I will be crowned king

Chapter 558 Alexei’s Concerns

After finalizing the plan, all that was left was to execute it; except for Lieutenant Colonels Anson and Alexei and a cavalry company who were about to leave immediately, the Storm Division was divided into two, with one heading straight to Black Reef Port along the road, and the other Together with the main logistic baggage, we headed to Red Hand Bay.

At the same time, while the Free Confederacy was relieved to learn that the Storm Division was about to leave, all parties also had different moods.

The members of the Black Reef Port were overjoyed... Although the news of the imperial army's arrival at the city had not yet arrived, as the bridgehead of the entire Confederacy after the fall of Pigeon Castle, they were certainly mentally prepared to bear the brunt.

The property owners of Black Reef Port who had already purchased "insurance" from the Little Clerk took the initiative to request the price; the Speaker himself even visited Anson's house to express his personal gratitude to Anson.

Anson did not give any excessive explanation for this. He only said that since he served as the chief of staff of the "Free Corps", he would be responsible for the Free Confederacy: "Although the Confederacy has many members, none of them is redundant."

The Speaker of Black Reef Port burst into tears of gratitude.

In comparison, Red Hand Bay Speaker Pete Chatham's attitude was not so good.

As Moby Dick's first ally in the Free Confederacy, Red Hand Bay always believed that it was "higher" than all the colonies in front of the Commander-in-Chief, and was the true founder of the Confederacy and an absolute superior.

Now that Beluga Harbor wants to rescue Black Reef Harbor, it means that Red Hand Bay has once again lost the opportunity to become the capital of the Confederacy; Peter Chatham is quite aggrieved by this - Red Hand Bay has obviously worked so hard, why did Anson Bach Just can't see it?

The Declaration of Resistance, the Confederate Parliament, military bases, and the front line against the Empire...Why do good things never happen to me?

For this kind of ally who has no self-awareness and whose combat effectiveness is completely negative, Anson's point of view is to continue to ignore it.

Hollande, the self-aware Speaker of Lake Town, not only expressed his gratitude to the Commander-in-Chief, but also reiterated the important principle that "Black Reef Port is an integral part of the Free Confederation". At the same time, he actively participated in logistics work and was willing to Providing an infantry regiment plus 5,000 men and ten days of supplies to be sent to Black Reef Port...acting very tactfully.

As for the Frey sisters in Wintertorch City and Gray Pigeon Castle, their moods are slightly complicated, a bit like "it feels more uncomfortable to see you making money than me losing money", or "my sweetheart abandons her old love and starts looking for a new love." .

Among them, the Frey sisters, especially Paulina Frey, were very proactive; she even hoped to follow Anson to Black Reef Port in her personal capacity and "personally raise the Confederate flag symbolizing freedom amidst the artillery fire of the Empire."

For such a brave behavior, Anson could only decline after some praise: forced march is an extremely hard military operation that also tests personal physical fitness. Non-professionals can only become a drag on the team.

The unwilling Polina accepted Anson's words and said that she would go to the front line with the Confederate army; as for some "worldly desires" that the girl had been hinting at, Anson, who cherished life extremely, could only continue to misinterpret it.

From top to bottom, almost no one realizes how important the geographical location of Black Reef Port is; once it is lost, they who originally had hope to unify the six colonies will be left with only half of the country in an instant.

Selfishness, excessive greed, no foresight, weak consensus, straddling the left and right, frequent infighting... The shortcomings of the confederal system are vividly reflected at this moment.

But for the Rune family and the Stormtroopers, these shortcomings are advantages in a sense.

After all, although the current Free Confederation has many problems, no one wants to see the emergence of a united, centralized, efficient, and firmly united "Confederation"...including itself.

However, despite their selfishness, various colonies have expressed their willingness to provide troops and supplies to support Black Reef Port. They may not realize the importance of this strategic bridgehead, but they know very well that if Black Reef Port is destroyed, they will be the next step. one.

And just as the war machine is turning on, the propaganda machine is already turning crazily.

Led by the "Beluga Harbor Good People", "Long Lake Town Candide", "Winter Torch City Pioneer", "Red Hand Bay Free Press", "Black Lagoon Independent News"...

