I will be crowned king

Chapter 566 The bargaining chip of Black Reef Port

The dazzling gun flames illuminated the narrow alley. Hiding at the other end of the street, the unprepared imperial cavalry could not react for a moment. In an instant, several figures fell down in the front row.

At the same time, the Storm Division line soldiers hiding in the alley had taken the opportunity to spread out, occupying the commanding heights on both sides, and used the walls on both sides of the street as bunkers, setting up temporary shooting positions behind them.

The imperial cavalry, suppressed by firepower, could only hide in the alley, unable to move at all. They were squeezed into a column and could not spread out their formation, and the firepower was limited to the narrow muzzle - only a few people in the front row could Fire was fired back, and the remaining cavalry could only hide behind and wait.

The collision of countless lead bullets sounded a fierce ensemble, and thick smoke poured into the street from the alleys on both sides, completely covering the road less than ten meters wide.

At this time, as long as you rush out of the alley and form a formation, the firepower of either side can instantly overwhelm the opponent; but correspondingly, at the moment the line is formed, you have to withstand at least two to three rounds of volleys - depending on the width of the alley Combined with the strength of both sides, at least nearly half of the platoon will suffer casualties.

Therefore, both the smaller Storm Division infantry company and the stunned Imperial cavalry chose to hide in the alley and fire wildly at the opposite side. No one wanted to be the first to rush out.

On the one hand, the rifle was loaded on the back to increase the rate of fire, and on the other hand, it showed skilled loading skills... Both sides of the shooting were generous in pouring firepower towards the opposite side. Gunfire continued in the middle of the narrow street, and the intensity was comparable to that of a large battlefield. Fighting, the whole Black Reef Port can hear the movement here.

"What's going on? Who are they fighting with?"

Looking at the direction where the gunfire came from, Alexey, who was covering his left shoulder, subconsciously said, looking to his side with a puzzled look on his face: "Didn't the Skirmisher Company say that the defenders of Black Reef Port were either on the outer defense line or heading towards the port?" Is the direction moving?”

"Is it possible that some of the retreating Black Reef Port defenders happened to be blocked by them?" The commander of the second battalion next to him made a random guess:

"People from the guard company sent intelligence before, saying that there is probably another company in the city, with more than a hundred defenders."

"The number is wrong - listen to the noise, is this a company?!" Alexey didn't believe it at all: "Don't talk about the defenders of Black Reef Port. Even if you tell me that this is the empire that wants to attack the city, I will believe it. !”

"Then...if it's not the defenders in the city, who else can it be?"

Just when both of them were confused, Alexei's expression suddenly changed, and he thought of some very possible outcome.

Wait, is it really the empire that is attacking the city? !

If this is the case, with the current chaotic situation in Black Reef Port, it is impossible to organize any effective counterattack.

Not to mention how much combat effectiveness the local defenders, who had just experienced a bloody battle during the day and were on the verge of running out of ammunition and food, could have; the "advance army" itself, which was currently planning to seize command of the defenders, could not allocate any troops to garrison the defense line. ——What's more, there are more than a thousand of them scattered along the entire defense line of Black Reef Port, and there is nothing to garrison.

In addition, some of the defenders are waiting for an opportunity to seize the battleships of the advance army. It is difficult to say whether they want to run away or rebel; the former is definitely terrible, and the latter is even more difficult, indicating that even Black Reef Port itself has been lost. The confidence to keep going...

Alexei, who was already in a bad mood, looked even more ugly at this time.

Black Reef Port was almost doomed before he came, and Black Reef Port was going to be doomed after he came, so wasn't he here in vain? !

And in order to cooperate with the commander-in-chief's "perfect plan", he gave himself a shot!

To be honest, Alexey felt that this plan was very wrong from the beginning - even if he pretended to be an assassination attempt, wouldn't it be enough to get some red paint and wrap it with gauze? Is it necessary to really get injured to be safe?

Alexey even vaguely wondered whether the commander-in-chief had already expected this result and did not ask his adjutant Carl Bain or Fabian, the chief jailer, to come with him. Think of yourself as a tool...

However, malicious speculations are speculations. As the commander of the "Advance Army" second only to Anson, Alexei certainly did not forget his responsibilities. After slandering someone for a moment, he quickly made a judgment that was most suitable for the current situation: "Let's go to the parliament immediately!"


