I will be crowned king

Chapter 509 An excuse for war

Changhu Town, early morning.

A gorgeous four-wheeled carriage arrived at the gate of the military camp on the outskirts of the city. After identifying its identity to the sentry on guard, it drove straight into the military camp; the sleepy-eyed militiamen did not dare to neglect, leaving the unlocked door behind and chasing after the carriage. Running wildly in the direction of the headquarters.

Ten minutes later, the militia leader of Changhu Town, who had hastily changed his coat, opened the door and was shocked to find an old man with a sullen face sitting on the sofa in his living room, clutching a hand that was soaked by the rain. newspaper and smoked his pipe in silence.

"Speaker Hollande? How could you..."

"Why did I come to you at this time - this should be a question you have to explain to me, Mr. Captain!"

Before the other party could finish speaking, the angry Changhu Town Speaker stood up abruptly and smashed the newspaper on the floor with a slightly trembling arm:

"Tell me, what is going on?!"

what happened?

The militia leader who had just woken up glanced down at the newspaper on the ground, and wiped the lip prints on his chest left by his bed partner last night with a blank look on his face: "I...I don't know...I don't know what you are talking about... "

"You don't know what happened? Very good, very good!" The old man laughed angrily, and his gray beard and eyebrows began to tremble violently:

"Moby Harbor has officially declared war on us and is determined to conquer Changhu Town; where is our militia leader? He is actually still sleeping with a woman who is not his wife, and even his own soldiers did some sex the night before do not know anything!"

"Moby Port is going to invade Lake Town?!"

The militia leader was startled and blurted out in disbelief: "Why?!"

"Tell me why!" The old man's eyes were burning, and he wanted to stare him to death:

"Your soldiers sneaked across the border at night and robbed a border farm in Beluga Port and a passing caravan - that's not the most shameful thing. The most shameful thing is that they were caught red-handed, fifty bastards Twelve of them died, and the rest were all taken as prisoners. Let one of them come back to spread the word!"

"But for some reason, this soldier didn't tell you, the regimental leader, this big thing, or he told you but was forgotten by you - in any case, now Beluga Port feels that they have been humiliated. , intending to resort to war to show their attitude!"

"But it's impossible!"

The militia leader looked at the old man blankly: "My spies told me that there is no army at all in Beluga Port; their Speaker Harold has smuggled all the arms; not to mention Beluga Port, the entire Ice Dragon Fjord can't get enough." Three hundred muskets—what are they going to fight with, hammers and sickles?”

"Really?" The old man raised his eyebrows coldly, stood up and walked towards the headquarters gate. He was too lazy to continue talking nonsense with this incompetent bastard:

"Then did your spies tell you that Beluga Port has just had a new speaker, and this speaker also brought a fleet and 5,000 soldiers from the mainland?"

"If not, I suggest you fire this incompetent waste as soon as possible so that you can have a salary left. This is very important to you - because you will be unemployed soon!"

"Uh... when?!"



"Now - not tomorrow, not the day after tomorrow, right now... now, Beluga Port must let her enemies who dare to humiliate her hear her voice!"

On the podium of the White Whale Port Assembly Hall, Mason Wetzler, whose cheeks turned red with excitement, waved his copy of the "Beluga Whale Good People Newspaper" desperately. The Lake Town army crossed the border and attacked the farm, causing heavy losses to the innocent colonists."

"The shameless Long Lake Town Council, they arrogantly ignored our last shred of goodwill, they ruthlessly trampled the kindness of Beluga Harbor under their feet, they are so sure... Convinced that the kind Beluga Harbor will never Will resort to force."

"If that's the case, then we have to let them know... they are very, very wrong!"

"Beluga Harbor is kind, but she also has the courage and determination to defend dignity; the brave Speaker Harold taught us with his blood that when dignity and justice are trampled on, you...must stand up!"

"Port Beluga...must...stand up!"

On the stage was the dancing "chief congressman" Mason Wetzler, and below the stage were 498 members of Beluga Harbor who were excited and waving the newspaper; they tried their best to look like they were gnashing their teeth, even if The corners of his mouth almost reached below his ears.

There was no way, they were just too happy.

