I will be crowned king

Chapter 535 Keep it in mind

Looking at Anson's meaningful expression, the black-robed priest couldn't help but shudder, and pretended that he didn't hear anything with his dazed eyes.

On the other hand, he was not completely unprepared for certain things that were "very likely to happen", otherwise he would not have been willing to come to Beluga Harbor at the edge of the world.

In short, he—and the "Truth Society" behind him—didn't think very highly of Miss Sophia.

In order to move their power from their homeland to the new world, the Luen family invested almost at any cost; and the Stormtrooper, regarded by Sophia Franz as one of the "most important assets", has also been operated by Anson into a semi-independent private kingdom.

To break the alliance between the two, unless Sophia can directly buy off the Storm Division's officer corps and fundamentally eliminate Anson Bach, the middle management who "attempts to usurp the company's leadership"; but this is another paradox - If you want to bribe the officer corps, you must have "projects", and who should do these "projects"?

Of course it was Anson Bach, the project leader.

Therefore, this problem has no solution at all, so Sophia can only, and perhaps truly believe, that Anson Bach is still loyal to her - just like he is loyal to Thalia August Rune.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but in Karin Jacques’s impression, every person who was “loyal” to Anson Bach would end up not being very good in the end.

Precisely because he was not optimistic about Sophia, the black-robed teacher increasingly felt that there was an "opportunity" in this - Anson Bach needed local support, and Miss Sophia needed the loyalty of Storm Master, the mediator in this fragile connection. Karin Jacques really does his part.

Who wouldn’t want to get two salaries for one job?

The exhausted Anson didn't notice the random thoughts in the guy's mind. He smoked his nearly burned-out pipe and remembered another thing:

"By the way, are you still doing the business you used to do - I mean, magic items?"

"What do you want?"

Hearing the word "magic props", Karin Jacques' "black marketer" side instantly awakened, and he immediately said hurriedly: "I have to warn you first, the business in the colony is very chaotic. Even if you can know where the goods are, you can't get them. It’s not that easy.”

Colonial business?

Anson raised his eyebrows. He originally just wanted to see if this guy still had some "stock", but now he heard his tone: "Are there people doing this kind of business in Beluga Port?"

"No, you should ask how many people in Beluga Port do this." The black-robed priest showed a profiteer-like smile:

"As for magic props, there are probably several important 'trade centers' in the world - Xiaolong City, Clovis City, Northport, Edland, Sailing City, Beluga Port... Most smugglers like me , all purchase goods in these areas, take inventory, and then find ways to sell them as soon as possible."

"I basically work in the area from North Port to Clovis City. The buyer will place an order with me, and then I will give him an approximate time. If there is no way to 'get the goods' within the time, then the sale will be Even if it’s blown.”

"Beluga Port is a particularly important purchasing point for me."

This somewhat surprised Anson, but it is reasonable; after all, the new world is a mixed bag, and even "wanted criminals on the run" like the Faithless Knights can live freely. A few more spellcasters and black marketeers are nothing. It requires all the fuss.

"So you used to travel frequently between the mainland and Beluga Harbor?"

"How is that possible - I wouldn't come to such a poor... far away place, that would be too inconvenient." Carefully observing the changes in Anson's expression, Karin Jacques immediately changed his words:

"No, I usually write a relatively obscure letter with a down payment and send it to a contact person in Beluga Port, who then forwards it to a local colleague with "many connections" in this area. After I get the goods, I pay the price in advance and send them over. After I sell the goods, I send the balance to the contact person."

"This is just a rough description. If the buyer wants something that is very risky or very difficult to handle, there will even be a few, or even a dozen, contacts in the middle - everyone will keep it secret from the next buyer, except to tell the transfer I won’t reveal any more information outside of the formalities, and I won’t take the initiative to inquire, making sure I know absolutely nothing about what I’m buying and selling.”

“Apart from the initial buyers and sellers, and at most one additional purchaser, the rest of the middlemen will not know anything, so everyone is safe and assured.”

The process is very complete, and it feels like an international market... Anson said thoughtfully: "Then are these middlemen, procurement and buyers and sellers related to each other?"

"Most of them are impossible, but if you are an old customer, you can't avoid it." The black-robed priest shrugged:

"Of course, in most cases I won't take the initiative to inquire about these things; but there is a lot of information that I don't need to inquire about - what 'goods' he can get and what he wants has already exposed his identity to a certain extent. come out."

"For example, Viscount Bogner, who once gave you the 'Mist Pipe', is one of my most important 'regular customers'; he is keen on collecting, and he comes to buy things from me quite frequently; although every time he comes to pick up the goods, he They are different, but the drivers in the taxis they ride on are often familiar faces."

"After knowing where those rickshaw drivers frequent their activities, we can basically determine the identity of the buyer."

As for how he knew the scope of the coachman's activities and how he locked the Bognar mansion through the scope, Karin Jacques didn't say much... and Anson didn't need to know.

There is only one thing he wants to confirm: "Who is the biggest seller in Beluga Port now?"

"Uh... I really don't know about this." The black-robed priest scratched his head:

"But I can give you some information that may be related to this matter - after the ninety-seventh year of the Saint's Calendar, I got a total of six pieces of 'goods' from Moby Dick Port, and at least three of them were engraved with A pattern of a ring of order with three golden swords connected."

A ring of order connected by three golden swords?

Anson raised his eyebrows. In his memory, this badge only belonged to one force:

House Crecy - the Faithless Knights.


"...And this is also one of the tasks I want to give you."

In the Rune Mansion, in the study room separated from Anson by just one wall, Thalia said unhurriedly: "Your Excellency Draco Wilters, I hope you can monitor the Faithless Knights for me and my dear Anson. .”

