I will be crowned king

Chapter 601 March to Sailing City!

"The Sailing City Colony has been the most important part of the empire's rule in the new world since its inception two hundred years ago!"

In the parliament hall of Black Reef Port, Anson Bach, wearing a gray long-sleeved trench coat with a school officer uniform, stood on the stepped podium, tapped the new world map behind him with his command knife, and shouted to the audience.

In front of him, a group of Confederate congressmen, militia officers and even leaders of mercenary regiments who took the initiative to join the Confederacy sat in attendance, looking at the extremely confident figure on the stage with different expressions:

"The reason why the first colonists landed here and successfully established this port is difficult to say; but we can still notice that during this period, countless colonies rose and fell, one after another, but only the City of Sail remained standing - Yangsail The city is the foundation of the new world!”

The impassioned words echoed under the vault for a long time, but in contrast, there was a dead silence in the stands; the Confederate legislators and officers who seemed to have not yet reacted, lowered their voices and talked in their respective corners.

"Thinking back to the early spring of this year, the three major colonies of Long Lake Town, White Whale Port, and Gray Pigeon Castle jointly issued the "Declaration of Resistance." Winter Torch City and Black Reef Port followed suit, and all parties responded."

Anson slowly walked to the center of the rostrum and glanced at the audience with piercing eyes: "In May, representatives from all parties gathered in Winter Torch City again to establish the confederacy amidst the artillery fire of the Empire. Tens of thousands of troops gathered in Red Hand Bay. The confrontation with the Empire at Black Reef Port will be an unprecedented event!"

Heavy military boots slammed on the bluestone floor, and harsh notes echoed throughout the hall.

The soldiers of the Guard Company guarding both sides of the hall received the signal and quickly opened the closed side door; dozens of Storm Division officers who had been waiting outside immediately swarmed in.

Before the Confederate congressmen could be surprised, these guys in red and black uniforms, armed from head to toe, occupied the three rows of seats at the back of the stands at lightning speed - Li, who was holding a net bag of cans. Shah Bach even found a seat near the aisle and sat down, as if she were a girl entering the theater for the first time.

The congressmen who originally dared to discuss in a low voice were either confused or panicked; especially the congressmen from Black Reef Port who stayed behind during the previous siege were frightened, fearing that the commander-in-chief would repeat what happened before.

"I do not understand!"

Just as the atmosphere in the hall was turning from lifeless to uneasy, Anson on the stage was still talking endlessly:

"I don't understand! To this day, why are there still discussions about establishing a defense line in Gray Pigeon Castle and demarcating it from the empire? It seems that this Sailing City is destined to be doomed for us; if a large army approaches the city, it will happen again like the empire did in the dark. The mistakes of Jiaogang, the independent vision and freedom of assertion, fell short of success!”

"As early as in the Declaration of Resistance, we have sworn to completely eliminate the cancer of the empire in the New World; to unite all colonists who long for freedom and independence to establish a country of mutual equality and common prosperity; how did things happen? In front of us, everyone is starting to shrink back, retreating, and making plans to surrender?"

Anson became more and more excited as he spoke, and the tip of the command knife in his hand hit the location of Black Reef Port on the map: "Just one month ago, I set out from Winter Torch City and personally took the lead in sending troops on the journey to support Black Reef Port. Imperial Colonial Secretary Bernard Morwes was defeated, and the Confederate forward positions were preserved."

"Now that the main force of the Storm Division has arrived at Black Reef Port, the Confederate armies from all sides have gathered here. The realm of vitality and all things happening is right in front of us!"

"In this moment of all the time, is there anyone who doubts that the Stormtroopers will stop at Gray Dove Castle, regard the Empire as a scourge, and treat Sailing City as the burial place of the Confederacy?!"

The long knife held high above his head seemed to give an order to attack. Amidst the whistling sound of tearing the air, Anson's arm swung down heavily:

"Anyway, now Gray Pigeon Castle is about to be captured - including Beluga Port and Gray Snow Town in Ice Dragon Fjord, the strength of both sides is seven to one, and the advantage lies with me!"


Almost as soon as Anson finished speaking, the girl whose face was covered with canned peach stains in the stands immediately shouted and clapped her hands vigorously, "Pah!"

