I will be crowned king

Chapter 562 Advance Army

It is 17:35, May 17, 101 in the Saint's Calendar, Black Reef Harbor.

The blood-red sunset splashed on the still-smoked port, dyeing the waves that surged onto the beach into brilliant gold, and "burning" the city with fireworks in the sky.

When the battle finally came to an end, the four "pirate ships" flying the star-ringed flag with a blue background used their flags to signal their berthing at the Ang Port, and slowly began to approach the shore.

With great anxiety, the militia officers and members of Parliament in Black Reef Port gathered in front of the pier, trying their best to use a friendly attitude to "greet" these friendly forces who had saved one of them, but how could they? They looked extremely nervous no matter what, and there were loaded pistols hidden under their exquisite coats - some of them had more than one.

But to be honest, after all, the Free Confederation’s parliament in Wintertorch City has just concluded half a month ago, and with the Imperial army sieging the city, it is of course impossible for the Black Reef Port, which has no information, to know which force’s flag that star ring flag is. …it’s inevitable to be wary.

When the four sailboats finally slowly sailed into the port, the people in Black Reef Port who were still extremely nervous immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and there was even a bit of surprise and contempt in their expressions.

After all, the four ships are all very small three-masted sailing ships, and they are also pirate ships used for smuggling. Their appearance is basically predictable:

The tattered sails, the sides of the ship covered with "battle damage paint", a few broken pieces of wood, the ship's mast bound by circles of copper bars, with cables made of fishing nets tied to them, and the whole body was full of salt. The smelly "battleship" only has six or seven measly naval guns, and it takes four battleships to get one of the eighteen-pound "main gun"...

After seeing the true appearance of their "savior" with their own eyes, almost all the Black Reef Port councilors and officers present had the same sentence in their minds:

Is it these "mighty and majestic" battleships that frightened the imperial army of tens of thousands of people and made them flee in panic?

But the slight contempt that had just arisen quickly disappeared without a trace amid the sudden sound of the bugle.

"Storm Division—form up, move forward!"

Hundreds of line infantrymen wearing uniforms of red and black military uniforms, with long rifles on their shoulders, formed a team of two, keeping a distance of three steps from front to back, and walked neatly from the decks of four battleships at the same time. Their sharp bayonets were unusually bright in the sunset. The glare.

These line infantrymen did not put down their bags immediately after disembarking, but quickly formed a formation on the dock, forming eight hollow squares arranged front and back. Then the soldiers in the center turned around to face each other, raising their rifles in their hands. The bayonets crossed left and right, converging into a "steel channel."

Surrounded by a company of guards, Officer Clovis, who looked handsome and wore a brand-new school officer uniform, walked towards Black Reef Port from the end of the passage with his hands behind his back and a majestic step.

Behind him on the right, a girl who only reached his waist was struggling to hold up a star-ringed flag with a blue background. She held her head high and walked with a measured pace, shouldering the responsibility of the flag officer.

In front of him on the left is a thin young man dressed like any other ordinary soldier; even though he is wearing a very special pair of monocles, people still subconsciously ignore his existence.

"Colonel of the Clovis Army, commander of the first line infantry regiment of the Storm Division, Lieutenant Colonel Alexei Dukasky is here!"

Following the angry shout of the young man wearing a pair of monocles, the murderous and intimidating "honor guard" finally stopped ten steps away from everyone in Black Reef Port.

Feeling the gazes directed at him from countless pairs of eyes, the "Commander of the First Line Infantry Regiment" raised his head slightly, pretending to be arrogant, and glanced subconsciously to his left front, coughing a few times.

So before everyone in Black Reef Port could speak, the young man took the initiative and took a half step forward:

"Thank you very much for the grand welcome from everyone in Black Reef Port. We are the White Whale Port garrison, the advance army of the Free Confederacy - under the orders of the Commander-in-Chief of the Garrison and the Confederate Supreme Council, we are to reinforce Black Reef Port before the arrival of the main force!"

"As just mentioned, the person behind me is Lieutenant Colonel Alexey Dukasky, the supreme commander of this advance army. The representative has been awarded the position of Chief of Staff of the Confederate Free Corps. White Whale With all the will of the Commander-in-Chief of Hong Kong Defense, everyone can completely regard him as the Commander-in-Chief himself!”

