I will be crowned king

Chapter 589 Bad guys


Along with the slowly rising giant golden-red fireball, there was another huge roar from the Sailing City under the rain.

In the center of the already ruined city, the mist around the elf girl standing on the top of the tower turned into burning flames. Even part of her body had begun to burn, but her limbs were still vaguely in shape.

From a distance, it looks like a lighthouse, blooming with gorgeous fireworks.

It's just that the "lighthouse" can not only illuminate the darkness and dispel the cold, but also drag anyone who dares to approach into the blazing hell, raining fire from the sky, making them disappear into smoke.

The evaporating water vapor formed large tracts of fog in the ruins. The attackers wielding strange weapons moved among the fog so fast that only vague afterimages were left behind.

Freya, who frowned slightly, glanced around, showing an expression of extreme disgust.

Although she has awakened the power of curse magic due to her bloodline, she can only use it at will based on instinct and preference; after all, these are as natural to her as eating and drinking, unlike some spellcasters, who only have a few range and operation systems. The magic will be exhausted.

As a member of the Ysel Elf royal family, Freya certainly could not have much combat experience; so the Faithless Knights, who quickly realized this, immediately began to launch targeted tactics - constantly roaming quickly, once locked. She quickly left the casting range and then made quick contact, while the other attackers harassed and attacked, making her always focus on one thing and not the other, unable to seize the opportunity to attack.

After many repetitions, the elf girl gradually lost her patience and became very irritable; the Faithless Knights, who were already disgusted, increasingly felt that they smelled like bed bugs from head to toe.


The golden-red fire exploded in the smoke, and a smoking figure managed to avoid it, running wildly outward among the ruins affected by the air waves, trying to escape from the elf girl's casting range.

Staring at the fast-moving back, the dagger in Freya's left hand once again shot out a pillar of golden-red fire, sweeping towards his head unstoppably.

Just when the pillar of fire was about to catch up, two figures appeared on the left and right sides behind the elf girl and were attacking her. Several more gunshots were heard intermittently in the ruins under the smoke.

"Damn it!"

The elf girl who clenched her teeth was forced to give up. She waved her left hand gently and spread out a wall of fire in front of her. There was a "sizzling" sound of dissolution, and several lead bullets disappeared into thin air.

Of course Freya wouldn't be afraid of ordinary gunpowder weapons. Apart from a slight pain, it couldn't cause her any substantial harm.

But this group of vicious reptiles imprinted all kinds of weird magic on the lead bullets: mind-reading, bewitchment, corrosion, disease, explosion... Even if they could be forcibly erased, the mere touch of it for a few seconds made her extremely sick.

Almost at the same time, the two faithless knights who sneaked up from behind her saw the rising wall of fire and decisively gave up the attack and scattered and retreated.


The golden red pillar of fire rose from the ground again. The moment it passed over the elf girl from the back, huge tongues of fire suddenly spurted out from both sides. Under the night sky, it looked like a torture rack for executing criminals.

The faithless knights on both sides who were trying to dodge were directly blown away by tongues of flames. Burnt black smoke emitted from their bodies fell towards the surrounding ruins... but they were also pushed out of the elf girl's casting range.

The elf girl looked at all this with disgust.

If... if the power of her attack just now was just a little stronger, if the casting range was expanded, not to mention the bugs in front of her, even those disgusting guys in the Governor's Mansion, she could easily wipe them out now. ,but……

"No." Forcibly holding back her burning hands, the elf girl's eyes were full of unwilling pain, and she murmured in a low voice: "The current power is already at its limit. If it continues to expand..."

"It will definitely attract the attention of 'them'...Louis...Sailing City...will be in danger..."

Clenching her teeth tightly, Freya's expression turned extremely ugly. The flames around her body were flickering between restless emotions and desperate suppression, flickering like candles fluttering in the wind.

In the eyes of the attackers, this is almost a signal that the tactics are effective.

Among the hazy ruins, several figures moved again, quickly approaching the tower where the girl was; at the same time, thunderous gunshots were heard again around them, and translucent bullet marks hit different parts of her body in an orderly manner!

At the moment when she was about to be penetrated, Freya opened her arms, and the wall of fire that rose again blocked the four cold guns; but in the next second, all the attackers were within ten steps, rushing towards her with unstoppable momentum. tower.

With their current position, as long as they open a wall of fire that covers a wide area or a beam of light that is ten times more powerful than before, she can even kill all the Faithless Knights in one go! but……


We can no longer continue to increase our strength!

Looking at the oncoming figure, the elf girl showed a hint of determination in her expression.


"...In other words, Freya Moses Field will put Sailing City, and even the entire west of the New World, in danger?"

In the secret room of the Black Reef Port Parliament, Anson Bach, who had driven away a certain "obstructive" adjutant, sat at the map table and looked at the girl in front of him with a slight frown: "I admit that she is very strong, but she shouldn't be. As for destroying the entire Sailing City?"

In this regard, Anson, who has had experience fighting against her, thinks he still has a little say; Freya is dangerous, but even on her most desperate night in the royal court, she is not an irrational madman, and It doesn't look like he has the power to destroy a city, or even an entire colony.

"No, dear Anson, your understanding is slightly off."

Thalia pursed her lips tightly, and there was a hint of worry in her slightly twitching brows: "It's not that it will put Sailing City in danger, but her existence itself is a danger."


"You should still remember what Thalia once mentioned to you, the difference between the Ysel Elf spellcasters and us True God believers, right?"


Anson nodded slightly: "We go through rituals, constantly passing through quantitative changes to qualitative changes, reaching the peak of evolution or destruction; while the Ysel elves are born with the power of the three old... true gods in their blood, and are just waiting for a special one. It’s time to wake up.”

