I will be crowned king

Chapter 619 The Rebellion of Naxir

To be honest, although he was surprised, Anson couldn't even find anything wrong when this happened to a certain novelist.

I have never seen a place where Draco has been and hasn't had any bad luck yet.

He went to Oak Town, and Thunder Castle was besieged; he took a car, and there must be a murder in the car; he went to the capital to do business; a riot destroyed half of Clovis City; he escaped to Yser, and the Thirteen Council collectively sent people to death. ;Take a boat to Beluga Port and bump into the Green Dragon halfway...

So because Draco went on a mission to the three North Sea countries, a civil war broke out in each other. Is this reasonable?

Reasonable, simply too reasonable.

However, teasing is teasing, and things that need to be clarified still need to be clarified; although the Three North Sea Kingdoms are outsiders on the fringe of the Old Continent, they usually appear as Clovis's friends or loyal lackeys of the empire, regardless of their allegiance in grand strategic deployment. Whichever side, the result is most likely to be paddling, so as not to damage the relationship with the enemy.

But at that time, in the old world... and in the new world, the three kingdoms were absolutely behemoths to the newly formed confederation; if nothing else, as long as the salt trade was cut off, the confederation could be half-dead in one winter.

First of all, the country where civil strife broke out was the Kingdom of Naxir.

This is the destination of Draco's trip, and it is also the one with the strongest comprehensive strength among the three North Sea countries; it controls the largest trade center among the three countries, Naxir Port, and takes advantage of its proximity to the strait to collect fees from all passing merchant ships. Travel expenses; the least resources, but with trade advantages, the other two countries have almost become their economic vassals.

In fact, in the era of sectarian schism and war, there was indeed a Naxir king who briefly vassalized the other two families through marriage and alliance, becoming the so-called "North Sea Kingdom"... Although it was only short-lived, it also laid the foundation for The status of the Naxir Kingdom after that.

An important reason for the failure is that the Naxir royal family is too "young". Like Clovis's Osteria royal family, they are only four to five hundred years old. Although they have hard power, their reputation is suppressed. Can't live with those old and wealthy families that have been around for thousands of years.

Therefore, the plan that Anson used as a "trump card" was to fund the Naxir Kingdom to wage war against the other two countries and rebuild the glory of the "North Sea Kingdom"... In this way, if the three of them fight, they will not harm the Clovis Colony.

But he was obviously over-concerned, because the Naxir Kingdom had no interest in invading Ice Dragon Fjord; on the contrary, he was very interested in how to do business with the Free Confederacy more conveniently.

And it wasn't just them, the attitudes of the other two families were surprisingly the same; with the help of the Naxir Palace, Draco, who contacted the three countries at the same time, quickly received commitments from all parties, saying that he would never Active invasion.

As for the reason... it's actually not difficult to understand. Clovis has attracted most of the empire's attention at the moment, and since the failed siege of North Port in the 95th year of the Saint's Calendar, it has never made any major moves in the Turbulent Sea. , posing no threat to them.

And if the originally fragmented New World can be formed into an independent country, the integrated market, labor force and various resources will far exceed the level of superposition of individual colonies in the past, which will be extremely beneficial to them.

Therefore, until the negotiations to sign the "Non-Aggression Agreement", everything is still developing in a good direction.

"...So what exactly happened to cause civil strife to break out in the Kingdom of Naxir?" Anson, who was holding a rum glass, asked with a puzzled expression and a bit of curiosity.

"I don't know much about the specific situation, but judging from the aftermath, it may be related to the palace system of the Kingdom of Naxir."

William's expression was also very tangled, and even as the person involved, he looked shocked when he said this: "The Helveg royal family of the Kingdom of Naxir and the system behind them are different from Clovis and the empire—— In other words, it’s different from most countries.”

"As a royal family and ruler, the Helvig family does not control much territory except for the large city of Naksil Port; more than 70% of the land and 80% of the population are occupied by large and small The earls are in control, and the king and the court have no way to interfere."