The commander of the second battalion was startled: "But... according to the previous plan, shouldn't we first control the commanding heights and important roads in the city to ensure that there will be no riots in Black Reef Port..."

"That was before, now I can't control so much!" Alexey said without politeness:

"Whether it was the Imperials or the defenders of Black Reef Port who opened fire, our actions have been completely exposed, and there is no point in covering it up - in this case, let's control the Parliament first!"


Under the order of the "Commander-in-Chief of the Advance Army", the second-line battalions that were originally dispersed to control the city began to regroup, and companies as units began to advance towards the parliament - in order to avoid encountering some uncontrollable "accidents" , set fire to checkpoints and roadblocks that had been set up.

So as the neatly lined-up Clovis Line soldiers advanced, streaks of fire and soaring smoke pillars also began to extend within the Black Reef Port City, like some kind of symbol, allowing the already chaotic city to continue on the train to hell. Yank the whistle.


Blackreef Harbor Council, basement.

The dull and thunderous sound of gunfire was intermittent, transmitted into the basement through the heavy ceiling and walls.

There was only one kerosene lamp left, flickering with dim light amidst slight vibrations, reflecting on the uncertain faces of the MPs and officers in Black Reef Port...and the chairs they were tied to. On the body.

In the swirling smoke, they had the advantage a few minutes ago and were preparing to capture "Captain Alan Dawn" alive. At this moment, their hands were cuffed behind their backs, and their ankles were tied to the legs of the chair... Based on the long central table, everyone They were arranged in four rows, with each person half a meter away from the surroundings to ensure that even if they fell, they would not touch anyone else.

As for Senator Pushwood... he was placed in Anson's original position, with his back to everyone else; there was no expression on his tense cheeks, only his pale face without a trace of blood and his body that was shaking slightly with the shock. , exposing the fear in his heart.

At this moment, he was trying to open his eyes wide, and his pupils reflected the kerosene lamp that he had smashed with his own hands and the darkness; in the darkness, there was a figure sitting quietly, smoking a pipe leisurely, while using a big An exaggerated revolver pointed at them all.

No one spoke, and everyone was worried that if they were the first to speak, the revolver with the broken hammer would point its muzzle at them.

In the deathly silence, time passed quietly.

For a long time, Pushwood took a deep breath, swallowed his throat and looked at the shadow: "Captain Alan Dawn, we..."


Suddenly interrupting the other party, Anson, who was sitting in the darkness, raised the "dagger" in his right hand and pointed the long barrel above his head:

"Um...did you hear that?"

Pushwood froze, cold sweat falling from his temples.

"Hey, I heard it!"

"Any idea who was shooting?"

"...advance army?"

A dull sigh came from the darkness, along with the sound of the muzzle of a revolver falling.

"Congressman Pushwood... and everyone here, I have to say, I am so disappointed in you!"

Anson suddenly raised his voice, causing everyone who was already extremely nervous to tighten their heartstrings. They looked tremblingly at the "Captain Alan Dawn" who had captured them all.

"When I wanted to discuss with you, I came with great sincerity and absolute trust. I didn't even bring a single guard. The entire advance army took great risks and marched long distances to rescue Black Reef Port. result……"

With a cold snort, Anson shook his head: "Is this how you entertain your 'savior'?"

Faced with the questioning, Pushwood chose to remain silent, and the rest of the group also bowed their heads and remained silent.

"To be honest, although your initial decision is really shocking, it is not completely non-negotiable. Why must you use this method?" Anson continued with deep confusion, highlighting what is heartbreaking and what is difficult. understand:

"We are allies, friends, and partners fighting side by side. What on earth can't we talk about between us?!"

"Because of your unreasonable behavior, you have put the advance army in an extremely embarrassing situation; we can either fight back, or we can only watch you as the ruler of Black Reef Port flee and let tens of thousands of people flee. Thinking that they have been abandoned, they are forced to surrender to the empire!"

"This is not even the most troublesome thing - once you open fire, how will the advance army, especially the soldiers in Beluga Port, view Black Reef Port and the city they are full of ambitions and ready to protect?! "

"As for the damage this behavior has done to the friendship between the Confederacy and Beluga Harbor and the unity of the Imperial Resistance United Front, I don't even want to say anything more, it's simply..."


