I will be crowned king

Chapter 515 Conquering Changhu Town

"In the 101st year of the Saint's Calendar, March 29th, it was cloudy, in the fishing port of Changhu Town.

In order to capture Chang Lake Town before the enemy returned to defense, with the cooperation of Colonel William Cecil, Lord Anson Bach personally led the main force of the Storm Division on light cruisers and fast sailing ships. Taking advantage of the turbulent sea breeze in early spring, they only used In one day and one night, we successfully arrived at the port of Changhu Town.

Using the intelligence interference released by "Moby Dick", the Changhu garrison not only did not place a single soldier at the port, but even emptied the port of residents. The Storm Division was able to successfully control the port without causing any casualties and moved it As an advance base for attacking the city.

In order to wait for the feint attack force led by Lieutenant Colonel Fabian, Lord Anson Bach decided to stay at the port for one more day to divert the enemy's attention to the land. This was also part of the plan and had nothing to do with rumors such as seasickness. Any relationship! "

"...March 31, it was sunny. After a day of rest, the Storm Division officially set off and advanced rapidly towards the city.

The situation was completely consistent with Lord Anson's judgment. The enemy's attention was entirely focused on the feint attack force led by Lieutenant Colonel Fabian, and there was no obstruction during the entire march.

During this period, the vanguard unit responsible for reconnaissance encountered the Changhu Town caravan several times and successfully fooled the other party into thinking that they were a caravan from the local North Port. The cargo ship unfortunately ran aground on the coast and was in urgent need of supplies.

With the 'donation' of these kind-hearted businessmen, the soldiers of the Storm Division, who were advancing lightly, enjoyed a sumptuous lunch of bread, beer, bacon and grilled trout - as for whether it was active voluntary or passive voluntary, this is not the same. It’s an issue that should be investigated in depth, and I guess they themselves should feel the same way.

As a humble clerk, I am not a professionally trained and experienced military expert, but the current situation also makes me feel confident; as if this is not a battle, but a collective outing. "

“…March 31st, 15:30, this should be the first time that I write in my diary twice on the same day.

The Stormtrooper arrived at the destination successfully. Standing on the hillside, I could even overlook the entire city rising by the river. I saw the towering clock tower, the eye-catching city council and the rows of red-roofed houses... Changhu Town Colony, which has a history of nearly a hundred years, Compared with the young Port Beluga, it is as beautiful as a garden.

Regarding this point, Lord Anson Bach also had the same emotion, but the object of emotion was not Long Lake Town but Beluga Port.

Considering that the adult used too much rhetoric and exaggerated descriptions in his description, in order to prevent others from seeing my diary and misunderstanding the adult, I think it is more appropriate not to record his original words.

Well, to put it simply, if Lake Town is described as a garden, then Beluga Harbor is...another room in the house.

This strong contrast also greatly stimulated Lord Anson's mood; he decided not to give the enemy a chance to surrender, and started to attack directly - in the Lord's original words: 'It is not too late to accept surrender after taking the city. ! ’

At 16 o'clock sharp, the artillery company finally established positions on two highlands outside the city and began shelling the city walls of Changhu Town and the landmark buildings in the city..."


Accompanied by screams that tore through the air, pillars of smoke began to rise in Changhu Town; the towering bell tower collapsed amid screams and loud noises, and the gorgeous parliament hall was chipped away by twelve-pound solid bullets. The remaining parts of the roof were ignited, and the raging fire began to spread towards the street.

The streets and alleys in the city are crowded with terrified figures, like a rat's nest in imminent disaster. They are helpless amid screams and calls for help. They are crowding, pushing, and trampling on each other... They want to escape but don't know where to escape. Go and be gradually surrounded by the spreading sea of ​​​​fire in the chaos.

Soon, the crowded streets were filled with black and gray ashes, and the intensifying fire even dyed the river golden red. Although they lived by the river, no one in Changhu Town thought of fetching water to put out the fire.

Of course, considering that there is a Storm Division artillery position on the other side of the river, this result does not seem surprising.

After the bombardment lasted for a full quarter of an hour, the Storm Division, which had never suffered a counterattack, spread out its troops. With the guard company and the skirmishers of each regiment as the forerunner, the three infantry regiments advanced towards the city from the city gate, river bank and lakeside.

