I will be crowned king

Chapter 583 The clown is actually

Chapter 583 The clown is...

Rebellion? !

Hearing this word, Louis' pupils suddenly shrank.

He could be sure that the "captive" in front of him was not lying, and the other party's judgment was not an unreasonable guess, but this brought up a problem:

Why did the forces of Sailing City, which relied on the imperial army to ensure peace and cooperated happily with Bernard Morwes, betray and cooperate with a group of criminals wanted by the mainland and the Church of Order?

It is impossible for them not to understand what the Sailing City means to the empire, and even to the Bernard and Roland families - if they only lose the colony east of Black Reef Port, it is still acceptable.

But if Sailing City, which has been operating for many years and is one of the most important nodes in the entire northern trade network, is also lost, the imperial fleet will completely lose its only foothold in the New World, and the control of the Turbulent Sea will be limited to the southwest periphery. The world's navy was downgraded to a "regional" fleet like Clovis's.

They took advantage of the departure of the imperial army to start a rebellion, but Bernard had not been defeated...well, even assuming that they fought a bloody battle with the rebel colony and the Clovis army in Black Reef Port, and suffered heavy casualties and were defeated.

Considering the combat effectiveness shown by the Sail City militia before, even if Bernard only has 2,000 men left, it is not completely impossible to conquer Sail City - the rebel forces in the city are not the mainstream after all, and it is obvious that there are still a large number of imperial supporters.

And...the Faithless Knights?

Who gave these people the courage to think that the Church of Order and the Knights of Judgment would not cross the turbulent sea just to hunt down some self-exposed Old God organizations?

Aren’t the lessons and fate of the Thirteen Elf Council of Yser not profound enough for them?

The young knight couldn't figure out why these guys would make an almost suicidal move - even if the conspiracy was successful, destruction would only be a matter of time for them.

"Um...if you can, can you listen to my advice?"

Just when Louis was thinking hard, the attacker, who still had the knife on his neck, carefully considered:

"Given the current situation between you and the Iser elf lady, instead of considering whether Sailing City and the Faithless Knights can successfully rebel, it is better to consider some more realistic things - such as leaving here."


"Yes, this church is no longer safe for you anyway. Even if you two can stay here for a while, there will still be countless guys like me appearing overtly or covertly."

He held up the top hat that drooped on his head and shrugged: "Of course, I know that you two are not ordinary people. Ordinary mercenaries cannot pose any threat to you at all - since there is no extra plan, there will be no It’s necessary to continue to stay here.”

"You said it yourself, and you don't intend to get involved in any disputes anymore, and you don't even care who the ruler of Sailing City is. In that case, what else do you have to miss about this city? Why don't you leave quickly before trouble comes to your door? "

Facing the attacker's rhetorical questions, the young knight fell into confusion.

Yeah, why not?

The purpose of himself and Freya leaving the Old Continent was to avoid disputes. If chaos was inevitable, there was no point in staying any longer.

"What about you?"

After a brief trance, Louis, who quickly regained his composure, stared at the attacker in front of him again: "You, who were entrusted with a surveillance mission by the Faithless Knights, can you just let me go?"

The attacker's face froze, and he smiled helplessly: "To be honest... no."

"But now I am your prisoner. Even if I am not, with my strength, if you and the elf lady really want to leave, there is nothing I can do to stop you - anyway, my mission tonight is destined to be... If I fail, I might as well give you a good reason to let me live."

Such a frank answer was quite to the young knight's liking, although he always had a vague feeling that the other party was not completely telling the truth.

But it doesn't matter. Friends don't necessarily have to be absolutely honest with each other, just like they didn't tell Arthur and... about coming to the new world.

"I accept your suggestion."

The young knight who made up his mind looked at the other party solemnly and said: "Half an hour...I will leave the chapel with her in half an hour, and then give you your freedom."

"I suggest you go to Red Hand Bay!" the attacker said impatiently:

"Although it is already a rebel colony and is very close to the territory of the Clovis people, sometimes the more dangerous place is the safer place - and every year from August to October, there are several ships bound for Edland there. If you set off now, you can definitely catch up with the merchant ship!"

