I will be crowned king

Chapter 610 Ansenbach loses confidence

Chapter 610 Anson Bach lost his confidence

“It is June 18, one hundred and one year in the calendar of Saints. It is sunny and cloudy.

The Imperial army is rapidly approaching us. According to the latest intelligence, traces of Imperial Hussar activities have been found three kilometers away from the position - this is a sign that the enemy is about to arrive.

At the same time, Yangfan City, which was supposed to be an ally, has an ambiguous attitude, neither joining the empire nor sending support... With only 6,000 soldiers, we must face the 8,000 imperial army alone.

The whole army was in panic. In my limited memory, when the Storm Division was forced into a state of near desperation, it was the Clovis City riot a long time ago.

The 2nd Infantry Regiment, which retreated from the grassland stronghold, brought back very bad news: Despite the rebellion and the fall of the base camp, Bernard Morweis's army's combat effectiveness did not suffer any reduction.

They can still use cavalry maneuvers and impact combined with artillery bombardment to cause fatal damage to the unformed defense line; armies with poor morale or encountering surprise attacks from the flanks will not be able to hold on even for one round of attack.

There is less than one day left for the Storm Division. There is no more time for us to strengthen our positions and choose a more perfect battlefield - we must start a decisive battle with the imperial army in this siege position that the enemy is extremely familiar with.

But even in this situation, Anson Bach... No! It was Commander-in-Chief Anson Bach, who still did not show even a hint of pessimism or despair.

On the day Chief of Staff Carl Bain arrived and brought the news, the Commander-in-Chief immediately held a speech to the entire army. In high spirits, he highly praised the fearlessness of the soldiers of the First Regiment and the Artillery Company, who faced four times or even An enemy five times more powerful was still able to complete the retreat without panic, preserving precious vitality.

As for the seemingly invincible Imperial Army, it completely fell into the trap designed by the Commander-in-Chief... The eight thousand lightly-armed troops were actually already under attack from the north and south by the Storm Division and the Confederate Army.

The Confederate Army that has successfully transferred in only needs to regroup its morale at the border between Gray Pigeon Castle and Sail City and march south along the road. It will definitely frighten Bernard Molwes. By then, it will be ten thousand versus eight thousand. The advantage is still with me!

That high-spirited and high-spirited posture, overlooking the world, seemed as if the foot was not a temporary podium built with twelve ammunition boxes, but the Grand Council Hall of the Clovis Privy Council.

Seeing the Commander-in-Chief looking so confident, the anxious atmosphere was quickly calmed down.

At the subsequent military meeting, the Commander-in-Chief made large-scale adjustments to the army's defense work - abandoning full-line defense and using the five artillery forts in the frontal position as the core to carry out "point-to-point" defense; at the same time, using large-scale Civil fortifications destroy the trenches in the position, making it impossible for the enemy to easily pass through or occupy it.

There was no objection from the entire army to this, and even the chief of staff, who usually "sings the opposite tune" in meetings, was surprisingly silent. The process ended in a cycle where the commander-in-chief said three sentences, the officer corps applauded collectively, and the commander-in-chief continued to speak. …The entire meeting minutes add up to less than five hundred words.

Putting their fear and uneasiness behind, the stormtroopers immediately threw themselves into the vigorous civil engineering work, and a confident smile appeared on everyone's face again.

As for the commander-in-chief himself, after completing all the preparatory work, he returned to the headquarters alone to recharge his batteries; based on my humble opinion as a humble secretary, he was probably thinking about the next decision..."


"It's over! It's all over!"

In the dark headquarters, Anson's hysterical shouting echoed: "Six thousand versus eight thousand! We are still on our home court, there is no support yet, and we don't even have time to build a decent defensive position!"

"How are we going to fight this battle? Ah! Tell... tell me, how are we going to fight this battle? How are we going to fight it?!"

"Ask me, who do you want me to ask - I still want to ask you!"

Karl, who rolled his eyes, was also on the verge of tears, desperate and not polite at all: "Besides, I thought you were quite confident just now, weren't you?"

