I will be crowned king

Chapter 615: 20% chance of survival (win)

The silent fog is about to dissipate, and some dazzling golden red can already be seen on the lead-gray dome.

It seems that the originally hazy world is about to usher in a new life in the sunshine.

The soldiers of the Storm Division line who formed the hollow square formation were already tense, holding up Leopold and Borni in their hands. They were ready, and their index fingers close to the triggers were already covered in cold sweat.

As the thick fog gradually dissipated, their vision was originally blocked, and the enemy was appearing in front of them bit by bit; the arrogant figure was approaching them.

Getting closer.

Looking at the imperial line on the opposite side, Alexei was in a trance. He was surprised to find that he was a little nervous, and the narrow blade was trembling slightly with his right hand holding the handle tightly.


No, he knew that he was not afraid of death at all, and was even looking forward to it.

I was nervous because I knew what would happen after I issued the order following the instructions of Chief Anson Bach.

With just over 5,000 people... no, in fact, the Stormtroopers, who have less than 5,000 people, will defeat or even annihilate an imperial army twice their own strength in one battle, setting the stage for a war that lasted for five months. Upper rest.

In five months, all the empire's colonies, with a population and wealth ten times that of Ice Dragon Fjord, were brought under control, and the empire's forces were completely expelled from the New World.

Five months…

The slightly trembling blade began to rise. When it stopped at the highest point, Alexey could even hear the soldiers behind him holding their breath.

Without hesitation, he roared with all his strength from his chest:

"Solvo in line—fire!"


The golden-red gun flames suddenly lit up behind Alexei along with the falling sword light; the entire row of lead bullets roared as it tore through the sky, splashing towards the flanks of the Imperial line.

The imperial soldiers who were still "singing triumphant songs" only had time to hear the loud explosion beside them. The whistling lead bullets had already smashed open their skulls and tore the flesh of their shoulders and necks!

The storm divisions, who cooperated tacitly, fired almost simultaneously on the left and right wings. Looking down from the dome, it was like drawing two "golden edges" on the central imperial line at the same time.

Although it transformed from a column to a hollow square formation, the three regiments on the wings of the Storm Division also shrunk their frontal width, but in any case they were still wider than the imperial line spread across the horizontal line - only the flanks of four men faced at least one company. The firepower left no room for fighting back.


In the deafening volley, the blood light exploded in the imperial line, and the golden iris in his hand fell to the ground; wherever the gun flames touched, there was only the death cry played in the pool of blood.

The first to suffer were the two imperial line regiments on the periphery... Because they were advancing horizontally, only the thin flanks of four rows of men were directly exposed to the fire from the two wings of the Storm Division.

Facing the rain of bullets, the entire line was stunned, and dozens of Imperial Line privates fell to the ground in an instant; the remaining soldiers immediately fell into panic, and when they found themselves surrounded, they began to scramble to retreat.

But Anson wasn't going to give them that chance.


The salvo sounded again... The Grenadier Regiment and a small number of skirmishers who had been "retreating steadily" suddenly stopped retreating. They spread out on the spot and pulled the trigger towards the panicked Imperial line.

At the same time, the 1st, 2nd, and 4th Infantry Regiments on both wings of the Storm Division were still pouring out firepower, and Leopold's rate of fire advantage finally showed its fangs.

The golden-red gun flame bloomed almost non-stop, setting off a scarlet rain of blood in the panicked imperial lines, harvesting the lives of the enemy in an orderly manner.

"How is this going?!"

Behind the chaotic and noisy Imperial lines, Bernard Morweis looked horrified: "Didn't Sir Amar say that the Storm Division's headquarters has been taken away and the entire army is leaderless? Ah...could it be that even he also Rebellion?!"

There was no way around it. The failure of the Battle of Black Reef Harbor left such a profound impression on Bernard that it was really hard not to think in that direction.

But the current situation no longer allows the colonial minister to continue to think wildly... The two line regiments on the left and right of the center line have almost collapsed under the sneak attack of the Storm Division, and are no longer able to maintain the minimum front.

The Grenadier Regiment in front of them has regained its footing and pushed back again; although the two infantry regiments in the middle can barely maintain their front, once the two wings are finished, their defeat is only a matter of time.