"But because they sit in the Port of Naxir, all trade is controlled by the royal family. In addition to the 'North Sea Fleet' composed of four old battleships and a dozen frigates, the Helvig family also owns a fleet of 8,000 people. The 'Marine Corps' is regarded as the Royal Guards directly under the royal family."

"Based on this, the Helvig royal family is richer than all the counts combined, and the force they control can crush all the private soldiers of the nobles."

William's expression suddenly became serious: "Although this Marine Corps lacks mobile cavalry and heavy artillery for attacking fortresses, it has a large number of small-caliber light artillery, almost reaching the battalion level; the rifles used by the soldiers are not only easy to carry, but also reload quickly. Also superior to the Leyden, while each platoon has at least ten soldiers armed with highly accurate rifled guns.”

"It may be a bit arrogant to say this, but if it is along the coast, relying on rivers or small areas for rapid operations, I personally think that this kind of organization is stronger than the current military system of Clovis and the Empire."

Anson nodded slightly, agreeing with the navy colonel's point of view.

After all, the three countries in the North Sea are not large in area, and their main cities and strongholds are all along rivers and coasts. It is natural to regard ships or gunboats as the main means of maneuver and logistics. The land troops only need to increase the infantry firepower as much as possible.

The reason why William proposed it was that he obviously felt that this kind of organization would be more beneficial to the Free Confederacy, and in fact it was true.

"And this elite Marine Corps was the trigger for the outbreak of the Civil War." The Marine Colonel sighed:

"Because most of the country's population is under the control of the nobles, in order to maintain this elite force of eight thousand people on the basis of a huge fleet, the Helvig royal family, in addition to squeezing the population under their control, also added money from the nobles. If we don’t have enough people in our hands, we can only find ways to hire foreign mercenaries with high salaries.”

"According to them, locals used to account for more than 70% of the Marine Corps, but in recent years there have been frequent wars, and the ratio of outsiders to locals has been very close to one to one."

So that’s the case, no wonder the Kingdom of Naxir is so keen on the beast slave trade... Anson thought to himself in his heart.

"When the non-aggression agreement and trade treaty were negotiated, Eric Helvig...the King of Naxir of this generation, found Draco for a private meeting." William shook his head:

"I don't know what they talked about, but the next day Eric IV suddenly announced that he would reorganize the kingdom, requiring all counts to arrive at Nakseir Port for pilgrimage as soon as possible, form a state council, and replace the counts' control over the national territory, especially the population. control."

"This obviously touched the interests of the nobles, but the first ones to jump out were not the nobles, but the Marines." The navy captain said solemnly:

"To be more precise, it was the 'locals' in the Marine Corps - they took the lead in launching a rebellion, claiming to resist the king's 'tyranny' and support Prince Christian's succession to the throne."


Anson raised his eyebrows: "Aren't the Marines the Guards directly under the royal family? Eric IV touches the cakes of the nobles. What does it have to do with them?"

"I don't know, just like I still don't know, what exactly Draco and him talked about that night." William shook his head:

"In short, nearly five thousand marines broke out in rebellion, and the remaining three thousand foreign mercenaries remained loyal and stood with the king on the side of the fleet to put down the rebellion."

"But the rebel marines controlled the city gates and most of the city. Soon rumors began to appear in Naxir Port that the king was crazy and wanted to lead a foreign army to bloodbath the entire city; only by supporting Prince Christian with them, Only in this way can disaster be avoided.”

"Before I set off, the rebel marines had already issued a call to the nobles across the country, asking them to lead their troops to fight against the rebellion - of course, the one who was diligent was the new king Christian II, and the one who was fighting was the crazy former king Eric. "

"As for Mr. Draco, he is trapped in the palace. I sent someone to tell me not to worry about his safety and to return to Beluga Port as soon as possible."

The naval captain sighed: "He is probably worried that if the Clovis fleet is stationed at Naksil Port, it will not be able to help much and will give the rebels a false excuse."

"Then what else did he say?" Anson continued the topic.

"Uh... gone."


"Yes, that's what he said."