Just yesterday afternoon, Anson Bach officially announced to the White Whale Port Council a "Secret Agreement of Alliance" signed between him and Red Hand Bay - the agreement itself is not important, what is important is the commitment given by Red Hand Bay.

Free passage and customs union.

The former gave the merchants of Beluga Port the right to move freely in Changhu Town and Red Hand Bay, do business, purchase real estate, and even preach and establish organizations.

The latter means that Beluga Port can finally dump various locally sourced manufactured goods at low prices to the empire's colonies, as well as purchase goods that were originally blocked by the other party's tariff barriers but are very important to the development of the colonies - such as livestock.

Once this goal is achieved, the two colonies will immediately become new markets for Beluga Port, and the biggest obstacle to the development of Ice Dragon Fjord - the labor gap - will immediately cease to exist!

The Beluga Harbor Council, which was originally worried about this and was afraid of causing trouble, saw this result and wished they could take over Changhu Town tomorrow.

Even this is not the biggest surprise - according to the secret agreement, once Beluga Port solves the threat of Long Lake Town for Red Hand Bay, the other party will also have the responsibility to win over the remaining three colonies to join the alliance.

What a huge potential market this is, how many sources of raw materials and labor force this is... Compared with these, declaring war on the empire is nothing, not to mention that Clovis itself has already declared war on the empire?

"The bully Changhu Town...it won't take long for them to realize that today's Beluga Harbor is very different from what we were back then; they will send envoys to Beluga Harbor with the most humble words and the most hypocritical attitude. Express their regret for how it all happened, and are willing to pay any price for Beluga's forgiveness."

"But the righteous people of Beluga Harbor will never be deceived by their pretentious pretense!"

"She will work with Red Hand Bay, Gray Pigeon Castle, Winter Torch City, Black Reef Port...and all the companions who yearn for prosperity and strength, freedom and justice, to trample the greedy and shameless enemies under their feet, and move towards the road of light and hope. Ahead!"

"Let Beluga Harbor, holding the torch high, blow the first horn of freedom in the new world!"


"I said, isn't this a little too shameless?"

In a farm barn on the border of the Port Beluga Colony, Derek, the wild hunter knight lying on the straw, couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and waved the "The Good Man of Beluga Harbor" in his hand at the two companions next to him.

On the low-quality paper that exudes a strong smell of ink, there are endless descriptions of the crimes of Changhu Town and the innocence and kindness of Beluga Port; as if all this is the fault of Changhu Town, and Beluga Port endures it again and again. And finally it was time to bear it no more.

Is this really the case?

Of course not!

As a witness to the entire incident, Derek knew all this very well: Anson privately approached the Faithless Knights and commissioned them to find a way to create an "emergency" on the border between Long Lake Town and Beluga Port, and Be sure to get "smoking gun" evidence.

The work was done the afternoon before yesterday, the matter came out last night, and the newspaper was printed this morning - Derek was shocked when he first got the newspaper. They hadn't reported the intelligence to the commander-in-chief yet. The front page The headlines had already come out, clearly publishing the cause and result of the entire incident. It was terrifying as if everyone was watching his every move.

"So where is the shamelessness?" Carno, who was holding a black spear, glanced at him and asked softly.

"Let Beluga Harbor, holding the torch high, sound the first trumpet of freedom in the new world... uh." Derek rolled his eyes and made a gesture like he wanted to vomit:

"You are obviously coveting the gold mines in Changhu Town, but you still have to use such a noble-sounding excuse; the funniest thing is that both the person who said this and the audience below know this clearly - I am really curious. , they really don’t feel at all when they say this..."


"I actually want to say it's disgusting." Derek shrugged:

"Is there anything more shameless than having to make a lot of excuses for your own selfish desires?"

"Of course there is, and it's not shameless." The leader of the Faithless Knights, Ian Clemens, chuckled and flipped through the newspaper in his hand with great interest:

"Rather, there is nothing more noble in this world."

Derek: "...Are you being sarcastic?"

"No, I'm serious." Ian raised his head and suppressed his smile slightly:

"Just a small border dispute can trigger a war between two colonies. What does this mean? It means that war with each other is already imminent. All they lack is really an excuse."

"Just like the newspaper in our hands - even if our mission failed that night, it would still be published, arousing the anger of the entire White Whale Port against Long Lake Town, allowing Anson Bach to naturally target Long Lake Town Wage war."

