I will be crowned king

Chapter 5 The prerequisite for transfer is victory

"Stand where you are? Right here at the artillery base...are you crazy?!"

In the artillery position, Carl Bain specially found a corner where the soldiers could not find it easily, and shouted at Anson at the top of his lungs: "Are you crazy or am I crazy?!"

The moment he heard Anson announce the order, he was stunned.

Not only him, but all the soldiers in the regiment were shocked.

A mere infantry regiment was actually preparing to hold its position and annihilate all the enemy forces when the main force was completely routed and nowhere to be found...

Oh...no, they only have two companies, not even the strength of a regiment!

What is wrong with this guy from the royal capital? !

"Captain Carl, calm down first."

Anson looked at the other party with a serious expression: "I know you are very nervous now, but please believe me, this is by no means an impulsive idea, but a plan made through careful thinking after observing the current situation... "

"Plan? Are you planning for everyone to die together?!"

Staring at the "completely calm" Anson in front of him, Carl really wanted to die.

I originally thought that I had found a savior, who might be able to bring as many people as possible to escape alive, but I didn't expect to meet such a savior...

"Believe me, this is the best way to keep as many people alive as possible!"

Anson's eyes flashed with confidence: "Well, if you are the defender of the Thunder Castle opposite, what should you do?"


"If you are the garrison commander of Thunder Castle, there are enemies outside the fortress that are several times more powerful than you. Now, taking advantage of the sudden heavy fog, will you lead all the troops out of the fortress and launch a surprise attack that is not sure whether it will be successful? ?”

Carl Bain was silent.

"...Probably...not right?"

"Yes, they won't do that." Anson nodded: "Even if the raid is successful, if we take the opportunity to recapture the fortress, they will lose the battle - so as long as there is a slight possibility, the enemy will not do this. "

"Suppose...the enemy launches this surprise attack with half their strength, what is their purpose?"

The enemy's purpose?

Karl, who gradually calmed down, fell into confusion. From when he woke up to find that the entire army was defeated to running all the way to escape, he thought about this problem for the first time.

What was the purpose of the enemy who had captured a key fortress in the Kingdom of Clovis and took advantage of the foggy weather to launch a surprise attack?

"Ask for help?"

"It's very possible." Anson immediately showed a very certain expression:

"But now that the raid has gone too smoothly, and they have directly captured the entire siege position, will they still just want to break out and ask for help - I don't think so."

"When the enemy discovers that we have been defeated across the board, I think they will no longer limit themselves to asking for help and passive defense, but will take the opportunity to counterattack and further weaken our possibility of retaking the fortress!"

"If that's the case, what are they going to do next?"

Looking at each other, Anson waited for Karl's answer.

Looking at his reflection in the other person's pupils, Carl Bain, who was trembling slightly, found that his face looked ugly.

Although Anson was asking him, he had actually told him the answer - what would the enemy do to weaken the possibility of the fortress being recaptured?

Of course, capture the fort!

As long as this fort position is occupied, the enemy's Thunder Fort will no longer be an isolated fortress, and the siege will be in a situation where it will be attacked from two sides.

That's not just as simple as losing the position!

"Captain Carl Bain, rather than retaking the fortress, you prefer that all of us can save our lives. I understand this." Taking a deep breath, Anson deliberately leaned forward and narrowed the distance between the two parties:

"But this heavy fog may lift at any time, and we have no retreat plan in advance; once discovered by the enemy, and the situation changes from fleeing to disintegration... then we are doomed."

His tone was very sincere.

Before time travel, Anson was just an ordinary person who had participated in military training in college, was keen on strategy games, occasionally listened to lectures and read the news, and was insulated from war.

But the "Anson Bach" in this life was a reserve officer who entered the military academy at the age of sixteen, received qualified officer education, and "trained" for one year in a heavily guarded fortress, and was about to graduate.

Thanks to the "soul penetration", Anson completely inherited the memory of the former owner of the body, and he was very convinced at this moment: a hasty and panic retreat without prior preparation will quickly turn into a rout under the enemy's pursuit.

