I will be crowned king

Chapter 594 Governor of Sailing City

The reason for showing such confidence is, of course, not that Sadow is always convinced of his plans like a certain commander-in-chief.

Without adequate advance preparation and a large amount of intelligence support, he would never be so sure - just like he did on the night of the surprise attack on Black Reef Port and the subsequent "advance army breakout battle", he had planned an escape route before the attack and saw the situation. Unexpectedly, he decisively turned around, shocking both his enemies and his own people.

The advance army only discovered that the left wing was missing after they had all run away. Bernard and his main force were even worse. It was when the advance force fell and was about to be flanked by both sides that they finally realized that something was wrong and almost collapsed. .

Of course, if his "strategic determination" had lasted longer at that time, he would have discovered that the reinforcements arriving were a force that was exhausted and had no combat effectiveness... The most unlucky one might be the Storm Division.

However, just as there is no if in this world, Sir Sado, the commander of the cuirassier battalion, has no good impressions of this word that expresses hypothesis. Fame is nothing but false, and achievements are just medals, but living is real.

Then again, just like everyone who comes to the new world has his or her own story - if it were not for cherishing life too much and causing many comrades to pay a heavy price, this cuirassier leader who is experienced enough to serve as a division commander would also Not to appear in such a ghost place.

Before setting off, Sado had already reached a cooperation agreement with the liberals of Sailing City; of course, this was just an insurance policy. If the battle at Black Reef Port went smoothly, information about the liberals' attempted rebellion would "automatically" appear in Bernard On the desk of Germany's headquarters.

In order to avoid any surprises, his top soldiers had arrived outside the City of Sails one day in advance. After receiving the information that the rebellion had been successful, the liberals had taken control of the army and occupied the Governor's Mansion, Sir Sadow dared to arrive at his loyal City of Sails with such fanfare. .

Of course, the majestic imperial army cannot participate in shameful acts of rebellion, but in order to stabilize the situation after the incident, it is still consistent with chivalry to intervene in it - such as picking peaches - to mediate the conflicts between the two parties.

As for some innocuous details in the process, such as many loyalist members being exterminated by their entire families, and traces of Old God sect activities appearing at the scene of the rebellion, and other baseless rumors, the Imperial Army will definitely not believe them!

Even at this point, Sado was still fully prepared and had his troops set off at dawn; compared to all the forces in Yangfan City who fought all night, the energetic imperial army of more than 2,000 was almost decisive. strength.

It can be said that whichever side he is on at this moment will win without any doubt. Only this army can suppress the largest colonies and cities in the New World and prevent them from falling into a dark jungle state of cannibalism.

In Sado's judgment, even if the loyalists overturn at the last moment, or some forces bribed by the liberals suddenly rebel, he and his two thousand troops can still reverse the situation, which is in the best interest of them "rebels" way to end the battle.

It was this confidence that allowed him to dare to enter Sail City at this time when everything was settled, ready to clean up the mess.

But when he really figured out what happened, he realized that he had guessed correctly, but only a little bit...


"...Well, please allow me to sort out the causes and consequences of the whole thing."

In the messy Governor's Mansion, Sir Sado looked at the young knight and the elf girl in nun's uniform in front of him, with a confused look in his eyes mixed with a little tangle.

The two people in front of me were covered in wounds. They were holding a long knife with a handle that was about to break. There were revolvers and short-barreled shotguns on the left and right sides of their waists. There were also cold weapons in the shape of cards hidden in their trouser legs. They were completely from the bloody battle just now. What it looked like afterwards.

The other one was unscathed. From her long hair to the nun's uniform, there were no signs of injury or damage. In this rainy weather, there were broken and rebel troops everywhere outside. A nun was covered in mud from head to toe. There was no trace of it, and the clothes and hair were so tidy that no trace of being soaked by the rain could be seen.