Looking at the commander-in-chief with a wonderful expression, William nodded innocently: "I asked the mercenary who was sent to report the news if he had mentioned reinforcements or other important things. The answer is no."

"In any case, the whole incident can only be regarded as an accident. Eric IV, who was too radical, wanted to centralize power in the country while Clovis was fighting with the empire. As a result, he was too radical and hurt the nobles. Their interests caused rebellion...it just happened to be bumped into by us, that's all."

Anson frowned slightly.

No, that's not right.

If the whole thing happened to someone else, it might really be an accident, but if it happened to Draco...a member and suspected leader of the Society of Truth, then it had absolutely nothing to do with an "accident."

Excluding those circumstances that are temporarily uncertain, there are already a lot of doubts about the whole matter!

For example, how did this novelist become good friends with Eric IV, the king of the Naqsir royal family and the king, in just a few days, and could talk about everything and even be entrusted with state affairs?

According to William, Eric IV announced the "reform" the day after the night of the conversation. Is this a decision that someone who met for the first time could help make?

If not, what is the most likely scenario?

According to the not-so-good memories on a certain train and in the Elf Kingdom of Yser, Anson’s guess is this:

First of all, it was probably not the first time that Eric IV and Draco met. They had probably known each other for a long time. As for the time, it was probably the ninety-fifth year of the Saints Calendar - the Northport Rebellion that was averted by the novelist's many efforts. .

Afterwards, Eric IV probably discovered that the Marines were "not loyal enough" during the war, and at someone's suggestion, he quickly increased the number of foreign mercenaries in the army from seven to three to five to five, triggering the The team is dissatisfied.

Finally, Draco arrived at Naxir and suggested that Eric IV take advantage of the chaos in the old world to initiate reforms... As a result, the "landmines" in the Marine Corps were detonated in advance, triggering a civil war.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that a certain novelist has other plans.

But at least for now, as William said, the Naxir Kingdom, where the civil war broke out, has no time to take care of the New World. The three North Sea countries will probably not consider launching an aggressive war in the next six months to one year... Ice Dragon Fjord The west side is safe.

"So what's next?"

William took a sip of wine, and immediately said excitedly: "Now that the empire has been defeated, the empire's colonies have become free confederations that are friendly to us, and the three North Sea countries on the west are no longer a threat... What's next? ?!”

Compared with this barely successful "diplomatic event", what surprised the naval captain most was the earth-shaking changes in the New World - in less than five months, the empire's rule in the New World actually collapsed!

This is more than amazing, simply amazing!

Sitting on all the resources of the entire new world... No! As long as half of the coal and iron ore are shipped back to the mainland every year, Clovis's national power can increase by at least a fifth, a quarter or even more - enough to reverse the short-lived balance reached by the two sides.

Seeing the excited expression of the young "Fleet Commander", Anson's lips slightly raised:

"The next thing we have to do is call for help."

"Ask for help?"

William didn't understand.

"At this stage of the war, it is impossible to deal with the empire's counterattack alone with just the garrison in my hands and the power of the colonies." Anson explained:

"Whether it is transporting resources from the New World back to the homeland or guarding against the expeditionary force sent by the Empire to the New World, we must rely on the power of Clovis itself—especially the Royal Fleet!"

"To put it bluntly, colonial independence is not a particularly serious issue for the empire. At most, the emperor himself may lose a financial source, but it is actually insignificant when viewed in the context of the empire as a whole; so what they are worried about is not colonial rebellion. , but Clovis can take the opportunity to profit from it and tip the balance."

Slowly raising his gaze, Anson said meaningfully: "A decisive naval battle is inevitable; and the person who can lead Clovis to the dawn of victory is not me, but you, William Cecil."


The navy captain was startled.

"That's right, only you...more precisely, only the Cecil family can lead the royal fleet to gain a decisive advantage before the empire realizes the seriousness of the situation!"

Anson looked solemn:

"For this reason, I still have to trouble you to return to the mainland in person and go to the King of Clovis with your father and family elders."

"Report all the details to His Majesty Carlos II!"

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