I will be crowned king

Chapter 499 Greetings from afar

After the words fell, Sophia's expression froze instantly.

For a moment, she felt from the bottom of her heart that she must have heard it wrong, because her father said it too casually and she was too nervous. As a result, she accidentally heard the word as...

"So are you willing?"

The archbishop turned to look at his girl, and placed the book in his arms on the coffee table, as if he had not noticed anything unusual: "This is not a task or an order, it is all voluntary. If you are not willing to take it, I will I will never force it..."


The girl's eyes widened blankly, like someone who sincerely believed that she was hearing something and desperately wanted to confirm it.

"Governor." The Archbishop repeated to help her convince herself that she was not hallucinating:

"To be more precise, he is a colonial governor. It is centered on Beluga Port and covers the entire Ice Dragon Fjord. It has a population of about hundreds of thousands and is rich in various seafood, wood, leather, iron ore and coal mines... What do you think?"

In order to let her daughter understand the situation, Archbishop Luther even introduced it enthusiastically; but for Sophia, who was too shocked to think at all, this was of no use.

The spacious living room suddenly became quiet. The Archbishop, who said no more, silently stared at his daughter, waiting for her answer.

After nearly a minute, the girl who seemed to have been petrified finally regained her senses. She kept a stiff smile and asked in her calmest voice:

"Before you reply, can you tell me the reason?"


The archbishop raised his eyebrows, thought seriously for two minutes, and then gave an answer that couldn't find anything wrong at all:

"Because there is no governor of Ice Dragon Fjord, we need one now - and I think you are very suitable."


The corners of Sophia's mouth twitched unnaturally. She resisted the impulse in her heart that was about to burst, choked a cup of hot blood in her throat, and managed to maintain a smile:

"Ice Dragon Fjord has not had a governor for the past fifty years, why is it suddenly needed now? Also, as far as I know, Clovis has only had a queen in its history, not to mention the other colonies, not even a mayor. No one has ever been a woman, so why do you think your daughter is so... appropriate?”

Sophia, who was trying to stay calm, asked without gritting her teeth at all.

"There are many reasons, but the most important thing...this is what they asked for." Faced with his daughter's questioning, the archbishop remained emotionally stable as always:

"According to Clovis's practice, His Majesty personally selects the position of governor, and he can directly identify his favorite candidate, bypassing the Privy Council."

"It is not modest to say that with the friendship between me and Carlos II, it is very likely that he will ask for my ideas, so I would like to first ask the person who I think is the most suitable person, my daughter - dear Sofia, who is your thoughts."

"In addition, this 'Governor' is just an honorary title and has no real power, so it does not involve the kingdom's long-standing practice. In theory, His Majesty can appoint anyone."

"Honorary Governor?"

As soon as she finished speaking, a puzzled expression appeared on Sophia's face: "I, I don't remember that in the history of Clovis... no, even in the history of the empire, there was such an honorary title."

"Dear daughter, I am not questioning your historical achievements, but in fact... we do have them."

"Oh, how many are there?"

"One." The Archbishop said seriously:

"Isn't this what it is?"

Sophia: "..."

Although this is not the first time, the girl still wants to leave the house with her little maid Angelica and rent an apartment outside, so that she no longer has to spend time with her "beloved father" - Although she knew it was impossible.

It was also only at this time that she felt that the stupid brother Ludwig was sometimes smart; he knew how to use war as an excuse to stay on the battlefield thousands of miles away.

He was right - even the blast of hundreds of cannons was more beautiful than his father's gentle words.

"Okay, let me ask another question."

The girl with an ugly face looked at her father, and silently walked to the sofa opposite him and sat down: "This is Anson Bach's proposal, right?"

"You really understand him." The archbishop did not show any surprise:

"But considering that he is currently in Beluga Port and still stubbornly believes that the Storm Division is your army, it does not seem surprising that he would guess this."

"What is his intention?" Sophia said directly and coldly.