"...Thank you."

The young knight, who didn't know what to say, just smiled reluctantly.

Louis, who had made up his mind, did not delay at all, or even make any unnecessary preparations - half an hour later, the elf girl still wearing a nun's uniform walked out of the church with a small bag and appeared in the sight of the two.

Obviously, from the beginning to now, she knew exactly what happened outside the chapel; if the person who had just touched her hand was not Louis, the situation would probably be different.

But now... the elf girl just stood obediently behind the young knight, silently showing him a meaningful smile.

The attacker is creepy!

He was so frightened that he couldn't move. He stood there blankly, watching the backs of the two people motionlessly until they disappeared into the rainy night, until...

I can no longer feel their breath.

Horrible, really terrible.

Among the three major magics, the casters who follow the King of Dark Magic are the most sensitive to breath and the most discerning. But when the blade is placed on his neck, the attacker finally realizes what a fatal mistake he has made. .

No matter the petite elf girl or the seemingly gentle young knight, the terrifying oppression feels like a ferocious beast wearing human skin... It can eat itself alive at any time if it wants to.

Even though he could no longer feel the other person's breath, he couldn't help but shiver all over and subconsciously wanted to kneel to the ground.

The biting rain penetrated his clothes, and the shivering attacker felt as if an electric current was piercing from the top of his skull to the soles of his feet.

Resisting the urge to kneel down, he walked quickly through the long alley and entered the empty chapel.

In the empty corridor, all the doors were kept open; the elf girl in a hurry even forgot to extinguish the fire in the restaurant, and the tempting aroma of stew could be smelled everywhere.

With the help of previous long-term surveillance of the chapel, the attacker found his target in the darkness based on memory.


Holding on to the brim of his hat, the corners of the attacker's mouth slightly raised with pride... That's right, no matter the previous surveillance, fighting, fighting or persuasion, there was only one purpose - to get the two of them to leave the chapel on their own initiative!

Only in this way can the "competitors" hiding in the dark shift their targets away from the church, and gain this short moment so that they can enter this room openly!

Everyone thought that the "treasure" was the "pure blood" of the Iser elf spellcaster... Strictly speaking, this was correct, but the price to get it was too high. Not only did it have to be fought with a suspected fifth-level conjurer, The enemy must also be on guard against a powerful genius and the even more terrifying Bernard family behind him.

Even if the whole process goes smoothly, and the elf caster's head is sold for a good price and the person is "pardoned" by the Church of Order, he still has to be prepared to face the crazy pursuit and assassination of the Bernard family, which is simply not worth the gain.

In comparison, the other "treasure" is much safer.

Walking into the study, the attacker seemed to have been here countless times; he skillfully pushed open the desk, easily pulled out the third drawer, took off the key stuck on the back, then walked to the bookcase and arranged it according to the bookshelves. I successfully found the correct number of layers, pushed open the mezzanine, and found the secret compartment hidden inside...

Already opened by...? !

It was opened!

The attacker's eyes widened, staring at the panel that had been violently pried open and the empty secret compartment, and he froze in place.

After a long time, he finally understood what happened, his throat twitched, and he murmured in a low voice:

"It turns out that I was the fool who was fooled..."


In the center of Black Reef Port, Cavalry Lieutenant Jason, who was running wildly with a letter in hand, dismounted from his horse in front of the square and hurriedly rushed into the gate of the Parliament.

Although the imperial army has been temporarily repulsed, on the grounds that "the enemy's strength has not been damaged and may come back at any time", the advance army still forcibly commandeered the Parliament as a temporary headquarters and remotely commanded the Black Reef Port defenders to repair the city defenses and defenses as soon as possible. port, preparing for the arrival of the main force of the Storm Division and the Confederate Army.

The Black Reef Port Council, which dared not speak out about this, could only swallow its anger, and even actively expressed its willingness to cooperate and maintain a "high degree of consistency" with the advance army.

