I will be crowned king

Chapter 576 Come on!

Time goes back to May 18, 101 in the Saint's Calendar, the day after the advance army arrived at Black Reef Port...

In the Storm Division headquarters, Miss Thalia August Rune sat upright with a bright smile. Her already slender body looked even more petite against the slightly larger armchair, like a doll in gorgeous clothes.

Surrounding the long table, the room was full of people, but no one dared to raise their head, let alone whisper to each other. Under the slightly depressing atmosphere, everyone was silent, nervously waiting for something.

On both sides of the long table in front of the girl, three chairs were vacant - in addition to a certain commander-in-chief and the "extremely honored" commander-in-chief of the advance army, the grenadier regiment commander Fafa was arranged to build a logistics base in Winter Torch City. Bian was also "unfortunately" absent, and only Deputy Chief of Staff Carl Bain and some officers were present.

In the quiet conference room, there was only the rustling sound of the little secretary in the corner taking minutes.

So, how did things get so troublesome?

Sighing secretly, Karl thought involuntarily.

Originally, according to the Storm Division's planned plan, the army was divided into two, except for the advance army. One force advanced with light equipment and approached Black Reef Port. The rest of the main force carried a large amount of baggage and went to Red Hand Bay first. After joining the Confederate army, they rushed to Black Reef Port. .

This was originally a seemingly perfect plan: first stabilize the situation in Black Reef Port, then send reinforcements to force the empire to dare not act rashly, and finally the main force arrived to fight with the empire's counter-rebellion forces outside the city to determine the ownership of the new world.

But just when everyone thought everything was normal, the cavalry company that followed Anson suddenly returned and brought back two crucial pieces of information:

First, they got lost with the Commander-in-Chief due to various reasons on the way - mainly because the road led by Segren was very problematic; second, when they arrived at Black Reef Port, the entire city had been surrounded by the Imperial Army. , and it seems to have lasted for more than ten days!

So this gave rise to two new questions: Should we rescue the Black Reef Port that was about to fall, and where did the Commander-in-Chief go?

What if after rescuing them, Black Reef Port happened to be captured when they finally arrived after all the hard work?

Don’t want to save? It would be great fun if the advance army had entered Black Reef Port and allowed the Empire to capture the Commander-in-Chief alive.

Based on Carl's understanding of Anson, he doesn't think that this guy who is afraid of death can be easily captured alive by the opponent; but if Anson has really entered the Black Reef Port and is preparing to defend it, he will not be surprised at all.

This made the officers very entangled. Of course they did not dare to watch the commander-in-chief being captured alive, but if things went against their wishes, the Storm Division would have to pay at least one-fifth or even one-fourth of the casualties.

The Storm Division had seen the strength of the Imperial Cavalry when they were in Hantu... It would be impossible to escape their pursuit without leaving hundreds of corpses behind.

"Gentlemen, I have just one question."

In the dead silent conference room, Talia's gentle words sounded faintly:

"How are you going to rescue Black Reef Port?"

The officers looked at each other, and there was a hint of embarrassment in the dead silence.

"Uh, dear Miss Thalia Rune, you may not understand that this is not what happened. It..."

"Yeah, I don't understand."

Before the officer could quibble, Talia interrupted "gently":

"Thalia August Rune is just an ordinary girl, not an outstanding military expert like you, so I don't need you to explain the process to me, I just want the result."

"Your Excellency Carl Bain." The girl looked sideways and whispered softly: "You are Anson's adjutant and his most trusted person. The situation is urgent now. Do you have any plans?"


Karl, who was suddenly "demoted" from chief of staff to adjutant, was stunned for a moment. Feeling the girl's burning gaze and the vague sight behind her, he suddenly wanted to curse.

"Actually, we are very close to Black Reef Port. Even if we march normally, we only have four or five days left." Adjutant Carl crossed his fingers nervously and rubbed them back and forth:

"So if we abandon the baggage and march forcefully with only a small amount of supplies, it is not impossible to arrive at Black Reef Port within three days... But! But if the city has fallen or cannot break through the enemy's siege position, we are likely to meeting……"

Just when Karl was hesitating about how to say the word "annihilated" as euphemistically as possible, the cavalry company commander guarding the door suddenly rushed into the conference room, looking anxious.