For a city like Changhu Town, which is located on the plains and beside rivers and lakes, the side near the water is not only a natural line of defense, but also the weakest part of various artificial defense facilities - after all, river banks with soft water and soft soil cannot be constructed. Fortress.

At the same time, whether rivers or lakes, they are very critical transportation arteries for this kind of city; usually the enemy can enter the city center and main roads as long as they cross the water, and there is no danger to defend, and the fall is only a matter of time.

Therefore, the usual way for this kind of city to respond to an attack is not only to build a protective wall along the river, but also to build a fortress on the opposite bank to attract firepower, destroy all bridges, prevent the enemy from any attempt to cross the river, and finally use the advantages of the river to deploy supplies, so that The limited troops quickly maneuvered at various defensive points and asked for help from the outside.

For Changhu Town, which has sufficient troops and a large amount of munitions, as long as they can complete the most basic parts, it is not a problem at all to persist for ten to twenty days in front of the lightly armed Storm Division that lacks logistics.

The problem is, they really can't.

First of all, because of the misinformation of "The Good Guys of Beluga Harbor", the militia leader in charge of the military concluded that the Clovis people would not invade from the coastline, so of course there was no possibility of a fortress on the other side of the coast.

Realizing that "things have changed", Hollande, the speaker of Changhu Town, hurriedly dragged the militia leader back to the city. The first news he received when he returned to the parliament was that nearly 5,000 soldiers were coming from Beluga. As far as the Hong Kong border is concerned, it also carries artillery and cavalry...

Naturally, the two of them regarded Fabian's troops as the main force of Clovis, believing that the Korowai people, who had always been proud of their army, were really just helping landlubbers and only knew how to attack from land.

In order to "defend the enemy outside the country", or in order to last longer, Changhu Town decisively chose to fight outside the city. The main force was stationed in the military camp on the outskirts of the city, preparing to face the invaders from Beluga Port.

This military camp set up on the only way to Changhu Town was originally a small fortress built just in case, with complete defense facilities; it was once the most important tax card in Changhu Town, and was used by the White Whale Port. The caravan hated it.

In this case, of course they would not demolish the bridge on the river - after all, a bridge that is strong and can accommodate a large number of people and carriages is definitely expensive to build, and demolition and reconstruction are huge expenses.

So when the city gate collapsed with six-pound and twelve-pound solid bullets, and the shouting guard company rushed across the bridge, the fall of Lake Town was already doomed.

"Let the vanguard troops maintain order on the streets first and suppress the riots as soon as possible. Don't capture the city council and warehouses yet."

Holding a monocular, Anson on the position looked at the burning Changhu Town, with an extremely leisurely attitude: "If those colonial legislators want to escape, just let them escape without any obstruction - except for Beluga Harbor and Red Hand anyway." Bay, they have nowhere to go.”

Although there was a little "hiccup" in William Cecil's words, which caused the attack to be delayed by a full day, the entire plan was successfully implemented - but the Storm Division, the Beluga Port militia and a fleet were mobilized. Just to conquer a small colony doesn't seem to be something to be particularly proud of.

Karl slowly turned around and stared at Anson without saying a word, with a strange look that almost said "What bad idea are you thinking about again" written on his face.

"It's nothing special." Anson smiled very naturally:

"It's just that we still want to win over Changhu Town to join the camp that resists the empire, so we can't push them too hard - appropriate deterrence and punishment are of course necessary, but some vitality must also be retained; otherwise, if The loss of Lake Town was so severe that it was easy for Red Hand Bay, which had not suffered much damage, to have the illusion that 'I am important to Beluga'."

"For the sake of all of us, it would be better to avoid this misunderstanding."

Moreover, if Long Lake Town really declines to the extreme and decides to merge with Red Hand Bay, it will make this good partner have a certain disobedience and feel that he can be as equal as Beluga Port in this alliance; One more Changhu Town that is neither strong nor weak can keep it awake.


Long Lake Town, City Council.

Dull roars shook the masonry walls one after another. From time to time, charred beams and masonry would fall from the roof that had been smashed by shells, raising choking smoke in the hall shrouded in firelight.

The gray-bearded Speaker Hollande sat calmly in his seat, as if he didn't care about the raging fire and gunfire outside, his lowered eyes fixed on the black and white document in front of him.