But all the abnormalities are nothing compared to the rhetoric they just provided... Sado felt his head aching:

"Dear Sir Louis Bernard, according to what you just said, the reason why you and this... young lady appears here is a complete accident?"

"Exactly." Louis nodded slightly, his calm eyes showing a tense facial expression:

"We were in the church and heard some noise outside, so we couldn't help but go out and take a look. We found that there were troops burning, killing and looting everywhere outside, and we also heard gunshots."

"As a knight, my instinct tells me that this is a force that wants to launch a rebellion while the imperial army is leaving, control and seize control of Sailing City; there may even be Clovis forces involved in trying to cut off the The Colonial Lord Chancellor’s connections with his army and home front.”

"As a knight, my innate beliefs and ideals made it impossible for me to sit back and watch the tragedy happen, allowing those traitors and bandits to destroy the entire city! So I..."

"So you left the church and traveled across most of the Sailing City to the Governor's Mansion. You wanted to report everything you saw to the people left behind." Sado couldn't help but interrupt:

"I remember correctly, right?"

"Exactly, your memory is absolutely correct."

"You came to the Governor's Mansion, met the Old Gods organization involved in the rebellion, and had a conflict with them?"


"Were they defeated by you, or were they forced to escape for some reason?"


"You drove away the Old Gods, only to find that the governor's palace had been completely captured by the traitors, and all the MPs loyal to the empire died tragically at the gunpoint of the rebels?"

"Well... the first half is true, and I only just found out about the rest."

"Before this, you entered the Governor's Mansion very smoothly and did not encounter any obstruction - I mean there were almost two thousand rebels outside. There was no... inconvenience to your actions at all?" Sa Many voices trembled.

"...I can only say that's not entirely the case."

The corners of Louis' mouth began to twitch slightly.

Sighing, the tired Sado turned his eyes to the elf girl aside: "As for this Miss Lucia, after discovering that Mr. Louis Bernard was missing, she followed the direction he left and then...successfully... found it?!"

When he said the last few words, his voice involuntarily raised to an extreme level, and his calm expression became a little distorted because it was so incredible.

Looking at Sir Sado, who was almost unable to bear it, and Freya, who completely ignored each other's eyes and always focused on him, Louis became even more embarrassed.

In order to avoid being exposed too quickly, he also gave Freya the same name as his sister... but looking at the other party's expression, it didn't seem to make his story sound more credible.


While the two were talking, bursts of gunfire and shouts of killing could be heard outside the window... The imperial army, which had just entered the city and controlled many important transportation hubs and commanding heights in the city, was approaching the eradication and suppression of the rebel armies and rioters. end.

Despite many days of marching and lack of supplies, in front of a ragtag group of people, these imperial soldiers who were defeated from Black Reef Port still showed superb military qualities - they used the street terrain to completely block the surrounding area, and the infantry was organized into companies. The hollow phalanx controls all intersections.

When all the rebels and thugs were divided into small groups and flowed through the streets, cuirassiers and hussars armed with carbines and shotguns immediately poured into the streets, using guns and horse hooves to kill all those who refused to surrender. The die-hard elements were reduced to a pile of scraps on the ground.

The sheer number and level of crushing turned the suppression operation into a complete massacre; the liberals of Sailing City, who had already been purged by Bernard Morweis, once again felt the terror of the empire's iron heel.

Accompanied by scattered gunshots and the roar of iron hooves, plasma diluted by rain spread in every corner, dyeing the Sailing City with a layer of red that was about to welcome the rising sun.

Looking out the window at the flaming Sailing City, Sir Sadow, who was almost heartbroken, regained some sense.

The loyalists are finished, and the rebellious liberals have lost the legitimacy to rule the Sailing City because of the young master Bernard in front of them. The United Old Gods have also been caught with solid evidence. Even if they are all shot now, it will not work. Will anyone say anything.

"It seems that it won't take long for this riot to be calmed down." Louis sighed softly and looked across with grateful eyes:

"They are indeed an excellent imperial army... If you hadn't come, what would I have done on my own?"