While Anson was still gushing, Pushwood suddenly interrupted.

Time seemed to have stopped abruptly at this moment.

The officers and congressmen present pursed their lips tightly and looked at Pushwood's back as if they were looking at a dead person.

But he didn't care... or he knew very well that what could determine the life and death of all of them now was neither the revolver in the hands of "Captain Alan Dawn" nor what these people said, but what kind of chips they could use. .

Therefore, he was absolutely sure that the other party would not shoot, otherwise there would be no need to go to the trouble of tying them all to chairs.

"Captain Allen Dawn, you win...or the advance army wins, we surrender."

Pushwood took a deep breath, as if trying desperately to control the fear in his heart: "Tell me, what do you want to take from us?"

"Take what?" Anson shook his head helplessly:

"Congressman Pushwood, you still don't seem to understand that we, the advance army, are not here to take Black Reef Harbor from you, but to help you defend it!"

"Of course, this seems to be somewhat different from your wishes, but I still think that the interests of both of us are the same, that is, defeating the Empire, or defeating the colonial minister Bernard Morwes; otherwise, even if you can escape Beluga Harbor, the liberals of the New World will never have peace."

"However, your current behavior has indeed caused a rift in the trust between us." Anson changed the subject:

"In order to avoid similar situations in future cooperation, the advance army needs to add a layer of 'insurance' on top of the existing cooperation."

Pushwood frowned: "What insurance?"

"It's very simple, we want absolute control of the defenders of Black Reef Port!"

"Impossible!" He said without hesitation:

"The Black Reef Port militia is the foundation of the liberal faction. We can't just hand them over to Crow...the advance army!"

Although he changed his words at the last moment, everyone here knew clearly what he just wanted to say.

Faced with Pushwood's flat rejection, Anson, who looked indifferent, said nothing. He just silently raised the "dagger" in his right hand and pointed to the top of his head again.

The threat is self-evident.

The corner of Pushwood's mouth twitched, and his expression turned extremely ugly.

"Of course it's not allowed to hand it over directly to the advance army, but..." He took a deep breath and tried his best to restrain the pain in his heart:

"But if we can change the form, at least it seems that the advance army and the parliament are jointly responsible, that's not impossible..."


Black Reef Port City, Central Avenue.

The choking smoke gradually dissipated, and the sudden encounter temporarily came to an end.

Relying on tacit cooperation and surprise, Marcos and his line company got off to a good start, suppressing the Imperial cavalry with half as many troops as they did, and even causing nearly twenty casualties at one point.

But when the imperial cavalry finally stopped defending and began to charge with volleys of guns, the balance of victory and defeat was instantly reversed - facing the shotguns and carbines in the hands of the cavalry, Leo, who fired quickly but was much less powerful, It's difficult for Pod to show his true advantage at very close range.

Coupled with the gap in hard power between the two sides, ordinary line soldiers had no chance of winning against the elite imperial cavalry, not to mention there were several talented people in the opposing team... Marcos could only order a retreat while constantly firing cover. Prevent enemy pursuit.

The imperial cavalry on the opposite side obviously had no intention of continuing the fight. After driving Marcos and the others out of the alley, they quickly retreated and advanced rapidly in the direction of the parliament.

The two sides exchanged fire for nearly half an hour. Although the Marcos Company failed to completely stop it, there were basically no casualties and it conveyed the enemy's situation to the surrounding troops.

"But I still don't understand, how on earth did you know that the person on the other side was an Imperial person just by asking a question?"

The deputy company commander couldn't help but ask: "Besides Commander-in-Chief Anson Bach, is there anyone else with the highest status in the Storm Division?"

Facing his own son-in-law's question, Marcos could only sigh helplessly: "First of all, tell others about this and don't spread it. Secondly... are you serious?"

"I, I'm just a little doubtful." The deputy company commander quickly shook his head:

"You know, the earliest sponsor of the Storm Division was Miss Sophia Franz, and now Miss Thalia August Rune has become the fiancée of the Commander-in-Chief, so...it is inevitable that people will be a little confused. Who is..."


Before he could finish speaking, a loud bang suddenly exploded under the dark night sky.

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