I will be crowned king

Chapter 579 Keeping Promises

While Anson and the Stormtroopers were immersed in the "happy troubles" after victory, Bernard Molwes, who still didn't know who he was defeated by, was leading a group of defeated soldiers to retreat along the established route.

There is actually a certain ambiguity in saying this, because since the launch of the attack on Black Reef Port, this elite division has not considered "retreating", so naturally there is no so-called "retreat route".

According to the original "script" of the Colonial Secretary, it would take him about ten to twenty days to capture Black Reef Port. This was not only because of the opponent's tenacious resistance, but also to use the siege to increase his control over the army. By the way, Establish a complete logistics chain.

If you want to use these two as a criterion, the siege of Bernard of Black Reef Port not only did not fail, it can even be said to be very successful - more than half of the originally alienated counter-rebellion army has surrendered, the logistics supply line has been successfully completed, and the smooth roads and The large and small transfer warehouses along the way are enough to support the normal march of an army of 5,000 people from Sail City to Black Reef Port.

As for Sir Sado, the commander of the cuirassier battalion who "escaped from the battle" and the two infantry regiments he abducted... Unless they plan to become bandits and fugitives wanted by the empire, and are deprived of their titles and all privileges, they can still only be obedient. He took the initiative to come to the door and knelt down to the minister in charge to beg for mercy.

It only took half a month to complete what would normally take several months. Bernard before would have been driven crazy with excitement.

But now he couldn't laugh at all.

Along the road that he spent countless efforts to repair and smooth, the colonial minister, who was covered in dust, held a saber and walked breathlessly on foot among this team that was ten thousand times more sloppy than him.

The soldiers around him all had numb expressions, dull eyes, and hard-to-conceal looks of hunger and exhaustion on their faces; except for mechanically moving forward, even breathing seemed superfluous.

In order to retreat as quickly as possible to avoid being overtaken by Clovis's pursuers, Bernard had to abandon most of his baggage and use his only energy to transport cannons and ammunition - in a new world with almost zero industrial power. , their value is even more than that of well-trained soldiers.

However, even if all the baggage was allocated to munitions, the few supplies still needed to maintain most of the hussar regiment; in order to save the physical strength of the war horses, no one except the cavalry with reconnaissance missions was allowed to march on horseback, and no one was allowed to march on horseback. The brigadier general's equipment is carried on the saddle.

In this regard, Bernard even set an example by "giving" his mount to the commander of the hussars who did not betray him, which greatly won over the military morale of the hussars who were originally aloof.

So the hungry hussars could only carry a full set of equipment on their backs and walk among the queues with their light "partners". From time to time, they took out eggs, apples and carrots and swallowed their saliva under the gaze of countless pairs of green eyes. Stuff it into the mouth of the war horse.

Although they were also extremely hungry, the cavalry were still alert to their "comrades" around them... There were already many guys who were so hungry that they were about to lose their consciousness, trying to steal precious feed, and even pay attention to the horses.

If the road underfoot had not been smooth and the Gray Pigeon Castle was already in sight, even if the soldiers had not mutinied, these precious camel beasts and mounts would have been lost long ago.

"Lord Bernard!"

Suddenly, a tired but very loud voice sounded in the queue, breaking the numb silence: "Good news, the scout reported that a small colonial settlement was discovered less than two kilometers from the front of the team! "

As soon as he finished speaking, the soldiers who were still marching mechanically stopped in a tacit understanding, and they all stared at the figure of the Minister in Charge out of the corners of their eyes.

Bernard, who frowned slightly, had a flash of helplessness in his eyes, but he quickly returned to normal and looked at the ecstatic messenger:

"Tell me clearly, what did the messenger see?"

"A colonial settlement!"

"Just a colonial settlement?"


The herald suddenly froze, his expression showing a confused application.

"I'm asking you, what did the scout see?"

Bernard suddenly became impatient and shouted loudly in an emphasis: "What did they find?"

"A settlement was discovered - not from the indigenous people, but from the colonists!"

"I know it is a settlement of colonists. Let me ask you again. Is it just a settlement? Is it just a settlement...?!"

"That's really just a..."

The words stopped abruptly.