The Storm Division officers who were sitting around them straightened their backs, looked forward, and slightly bent their arms in front of their chests. As if a switch had been turned on, they all began to clap their hands; too neat applause broke out in front of them. The platoon was shocked, and many people almost fell off their chairs.

The Confederate congressmen looked at each other, looking at me and me, and they could only join the ranks of the "applause army" sporadically.

Suddenly, there was thunderous applause.

The whole thing happened so suddenly that most of them haven't figured out the situation even now, they were just led by the commander-in-chief of the Storm Division.

In particular, the Storm Division officers and the representative of the Northern Chamber of Commerce, Reinhard Roland, could not understand at all why Anson Bach, who originally planned to "take the Gray Pigeon Castle as a success", suddenly made up his mind to do it. Have you conquered Yangfan City?

No one knows, but the Commander-in-Chief has made up his mind, and everyone can only follow it, not to mention that the preparation plans and marching routes are all ready-made - when it comes to plans that affect the strategic trend, Anson has done three things in this situation alone. There are more than two hands in total. What is a "perfect plan"!

As for the Confederacy members, their attitude towards Sailing City is very contradictory: they hope that the largest colony in the empire can join them and enhance the strength of the Confederacy; but they are also worried that the other party is too strong and will affect the balance of power that has been finally achieved, and the gains will not be worth the losses.

For this kind of "country" built by local factions, clans, and industrial owners, expansion and fragmentation will cause internal interest imbalances; sometimes it is better to surrender or not expand to maintain the overall status quo, but also to avoid the balance being broken.

Reflecting on the decision-making, he was very unclear about whether to continue marching westward, and he was even very hesitant about whether to recapture Fort Gray Pigeon; and Anson also needed to win their consent in order to carry out his plan as far as possible.

After all, without the support of these cannon fodder...these Confederate friendly forces, the price to be paid by the Storm Division alone to besiege Sail City and Bernard's Imperial Army would be too high.

Of course, the Confederacy is not monolithic. There are also forces whose interests have been harmed and firmly support the recovery of Sailing City.

"That's right!"

Clear and childish shouts suddenly sounded from the front row of the stands.

There was a commotion among the Confederate MPs present, and countless eyes turned to Polina Frey, the leader of the Gray Dove Castle liberal faction, who suddenly stood up and held the manuscript of the "Declaration of Resistance" tightly in her arms.

The girl pursed her lips tightly, raised her head, and looked at Anson Bach on the stage with longing eyes, just like a fanatic looking at his god and savior:

"The Free Confederacy is not inherited from a noble bloodline, but upholds the belief of freedom and independence, and is an utopia established by the pioneers who share this belief."

"In this case, the influence of the imperial power in the new world will not be stopped, and its pace will not stop for a day; everyone, do you still remember the promise you made in the "Declaration of Resistance"?"

Polina's voice rose again and resounded through the vault: "I will do my best and use all means to fight against the enemy and resist imperial aggression. I will never abandon the land burning with the fire of freedom until there is no more golden flower in the new world. The iris can bloom!”

"This is our promise, and Gray Pigeon Castle will fulfill its promise!"

"From now on until the imperial army is completely destroyed, or the blue star ring flag is erected in Sailing City, the liberals of Gray Pigeon Castle will not ask for control of Gray Pigeon Castle, and will temporarily hand it over to the commander-in-chief of the Storm Division, the Free Corps. General Staff Officer Anson Bach.”

"During this period, as long as Gray Pigeon Castle is recovered, it will serve as an outpost for the Free Legion's attack on Sailing City and will be open to you unconditionally; all supplies, land and buildings will be used for military supplies."

"As long as we can completely wipe out the imperial army, even if the entire Gray Pigeon Castle is reduced to scorched earth, we are... willing to do so!"


Lisa Bach, who was sitting three rows behind, shouted, and with the uniform movements of the Storm Division officers, the entire hall burst into thunderous applause again.

Polina, who was holding the "Declaration of Resistance", looked at Anson affectionately and sat down. The other Confederate members around her, especially the speakers of the colonial assemblies, frowned and had uncertain expressions.

Of course they know what Paulina Frey... or the liberals of Gray Pigeon Castle are up to.