The entire central empire line has completely fallen into Anson Bach's encirclement network!

In the chaos, the imperial line infantry who were strictly ordered not to retreat could not even fight back, and could only watch the soldiers beside them fall; they did not even know which direction to fire in, and waited blankly for the same attack. The terrified officer ordered.

For more than ten minutes, the line infantry on the left and right flanks had suffered heavy casualties. Only two of the four infantry regiments in Bernard's hands were still capable of fighting. At the same time, the troops on the east and west fronts were still unable to make contact and were hollowed out by the Storm Division. The phalanx is completely isolated.

Retreat suddenly became an extremely tempting option at this moment.

"No, we absolutely cannot retreat!"

Without even thinking about it, Bernard rejected his subordinates' request: "We have been completely surrounded. If we retreat at this time, the Clovis people on the opposite side will definitely bite us like mad dogs... If the retreat turns into a rout, the central part will The four infantry regiments will be completely wiped out!"

"That's better than sitting still and waiting to die!" The knight with bloodstained face shouted eagerly:

"The casualties of the troops have reached close to a quarter, and the front line is really at the end of its strength, sir!"

"Then close the line, ignore the Clovis on both wings, and let the troops continue to advance!"

Looking at the hilly highlands that were so close in front of him, Bernard, who was also extremely anxious, loudly ordered: "Sir Amar, cooperating with the artillery position, attack from the front and back to completely defeat the central part of the Clovis people!"

That's right, you must attack, and you can only attack - otherwise, no matter whether you stay in place or retreat, the enemy will kill all four imperial lines before the armies on the east and west fronts can launch a counterattack.

At this point, he no longer cares whether Sir Alma has rebelled...either to be wiped out or to give it a try.

Bernard chose the latter.

"Imperial men, move forward—God save our Emperor!"

"God bless our emperor——!!!"

Hysterical shouts erupted from hoarse throats, and the Imperial soldiers once again showed extraordinary resilience - the army that was about to collapse a second ago was successfully regrouped by the frightened knight officers, and launched an attack behind the military flag. charge.

Soldiers one after another were hit by volleys of guns from both sides, and staggered to the ground with shrill screams; the soldiers in the back row stepped over Pao Ze's bones, picked up the weapons they had dropped, and continued to attack.

Wherever the golden iris passes, there is only scarlet.

"Bang-!!!! Bang-!!!! Bang-!!!!"

The deafening volley of gunfire has not stopped, and the Grenadier Corps is almost constantly projecting firepower to the opposite side, but it still cannot stop the charging pace of the Imperial Line soldiers on the opposite side, and can only slow down slightly.

In the end, seeing that the enemy was about to rush into his face, Fabian simply ordered the soldiers of the Grenadier Regiment to mount their bayonets again and launched a countercharge ahead of the enemy.

The thin grenadier company with only two rows, like a long moving wall, took the initiative to crash into Bernard's offensive column of four regiments, blocking the way forward.

Probably sensing the pressure from the front, the three infantry regiments forming a hollow square formation on both wings also began to increase the frequency of firing, and even took the initiative to directly deploy the companies in the front and rear directions, desperately delivering firepower to the center of the empire.

Under their unremitting efforts, the casualties of the four Imperial Line regiments began to rise at a speed visible to the naked eye; only the few remaining infantrymen were still struggling to advance, trying to break through the encirclement.

"Fabian's news, the Grenadier Regiment can hold on for at most ten minutes from now on."

After sending away the out-of-breath messenger, the frightened Karl said in a deep voice: "If we don't send him reinforcements, Bernard will break through the frontal defense line and rush towards us."

"Tell him, just hold on for six, seven... no, five minutes."

The calm Anson was completely unmoved. He looked at the Inquisitor's pocket watch in his hand and said, "Let the Fifth Infantry Regiment be prepared to assist the remaining battalion of the Third Infantry Regiment in preparing to meet the Grenadier Regiment - the other two wings. How's the situation going?"