"W-The Faithless Knights?"

Holding a cup of steaming coffee in his hand, Draco looked at the girl in front of him with a flattering expression, "Sorry, but I don't think I've ever heard of it..."

"Sir Draco."

Before the novelist could finish speaking, Thalia, who was smiling, interrupted softly: "As the future editor-in-chief of The Good People of Beluga Harbor, honesty... is a very important quality."

"If the core members of the Tangtang Truth Society, or even the 'most core' members, say they know nothing about some things, it will cast unnecessary doubts on their sincerity in cooperation."

Cold sweat slid down the novelist's cheeks, and with a "Plop!", it dripped into his coffee.

"You are Anson's friend. Occasionally you say the wrong words or do the wrong things. As friends, we can completely forgive you." The girl who spoke quietly took a milk jug from the side:

"So I'll give you one more chance to tell me about the Faithless Knights - do you want more milk?"

"Uh...just a little bit, just a little bit!"

Draco, who was covered in cold sweat, nodded quickly and twitched his throat: "I...I...what I just said is that I am very happy to accept this job! It is my greatest honor to be able to serve the Rune family. !”

"That would be too kind." Thalia enthusiastically poured milk into the novelist's coffee until the brown-white liquid was about to overflow from the cup:

"In fact, as far as I know, the Society of Truth and the Faithless Knights seem to have always had a pretty good cooperative relationship. You yourself and the Cressy family, the real owners behind the Knights, also had a relationship around the ninety-fifth year of the Saints Calendar. Come and go.”

"I myself...or the Rune family, have no ill intentions towards these poor people who have been harmed by the Church of Order, and are even very willing to lend a helping hand to them." The girl said calmly:

"But the premise is that they cannot be too hostile to the Luen family; in order to reduce their unnecessary vigilance, a person who can be trusted by both parties is needed to mediate and pave the way for mutual cooperation; as for what will happen after that? Whether it is cooperation or something else depends on whether both parties have common interests, and it has nothing to do with the mediator."

"So this job should be very easy for you. Please don't take it too seriously. Just treat it as a casual activity in your spare time."


The novelist, whose identity was exposed for the first time, hesitated and hesitated, with cold sweat flowing like raindrops on his almost stiff smile.

"Speaking of work, I have a job to entrust to you soon."

Thalia paused for a few seconds and said with a faint smile: "In order to completely eliminate the 'loyalists' who are still loyal to the empire in the colony, Fabian of the Storm Division has returned to Red Hand with the liberal Senator Peter Chatham. Bay and carry out a civilized eradication operation."

"This operation is extremely important to the entire New World and has a strong reference value. The Good People of Beluga Harbor will publish the entire incident. If successful, there may be an opportunity to promote it to other colonies."

"Sounds like a very meaningful thing!"

Draco hesitated for a moment, then asked tentatively: "What do you need me to do?"

"I have decided that you, the editor-in-chief of "The Good People of Beluga Harbor", will be the writer of this report." Talia smiled softly:

"No matter what, this article must reflect the nobility of the Stormtroopers, the fearlessness of the people of Red Hand Bay, the selflessness of the Clovis people, and the despicable shamelessness of the Imperial people, so that the entire New World and even the whole world can see this with their own eyes. The truth of this incident—if possible, it would be best to compare it with the previous massacre by the Empire at Gray Pigeon Castle."

"No problem." Draco nodded immediately:

"Then when should I leave?"


"Yes, since you want to report an incident, of course you have to go to the scene - otherwise, why is it called 'reporting'?" the novelist asked naturally.

"Ah...I see."

Thalia "suddenly realized" and said with a smile: "There is no need, because the whole incident is over."

"Is it over?" Draco was startled:


"About ten days ago." Thalia smiled more gently:

"Although you haven't arrived yet, the Storm Division has already set off in advance and has taken care of everything - don't worry, the news has not leaked, and your report is still a 'first-hand' report."

First hand...Draco's cheek twitched:

"Then do you have any materials needed for the report, or anyone I can interview?"

"Material? Object?"

The innocent girl was confused once again.

"It's the reference content of the report." Draco could only explain patiently:

"Since it's a 'first-hand' report, I have to know something before I can report the truth, right?"

This time Talia finally understood: "So, you must have 'reference content' in order to write a report of the truth... right?"

Draco Vertes: "..."

The novelist immediately closed his mouth and looked at the innocent and lovely girl in front of him with slightly trembling eyes, as if he understood something in a daze.

The study room with only two people suddenly became eerily quiet.

After a long time, Draco, whose red hair was almost soaked through, slowly raised his eyes and stammered:

"Well, actually...if there really is nothing, it's not completely impossible..."

"I knew it! Dear Mr. Draco Vertes, I knew you could do it!" Thalia intercepted in surprise:

"The Tangtang Truth Society will definitely use the most inspiring language to convey everything that happened in Red Hand Bay to everyone fairly and objectively... I told dear Anson that his best friend will never let him down. "

Best friend... The corners of Draco's mouth twitched even more fiercely, and the pouring cold sweat kept overflowing as if it was dehydrating him, and his body was trembling slightly from head to toe.

"In return, I will allow the Truth to move freely in Beluga Port and even any corner of the New World. I understand that such an amazing mission like yours, willing to come to such a remote place, will definitely not be just because of an ordinary letter from the Luen family. Tong’s invitation letter.” Thalia still smiled:

"You can do anything here. This is the promise given to you by the Luen family - now it can only be limited to the Ice Dragon Fjord area, but it won't be long before its significance will be much more than that."

"For your own safety, we sincerely recommend that you keep this in mind."

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