"It was not mentioned in the letter, but I guess it is probably in this way that they hope to prevent the royal family from appointing a real governor and competing with him as the commander-in-chief of the garrison for power, right?" The archbishop looked indifferent and didn't take it seriously:

"I really want to tell him that this is purely over-worry, but it probably doesn't make sense to someone like him who is too cautious; in this case, it's better to appoint an honorary governor whom he can absolutely trust or be absolutely assured of."

Hearing this answer, Sophia's mood did not improve at all: "So... you think I am very suitable?"

The Archbishop picked up the coffee, leaned on the sofa and nodded slightly.

"Then do you think I can make him absolutely trust him or feel absolutely at ease?"

The cold-faced girl continued to ask.

"I do have my own opinions, but I think you actually already have the answer deep in your heart, so..." The Archbishop took a sip of coffee and looked at his daughter who was about to explode with a calm expression:

“Are you willing to be this governor—even with honor?”

Sophia pursed her lips tightly, a deep feeling of being humiliated and underestimated lingering in her chest, causing the anger in her heart to continue to soar, as if it was a volcano that was about to erupt at any time.

But just when she decided to refuse categorically and slammed the door and walked out, a flash of understanding suddenly flashed deep in her heart.

So the frustrated Sophia transformed back into the generous eldest daughter of Franz who was sunsetting. She slightly raised the corners of her mouth and showed a gentle smile to her father:

"Of course I do. This is a rare honor. It is my honor to get it, and it also belongs to the entire Franz family. In the order of the world for thousands of years, the Franz family will give birth to the first honorary governor of the Kingdom of Clovis. .”

"Very good, I knew you would definitely agree."

The archbishop nodded slightly, as if he was completely unaware of his daughter's emotional changes: "If His Majesty mentions this matter, I will submit your name, and then we will see whether the Franz family can have this honor."

"Thank you so much, Father."

Humph, in order to prevent anyone from competing for power with you, you want to appoint an honorary governor to keep out all forces... Anson Bach, you are too arrogant; a mere army colonel is actually trying to become the actual ruler of the colony. Or?

It doesn't matter, an honorary governor is an honorary governor. Anyway, it's just a title. How much power they actually have depends on their own strength. As long as we increase investment, win over new immigrants, and build momentum in the colonies, sooner or later you will be able to see who is truly worthy of your allegiance.

Anson Bach, wait for me!


Beluga Harbor, Parliamentary District.

At this moment, Anson, who was ignorant of everything that was happening in Clovis City, got up at 6:30 as usual. After washing up, he had a rare meal with Talia and Lisa in the living room. Sha made breakfast.

As for why it is the parliamentary district and not the commander...since Anson is now the speaker (albeit honorary), Thalia is a member of the Council of Five Hundred (of course she doesn't care about this), and the lovely Lisa is a human Everyone loves the "Shotgun Sheriff" (no one doesn't love him).

Such a "happy family" owns an ordinary three-story building with a yard and heating in the most prosperous area of ​​Beluga Harbor as a place for occasional sleep and rest. Is there anything surprising about it?

No, at least the other 499 members of the 500-person parliament don’t think so at all.

In order to deal with "taxation" matters and to receive representatives from lieutenant colonels throughout the colony, Anson had to stay in the parliament to let them fully understand the changes that had taken place in the power structure of Beluga Port. Provide the help they need more efficiently and conveniently.

In addition, Anson is also planning to move some small settlements out of remote reclamation areas and allow them to "settle" in areas closer to Beluga Port.

On the one hand, this is for their safety and development. After all, those remote areas have low development levels and are very difficult to develop. Their maintenance does not make much sense and wastes precious labor.

On the other hand, although their numbers are generally small, they are also a good supplement to Beluga Port, whose labor force is also not rich at the moment. At the same time, it can greatly improve the efficiency of the Storm Division in protecting the colony, without sending extra manpower to those deep mountains and old forests. Fight with the wild beasts for your life, and compete with the natives for wits and courage.

According to the estimates of the Beluga Port Council, this population is about 5,000 people. At the same time, the proportion of young adults is also quite high. It is expected to exceed 3,000 people. The rest are mostly underage children and there are almost no elderly people. or disabled people.

As for why...it's a no-brainer.