"Beluga Port-Changhu Town Agreement on Equality, Friendship and Mutual Benefit":

[1. Return all land and personnel properties that have been misappropriated in Red Hand Bay, pay military expenses paid during the Beluga Port War, disarm and hand over all arms to Beluga Port, and publicly apologize for provoking war. 】

[2. Open the entire territory to the Beluga Port army, hand over fortresses, strongholds, bridges, road hubs, open all tax cards and border restrictions, and allow Beluga Port personnel to do business, purchase real estate and all activities in Changhu Town. 】

[3. Hand over the keys to the colonial treasury. The value of the "security fee" paid by all members of the Long Lake Town Council to Beluga Port should be no less than three thousand gold coins. 】

[4. Long Lake Town publicly announced that it would resist the tyranny of the empire and join the united front composed of Red Hand Bay and Beluga Port to fight for freedom and justice in the new world. 】


The entire treaty has a total of fourteen articles. Except for war compensation and payment of the Storm Division's expenses in this battle, it is basically the same as the previous treaty signed with Red Hand Bay, except for the new item of "garrison".

In order to win over Changhu Town to fight against the Empire, Anson and the Stormtroopers have exercised restraint as much as possible and did not exploit the Imperial people. If the princes and nobles of Hantu saw this, they would think about their original actions. If you agree to Storm Master's conditions, you will definitely be moved to tears.

But even so, Speaker Hollande, who was staring intently at the agreement, desperately clenched his withered, white hands to hide his inner fear.

Of course, he knew that as a defeated person, he had little room for bargaining. Although it was painful to cede land and pay compensation, it was not unacceptably painful compared to his life, and the other party did not ask Changhu Town to cede any land. Being in the territory can be said to be a blessing among misfortunes... but the price is that Changhu Town will declare war on the empire!

According to the despicable behavior of this bunch of Clovis people, if they dare to sign the agreement, they will write a big book in that "Moby Dick Harbor Good People" tomorrow, add fuel and jealousy, and use the fastest The speed spreads throughout the new world!

All the rebellious colonies and the counter-rebellion forces in Sail City will know that Speaker Hollande, on behalf of Chang Lake Town, chose to surrender to the Clovis people and even joined the other side's camp.

When the Empire strikes back and retakes Chang Lake Town, it’s hard to say what will happen to the others, but he is definitely dead!

Hollande, who was frightened and trembling slightly, tried to stand up in a daze, subconsciously wanting to escape from here; as long as he escapes, if he escapes, he will... he will...

"President Hollande?"

The sudden voice made the old man look up suddenly. A simple question sounded like a devil's whisper in his ears.

"Commander-in-Chief Anson Bach...what can you do?!"

"What's up?"

Anson, who was stunned for a moment, shook his head: "No, I just saw that you have been silent for a long time, and I wanted to ask if you are not satisfied with this agreement. If there is any clause that makes you feel too embarrassed, it doesn't matter, just bring it up. , we can discuss.”


Speaker Hollande looked at Anson, who had a gentle face and seemed to be very talkative, and his throat twitched slightly as he hesitated to speak.

Yes, although the city has fallen, he still has a militia group of more than 2,000 people stationed outside. With them as bargaining chips, he should be able to negotiate a more powerful agreement with the Clovis people for Changhu Town...

Hollande's eyes suddenly froze.

In the empty hall, a little girl appeared at an unknown time and more than two hundred well-armed soldiers behind her. At first glance, they were definitely elite soldiers. They stood silently behind Anson Bach, holding long guns and short cannons to form a circle. For half an arc, he stared at himself sadly.

At this moment, the old man, whose back was soaked with cold sweat, suddenly woke up. He picked up the pen without looking, signed the agreement and remembered his name.

"There is nothing to discuss, Commander-in-Chief Anson Bach, we, Lake Town, surrender."

"Really, that's great!"

Anson said with a slight surprise, he originally thought that no matter what, the other party would definitely "struggle" with him - to accept his fate so easily?

But it’s not bad to end like this. At least we don’t have to go through all the troubles to clean out the city council; the time saved can be used to think about how to deal with the remaining Changhu Town militia group-if nothing else, Fabian led The "feint attack army" should still be confronting them.

There was a huge noise there in the morning. Not only could the sound of volleys of gunfire and cannons be heard, but the smoke of gunfire could be seen clearly from several kilometers away. However, Fabian did not send a messenger to report the situation.

It doesn't matter to them, right?

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