"Nonsense, can't I show confidence?!" Anson gritted his teeth with hatred:

"There is also a plan - more than 6,000 people were wiped out by 8,000 people at once. I am not in the circle of order. I can even imagine such unfortunate things!"

"Why, weren't your plans always perfect?"

"I...are you looking for trouble, right?!"

"I don't!"

"You are!"

"I do not……"

"You are! You are! Yes!"

Looking at Anson who was in hysterics, Karl completely stopped talking.

In the pitch-black headquarters, the two people facing each other, big eyes facing each other, fell into an eerie silence.

Looking at the map of Sail City in front of him, Ansen was in a mess; he wanted to convince himself that there was nothing to panic about, and that the worst outcome would be to die together, but...

But this also meant that the foundation he had spent countless efforts to lay in the new world over the past year was all in vain.

Needless to say, the Confederacy will definitely rebel, the Empire will probably pursue the victory and kill them all, and there is no need to count on the help from the Northern Chamber of Commerce and the mainland... Everyone will just wait for the Rune family leader to arrive in the new world, and they will all go to hell!

That was not the result that Anson expected. Of course, he wanted to prevent the Church of Order from finding any excuse to intervene throughout the process and avoid further expansion of its ambitions for external expansion.

"So...what to do?"

The silence lasted for a long time before being broken by Karl's voice:

"If we really have to confront the imperial army head-on, how confident are you now?"

Anson, who was summoned from his thoughts, hesitated for a moment, hesitantly raised his right hand and stretched out four fingers.

"Is it a little missing?" Karl couldn't help but said:

"We are just waiting for work and have some heavy artillery. The difference in strength is not too exaggerated - no matter how miserable it is, it should be half to half, right?"

Regarding this naive idea, Anson just shook his head feebly:

"This is already the most conservative estimate. Taking into account all our advantages, plus the mistakes Bernard may make, as well as a little bit of our possible extraordinary performance and unexpected circumstances, we can have such a big certainty."

"Then what if it's not conservative?"

"Hmm...about 20%."


I don’t know why, but Carl suddenly missed the Anson Bach who always had the confidence to be fascinated.

"Bernard Maulweis, he's not the inferior opponent we've faced in the past."

Sighing slightly, Anson's tone was quite helpless: "The difference between six thousand and eight thousand seems not big. The problem is that the empire has a sufficient number of elite cavalry. This alone limits our defense deployment and must abandon the flatter terrain." The open ground, coupled with the enemy's flexible cavalry artillery... You have also fought against him, what do you think?"

Karl didn't answer, silently picked up the rum bottle on the table and took a big sip.

"To be honest, if the plan cannot be realized smoothly, it would still be good." Anson's expression gradually became heavy:

"If we can't completely annihilate them outside Yangfan City and let them flow to the Gray Pigeon Castle area, or rejoin the rebels in Yangfan City, things will be in complete trouble."


Karl sighed in agreement: "If we can't annihilate them all, then... huh?"


Suddenly, he seemed to feel something was wrong with his ears. He raised his head and stared at Anson with a surprised expression: "You, what did you just say...annihilate?!"

"Yes, that's what I said." Anson nodded, his expression as normal:

"What is the problem?"

"What's the problem?! I..."

Karl suddenly paused and said in disbelief: "So you are 100% sure that you can defeat Bernard, but you are not sure whether you can completely annihilate him, right?!"

"Yes, we have 6,000 people waiting for work compared to 8,000 people. We have sufficient supplies and terrain advantages. It is not difficult at all to win." Anson's eyes were full of matter-of-fact:

"The problem is that winning alone is meaningless. We must completely annihilate them while preserving our strength in order to achieve our original goal - to eliminate the empire's power in the new world and make the Free Confederacy independent. The Storm Division can pass through the Confederacy and the The power of the Luen family can realize all the results of the previous battles."

This was also the promise Anson initially made to the entire officer corps of the Storm Division, and it was also the reason why they were willing to follow him.

Otherwise, with the little allowance and station subsidy issued by the army, the income of a few hundred gold coins a year is less than 1,000, what a waste of money!

The Storm Master is Anson's only basic base now. It can be used to bargain with various forces, and it even makes many people think that they are still valuable.