"Lieutenant Jason Fruhauf, didn't I tell you to..."

"New information sent from Red Hand Bay!"

Before the officers on both sides could stand up to stop them, the cavalry company commander suddenly stopped: "A few days ago, a small Clovis army with an unknown number attacked a smuggling camp outside the city and took control of four privateers in the camp. Smuggling ship, destination unknown!”

Thalia opened her eyes and remained silent.

"Repeat, this is the latest information sent from Red Hand Bay: a small group of Clovis troops attacked the smuggling camp outside the city and hijacked the ship, but their whereabouts are unknown!"

Seeing that everyone still looked confused, the out-of-breath cavalry company commander gritted his teeth and loudly said: "They...have gone to unknown places!"

Um? !

The officers, who didn't know what they were called just now, all opened their eyes wide and leaned back.

Carl Bain sighed secretly and rolled his eyes in his heart.

"Send the order - the entire army must assemble, abandon all baggage, each company only carries three days' worth of supplies and a base amount of ammunition, and rush to Black Reef Port!"


The officers stood up in perfect agreement without any hesitation.

What does it mean that the commander-in-chief successfully arrived at Black Reef Port, which is still under siege? It shows that the situation has stabilized, the empire's siege has been exhausted, and it can't even stop a small force.

This battle can be won!


"Win? Why do I feel like we're going to hell?!"

On the defensive line on the west side of Black Reef Port, which was filled with smoke, Lieutenant Colonel Alexey held his left shoulder and looked up to the sky and sighed, his expression as desperate as possible.

Opposite him, the imperial line infantry who had withdrawn from the eastern front and were treated as "cannon fodder" seemed to be on stimulants, constantly attacking their carefully constructed second line of defense; more than 2,000 Black Reef Port defenders The soldiers shivered and huddled in the trench fortifications, struggling under the waves of attacks from the opposite side.

As a "young standing army" that has just turned one year old since its establishment, the Storm Division is actually not very good at defensive operations - with a commander-in-chief like Anson Bach who is fond of "exploring imaginations", rapid transition and flexible interspersion are required. The skills are basically full.

Therefore, this defensive position, which had high hopes and took three days to complete, was actually a "reproduction" of Major General Ludwig's battle against the Iser Guards led by Louis Bernard in Eagle Point City, and was used to delay Peripheral position of attack speed.

There is a little problem here: the Black Reef Port militia is not Ludwig's Southern Legion, and the counter-rebellion army opposite is not the Yser Elves.

Facing the murderous offensive of the counter-rebellion army, the Black Reef Port militiamen are also trying their best to fight, but their consciousness is simply more rigid than that of the Hantu army. Often, as soon as a certain position is breached, the surrounding troops abandon their defense lines and swarm forward. Taking the initiative to make dumplings by the enemy.

However, when the terrain is narrow and there are only a dozen or dozens of people fighting, the Black Reef Port militia can often display good combat effectiveness, and even temporarily repel the opponent's offensive... although it is still difficult to escape being outflanked, divided, and annihilated. end.

But more often than not, they are like a bunch of headless flies. They don’t know what to do other than standing still, firing volleys and bayonets, and fighting the oncoming enemies to the death... Often, as soon as the orderlies set out, they see the officers already there. He led a dozen people to the forefront, but the order could not be passed on at all.

Half an hour into the battle, Alexei discovered that he had been transformed from a half-division commander to a company commander—except for the surrounding positions and the dozens of "instructors" he had brought over, he could not command anyone.

Seeing that the defensive position he had placed high hopes on was easily torn apart like paper, Alexei's current mood was not even despair. He seriously suspected that he had been deceived by the commander-in-chief as a tool again.

In front of him, one-third of the frontal position has gradually fallen, and the golden fleur-de-lis flag has been planted; the two wings are also in danger, and they are rushing towards the communication trench where he is, with lead bullets flying above his head. go……

However, even if the battle situation deteriorates, Alexey still holds a trump card in his hand that can restore the disadvantage and even turn defeat into victory.

Those are four twelve-pound naval guns ambushed on both sides of the Western Front position!

The reason why the number and quality of artillery are obviously inferior to those of the Empire is because for Black Reef Port, which does not have excellent artillery at all - Lisa is not included -, artillery coverage can only be used once, and as long as it is exposed, it will be in the second place. It was knocked down by Imperial artillery for a while.

