I will be crowned king

Chapter 61 On the train

"May 23rd, 90th year of the Saint's Calendar. This is a big day that I will never forget in my life! I received a response from the letter of recommendation sent by the dean, and St. Isaac's College accepted my application for admission—— I, the last son of the Bach family, am going to the royal capital!"

"On June 10th, the royal capital, Clovis City, was so majestic that it far exceeded my imagination!"

"The Central Railway Station, the King's Theatre, the Ice Lake, Clovis Cathedral, St. Isaac's College... there is everything before my eyes. Shock and surprise are not enough to describe my mood; my heart is full of kneeling down. The urge to pray praises the miracles wrought by this circle of order!”

"I suddenly remembered the question I asked my brother at the dinner the night before leaving: How great was Isaac Rand, who was killed by the Church of Order and canonized?"

"That day, my all-knowing brother showed hesitation for the first time."

"He changed everything... said my brother who had hesitated for a long time."

"Only when I saw it with my own eyes did I truly understand my brother's hesitation - anyone who sees the city of Clovis with their own eyes will understand the greatness of Saint Isaac and will be shocked by the city he created. !”

"In the far north of the ice sea, sailors driving sailing battleships established colonies across the sea; in the south where mountains and hills are scattered, people of the same bloodline as us have long been included in the territory of the kingdom."

"In the east of the grasslands, swamps and forests, the fierce cavalry and ancient elves have recognized the hegemony of the Kingdom of Clovis; in the west where the imperial flag shines, more and more free cities and principalities have handed over tokens of friendship. an olive branch.”

"The city of Clovis is the heart of all this glory!"

"This is the era of wisdom and faith, this is the season of light and hope, this is the road to heaven and change - the professors at the college and the newspapers on the street all agree that this era has nothing to do with the greatness of Clovis. can be expressed using the superlative form of an adjective.”

"This is the best era, this is my era..."

Gently closing the diary, Anson, who was slightly tired, withdrew his gaze and carefully put the "former Anson's" diary into the outer pocket of his coat.

From the moment he left the military camp, he began to plan for his next trip: finding a stable job, and how to deal with the "Black Mage" and his underground evil organization.

The first one is not difficult. As a graduate of a military academy, the biggest "perk" is the job package allocation - during the war, the unemployment rate for officers was zero.

Even if the Army will deliberately ignore him because of his "betrayal" by joining the Church of Order, according to Anson's understanding, the monthly salary of an Army lieutenant colonel is similar to that of a tutor at a church college, which is enough to support daily life.

Well, there is also the "withholding of military pay" and the "New Year's gift" of Ludwig's check for one thousand gold coins.

The real trouble is the second one.

The Black Mage's status as a professor at St. Isaac's College has both advantages and disadvantages for Anson - the advantage is that "former Anson" is familiar with the college, and it doesn't take much effort to find him.

The trouble is that in the eyes of the other party, he knows everything, which means that any of his whereabouts in the royal capital cannot be hidden from the other party's eyes.

From the moment you set foot in the royal capital, you must be prepared for the other party to come to you.

An organization that does not hesitate to interfere in wars for the so-called "big plan" should not be a "good law-abiding citizen", right?

Looking out the window at the scenery that was quickly left behind, Anson looked thoughtful.

As a new model in the 97th year of the Saint Calendar, it is a "passenger and cargo" train with the most advanced steam core of the Church of Order. Direct access and speed are the biggest selling points of this "Steel Sky";

Even without replenishing water and fuel along the way, it can go directly from Oak Town to the Royal Capital at a speed of 90 kilometers per hour; if necessary, it can even reach a speed of 150 kilometers per hour, which is three times the speed of the best war horses!

"Yeah, but it's still a little slow..."

Anson, who was talking to himself, turned his eyes involuntarily to his side. The little girl was obviously so scared with her eyes wide open, but she still couldn't help but lay on the car window and looked out; almost from the moment she got in the car. , she was full of curiosity and fear about this "world" that was completely different from before, and kept asking this head-scratching question.

After racking his brains to understand her overly simplistic words, Anson roughly understood the whole story:

The day after the siege of Thunderburg ended, Ludwig began to demobilize the new recruits.

Although he himself did not want to, the reality was that the Thunder Castle levy force, which had suffered huge losses, was unable to maintain its current strength by laying down a fortress that had long been hollowed out by false accounts and corruption.

Lisa August...she was also one of the people sent away.

Although this is a bit cruel, Anson understands - no matter how irregular the levy force seems, it is too strange to take in or even let a little girl who is not as tall as a rifle be a "skirmisher company commander".

But after knowing that Lisa was the skirmisher company commander he appointed, a certain brigadier general obviously thought too much - not only prepared the ticket, but also specifically asked her to wait for him at the station one day in advance...

Well...it fits his character of "surprising" people.

"Anson..." Lisa reluctantly looked away from the car window, with a frightened and excited expression, and timidly looked back at Anson: "Where are we going?"

"The royal capital."

"Where is the capital?"

"The royal capital is not anywhere, the royal capital is the city of Clovis."

"Oh..." Lisa suddenly realized: "What about Clovis City?"

"Clovis City is...the royal capital."

"Where is the royal capital?"

"Clovis City."

"Where's Clovis City?"

...Just when he thought this conversation was going to last forever, the door to the box was suddenly opened.

The person who walked in was a young man with a thin cheek, but he looked very well-proportioned, and at the same time very slovenly.

He was wearing a somewhat old light-colored windbreaker, an awkward tie, misplaced buttons, trousers that reached to the heels, and fiery red hair tied randomly into a ponytail - even the sloppiest recruit in the trenches, He looks more like a gentleman than he does.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I got into the wrong car before..." The young man explained with a smile, while tugging at the tattered leather suitcase in his hand, and stuffing it onto the luggage rack with great difficulty:

"The flight attendants and I looked at the ticket in my hand, but it was strange. No matter how I explained, they refused to believe that I bought a second-class seat, and they almost arrested me as a thief..."

Well, this shows that they are quite dedicated... Looking at the young people who were still complaining, Anson, who had no idea what to say, kept a polite smile.

Lisa sat quietly beside Anson, motionless with her little hands behind her back, sitting obediently on the armchair.

It's like seeing a ragdoll cat when an outsider suddenly enters the house.

"Introduce yourself, my name is Draco Vertes." The young man who was smiling and chatting straightened his back, crossed one leg, and put his hands on his knees:

"My occupation is to write some travel notes and biographical novels for local newspapers, travel around, and occasionally solve small problems for some people who need help - I can barely be regarded as a novelist and... uh... how does that word in the newspaper say, detective?"


Anson raised his eyebrows carelessly, smiling and pretending to be curious.

"Yeah, but mainly novelists."

The smiling young man took out a crumpled card from the pocket of his worn windbreaker and handed it over between two fingers: "I am currently collecting material to write a new novella for the Clovis Truth Newspaper - -this is my name card."

"So it's an honor to meet you, His Excellency Anson Bach of the Thunder Castle Levy!"

At that moment, Anson's suddenly shrinking pupils reflected Draco Vertes' shrewd eyes and the slightly surprised curve of his mouth.

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