Pressing his outstretched left hand on his chest, the gentle young man smiled faintly: "As for me, I am the lieutenant colonel's adjutant. I am responsible for handling all administrative and daily affairs outside of military affairs. If you want to know anything, please contact me. You can ask me."

"Army Captain Alan Dawn...just call me Alan."

The moment the young man called him his adjutant, the corner of Alexei's mouth twitched involuntarily.


Time goes back forty minutes, just before the battleship is about to dock at Black Reef Port...

"What? You want me to put on your clothes and... pretend to be yourself?!"

Staring at the bloodless commander-in-chief, who was still trying to pretend that he was no longer seasick, Alexei looked stunned and wondered if there was something wrong with his ears.

"No, no, no... you still misunderstood me." Looking at the confused Alexei, Anson chuckled and shook his head, explaining:

"You are still you, Lisa is still Lisa, the soldiers are still soldiers, the pirates...well, they are already the navy of the Free Confederacy."

"What about you?"

"I...am your adjutant."


Alexey blurted out in shock, and his bulging eyeballs made people worry that they would fall out of them in the next second.

"That's right, Adjutant!"

Anson nodded solemnly, pointed to his chest and said: "From now on, I will be your adjutant, Captain Alan Dawn."

"As for you—the commander-in-chief of the Free Confederate advance army and the commander of the first line infantry regiment of the Storm Division, Lieutenant Colonel Alexey Dukasky!"

"The first line...isn't that...?!"

"I know about Lieutenant Colonel Fabian's Grenadier Regiment, but this is just because our Storm Division had some problems when it was first established. If compared to other standing armies, your Second Infantry Regiment should be the first-line infantry regiment." Anson said Waving hands to indicate that this is not the focus of the question:

"The title of commander-in-chief of the advance army is also the same. It is mainly to ensure that the other party will pay enough attention to us and lay the foundation for taking over the city defense of Black Reef Port."

After all, the imperial army is approaching the city and has opened a gap in the defense line. It is only a matter of time before the city is broken. In this case, Anson certainly cannot place his hopes on Black Reef Port. Seizing power and taking over the defense line are both necessary.

To put it more bluntly, Anson felt that although his plan was absolutely perfect and foolproof, Black Reef Port... probably would not be able to accept it easily.

Therefore, the attitude must be tough, and it must be so tough that it seems that the other party is just a subordinate and vassal of oneself. The Black Reef Port must be convinced that reinforcements are close at hand and may arrive at any time.

"In that case, why do you have to pretend to be my adjutant?" Alexey was still confused:

"Wouldn't it be easier to directly ask Black Reef Port to hand over military power as the commander-in-chief of the legion? Moreover, you also have the position of Chief of General Staff granted by the Free Confederacy, and you are fully qualified to take over the city defense of Black Reef Port."

"That's true in theory, but in practice - can we expect a group of Imperials to willingly obey the orders of the Clovis people?"

Anson shook his head: "Even if they are willing to accept it, we have to prepare for the worst to prevent some unexpected situations, but there is still a certain probability of emergencies."

"worst plans?"

"What do you think Lord Bernard Morwes outside the city would do if he knew that I was in Black Reef Harbor with only four broken ships and an infantry regiment?"


Alexei was startled for a moment, then frowned: "Do you think there are imperial spies in the city?"

"Even Winter Torch City was able to sneak in more than two thousand thugs without a sound, so how could the Black Reef Port, which is so close at hand, be an exception?" Anson chuckled, with a flash of contempt on his pale face. :

"Of course, it's possible that I'm wrong - but it's better to be cautious about this kind of thing, dear Alexei, what do you think?"

Alexey didn't feel anything, he just wanted to scream from the bottom of his heart.

"why me?"

He stared at Anson, afraid of missing some details from the micro-expression on his face: "Aren't Fabian and his Grenadier Regiment more suitable for such an important task than me... than all of us?"