In any case, it is doomed to be a fantasy to regain the Gray Pigeon Castle occupied by the empire with their own strength, and they must rely on the power of the Storm Division; the so-called "donation of Gray Pigeon Castle" is just a verbal donation.

And once Sailing City succeeds in independence, Gray Pigeon Castle, as an inland colony, will immediately be able to get a nearby strong support, which will definitely be a bloody gain for the weakest ones in the confederation.

But even if she knew that the other party was acting in conjunction with Anson Bach, there was really no reason to refute such a good reason and excuse. At the same time, Polina also pointedly pointed out the core, or fatal weakness, of the Free Confederation.

That is, it is not based on the blood or inheritance of a certain family, but is forcibly shaped by the illusory vision of "independence" and "freedom" spoken by the colonial "masters" themselves.

This is not only due to the history of the colony not existing at all, but also because the motivation for their unity was not that strong in the beginning. At best, they were just a group of ragtag people who wanted to join forces to keep warm.

But now that the possibility of defeating the empire and even independence is close at hand, it is certainly impossible for them to give up this country that they have built with great difficulty and that belongs to them.

And this requires them to abide by the vision when the Confederacy was founded. Otherwise, without the only goal that can unite the majority of people, this extremely fragile country will immediately fall apart.

It is precisely because of this that the Confederacy did not dare to easily oppose Anson Bach - of course, the terrifying combat effectiveness of the Storm Division was also one of the reasons.

"Thank you to Miss Polina Frey and all the liberals of Gray Pigeon Castle for their kindness. It is because of your selfless dedication that the cause of the Confederacy can flourish and prosper!"

Putting away the command knife, Anson pretended to be calm and chuckled: "I am taking this opportunity to announce to you the good news that just came from the front line."

"On June 3rd, 101st Calendar of the Saints, our storm division's advance troops at the border of Gray Pigeon Castle successfully took over the local roads, villages, towns, manors, fortresses and cities occupied by the enemy from the empire that morning. "

"As of June 5th, the entire territory of Gray Pigeon Castle has been completely recovered, and there is no more golden iris flag!"

While speaking, Anson took out the information from his coat pocket and raised it above his head.

The next second, the Confederate congressmen who were still in conflict suddenly exploded on the spot!

"What, Gray Pigeon Castle has been captured?!"

"Impossible, this...how is this possible?!"

"What happened?!"

"Residence, even Gray Pigeon Castle..."

Shock, ecstasy, doubt... countless voices constantly collided between the dome and the surrounding walls; the fierce quarrel among the Confederate legislators was in stark contrast to the dead silence in the three rows behind.

Well, except for a certain girl who applauded again.

But Anson Bach on the rostrum was still calm and calm, as if he just said something trivial.

The noisy discussion lasted for more than ten minutes, until the speakers of each colony finally reacted and quickly interrupted everyone's shouting; the hall returned to silence, but once the restless heart was stirred up, it could not be easily suppressed. .

Looking at the eager and uneasy eyes in the audience, Anson raised the corners of his mouth slightly:

"It seems that you all really want to know what happened...right?"

No one spoke, and everyone held their breath.

"Although the two thousand advance troops are the elite of the Storm Division, the hope of seizing a colony and city as large as Gray Pigeon Castle from the eight thousand imperial army is still very slim." Anson said solemnly:

"So this was not through fighting, but the imperial army voluntarily abandoned Gray Pigeon Castle and handed over the entire colony to the advance army that was always confronting them."


This puzzling answer made the Confederate legislators frown and their expressions became even more confused.

"Then why did the Empire choose to abandon Gray Pigeon Castle and take the initiative to retreat to Sailing City?" Anson directly expressed their inner doubts:

"The reason is simple, because not long ago the liberals in Sailing City had united some troops who were sympathetic to them, and while the imperial army was besieging Black Reef Port, the uprising was successful!"

"The former headquarters of the imperial army is now an independent city; the colonial governor they support is none other than the heir to the Belrain family of Adran, Louis Bernard!"

"Now they are being besieged by the imperial army because of the successful uprising. The prosperous and powerful Sailing City is in danger, and is waiting for like-minded people to join them to defeat the desperate colonial minister of the empire, Bernard Morweis."

Anson looked at the audience and finally showed a slightly satisfied expression:

"Now, who else wants to oppose the plan to sail to the city?"

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