"And their power is different from ours. Because they are born with it, they are already extraordinary before they understand the nature of magic." Thalia took over the topic:

"The factor that awakens the power of the Iser Elf is 'emotion', and the stronger this 'emotion' is, the stronger the power becomes!"

"Just like too strong emotions will devour the heart, the ever-expanding power will eventually devour them... All pure-blooded Iser elf spellcasters are extremely dangerous destructive factors, and they cannot truly control what they possess. the power of."

There was a hint of sadness in the girl's eyes: "Their power, just like their own existence, was originally a huge mistake; but now that this mistake has appeared in the new world, it is very likely to become the fire that ignites everything."

"You mean..."

"The Lord of the Abyss, and all the old god sects in the new world; if they cannot even accept the friendly Rune family, how will they face a hostile and extremely unstable Yser Elf? "Talia said silently:

"Even from the most conservative point of view, Freya Moses Field, who unleashed her power wantonly, can still maintain restraint. They will not sit idly by and ignore the Faithless Knights and the Crecy family who intend to seize the Sailing City."

"And if they misjudge Freya's power and continue to test and provoke, then..."

Anson was silent.

If he had known that Louis and Freya were in Sailing City, he would never have... No, even if he did not join forces with the Faithless Knights, the other party would definitely not let go of such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Everything was planned before arriving in the new world. It had already started before, and I just gave it a little push to speed up the process.

But this "little bit" of acceleration may wipe out the entire Sailing City, and even affect the still-infant Free Confederation and the Ice Dragon Fjord that has finally flourished.

There was silence in the dimly lit secret room, except for the sound of Anson puffing away at his pipe.

"Is there any way to stop them?"

For a long time, Anson looked at the girl helplessly and said: "Even if it is just to prevent the most dangerous situation from happening, or to avoid the destruction of Sailing City - although it is a city of the Empire, it is also a colony of the old world. Losing them will have a great impact on the future Confederacy. It will also be a huge weakening.”

The moment he got the information, he knew very well that there was nothing he could do. He could only watch things happen and wait for the results.

Asking Thalia for help is just trying to grasp the last straw.

But the girl just shook her head slightly, with a hint of helplessness in her calm eyes.

No, that's not the case.

Of course she had the means, and even had the absolute confidence to stop it...but that would mean leaving temporarily and exposing her whereabouts to some enemies hiding in the dark.

Anson... would be dangerous, very dangerous.

They were still afraid of the Luen family and themselves, so they did not dare to act rashly for the time being; even so, they still killed Ed Levent in front of their eyes and attacked the Luen mansion in Beluga Harbor.

They are still testing.

Only when my father completely resolves the issues in Clovis City and reaches the new world can he be completely guaranteed that he will not be in any danger and feel completely at ease.

Until then, one has to wait.


"So...are you ready to keep waiting?"

Phil Cressy's provocative words rang out in the empty corridors: "The enemy who defeated you time and time again has come back, and even hired the leader of the Faithless Knights, Order, in order to obtain the "Great Magic Book". I am a wanted criminal in the church - even if he knows you are in that chapel."

"Even tonight's rebellion is part of his plan - to plunge the Empire's most important base camp, Sailing City, into chaos, so that he can pursue the victory and defeat Bernard Maulweis at Black Reef Port, and let the man who resembles The puppet 'Free Confederacy' replaced the Empire's presence in the New World and became a vassal of the Clovis people."

"In order to win, he not only calculated every step accurately, but also resorted to every possible means. Do you think the so-called "Declaration of Resistance" was thought up by liberals? Do you think they would make compromises and compromises for no reason? Choosing rebellion and independence under local conditions, do you think..."

"I know!"

The eloquent voice suddenly stopped with an angry growl.

Louis, who had always remained silent, slowly raised his head, his eyes exuding murderous intent: "I know much better about him... than you."

"You think you can use these words to anger me and make me think that although you are an enemy, temporarily 'cooperating' with the enemy's enemy is not an entirely undesirable option. It may even be the optimal solution under certain circumstances."

"It's a pity that you are not the first to do this, or even the best at it."

The young knight suddenly smiled, and the corners of his lips raised coldly with a little sarcasm: "Let me give you some more advice. Talking too much will not make you appear sincere. If you want to deceive the enemy, you must first give him the "least bad" advice. ’ results, and then leave a few last resort options.”

"Pretended sincerity will never be goodwill that truly considers the enemy, and will only make people sick."

Phil Crecy's smile remained the same, but the air around him became much colder.

"If it were him, he would probably try his best to persuade me to stay away from this chaos, and would even be willing to make a certain degree of compromise, instead of repeatedly emphasizing how 'innocent' and 'helpless' he is." Louis said coldly:

"Even if you want to be a villain, please be a qualified villain - Phil Cressy, you look too naive compared to the 'real enemy' you call us!"

The young head of the Cressy family didn't say anything. He sighed, put the unfinished wine glass in his hand next to the door, and looked at Louis helplessly:

"So, you are going to kill me anyway and let this chaos continue...the negotiation breaks down?"

"On the contrary, it was very successful." The young knight shook his head slightly:

"You thought you were the only one stalling for time, but you didn't consider whether others had the same idea - there are no guards outside the Governor's Mansion, and now there are broken troops pouring in crazily everywhere outside. All the members you sent to monitor the rebels All of my subordinates have mobilized to stop these rebels... No..."

"You must have learned the truth, that you were being used by the Faithless Knights, and that the leader of the rebel liberal faction was under house arrest by you, defenders of Sail City!"

"Now, here, in this governor's mansion..."

"No one can stop me from killing you!"

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