Everyone in the entire Storm Division knew that the Grenadier Regiment... the Storm Regiment, the predecessor of the Storm Division, was a unit formed by Anson himself. It was second only to Lisa Bach's Guards Company in terms of equipment and treatment; Lieutenant Colonel Bean is second only to Chief of Staff Carl Bain's absolute confidant.

To march urgently to rescue Black Reef Port, we must also beware of all kinds of unpredictable risks, and hold on to the city until the main army arrives... Such an important task was a no-brainer in the past, and must have been handed over to the Grenadier Regiment.

"Lieutenant Colonel Fabian has his mission, and I don't think any of you is more suitable than the other - not to mention that since the division's public funds have completely achieved financial freedom, apart from the differences in tactical models, not everyone has unified the equipment. Is it done?"

Anson shrugged and patted his shoulder enthusiastically: "And I have always felt that in the entire Storm Division, Alexey, you are the third person who really cares about me - by the way, Lisa is the third person. two."

"Third? Then the first is... I don't care who Ai is!" Alexey rolled his eyes, sighed, and his expression became serious again:

"I only care about one thing - what exactly is your plan?"

Hearing these words, Anson, who had a casual expression, was surprised at first, and then smiled with great relief - a smile that made Alexei shiver again.

How should I describe that expression...

It’s like what all bosses do when they hear their employees proactively ask “Is there anything else that needs to be done” before leaving get off work?


"Free Confederate advance army?"

Staring at the information in his hand, Bernard Molwes suddenly raised his head and looked at the disgraced herald with an incredulous look: "Are you sure?!"

"It's absolutely true, my lord!"

The herald nodded desperately, fearing that the other party would be suspicious: "This is the information I got from a soldier who risked his life to escape from the gap: he actually saw the other party disembarking from the port, and heard the militiamen at Black Reef Port This is what you call the troops entering the city!"

“They were wearing Clovis military uniforms, and the leader was indeed a Clovis officer, but they were not holding the Clovis unicorn flag, but the blue star ring—it was said to be the flag of the Free Confederacy. banner!"

"Free Confederacy? It's only been half a month, and it already has a flag..."

Bernard muttered to himself in a daze. He originally thought that these traitors were just like snacks, and even if they could successfully hold a meeting, the most they could do was discuss their respective spheres of influence and make sure that no one would abide by them. "Covenant", in the end, they verbally maintain "unity of interests" and "offensive and defensive alliance", but in fact they are prepared to see each other embarrass themselves.

But now the other party has not only succeeded, but even has a common flag, and can even send an army in its name - it is so efficient that it is simply not something they can imagine.

"You said they are all wearing Clovis's military uniforms. How many people are there exactly?"

"It's not very clear. The soldier only saw it from a distance and didn't get close enough."

The herald answered truthfully, but when he caught Bernard's unhappy expression, he quickly changed his words: "Six hundred...or eight hundred, in short, definitely not more than a thousand people!"

"There are less than a thousand people?" Bernard frowned slightly and looked thoughtfully towards the city of Black Reef Port:

"And not flying Clovis' unicorn flag?"

"No!" the messenger vowed. Today, he only has this information that he can guarantee is 100% correct:

"And just fifteen minutes ago, Black Reef Port also hung the blue star-ring flag on the roof of the parliament building in the city center!"

"That means that in addition to the militiamen who have almost run out of ammunition and food, there are only less than a thousand Clovis soldiers in Black Reef Port, plus the four rebel pirate ships?"

Bernard's eyes were in a daze, and a still-rudimentary plan slowly began to take shape in his mind; the minister, who was still annoyed because of his misjudgment, suddenly realized that the situation was moving in a direction that was very beneficial to him. go ahead.

"Notify the artillery units, especially the cavalry artillery...let them prepare as soon as possible; and the cavalry, assemble outside the military camp before evening, waiting for combat orders!"


The herald replied, turned around and walked out; it was not until he was about to go out that he suddenly realized something:

"My lord... you specially want to assemble the troops at night. Are you planning to organize another night attack?"

"No, of course not."

A confident smile appeared on Bernard's face, and the corners of his mouth curved slightly with pride:

"You don't understand...tonight, we will not attack the city."

"Tonight, we are going to witness Blackreef Port capture itself."

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