Long before the Congress of the Free Confederacy opened, these completely independent and absolutely objective media outlets had been reporting endlessly on various news about "independence" and "resistance", and trumpeted the need to establish an unbreakable line of defense.

The brave Free Corps will attack from all sides, liberate Gray Pigeon Castle, liberate Sail City, and "drive the Empire out of the land of the New World, leaving no one behind"!

Due to the long distance from Gray Snow Town to Black Reef Port, and the overly impressive infrastructure of the New World, it is simply impossible to unify the information.

Therefore, when a certain colonial minister was trying to collect intelligence about the Confederacy and Beluga Harbor, he was surprised to find that the newspapers were full of all kinds of slogans that sounded particularly bluffing, but there was no sign of any actual action - all of them were written more than ten days in advance. , it was even written in advance more than half a month ago, and the editors of the newspaper were only responsible for sending it out in installments.

Of course, with the Confederacy's level of confidentiality, even with the smoke bomb of "water injection", I'm afraid it won't be able to hide it for long; coupled with the bounty hunters and adventurers bribed by the empire, they are all over the small and large villages and towns in the new world, and the wilderness ridge……

Anson felt that if he set out in the afternoon, it would be considered a success as long as this information did not appear on Bernard's desk before tomorrow morning.

With unlimited confidence in the long-distance attack and the plan to rescue Black Reef Port, Anson was very confident and handed over the army to his loyal officer corps, and entrusted the logistics base to Thalia and the little secretary, with the lovely Li The Captain of the Sha Guard and Lieutenant Colonel Alexey, who "cared deeply" about him, set foot on the road in the wilderness.

As the "elite" personally selected by the Commander-in-Chief to rescue Black Reef Port, Lieutenant Colonel Alexey Dukasky was as speechless as his subordinates.

Unlike the Storm Regiment, which was established "from scratch" by Anson, his 2nd Infantry Regiment came from the levy force of Thunder Castle, one of the two regiments separated by Ludwig during the "Iser Elf Punishment War" .

Alexei himself was not Anson's former "comrade-in-arms." He and Norton Crosell were both officers serving on the Western Front before the "Clovis City Riots" and then joined Ludwig. Under his command, he accidentally became the first member of the Storm Division.

Precisely because he didn't understand Anson's past, in his eyes, the commander-in-chief was more crazy than cautious: climbing the snow-capped mountains, conquering Eagle Point City, the Battle of Carindia Port, the Battle of the Summit Tower, The vast earth turns around thousands of miles, and the royal court rushes to fight...

Whenever everyone feels that they are about to die, he can always create a miracle at the last moment, turning the crisis around in an unreasonable way and making the ending develop in the most favorable direction.

It is precisely because of this that Alexey and the entire officer corps believed in his promise and accepted the job of the "Colonial Guard Corps" which was comparable to exile. They were even willing to take the risk of "disobeying military orders" and intervening in the imperial colonies. Rebellion.

Alexey, like the rest of the officer corps, chose to give up thinking completely and completely trust this commander-in-chief who is both crazy and likes to have big ideas - provided that he can fulfill every promise and guarantee profits and dividends.

But this time, he felt that he could no longer continue like this.

"General...Commander-in-Chief, are you really ready to believe this guy named Segren?"

Looking at the map in his hand, which was so rough that it only had a few simple lines and was drawn on a strange-smelling animal skin, Alexey's eyes twitched crazily and couldn't help but say.

This is a wilderness in the countryside that is a full day and night away from Winter Torch City. It has now become a temporary marching camp; on a gentle slope not far away, Lisa, who had just woken up, was yawning and holding her rifle. While watching, he took out a can of meat from his arms.

"Of course, this is a secret marching route hidden in the wilderness that even the imperial and colonial armies don't know!" Anson nodded matter-of-factly:

"Of course, you have a little concern about the intelligence provided by the enemy. This is your excellent quality as an officer, and I can completely understand it."

"No, no, no... I think you may have misunderstood. This is not a 'little' concern."