Moreover, not only are their living environment quite dangerous, but their living conditions are also extremely harsh. After communicating with representatives from several settlements, the other party said that as long as the Storm Division can provide sufficient jobs, safety and reasonable settlement conditions, they will be very happy to bring them with them. Their families, relatives and friends evacuated their respective settlements under the cover of the army.

This means that the Stormtroopers will acquire more than three thousand laborers at one time, and more than half of them are men - these people are excellent hunters and settlers, and are highly resistant to high-intensity labor, whether as workers, sharecroppers or The levies are all very good.

In Carl Bain's words, in addition to being somewhat malnourished, these people's physical fitness is generally even better than that of the soldiers of the Storm Division. They are definitely a sought-after source of reserve soldiers in the country. With a little training, they can have considerable combat effectiveness.

The chief of staff, who had always complained a lot about Anson, the hands-off boss, showed great interest in the work for the first time and took the initiative to undertake the evacuation of colonists from remote areas.

Although manpower was beginning to be scarce, Anson still gritted his teeth and assigned him an infantry battalion and a half, and Lieutenant Colonel Alexei, whose reputation spread throughout the Storm Division and everyone knew he was a genius, was in charge of leading the army to ensure that the evacuation work was flawless.

Lieutenant Colonel Fabian, commander of the Grenadier Corps, took on the responsibility of overseeing the regiment's farm and patrolling the Ice Dragon Fjord.

However, both tasks are only troublesome at the beginning. Once they are on track, they can be handed over to Lieutenant Colonel Norton Crosell of the 3rd Infantry Regiment, and then gradually reduce the cost of maintaining security and farm operations by expanding the Promise Keepers Alliance. .

As an important faith organization that unites (wins over) middle- and lower-class immigrants in Beluga Port and promotes the development of the colony, Anson gradually begins to have some elements of the "Church of Order" under the vigorous development of Bishop Ripper: there are relatively vague elements within the organization. The relationship between superiors and subordinates and the implementation of work no longer rely entirely on faith, and some coercive systems have begun to be promoted.

This kind of behavior that seems to "tarnish" the pure faith of the Ecumenical Church makes Bishop Ripper express deep concern. However, considering that most immigrants are accustomed to the church's routine, and there will be more immigrants in the future; In order to unite believers in the New World, Universal Sect must make certain compromises.

He was gratified that Anson, as the commander-in-chief of the garrison, provided strong support in this regard - not only providing various urgently needed resources and materials to the Faith Keepers Alliance, but also assisting the priests in popularizing the Universalist Faith in the alliance. .

In exchange, Anson also got what he wanted most: using the influence of the Promise Keepers Alliance to expand the Storm Division's control over the local area and allowing the people to actively and voluntarily pay taxes.

There are so many things to do, such as tax collection, farms, roads, and patrols. The entire Storm Division, which is in the "rising period of its career," is busy from top to bottom. Almost everyone is assigned tasks every day, and they don't even have a day off. nor.

Although Anson classified all tasks as "military operations", ensuring that the soldiers could receive additional allowances, and even promised that everyone would be able to share the corresponding benefits from the Legion Farm and all the industries belonging to the Storm Division in the future, everyone was still complaining.

For the first time, I had my own city and territory, and for the first time, I no longer had to worry about staffing and future livelihood... Two happy things happened at the same time, but both officers and soldiers were so tired that they couldn't feel any happiness at all. .

Of course, Anson, as the commander-in-chief of the garrison, is still happy, and his "perfect plan" is being advanced in an orderly manner.

At eight o'clock exactly, after drinking the last half of his cup of coffee, Anson put on his coat and left the mansion, heading to the White Whale Harbor Council to meet an old acquaintance - Mr. Erich, the arms dealer representative of the Rune family.

When he pushed open the door and walked into the smoking room of the side hall of the parliament, this amiable middle-aged man who was dusty and wrapped like a ball of fur was chatting with the little clerk.

Seeing Anson enter the door, he immediately stood up, enthusiastically stepped forward and stretched out his hands:

"Good morning, Lord Anson Bach. With the blessing of the Ring of Order, we finally meet again - His Excellency Leon Francois and His Excellency Renault Emmanuel. I have been asked to send you my sincere greetings in person! "

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