in Beluga Port.

Of course, "Anson Loyal" Bach will never make any unreasonable demands such as increasing prices or reducing purchase quantities. He only has a slight idea about the proportion of purchases.

The annual local procurement volume is about one-fifth to one-fourth of the annual output value of Beluga Port. However, because the infrastructure construction work of the Storm Division has begun, the production loss that can be reduced and the transportation efficiency improved, according to the minimum standards, At least between 25 and 35 percent.

Therefore, his wishful thinking is to find a way to persuade this year's procurement manager to continue "taxing" according to the standards of previous years, ignoring the additional quarter this year due to the construction of the Storm Division.

Back at the headquarters, the little clerk with documents in his arms was already waiting outside the door early, with a frown that said "something happened" written directly on his face.

Seeing Anson stepping down from the carriage, he immediately stepped forward and said with a serious face: "Sir Anson, the person in charge of this year's local 'taxation' has arrived and is waiting in the waiting room."

Already arrived? !

Anson looked stunned. He had not been notified of such an important matter in advance, nor had he received any intelligence. Moreover, he had not heard of any foreign ships arriving at the port - where did this guy come from?

But now this is no longer important. Since the other party took the initiative to come to the door as soon as they settled down instead of going to the White Whale Harbor Council, it proved that they were not completely ignorant of the current situation in the colony, and they might even have sufficient information.

"How many people did they come?"

"Only one!" the little clerk replied quickly.

Just one person... Anson frowned slightly, and quickly stepped forward and walked towards the living room before the little clerk could speak.

In the spacious living room, a familiar figure was sitting on the sofa in front of the fireplace, holding a brand new copy of "The Good People of Beluga Harbor" and flipping through it casually. There was a pot of steaming coffee on the coffee table next to him.

Anson, who was holding on to the door frame, froze in place and subconsciously blurted out:

"It's you?!"

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