"But precisely because of this excuse, he allowed an interest dispute between two colonies to rise to a level related to the freedom and prosperity of the entire new world. He broke away from the narrow vision and made a war that was originally cruel and greedy become more important. More ambitious pursuits.”

"That's it?"

Derek still didn't understand: "So the shameless and greedy war becomes noble because there is an additional pursuit that seems greater?"

"No." Ian said without hesitation:

"Because doing so is in the interest of the Cressy family, the Faithless Knights."


Outside Beluga Harbor, the military camp headquarters.

Cavalry Lieutenant Jason, who had just finished his patrol mission, received a summons from the legion meeting before he had time to rest. With a look of astonishment on his face, he rushed out immediately without even having time to drink the freshly brewed coffee.

Standing in front of the headquarters door, the slightly nervous cavalry lieutenant took a deep breath while adjusting his collar, and then knocked hard on the door.

"Please come in!"

Lieutenant Colonel Fabian's steady voice came from behind the door.


The cavalry lieutenant opened the door and walked into the conference room. He was shocked to find that not only the commander-in-chief, but also the entire Storm Division officer corps, including Chief of Staff Carl Bain, were all present, sitting around the long table, staring at him who had just entered the door.

"Lieutenant Jason Fruhauf, we've been waiting for you for a long time."

Before the cavalry lieutenant could react, Anson, who was sitting in the main seat, had already spoken first: "You should have just returned from Beluga Harbor, right?"

"Uh...yes!" The cavalry lieutenant was startled for a moment and quickly replied:

"We are on duty every day, while ensuring that all the main traffic roads in the city are smooth and that no vicious incidents occur."

"Very good. Have you read today's newspaper?"

"I saw it...but I only saw it after the mission was over! Absolutely not..."

"Don't explain, we don't care about this." Anson interrupted coldly:

"Since you have read the newspaper, you must have known that the White Whale Port has officially declared war, and that the Storm Division is about to dispatch troops to launch a military operation against Changhu Town?"


The cavalry lieutenant nodded vigorously.

"Very good, because the Storm Master will soon have an important job for you." Anson nodded slightly, his expression still serious:

"I must first remind you that this task is very important. It is related to your personal resume and promotion. It is no exaggeration to say that if you can successfully complete the task, maybe the Storm Division will soon have a cavalry battalion commander. .”

Cavalry battalion commander? !

Jason was shocked all over, and the heels of his thick cavalry boots made a loud "pop!" on the floor, and he stood upright instantly:

"Lieutenant Jason Fruhauf, commander of the 1st Hussars Company of the Storm Division, will resolutely complete the mission - and will not disappoint the high expectations of the entire army!"

The loud shouts echoed in the conference room for a long time. The cold-faced Anson raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and looked at each other with other officers, with a pleased expression.

"Your attitude is worth encouraging, but what we want to see more is the results; apart from that, we don't care how you complete it." Anson said with a straight face again:

"Lieutenant Jason Fruhauf, you will go to Red Hand Bay to guide and urge their troops to take the initiative to attack Long Lake Town, attract the enemy's attention, and secure fighter opportunities for the main force of the Storm Division!"


The cavalry lieutenant who was so impassioned just now was stunned: "Wait, wait...you, you mean..."

"That's right, all the officers of the Storm Division unanimously agreed to appoint you as the envoy of Beluga Port in Red Hand Bay!" Anson's mouth gradually began to rise:

"Given that you had such a great time drinking with Senator Peter Chatham before and told him all the information about the Storm Division, I think you will definitely be able to continue your efforts and form alliances with the remaining members of the Red Hand Bay Council. My friend—this mission belongs to you!”

"Uh, no! I...I, I, I, I...I didn't mean it. He had to drag me to talk to him. At that time, I happened to be a little..."

"I repeat, I don't care about this!" Anson's smile remained:

"The luggage and equipment have been prepared for you, and the ship is moored at the port. If you set off now, you will arrive at Red Hand Bay in about two days - if you are not attacked by storms, tentacles, sea monsters, or imperial warships .”

"And you can be absolutely assured that no matter what, when this military operation is over, I will appoint a cavalry battalion commander, um..."

"Whether he's dead or alive."

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