"You have done a very good job, Sir Louis Bernard - you stood up when everyone was in despair, you were not interested in yourself but others, and you never backed down in the face of a powerful enemy. You are worthy of the best chivalry. "

Sado praised without hesitation: "At the same time and in the same place, even if it were the saints in the history of the Church of Order, they would never do better than you!"

Perhaps because of this fair and objective evaluation, the elf girl who had always ignored the other party glanced at him, with a look of approval and appreciation in her eyes.

"As for the Old God Sect organization that ran away, please don't worry about any retaliation afterwards; I have sent a company of cuirassiers and hussars to hunt them down. Among them are many talented people with outstanding strength, enough to deal with any situation!"

"Please be sure to remind them about this!"

Looking at the confident Sir Sado, Louis, who was not worried about retaliation afterward, suddenly remembered something and quickly added: "Those...the leader of the Old God Sect, he is not only a caster of blood magic, but also a person who has awakened his bloodline. A gifted person of power!”

"A gifted person who has awakened the power of blood?"

Sado was startled for a moment, then his eyes widened, and he was so shocked that he blurted out: "How is this possible?!"

"But it just happened!" Louis' expression suddenly became solemn:

"The opponent first disguised himself as an ordinary spell caster. When he was about to be defeated by me, he revealed his true nature as an old god sect spell caster. He used the power of blood magic to escape successfully - and neither the blood magic nor the power of blood is weak. This ability alone is enough to defeat two or three ordinary talented people!"

Sado was completely shocked. He originally thought that with the strength of the liberal traitors, they would hire insignificant little characters at most, but now it seems that he may have oversimplified the matter.

"Thank you for your reminder, this information is very important!"

After a brief moment of consternation, Sado quickly regained the calmness a leader should have: "I will immediately send someone to notify the chasing troops to keep them on the highest alert."

That's what he said, but in his heart he had already made up his mind to just pretend, and never really pursue him - if he was really caught, he would be in big trouble!

"I can only provide you with some information, but I can't do anything else." Louis sighed, mocking himself a little:

"As for whether it is true or false, please decide for yourself."


After being stunned for a moment, Sado suddenly felt as if he had discovered something, or it was just an illusion: "Sir Louis, please forgive me for being rude, but I see that you don't seem very surprised by this...?"

"Is it possible that you have seen similar situations in the past?"


Louis, who realized that he had said something wrong, paused for a moment, and then quickly added: "I've just passed the period of surprise, so I'm a little calmer than you are now; to be honest, it's still very difficult to tell the truth. Believe it."

"But these are just trivial matters. The stability of Yangfan City is the top priority right now - what do you think?"

Louis, who forcibly changed the topic, looked at the other party with a slightly unnatural expression.

"...You are right."

Sado nodded slightly. He deliberately avoided the young knight's sight and asked meaningfully: "How to restore stability and tranquility to Sailing City is the most difficult task at the moment."

"Based on the current situation, we have two options: One is to let the military manage and maintain the normal operation of cities and colonies... But this can only be temporary, and the current situation does not allow us to spend too much manpower and material resources to maintain stability. And this will definitely cause dissatisfaction among local forces and people."

"The second is to restart the operation of the Sailing City Council. Unfortunately, the members who were originally loyal to the empire have been purged, and the rest are a group of traitors. They have the ability to support the general framework, but their reputation is completely ruined."

"We can use their power to let the army provide the bottom line guarantee of order, but we must not let them become the nominal rulers of Sailing City!"

"We must find someone who is a compromise, has a good reputation, can be recognized by all parties, understands the military and how to manage a city, and can be very careful about those traitors... an excellent candidate..."

Taking a deep breath, Sir Sado looked up at the young knight in front of him and asked in an extremely serious and seductive tone:

"Dear Sir Louis Bernard, would you be interested..."

"What about becoming the governor of Sailing City?"

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