The herald, with his mouth wide open and his eyes widened, took a breath, quickly turned over and dismounted as if he suddenly changed, and quickly stepped forward to give a military salute to the minister in charge:

"Report to the Minister General, the scouts found a small fortress controlled by liberals two kilometers ahead, disguised as an ordinary colonial settlement - please give instructions!"

"I don't have any instructions!"

Secretly relieved, Bernard said sternly: "But since it is the base of the liberal traitors, it proves that in addition to this fortress, there must be a large number of strongholds controlled by them nearby; for the prosperity and stability of the empire, they must be eliminated! "

"But until then, warriors of the Empire—onward!"

"go ahead--!!!!"

In the endless wilderness, the cheers of joy flowed like a torrent.


Black Reef Port, temporary headquarters.

Thalia finally relented.

When Anson finished all the food on the plate with "still unfinished" thoughts and was "looking forward" to the remaining four dishes with trepidation, he got a surprise that he didn't expect:

The fresh and tender roasted venison and butter-fried potato chips exuding a faint charred aroma, paired with delicious truffle sauce, are not only filling but also appetizing.

Two pieces of colonial-style egg and potato pancakes, an attractive red cabbage soup, refreshing pickled cabbage and pickled cucumber slices, soft and sweet pumpkin with date paste... simple, warm, and real.

The dessert after the meal was a rectangular piece of rum cake, which was arranged in the shape of a "primitive ring" with a red sour wild fruit native to Black Reef Port.

Anson was extremely moved by this unexpected joy. While eating, the corners of his eyes became much moister, and his longing and belief in the Three Old Gods became stronger.

Of course, this does not affect the fact that he is also a devout believer in the Circle of Order - faith is like clothes to him, each piece needs to be cherished and cared for; worn when needed, put away in the closet when no longer needed inside.

At half past ten, after enjoying the delicious meal and letting Lisa sleep peacefully, she lit a kerosene lamp and sat down at the table in front of the window outside Anson's bedroom; Thalia on the side silently stepped forward and put down half a lamp next to the lamp. Cup of dark rum.

The dim light left a deep long shadow on the cup, which swayed slightly with the moonlight in the cup.

Taking advantage of the rare leisure time, the two of them chatted about what they had encountered after separation, like a real unmarried couple. Anson briefly talked about why he suddenly went south, and how he met the loyal Alexei. With help, he took control of the Black Reef Harbor Council and the army.

The information shared by Thalia, who was at the rear, was obviously more interesting... Probably because the attack on Winter torch and the information brought back by the refugees from Black Reef Port stimulated some guys in the Confederacy who did not originally plan to form a coalition. The process went extremely smoothly, far beyond expectations.

In particular, Changhu Town, which had been the most rebellious before, assembled 3,600 fully armed young laborers and rushed to Red Hand Bay - this was after being looted by the Storm Division - the commander was the one who had been with Fabian before. Joseph, the militia leader who worked with him.

Even Winter Torch City, which was severely damaged during the attack, gritted its teeth and assembled two thousand militiamen. These people were of different ages, but without exception, they had all participated in the colonial activities of exploring the north, and they were all experienced adventurers. By.

As the host, Red Hand Bay has gathered 6,000 young and strong laborers. Although only half of them are armed, it is very rare to have an additional 600 riders. The remaining people are almost all excellent porters, coachmen, and even They all know a little bit about civil engineering, and their level is no less than that of professional engineers.

Not only that, Bishop Riper, who is a member of the League of Promise Keepers, also made a special trip to Red Hand Bay to hold a "blessing" ceremony for the army.

Tens of thousands of people at the scene, including senior leaders of the Confederacy and representatives of various autonomous parliaments, publicly expressed their intention to join the alliance and continue to grow this religious organization that has been secretly controlled by the Rune family.

Polina, the leader of Gray Pigeon Castle who was "strongly supported" by Anson, knelt down directly at the blessing scene, and declared loudly and sobbing that the empire and the church were the "nightmare" of the new world, and that the Universal Sect was the only one that could save the new world and save the world. The spiritual support for thousands of colonists and new immigrants in the sea of ​​suffering.