"An Imperial Line Regiment and Hussars Company on the Eastern Front were pushing towards us, but Joseph, who had already retreated, led two Confederate infantry regiments to block the way. The two sides were in the stage of exchange of fire." Karl He said in a deep voice:

"As for the Western Front...it's a little unusual."


"Three infantry regiments, an artillery company and nearly a regiment of cavalry are stationed on the position. They can definitely see the movement here, but they are completely unmoved and have no idea what they are planning to do." Karl shook his head. Shaking his head with a puzzled expression:

"At first I thought they were planning a surprise attack, but that didn't seem to be the case at all."

"It's simple, because it's not us they are wary of at all, but the city of Sailing."

Putting the watch back into his coat pocket, Anson remained expressionless: "Inform the Third Infantry Regiment to maintain its current status and not pay too much attention to the enemies on the Western Front; tell Alexei that the First Infantry Regiment is deployed across the board. , attack the imperial line in the middle!"

"As for the thousand imperial soldiers in the hilly highlands...if they dare to come down, the guard company will give them a good education."

Now that the battle has progressed, it no longer makes much sense to consider plans. How many new troops can be invested is the key to determining victory or defeat.


Karl replied, and just as he was about to leave, he suddenly stopped and looked at Anson with a strange look: "You just said that Fabian can hold on for five more minutes...why five minutes?"

"Because of the sun."


"Yeah." Anson shrugged, with a meaningful smile on his lips:

"Because in five minutes the sun will come out."


If faced with firepower from three sides, the imperial line infantry could still rely on the prestige of the knight officers to maintain their last bit of morale, then when Alexei and his First Infantry Regiment came up from the flank, These people finally gave in to despair.

Facing Alexey, who was charging towards his east bayonet, Bernard, who had suffered heavy casualties, had to hurriedly assemble an infantry battalion that had not yet collapsed, and formed three rows to try to intercept; he was so hasty that even the enemy had been killed. In front of them, many soldiers were still mechanically loading ammunition and trying to fire back.

The result is, of course, self-evident.


Amidst the terrifying loud noise, the First Infantry Regiment, which had clearly rushed to the front, suddenly stopped and fired a volley at a face-to-face distance. The front row of the Imperial line infantry, who was caught off guard, screamed and fell to the ground, causing chaos in an instant. A ball.

The next moment, the entire First Infantry Regiment was like a sharp knife, cutting through the flanks of the already chaotic imperial line.

Marksmanship, tactics, experience... all become insignificant at this moment. The chaotic empire lines are just a bunch of lambs waiting to be slaughtered. As long as they attack and keep attacking, anyone can achieve rich results!

Although the battle situation was on the verge of collapse, Bernard was still desperately maintaining the front and organizing his troops to continue the attack. He could feel that the front of the Storm Division in front of him had reached the point where it was running out of gas. As long as it continued to advance, it would be affim……

Just when he was about to continue to encourage his subordinates and imitate an old boss to lead the charge, Bernard Morweis... was stunned.

The thick fog in front of me is dissipating at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the thick white that covers everything is gradually being replaced by a clear blue like water; a familiar golden red is slowly tearing apart the clouds on the dome bit by bit, reflecting the touching the whole earth.

Looking past the enemy who was fighting with him in front of him, Bernard, who squinted his eyes hard in the dazzling sunlight, saw that strange yet familiar figure.

He stood under a Clovis flag, wearing a long-sleeved windbreaker and a three-cornered hat that were different from what he remembered, with his hands behind his back, and a pair of slightly contemptuous eyes on his expressionless face.

Anson Bach.

And behind him were hundreds of Storm Division infantry, waiting in full formation.

At this moment, Bernard suddenly understood everything.

Use the hills and highlands to attract your own troops...and then use Sailing City to contain your elite...take the lead in attacking and then feign defeat and retreat to lure you to attack. The reinforcements are separated on both wings to facilitate the siege from three sides...Anson Bach, he can only do so much for one purpose. .

That is to annihilate himself and the eight thousand imperial army - even himself is probably his target.

He wants to use the momentum of annihilating himself to force Sail City to submit, so that he can completely eliminate the existence of the imperial power in the new world!

With a slightly trembling tone, the imperial colonial minister issued his most important order:

"All troops - retreat on your own!"

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