In order not to be destroyed by the group, they had to spread out and wait until the most critical moment to unleash the power of these war machines.

Alexey felt that now was the most critical time.

"Send the order, send a signal to Deputy Company Commander Alis!"

Looking at the outer positions that had been completely lost and the defenders of Black Reef Port showing signs of disintegration, Alexey decisively turned his head and shouted to the adjutant behind him:

"Ten minutes! Tell him that in ten minutes, launch an artillery bombardment on the front of the battlefield - don't worry about anything, just give me as many shells as you can!"

"Just hit as many as you have..."

The adjutant repeated the order naturally, and then looked startled: "But those shells are used to block the attack point when the enemy's follow-up troops attack. If they are used now..."

"Use it now!"

Alexey was so angry that he was going crazy... and blocked some points? If we continue to fight like this, the entire defense line will be penetrated!

Opening fire now can also deter the enemy's offensive, and even if it is forced to delay, it can at least delay the enemy's next round of attack. As for what to do with the enemy's follow-up troop support, it is better to hold on until then and then think about it.

The adjutant who received the order did not dare to delay, and immediately turned around and ran towards the artillery position.

Ten minutes later, the four heavy artillery pieces that had repeatedly confirmed the order began to fire at the western front positions from the bunkers on both wings at the same time; dozens of artillery shells streaked through the sky one after another, and landed on the land where golden iris flowers were blooming.

The sudden artillery fire temporarily extinguished the desire for revenge of the three imperial infantry regiments, and they had to postpone the offensive and hide in the trench fortifications. Seeing this, the defenders of Black Reef Port couldn't wait for Alexei's order and couldn't wait to launch a full-scale counterattack.

The deafening artillery fire was not only visible on the western front, but also on the northern battlefield. Councilor Pushwood, who was frightened by the roar of the guns, could not wait to dig out the artillery completely, and fled to the parliament without stopping, sending the four Thousands of engineers and artillery waiting to be destroyed were thrown in place.

On the other side, after confirming that the advance army was still entangled with the vassal soldiers and that the fort had been knocked out, Sir Sado decisively sent an infantry regiment to launch a probing attack on the northern defense line of Black Reef Port, preparing to seize the opportunity before Bernard The main force on the west side led by Morwes attacked Black Reef Harbor.

"This movement... Alexei seems to be unable to hold on any longer."

Looking at the continuous artillery fire in the distance, Anson, who hit the vassal soldier in the chest with one shot, muttered to himself, put down Leopold who had run out of ammunition, and took out the "Dagger" revolver from his arms.


Lisa, who was startled, raised her head suddenly, and her scalp was almost scratched by a stray bullet: "Alexei...Is Alexey about to die?"

She doesn't care much about this - or in other words, no one cares about it except Anson's life and death - but the other party has the mission to defend Black Reef Port. If they are killed... the failure of the advance army to guard Black Reef Port is Xiao, her "perfect plan" ", Anson will definitely be very sad if he fails!

"Well, that shouldn't be enough, but he's definitely in danger now."

Anson was stunned for a moment, his mouth twitched slightly, and he looked at the girl seriously: "So we have to help Alexei and share some of the frontal pressure with him - to divert the enemy's attention to us."

"Yeah!" Lisa nodded vigorously, and then came the most crucial question:

"What should we do, let Lisa also go to the Western Front?"

"No, that's not necessary." Anson raised the corner of his mouth slightly:

"We just have to attack."


"Yes, attack directly from here and rush to the enemy's siege position on the western front. This way all the enemy's attention will be diverted to us."

This plan that sounded impeccable at first, but actually seemed like a death plan, did not arouse any suspicion in Lisa. Holding her beloved shotgun, the girl jumped out of the ditch without waiting for Anson's next words:



The childish shouts were like the starting gun on the field. More than two hundred soldiers from the guard company scattered across the entire front burst out a neat war cry at the same time. They seemed to be possessed by the stunned comrades around them, and they shot straight from the middle of the defense line. Got out.

It took more than ten seconds for the soldiers of the advance army who were looking at each other to finally react. They saw Anson calmly raising the King of Clovis flag and waving it forward:

"Target the main offensive position on the western front, and the column attack formation!"

"Advance Army—charge!"

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