Alexei felt his temples on both sides were twitching. He resisted the hysterical impulse and raised the map in his hand: "Look at it carefully! Look at this map, and then tell me what you plan to rely on." This one...takes all of us to rescue Black Reef Harbor?"

"The information provided on the map is too simple, of course I understand that - but you can't ask a beast slave mercenary leader to know the cartography skills that only graduates of the military academy know, right?" Anson asked with a smile:

"As long as we combine the intelligence he provided with the map in our hands, we can still get a lot of useful information, right?"


Holding tightly on the "animal skin map" with only a few horizontal and vertical lines in his hand, Alexey almost gritted his teeth:

"Do you really not have even the slightest doubt about the information this guy provided?!"

"Not at all." Anson still smiled:

"This is the result of Lieutenant Colonel Fabian's strict interrogation and his personal guarantee; Lieutenant Colonel Alexei, don't you have any doubts about Lieutenant Colonel Fabian's promise?"

"I absolutely trust the Commander of the Grenadier Regiment in all his work, just as I will always trust your judgment, but...!"

After a sudden pause, Alexei, who couldn't bear it anymore, finally threw away the map in his hand, raised his hand and pointed to his side: "But I don't believe, I don't believe this guy knows the secret route from Winter Torch City to Black Reef Port. !”

Looking at the head of the infantry regiment who was about to have a nervous breakdown in front of him, Anson sighed softly and looked in the direction of his finger: with cross-eyed eyes, drooling at the corners of his mouth, and a silly smile on his face, Segren was sitting motionless. .

This once ambitious beast slave mercenary leader who vowed to become an imperial noble has completely lost all pain, his joy, anger, sorrow and joy have completely left him, and he can no longer feel any worldly suffering; even if someone now Even if he were shot, the smile on his face would not lose even a single ounce of its luster.

As for why he became like this... Anson could only keep smiling.

According to Talia's explanation, under normal circumstances, if she wants to read someone's memory or directly control it, it will not have any impact on the person's sanity, and will not even leave the slightest trace; the whole process will be "brushed" with Anson. It’s almost the same as the question, very safe.

But if the person involved is very resistant to this, or a certain memory is hidden so deeply that his own impression is very blurred, Talia can only use some more "tough" methods to get what she wants. something; as for the price...

"Well... Anson doesn't need him to be particularly smart anyway. As long as he can obey Anson's orders honestly and answer whatever he asks, appearance and the like are not very important... right?"

How could he refuse such a reasonable and flawless explanation? How could you say no, huh?

"I understand, Lieutenant Colonel Alexei, in your eyes, Mr. Sjögren seems to have some physical condition, which makes you unable to trust whether the information he provides is still at the minimum reliability." He patted Ali who was about to collapse. Kesha shoulder, Anson comforted softly:

"But please believe that these are only superficial phenomena and cannot express his true situation - I can assure you that Mr. Sjögren is completely normal and has absolutely no intellectual problems."


Although his tone was suspicious, Alexei's expression was one of complete disbelief.

"Of course it's true." Anson nodded again seriously:

"I can even perform it live for you - Sjägren, stand up."

Following Anson's order, the beast slave mercenary leader who was sitting on the ground and giggling one second suddenly began to close his legs in the middle and stood up straight in the next second.

"To the left!"

Without moving his upper body, Segren suddenly raised his legs and stepped forward, turning his body to the left.

"Look to the right!"

Without any warning, Segren threw his smirking face directly at the two of them - so hard that the startled Alexey even heard a "clicking" sound from his cervical vertebrae.

"turn right!"

It was still the same action as before, but this time his head was motionless; Segren, who looked as if his head and body were separated strangely, completed the instructions.


Lifting his right foot to the side, he hit his left ankle hard. His left hand was behind his back, and his clenched right hand made a "bang!" sound, as if he wanted to break his ribs, and pressed it against his chest and heart.

Watching him complete this set of actions, Anson, who was slightly proud, chuckled and turned to look at Alexey: "How about it, I said it right - the plan is perfect, there are no problems!"

Alexey did not answer Anson's question and froze in place; he was only slightly skeptical at first, but now he completely believes it. This time...

How ugly it would be to die, how ugly it would be.

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