I will be crowned king

Chapter 553 Exquisite Tactics

Amidst the roar that shook the earth, the blazing white light instantly took away everyone's vision, and a lead-gray mushroom cloud slowly rose outside the parliament gate.

The violent air waves then spread, enveloping the smoke and instantly leveling the entire siege position. Countless dust, rubble, sandbags and building ruins were blown into the sky. Even many beast slave mercenaries who could not dodge were also affected. It sprouted invisible wings before it was too late to scream.

Of course, except for a certain high police chief - the moment the explosion sounded, she had already hid in the bunker farthest from the explosion point, and at the same time grabbed the corpses of two beast slave mercenaries to block it, her petite body Curling up into a ball, he perfectly escaped the most dangerous few seconds.

Segren, who was stunned on the spot, was not so lucky. His whole body was blown away by the air waves like a torn sack, and the back of his head hit the bulge on the ground heavily. In a daze, he opened his bloodshot eyes and happened to see the bomb. The twenty-four-pounder gun flying into the sky...

At this moment, "stunned" is no longer enough to describe Segren's mood...it's almost like a dream.

He really didn't know what had happened in less than a minute from when he ordered the firing to now.

No, it's more than that, Winter Torch City, Parliament...what exactly happened there?

He...don't they have no guards, only a Clovis garrison commander, and those traitors from the imperial colonies?

But the reality no longer allowed the beast slave mercenary leader to figure it out... Anson, hiding in the thick fog, raised the "dagger" and pulled the trigger again.

The lead bullet imprinted with [Rising Fire] emitted a piercing scream, blooming into a dazzling stream of light in the thick fog.

Time seemed to slow down at this moment. Segren slowly opened his eyes, the dazzling intensity reflected in his pupils, getting closer and closer, swallowing up his field of vision bit by bit, and then...


Accompanied by a sudden loud noise, a huge fireball rose on the right side of the mercenary leader. A dozen beast slave mercenaries who had no time to dodge were instantly swallowed up without even a scream.

The dozens who were closer were either blown away, or were swept away by tongues of flames or heat waves, rolling on the ground holding their wounds and screaming in agony.


Segren was stunned for a moment, as if he was surprised that he was not dead. The corners of his mouth even showed a "lucky" arc on his face that was dull due to his trance.

But Anson was not prepared to give him a chance to recover. He continued to hide behind the thick fog while moving quickly and then pulling the trigger, suppressing the firepower of half an artillery battery by himself.


Four streaks of fire with trailing flames shot out from all corners of the smoke, exploding large and small fireballs one after another on the siege position of the beast slave mercenaries; each explosion would take away at least a dozen lives, and at the same time, even after hard work, The hard-finished fortifications were also directly bulldozed.

With the blessing of "anonymous glasses", the beast slave mercenaries who were originally extremely sensitive to the breath of the spellcaster were unable to judge Anson's location at all, and were even unaware of it just before the explosion.

Amidst the loud rumbling sound, the originally orderly position was thrown into chaos. The frightened beast slave mercenaries were unable to maintain the most basic order, or in other words, there was no so-called order in the first place... In the smoke and dust of the explosion Running around, as if this way he could escape the unprovoked bombardment.

For the beast slaves in the New World...or any "native army", it is very rare to encounter artillery fire. In other words, the number of artillery on both sides is generally not large enough to form a layer of suppressive firepower. The army will naturally not master the common sense and experience of "disperse, evade, and hide on the spot" that is only available to the armies of the old world.

Of course, even if they have experience, there will be no difference in the results in front of Anson who has a "full picture view".

The beast slave mercenaries who were originally going smoothly were stunned for a moment, crying like frightened birds. Many of the mercenaries even carried the stolen property and weapons on their backs, preparing to sneak away quietly in the chaos.

After all, they are just a group of mercenaries. The "leader" Segren is at best a project contractor. As workers, they naturally do what they can and run away with buckets if they can't. They do not have the noble sentiment of being loyal to their boss until death.

So after suffering a setback with heavy casualties, the originally hundreds of beast slave mercenary regiments began to "melt" rapidly like ice and snow under the sun on a battlefield filled with gunpowder smoke.