Successful cases (Victory of Hantu), clear plans (Huabing), trustworthy and experienced teams (loyal officer corps)...these three are indispensable. Only a professional manager like him can get projects and pull them. Come invest!

What's more important is that Anson is no longer satisfied with being a professional manager, so the Storm Division must not lose more than half of it just for the "Free Confederacy" project... But because the level of Party A (Confederacy) is too low, the momentum is getting worse. It's becoming more and more obvious.

"As long as the Imperial Army... No! To put it more bluntly, as long as Bernard Morvais, the symbol of the Empire's dominance in the New World, is not killed or captured alive, this battle is meaningless, so annihilation is necessary!"

Shaking his head helplessly, Anson looked at Karl again: "What do you think?"


Karl wanted to say, "I thought the Stormtroopers were going to be finished soon," but he always felt that he would look like a fool when he said these words, so:

"I think so too."

He actually doubted Anson Bach's mysterious confidence. He simply didn't know what he was thinking just now.

Just when one of them sighed and the other doubted his own mind, there was a sudden knock on the door of the headquarters.


After getting permission, the little clerk opened the door and closed it immediately after entering.

"A messenger has been sent from the Sailing City. I hope to meet with you, Mr. Anson Bach."

Facing their gazes, the little clerk who walked to the table explained while cleaning up the mess around him: "For some reason, they seem to have received information about the Battle of Wild Grass Forest, and they want to settle the matter between you and the Empire. Discuss solutions to conflicts."

So fast?

Anson raised his eyebrows. He was not surprised that the other party could get the information. After all, the Storm Division failed to block Sail City like the imperial army did. It was normal for him to get the information.

It's just that Bernard's reaction speed was more efficient than he thought. It seems that he is planning to pretend to reconcile with Yangfan City first. I don't know what Louis will think...

"Who is the messenger sent?"

"A nun named Lucia is said to be the sister of His Excellency Louis Bernard." The little clerk frowned slightly;


"but what?"


Quickly shaking his head, Allen's expression was very complicated: "It's just that the situation is completely inconsistent with what I know, so I feel a little strange."

"Lord Louis Bernard's sister, Lucia Bernard, the eldest daughter of the Bernard family, is impossible to appear in the new world, let alone become a nun - because she and her husband were married a year ago. The eldest son of the Roland family has entered into a marriage contract!"

"But she is indeed standing here now, so I really can't imagine what happened in the past year, and how this thing that will definitely shock half of the Order world happened quietly!"

The little secretary's expression looked very flustered, as nervous as a child who thought he had finished his summer homework, but actually didn't move a word - although it was true.

"Don't be afraid, Clerk Allen Dawn, your judgment is correct." Anson comforted:

"Your judgment should be correct. That 'Miss Lucia' should be an imposter. The real Miss Bernard should still be in the Grand Duchy of Adlan."

As for who the person in front of him was, Anson probably knew it well - there would be no other candidate besides the noble Elf Queen of Yisel to allow Louis to impersonate him with this name.

"Then did she bring any letterhead or evidence?"

"No, she is the only one here." The little clerk shook his head angrily and wiped the sweat from his hair with the handkerchief in his jacket pocket:

"Excuse me, when are you going to see her and where are you going to arrange it?"

Karl on the side also quietly turned his head, paying attention to the change in Anson's expression.

"No, it's still missing."

After hesitating for a moment, Anson said firmly: "Send her back right now! Don't waste a minute - this way, the Yangfan City opposite should be able to understand our attitude."


The little clerk nodded slightly, and then asked another question: "Then do you want to trouble her to send a message to His Excellency Louis Bernard, or send some evidence that can prove your decision?"

As a clerk, Alan Dawn is very sensitive to this kind of thing - even if the conversation fails, the process and reasons are equally important, otherwise misunderstandings can easily occur.

"Just a word."

After a long time, Anson's eyes suddenly became sharp, and he said with unparalleled confidence:

"Tell him I'm going to invite Bernard Molwes to a party. If he wants to come, he can come. I'll welcome any kind of guest."

"Otherwise...even the bones will not be left to him!"

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