The Universal Sect, the Declaration of Resistance, and the Supreme Council—in her passionate cries, these three are the three pillars that maintain the existence of the Confederacy. Only one person can firmly establish them for the currently weak Confederacy.

Yes, that person is Anson Bach.

When Thalia said this meaningfully, Anson, who was pretending to be calm, couldn't help but shudder.

That's not the most important thing... Reinhard Roland, the representative of the Northern Chamber of Commerce who was supposed to visit factories and mines in Beluga Port, also appeared in Red Hand Bay for some unknown reason.

Not only did this representative have no anger towards the "traitor" Free Confederacy who was fighting against the Empire, he also showed great interest - especially when he discovered that the Red Hand Bay militiamen actually had a Leyden rifle. This interest became even stronger.

"You mean...he really wants to know when we are going to attack Yangsai City?"

Taking a sip of dark rum, Anson asked with interest.

"That's right."

The girl nodded slightly, her pupils reflecting the corners of his raised mouth:

"Informants from the newspaper and the League of Promise Keepers told me that he has taken the initiative or guidance more than once and wants to know the specific time of our attack on Sailing City, and he very much hopes to see you...my dear Anson before then."

"Meet me? Doesn't he still know who the real person in charge of Beluga Harbor is?"

"No, Thalia thinks he should know very well who the real person in charge of Beluga Port...and even the entire Ice Dragon Fjord is." The girl smiled meaningfully:

"So he very much hopes to meet before Anson attacks Sailing City to discuss matters regarding the Coal Bank, especially the proportion of shares held by the Northern Chamber of Commerce in it."

"Out of trust in Anson, Thalia has notified him in advance to leave, and rushed to Black Reef Port with the Confederate Legion... Anson won't blame Thalia for not notifying him in advance, right?"

"No, absolutely not!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Anson immediately smiled and waved his hand, with a very relaxed and casual tone: "That's just right. It saves us having to go all the way back to Beluga Port to discuss bank shares and investments with him."

"Really?" The girl narrowed her eyes slightly, but her smile remained:

"Don't you think Thalia is causing trouble?"

"Of course not!"

Anson emphasized again, straightened his clothes and sat upright, saying that he was serious: "Because from the beginning, I never considered attacking Yangfan City."


The girl was really stunned at this time and blinked her eyes in surprise: "Ansen...don't plan to attack Yangfan City?"

"That's right, uh... to be more precise, I may try to attack Gray Pigeon Castle, but if the other party is well prepared, I don't intend to storm that inland fortress."

Anson took out his pipe from his pocket, "pop!" with his right hand and lit a [Gathering Flame] cigarette, and took a deep breath:

"As for Sailing City...whether it is a fortress or a large city, it is a target that requires gathering at least 20,000 soldiers and four warships to launch a blockade from both sea and land at the same time. It takes more than half a year to conquer the target."

"Of course, this is just a normal situation - similar to the Royal Court of the Yser Elf, the Eagle Horn City and the Iron Bell Castle in Hantu, they are all under extremely special circumstances and meet countless prerequisites. It fell in a relatively short period of time.”

"In addition, the liberals in Sailing City have long been wiped out, and there is no target for instigating rebellion on the battlefield; with the preparedness of the Confederacy and the poor infrastructure construction of the New World, there is no way to conquer such a large city with heavy garrison. Ability."

In this regard, Anson and Bernard's views are highly consistent, that is, unless there are local reinforcements, the New World's army will simply not have the ability to siege large fortresses and long-distance expeditions, nor can it afford the price.

But what Bernard didn't expect was that Anson would really risk the annihilation of half of the Storm Division and his own capture in order to hold the bridgehead of Black Reef Harbor - until the advance army occupied the gap in the position, he would not hesitate to risk it. Think of this as a way for the Clovis people to win over people.

"But in Anson's plan, isn't it necessary to end the battle before winter and completely drive the empire's forces out of the new world?" Thalia couldn't help but ask:

"If we don't capture Yangfan City, how can we implement this plan?"

"It's very simple, just let them attack you." The curve of Anson's mouth became more and more obvious:

"The fall of Sailing City has entered a countdown - well, if some guys keep their promises."

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