In fact, it doesn't matter even if they don't cooperate. The "night of riots" and the escape of Pushwood and a group of congressmen have caused the people of Black Reef Port to completely lose trust in the parliament and would rather accept the rule of a group of Clovis people. Willing to be ordered around by them again.

In the words of Carl Bain, as long as King Clovis' flag is not raised in the city, Black Reef Port is even willing to give up the position of Speaker to him, the commander-in-chief of the Storm Division.

Of course, this result is quite unfair to the Black Reef Port Council - they had resisted for more than half a month and consumed countless energy of the imperial army. The final victory of the advance army was actually suspected of picking peaches.

But war is like this, and a coward who surrenders and runs away is a coward. No one will remember how long he risked his life in fighting.

As for the officers of the Black Reef Port garrison...as long as they don't want the truth of the "Night of Riots" to be exposed and become the street rats of the Autonomous Council that everyone is shouting to beat, they must cooperate with Anson who is holding the handle. There is no second chance. Two options.


Pushing open the door to the conference room, the cavalry lieutenant who stopped in front of the door saluted and shouted:

"Report, news from frontline scouts - the whereabouts of the retreating imperial army have been discovered!"

Anson, who was staring at the map just now, raised his head and looked at Karl, then looked in the direction of the door: "How is the situation?"

"The retreating enemy troops are divided into two groups. The smaller group has already marched towards Sailing City. The main force, led by Bernard Morweis, is heading for Gray Pigeon Castle!"

Lieutenant Jason Fruhauf paused, took a deep breath and said loudly: "They marched very quickly, without any of the problems that would occur when a general army retreats. Their organization is still good, and their combat effectiveness is strong."

So the control of the army is still in Bernard's hands, which is good or bad... Anson nodded slightly, and then asked with a little curiosity: "Then how did our scouts discover them?"

"Oh, because they took the initiative to stop marching, looted and massacred multiple colonies around Gray Pigeon Castle." The cavalry lieutenant said truthfully.



Anson and Karl said almost in unison, and then looked at each other in confusion.

"So now Bernard Morweis's supplies are severely lacking, and it has reached the point where he needs to plunder his own people to maintain the morale of his army."

The adjutant was the first to react: "If nothing else, the loyalists in Gray Pigeon Castle will probably be killed... Is this good news or bad news?"

"Good...bad news, absolutely bad news!" Anson made a quick decision:

"With 120,000 hearts, we pay tribute to and remember these innocent people who died tragically at the hands of the empire; their blood will not be shed in vain, and the liberals of Gray Pigeon Castle will restore the glory of this land!"

"When you express your pain, can you restrain it a little bit?"

Pointing to the corner of the other party's mouth that was about to grin below the ears, Carl Bain's brows twitched: "I have no objection to supporting Miss Polina who always wants to do evil things to you, but if Bernard really puts Ash Pigeon Fortress has been massacred, and the entire city has become a complete fortress. How do you plan to take it down?"

"So we must not give him this kind of opportunity... Well, at least we can't let him succeed too easily." Anson smiled meaningfully:

"Let the Storm Division prepare to set off, establish a forward base in the area near Gray Pigeon Castle, and assume a posture of besieging Gray Pigeon Castle, but do not actually besiege it."

Although this cannot change the outcome of Gray Pigeon Castle, it can at least delay Bernard's entire action and force him to spend a lot of energy to guard against the surprise attack of the Storm Division.

After all, he has miscalculated once, and he should not be as confident as he was at Black Reef Port; of course, the premise is that he cannot get support from the direction of Sail City - if he can mobilize several thousand more militiamen, he should run away with the bucket. It’s the Stormcaster.

Therefore, the movements of Sailing City will become the key to the battle of Gray Pigeon Castle.

"Where is the smaller part now?"

"The specific information has not been sent yet, but it is expected that we will be able to arrive at Sailing City in one day." The cavalry lieutenant paused, and then said in an unconvincing tone:

"But... regarding their situation, there is information whose credibility is very questionable."

"What information?"

"That army may have rebelled!"

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