I will be crowned king

Chapter 625 New World Company

The reason why this name was given, apart from the "bad taste" in my memory, the more important reason is that Anson wanted to completely distinguish this unit from the Storm Division.

In addition to the fact that the Storm Division already has a standing army, the sudden addition of so many troops will definitely cause dissatisfaction among the lower-level soldiers-conflicts between old employees and newcomers-to avoid conflicts, we also hope to use this opportunity to try something different from Clovis. new military system.

Currently, apart from Clovis, the two military formations that Anson is most familiar with are the Empire. The former emphasizes the mobility of infantry and controls the field with powerful and fast firepower in lines, supplemented by skirmishers and columns for rapid outflanking. Artillery is responsible for suppressing the enemy's long-range firepower. The cavalry cooperated with the investigation and pursuit.

The latter relies more on the mobility and suddenness of the cavalry. The artillery is responsible for the main killing tasks and tearing apart the defense line. The infantry more often plays a role similar to a "human wall fortification", compressing the enemy's detour space in exchange for the efficiency of one's own firepower output. , approaching layer by layer, and finally the cavalry ended.

Both tactics have their own merits, but they both have one thing in common: they are not suitable for the new world.

This is certainly not because they are bad. On the contrary, both are shaped by unique circumstances and situations:

As the only major country in the ordered world with the tradition of knights, it was natural to take advantage of the cavalry. After all, in a vast and complex territory, the cavalry was the easiest type of military force to assemble. The abundant treasury also gave the empire the capital to squander and exchange cannonballs for human lives.

Clovis, which is located in the land of the Fourth War, is just the opposite. It does not have a long history and does not have the capital to cultivate "aristocratic troops" for wanton squandering. However, the relatively flat and fertile terrain and the moderate land area make it easy to gather a large number of them. Well-trained infantry troops; constantly improving infrastructure provide a way to quickly deploy, and can not fall behind in confrontations with powerful countries.

However, the New World does not have the size and cavalry advantages of the empire, nor the infrastructure built by Clovis for many years. This results in the New World army that relies on these two military systems to not only be ineffective, but also to use both. The shortcomings of this military system have been fully exposed.

If you want to exercise complete control over the New World, you must have an army that suits the local characteristics.

But things like the military system are very complicated. If Anson issued a document today, tomorrow the entire army would have a completely new look. There are not only historical traditions, but also the balance of various interest groups competing with each other and ultimately compromising each other. Not to mention that the Storm Division is already a A standing army cannot be easily changed or shaken.

Moreover, a new military system not only needs to refer to the actual experience of officers, but also has theoretical talents with professional backgrounds; even if all the elements are complete, it will still take a little experimentation and years of trial and error before you can gradually see the results... Cost Extremely high.

Anson had actually given up on such an extremely troublesome idea that might not necessarily bear fruit - until the sound of a cannon at Naxir Port brought him a brand new organization called the "Marine Corps".

In terms of climate and environment, the three countries in the North Sea are similar to the New World. They all have a weak military-industrial foundation (colonies should be called no colonies), poor inland infrastructure, and developed coastal shipping. Both sides suffer from the problem of uneven population distribution within the territory, making it difficult to gather on a large scale. There is plenty to learn from.

On the ship Crown that happened to be returning with William Cecil, there were several Marines who were responsible for informing them and escorting them away.

Anson offered them an absolutely irresistible price, allowing these Clovis mercenaries who were loyal to the Naxir royal family to serve as instructors.

Using the Naxir Naval Team as a template, every five infantry regiments are organized into an infantry division, but usually only the regiments are used as basic units, dispersed and deployed in various areas from Sailing City to Beluga Port... The initial goals are two Infantry division, and eventually strive to become a full corps with four divisions.

This means that the entire "shooting army" has about ten to twenty infantry regiments, with a total strength of about 10,000 to 20,000 people. Even if it is only equipped with the most basic equipment, the soldiers only pay for food, and the officers only go to the company level for training. I only teach the simplest things... and the expenses are astronomical.

Even though Anson has managed to raise enough start-up capital, the subsequent investment is still quite large; deducting what he can afford, there is still a big loophole.

But just like the Naxir royal family can form a large fleet with only one port city, plus an elite division equivalent to half a full army; even if they are short of money, as long as they can get the start-up funds, they can It can support an army that exceeds the upper limit of endurance.

After all, your army is not necessarily made up of your people, nor does it have to be you who pay them.

In this crisis-ridden new world, where leaving the city is a wilderness, sufficient armed force itself is an excellent capital; from farmers and mobile traders entering the city to manor owners and colonial parliaments, everyone is eager for "security" Almost unlimited.

As long as it can fill or even monopolize this demand, it is equivalent to controlling a money printing machine that can spit out money by itself.

So with Louis' tacit approval, a private enterprise destined to cover all colonies in the future was officially established in the most prosperous port commercial street of Sailing City.

Its name is...New World Happy Life Security Company.


As soon as this "security company" with a strong background and the title of Commander-in-Chief of the Clovis Garrison Corps and Governor of Sail City came out, it aroused great interest among the wealthy businessmen and industrial owners of Sail City.

Of course, this has nothing to do with being optimistic about the company's prospects. It simply touches on their immediate needs - the imminent problem of beast slaves.