The speed was so fast that a certain mercenary leader could even observe with the naked eye that the soldiers around him were mysteriously disappearing one by one. He, the mercenary captain, was rapidly being "demoted" to the rank of battalion commander, and it wouldn't take long for him to be Became a company commander.

"Everyone, move! Attack, attack!"

In the midst of the billowing gunfire smoke, Sjögren stood up anxiously, ignoring his dizziness. He picked up a rifle and shouted around: "Victory is close at hand, go, go, go... rush for me!"

Looking at the suddenly nervous leader, the few remaining beast slave mercenaries who had not yet run away, or who had not had time to run away, looked at each other in confusion, and looked at him like a patient.

"You idiots! Idiots!"

Segren cursed in his heart. Of course he wanted to point his nose and scold these incompetent subordinates, but the current situation obviously did not allow it: "Look, the door has been blown open by us, and there is nothing that can stop us. Attacked in!"

"Those meatballs inside... Even if they have one or two cannons, or a dozen guns, what can they do? We have hundreds of them! One charge can end the battle and let them catch them without help!"

"The only reason to run away at this time is to worry that you won't die fast enough - the enemy has at least six to seven thousand people outside, and there are more than a thousand troops in the city. Do you think you can escape?!"

The mercenaries suddenly understood and expressed their willingness to fight to the death for their boss—for their leader.

"Commander, flag!"

A clever mercenary quickly picked up a broken flag from the ground and handed it over along with the rifle on his back: "And your weapons are also ready for you."

"very good!"

Taking the battle flag, Segren took the lead in launching the attack without thinking; some of the beast slave mercenaries followed closely and shouted like war roars, constantly attracting scattered mercenaries around them to move closer to them, and it snowballed like a snowball. Bigger and bigger, rushing towards the parliament gate that was destroyed by shells.

At the same time, the strange "gunfire" inside the parliament gate seemed to have come to an end and no longer sounded; it seemed to be good news for the beast slave mercenaries who had just been blown into pieces.

But Segren, who had a little knowledge of artillery, knew very well that with the intensity of the opponent's fire just now, there was probably an artillery battery hidden in the hall; and when the Imperial artillery battery was fully established, there were eight to twelve artillery pieces plus one More than a hundred soldiers.

The other party suddenly ceased fire, perhaps because they had run out of artillery shells or the artillery had just been blown up by a twenty-four-pounder. Perhaps... it was to give themselves a "surprise" when they rushed through the door.

Thinking of this, Segren, who was leading the charge, slowed down slightly and allowed the roaring beast slave mercenaries behind him to pass him; the one standing in front of him happened to be the clever mercenary who had just handed him the battle flag.

Segren silently prayed to the three old gods for him in his heart - I hope that when the Clovis people open fire, it is best to kill him with one shot.

Of course, even if the opponent can hide an artillery battery in the hall, given the disparity in strength between the two sides and the narrowness of the battlefield, victory is an inevitable result; the opponent's sacrifice will never be wasted, and he will become a stepping stone to his victory.

"Advance - attack - ah -!!!"

Amidst the overwhelming shouts, the fall of the Parliament was close at hand; the beast slave mercenaries who had been about to scatter just a few minutes ago seemed to have regained their brutal and bloodthirsty courage, roaring greedily at their prey.

In the hall, the congressmen had already hid in bunkers at the sound of the gunfire, covering their mouths with bloodless faces, as if they would not be discovered in this way.

Slowly taking off the monocle on his face, Anson looked expressionless with a bit of pride in his mouth; he was like a magician who had carefully prepared a performance and was waiting for the audience's final cheers.

He took out his Inquisitor pocket watch, stared at the cover, and counted silently in his mind again: three, two, one...

"Storm Division - deploy horizontally!"

The command voice, so cold that it contained no emotion, sounded directly behind the siege position.

After going through countless hardships and fighting through more than a dozen streets, Lieutenant Colonel Norton Crosell finally arrived at the parliament in the city center with his only three line private companies.

More than two hundred line soldiers relied on the periphery of the siege position and quickly expanded from ten columns into four horizontal columns. They raised their Leopold rifles, quickly loaded ammunition and locked the guns amidst the roars of the sergeants and platoon leaders. Machine, raise your gun and aim.

"Fire in line—fire!"