The battle will turn into a one-sided massacre!

"Then what are you going to do next? Hold on and wait for help?"

Karl's expression was a little helpless, and he also knew how risky it was to run away in such a hurry: "What if there are no reinforcements, or they arrive late?"

"It's simple, we don't need reinforcements."


"No need!" Anson emphasized his tone: "How many enemies do you think can escape the border blockade and take Thunder Castle in a surprise attack? One thousand or two thousand? According to the worst-case scenario, there are only a thousand people outside at most. .”

"One thousand people...that's nearly two regiments of troops!" Karl couldn't help but said:

"We don't even have a group!"

"But we have artillery positions, not to mention that the enemy may not use all their forces to attack here!"

Anson finally showed a confident expression: "We will launch a surprise attack during the heavy fog. The enemy will not carry any heavy weapons, and there will not be a lot of ammunition. In terms of firepower, our side has the advantage."

"It's easy for you to say, Thunder Castle has fortress cannons!"

"Unless they plan to kill all the people who are besieging the fortress, the defenders in the fortress will never dare to fire cannons in foggy weather."

"What if the enemy doesn't attack?"

"If we don't besiege, then we can retreat - so even in order to retreat, we must first repel the enemy!"

Looking at the confident Anson, Karl opened his mouth, but couldn't think of anything to refute.

After a moment of silence, he sighed as if he finally figured it out, and looked at Anson helplessly:

"Captain Anson Bach, you are falsely passing military orders."

"On the contrary." Anson shook his head seriously:

"We are spontaneously carrying out the highest mission of an army without receiving orders - to hold our position!"

Carl Bain rolled his eyes and said nothing more.

Anson, who nodded slightly, began to use his skills in telling ppts in his previous life, and explained his next plan to Karl.

Five minutes later, Carl Bain, who had been silent throughout the whole process, found that he had been convinced.

It was obvious that the other person was just an adjutant with no real power, and both of them were captains, but now he suddenly had the illusion that he was inferior to the other person.

This illusion made Karl a little discouraged, a little annoyed, but mostly helpless.

The other party's plan seems crazy, but it is indeed very feasible.

Moreover, a nobleman from the royal capital and a graduate of the military academy cannot commit the crime of abandoning his bright future to be buried with people like him.

After thinking about this, Carl Bain finally accepted his fate.

At this time, a soldier suddenly walked quietly behind the two men, stood up straight and beat his chest with his right hand:

"The battalion commander and... the supervisory adjutant!"

"What's up?!"

Karl, who was in a depressed mood, turned around and glared at the soldier, and said angrily: "Speak!"

"Uh..." The frightened soldier froze in place, not knowing what mistake he had made: "Can you...could...come here?"

Seeing the frightened soldiers constantly signaling with their eyes, the helpless Carl Bain had no choice but to leave with him.

A minute later, Karl quickly returned alone.

Looking at Karl with a slightly strange expression, Anson was curious: "What's wrong?"

"Two things, good news and bad news." Karl raised his right index and middle fingers: "Which one should I listen to first?"

"bad news."

"Listen first." Karl waved his hand:

"When the main force retreated, they moved everything they could, but there is still a twenty-four-pound gun left here, probably because it was too heavy. The soldiers checked it and found that it was not damaged and can be used."

Oh, this is really good news.

But seeing the absolutely problematic expression on Karl's face, Anson immediately suppressed the joy in his heart:

"I guess the bad news is we're out of shells...right?"

"No, we have artillery shells - solid shot and buckshot, not much but enough, and plenty of propellant."

Karl shook his head, he smiled, but he smiled awkwardly:

"The bad news is, we have no artillery here—no one in the regiment knows how to use the twenty-four-pound siege mortar."

"So, Captain Anson Bach." Karl made a "pop!" sound, patted Anson's shoulder hard, and said in a regretful tone:

"If you still expect to get artillery support, well... you may have to set up an artillery death squad first, and be prepared to be killed by them accidentally."

"..." Anson.

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