I will be crowned king

Chapter 53 Kroger’s Heart

The moment Lisa turned around and ran towards the stairs, Kroger suddenly picked up the sword and swung it at the petite figure without any warning!

The shrill scream that ripped through the air came from behind. Lisa, who was running wildly, paused almost instinctively. Then she quickened her pace without hesitation and rushed towards the stairs without looking back.


The lead bullet hit a spark on the tip of the sword. The snake-like chain sword was slightly tilted and hit the wall outside the door, passing by Lisa who was running wildly.

Looking at the girl's leaving figure, Anson, who was slightly relieved, became more solemn. He slowly began to load the revolver he had just picked up from the pool of blood.

five minutes……

This was all the time Anson had left to give himself a try.

If all the clues left by his "dying self" to his "present self" cannot kill Kroger within these five minutes, he will be ready to expose the Old God Sect.

In addition to Kroger, Anson also had to explain why he knew this information and why he tried to conceal it... The Church of Order will definitely hunt down this apostate whose "hobby is the Old Gods", and the Archbishop's own son will be happy to The blame for the failure of the siege of Thunder Castle was placed on his own head;

For the rest of my life, I must remain anonymous, evade the pursuit of the church and many official forces, and find a bright future in the evil underground organization of the "Black Mage"...

Unless he failed to kill this monster with the name "Kroger" within five minutes.


The moment he sensed Kroger's attack, Anson's body stiffened and he used all his body potential to dodge to the left.

Almost at the same time, the dark tearing sword rushed toward the direction where he was avoiding at an alarming speed. He raised his right hand that was close to the afterimage of the sword's edge and pointed the muzzle at Kroger's head.

Gun flames spurted out, and a single blood-red eye exploded in the center of the head of the squirming fleshy tumor.


In the thick smoke, Kroger's figure dragging his sword was faintly visible; in the center of the blood hole that was still spewing pus, a "brand new" blood-red eye reflected Anson's slightly stunned look. face.

"He" who had previously fallen into a temporary coma due to the loss of his head, now didn't even have the slightest reaction.

Headshots are ineffective against it, and don't expect lead bullets to cause damage to it; is it just to remind "self" of this that "myself before death" deliberately threw away all the firearms... Anson was almost shocked in his heart. He didn't have time to think too much and rushed towards the left front.


Almost at the moment he moved, the afterimage of the chain sword had already passed by where he had just stood, and a cloud of smoke and dust erupted on the wall of the main hall behind him.

The smoke dissipated, and the tip of the tearing sword was completely immersed in the wall, nailing the entire chain sword to the wall.

Seizing this opportunity, Anson stepped straight towards Kroger's figure with a pool of blood on the ground.

Kroger, who missed the blow, seemed to have expected it. His left arm, which seemed to have lost his bones, twitched violently and squirmed. He stabbed Anson's face with a fist at an astonishing speed.


The wind from the fist blowing towards his cheek blew Anson's hair, and he could almost feel the severe pain in his eardrum!

He instinctively turned around and raised his arm, bumping the elbow of his left arm into Kroger's fist.


The terrifying impact surged forward, and Anson's expression twisted as he felt the pain in his elbow joint. The terrifying force gave him the illusion that he was fighting the battering ram with his flesh and blood body.

But Anson stood still!

At the moment of the collision, he clearly felt an unusual force pouring into his arm, allowing him to block Kroger's iron fist, instead of instantly shattering his bones and flesh, and sending his whole body flying out.

This is...the power of bloodline power?

With a shocked expression, he didn't have time to think too much when he saw Kroger squirming violently and pulling out his arms, attacking him like a flash flood with movements that were absolutely inhuman.

Punch swings, knee strikes, thrusts, counterattacks... With his right hand restrained by the tearing sword on the wall, Kroger's attacks were as fierce as a violent storm, and the sound of tearing air continued to ring in Anselm's ears. He blasted away, attacking his figure again and again with tricky angles that went beyond common sense.

With the help of the power that suddenly poured into his body, Anson, who was almost enveloped by Kroger's attack, gave up the attack completely and continued to block and dodge; the curse mage's extremely accurate distance judgment allowed him to brush the edge again and again, using the smallest sideways movement. Turn and move to avoid fatal blows.

At this moment, Kroger seemed to be a completely "changed person" from before, impatient and violent, no longer giving Anson any room to get close or breathe.

The extremely crazy posture is like a wild beast that has sensed danger.

"Bang! Bang!"

Once again, he blocked Kroger's cannon-like punch with his elbow. Anson, whose expression was twitching in pain, pulled out his revolver with his right hand, aimed at the lower part of Kroger's torso and fired twice.

Kroger, whose thighs and knees were broken at the same time, lost his balance instantly, and his body covered in sarcoma fell backwards under the impact of the lead bullet.

Anson flicked his right hand and threw the idling revolver magazine to the left; his left hand holding the lead bullet clenched tightly and imprinted [Gathering Flame] on it.

At this moment, Anson, who was about to draw his gun and pursue him, suddenly started to sweat, and then rolled to one side to dodge without hesitation.


At the moment Kroger fell, the tearing sword was pulled out from the broken wall; the pitch-black sword screamed horribly like a living creature, and rushed toward Anson like a poisonous snake.

Almost at the same time, Kroger, who had stood up, had already rushed to where Anson had fallen; in the center of the squirming flesh and blood tumor, blood-red eyes stared greedily at Anson's figure, like a hungry beast staring at its prey.

The next second, facing the dark afterimage reflected in his pupils, Anson, with a calm expression, raised his gun and fired. The lead bullet with concentrated flames shot out from the gun flame, and ignited at the moment when it was about to collide with the tip of the sword. Fiery flames.


Golden-red fire exploded in the air, and the blast of air knocked Anson away while knocking away the tearing sword.

But not behind him...but directly in front of Kroger's chest!

The air waves roared in his ears, and Anson's whole body curled up with the impact, and he rushed towards Kroger like a discharged cannonball.


The iron fist of flesh and blood squirmed, and Anson's chest exploded with precision.

Anson's eyes widened, his whole body hanging on Kroger's left arm, and bright red plasma sprayed out from his mouth.

But just when Kroger was about to withdraw his fist and give him a fatal blow, he found that his arm was clamped.

Anson, who was trembling all over, clasped Kroger's arm with the crook of his left arm; with his trembling right hand, he grasped the handle of the saber nailed to "his" chest.

"Krog Bernard..."

Feeling the violent convulsions in his chest, Anson was so painful that it was worse to laugh than to cry. He slowly raised his head and stared into the blood-red eyes:

"You said... a monster like you, whose flesh can proliferate infinitely and can't even be killed with a headshot... if your heart is crushed, will it be able to grow another one?"

"I guess we are both curious, so..."

"Let's try it!"

The moment he finished speaking, Anson had already imprinted [Condensed Flame] on the saber that had pierced Kroger's chest. The handle of the knife he was holding in his hand suddenly became hot, and a strange red light began to glow under the squirming flesh. .

The next second, golden-red fire broke out from the flesh and penetrated Kroger's chest like a flaming spear.


The moment the roar sounded, Ansen, regardless of the pain, let himself fall to the ground and lay on the ground.

The bursting flames first penetrated vertically, and then wrapped around Kroger's body. The squirming flesh and blood body was like a huge torch, extremely dazzling in the main hall where the sea of ​​​​blood was burning!

When the roar subsided, Anson, who was lying on the ground, carefully raised his head; only a charred figure remained in the blazing flames.

Wrapped in the center of the charred body was a heart.

A heart that is still beating!

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