Intensive gunfire exploded behind the beast slave mercenaries, and a "wall of smoke" with flickering gun flames lit up on the ruined position.

With almost no time to think, Segren, who was still running wildly, just turned his head and heard screams coming from behind. The team of hundreds of people fell instantly like a heap of weeds swept by a scythe.

The beast slave mercenaries immediately realized the danger. Many of them instinctively turned around and squatted down, raising their weapons, preparing to counterattack while the other party was opening fire.

What greeted them was another row of neat and uninterrupted shooting.


Pull the bolt, load the paper-case fixed-load ammunition, lock the bolt, and fire... The Leopold rifle, which was treasured by a certain commander-in-chief, has nearly twice the rate of fire of a muzzle-loading rifle by shortening the shooting process. Even if the troops are equal in strength, they can still exert suppressive firepower.

When we were in Hantu, due to limited financial resources and logistical difficulties, we could only equip small-scale equipment, so this situation was not obvious; but in the new world, we saw that the financially free Stormtroopers each had a Leopold and fought against a group of people. The indigenous mercenaries who only have second-hand or even homemade firearms are simply a dimensionality reduction blow.

The fortifications of the siege position were destroyed, and the only twenty-four-pounder gun that posed a fatal threat was blown into the sky... The Storm Division privates could maintain a fixed formation without any worries, and click on the prey in the shooting range to their heart's content. Pull the trigger until all the ammunition you carry is gone.

Perhaps because they realized that it was too late to escape, or perhaps because the surprise attack came too quickly and there was no time to wake up, the beast slave mercenaries bathed in the dense rain of bullets appeared extremely tenacious. They either roared and continued to charge, or turned back. Fight back.

But no matter which one, with scattered firepower and tight formation, they were killed before they had time to shoot; the roars and screams were mixed in the airless gunfire, like an urgent and exciting melody.

From the siege position to the parliament gate, the short distance of less than a hundred meters has become an insurmountable road to death.

The gunfire lasted for a full two minutes, and the expressionless Lieutenant Colonel Norton Crosell drew his saber and issued an order to completely annihilate the enemy.

"Charge—bayonets fixed!"

Amidst the roar, the soldiers in the Storm Division line stood up one after another. Regardless of the hot muzzles still smoking, they impatiently pulled out their bayonets and put them on the slots, then followed the queue and rushed towards the chaotic beast slave mercenaries. them.

Some young soldiers who were not very confident in their sword skills deliberately left bullets unfired. Their nervous right index finger was always on the trigger, preparing to give a "surprise" to enemies who wanted to fight with them.

Facing the Storm Division soldiers who were maintaining four lines and charging towards them, the Beast Slave mercenaries who had finally survived the intensive fire finally collapsed.

The defense line of the temporary organization collapsed at the first touch. The soldiers of the Storm Division rushed into the core of the beast slave mercenary group like cutting butter without any hindrance. They brandished their bayonets and ravaged the indigenous people who had no morale at all. They fought desperately for Like military exploits falling from the sky.

Segren, who had originally charged with the battle flag high, decisively chose to lie down as soon as the gunshots were fired, allowing his subordinates behind him to block countless lead bullets for him.

But even so, Segren still did not dare to let go of the military flag in his hand - he still had not completely lost the battle. He only had to seize the opportunity to invade the parliament before the Clovis people, and control the members and the Clovis commander-in-chief as hostages. , it is possible for him to make a comeback!

With the last glimmer of hope to see the dawn of victory, the mercenary leader slowly raised his head. He opened his eyes and was surprised to find that the beast slave mercenary who handed him the military flag had just stood up and was looking at him with the same surprise.

Segren's face immediately showed some surprise. He believed that with the intelligence shown by the opponent before, he would definitely be able to understand his subtle tactics and win the final victory in this battle for himself!

But what confused him was that the mercenary who picked up his weapon and stood up was not walking towards the parliament door, but was walking towards him, getting closer and closer, getting closer and closer...


The expressionless beast slave mercenary swung the butt of his gun and hit Segren hard on the back of the head.

After repeatedly confirming that the other party had passed out, he threw away the weapon with a look of horror on his face, dragged the other party's body towards the parliament door, and shouted while dragging:

"Don't shoot! I...I caught our leader!"

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