A liberal rebellion and two consecutive battles in Sailing City not only destroyed half of the city, but also plunged large areas on the outskirts of the city into disorderly riots.

Seeing the city under siege, the hard workers in various mines and plantations launched riots one after another, killing the thugs left behind by the industrialists and farmers who were at an absolute disadvantage in numbers, looting the warehouses, and even robbed the supply convoys of the Imperial and Confederate armies. …

And those manors that could still be maintained did not escape the disaster... Seeing that Yangfan City was crumbling, the supervisors who were entrusted with the important task either decisively grabbed it before the rebels or the army arrived, and looted all the property on the account, leaving behind A group of long-term and short-term workers who had no idea what was going on ran away alone; or they even took over the industry and became local emperors.

When the war ended, the remaining industrial owners in the city were surprised to find that in addition to the cash they had on them, dozens or even hundreds of years of property had been wiped out overnight.

This is still a good thing... But those who left their families in the countryside and went to the city to escape alone became lonely, and almost no one was spared.

Faced with this tragic situation of losing both their people and their wealth, they instinctively thought of Louis Bernard, whom they had promoted, and hoped that the Governor of Sailing City would once again display his chivalry and help them regain their property. Revenge by the way.

Then he was rejected unsurprisingly.

You must know that the reason why he became the governor of Sailing City was somewhat coerced - if it were not for the fact that if even these liberals were killed, the entire Sailing City would probably be completely out of control, Louis It is impossible to keep these traitors alive.

Now that the war is over, Yangfan City is in dire straits and waiting to be rebuilt. Just rebuilding the city and relieving the victims has consumed almost all the resources and manpower he has at hand; and these traitors not only don't know how to be grateful, but they actually want to impose conditions? dream!

However, seeing that the other party was relatively honest so far, Louis did not say anything. He just said that there was currently insufficient manpower on hand and he could only maintain public order in Yangfan City and the surrounding areas. He was really powerless in the suburbs that were too far away.

The words were very euphemistic, but everyone understood the meaning.

So when Anson said, "I want to start a security company, and I need a large number of animal slaves as employees, and I hope everyone can help," these people immediately became excited.

Beast slave? We have plenty!

Price? The price is absolutely cheap! Not only is it cheap, but it also maintains quality and quantity - all the beast slaves are strong, young and healthy, and they get three black breads a day, so they can do whatever they want!

But there's a small problem, that is, all of these slave beasts are in mines and manors in the countryside; if you want to buy them, you have to... do it yourself.

The other thing is that after you buy these beast slaves, please return the manor and mine to us in their original condition; uh... it doesn’t matter if they don’t remain in their original condition, you can move away all the free money that can be moved away, and you can take whatever you want. , just keep the real estate.

This is definitely the first time Anson has met such a humble seller.

Each beast slave was originally worth at least fifteen to thirty gold coins (this was the price in the New World). After cordial negotiations between the two parties, the manor owners took the initiative to lower the price to two silver coins - for fear that Anson would regret the higher price.

In addition, all the industrial owners present also collectively promised that as long as the training of these "security employees" is completed, they will immediately sign an employment agreement with New World Company (referred to as) for no less than six months.

It’s like the company hasn’t even opened yet, and the first order has already been placed.

Of course, the reason why they are willing to do this is not only because Anson can send troops to help them get back their property. A very important reason is that the price quoted by New World Company is cheap enough, which is fully half lower than the price quoted by ordinary mercenary groups!

In addition to not expecting the Shooting Army to rely entirely on commissions to support themselves and prevent them from falling out of control, Anson, who had various resources, could originally have lowered costs to a level that would make his peers despair.

An ordinary mercenary group with dozens of people not only has difficulty finding work projects, but also has unstable income. Daily food, accommodation, illness and pain take up most of their expenses.

But these problems obviously do not exist for New World Company.

Relying on its relationship with the Confederacy and even various colonies, the New World Company's mercenaries naturally have unimpeded access, and can also make use of the military camps and fortresses set up by the Storm Division in various places. All employees' food and accommodation can be provided by unified logistics, and as for illness and injury, …At least in the current environment, animal slaves have no human rights.

And no matter how big or small, the business types of mercenary groups are very limited, and they often only dare to do the types that they are familiar with; but Anson has no such worries at all: escorting caravans, developing colonies, clearing out indigenous settlements, personal security, mansion protection, Remote mail...the scope of coverage can be as broad as it is.

Customers all vote with their feet. Faced with the New World Company, which is cheap, has sufficient quantity, and provides considerate service, and the mercenary group with few people, low price, and high strength, it is clear which one to choose; and when all these small mercenary groups are squeezed out of the market, I don't have to worry about running out of business.

After all, for a business like this with "hard currency" and "rigid demand", as long as the initial investment is enough to overwhelm its peers, it is very natural to form a regional monopoly.

Relying on the high-quality and low-cost services provided by the New World Company, the security factor of the New World colonies will inevitably increase, and economic activities will then prosper together; the reduction in the number of slaves also avoids conflicts between the indigenous people and the colonists, and is The mercenary groups who were forced to change careers can also invest in more meaningful undertakings such as production and construction and colonization.

When he thought that his small actions could bring so many benefits to the new world at the same time, Anson felt deeply the great responsibility, his spiritual level took on a new look, and his soul seemed to be sublimated at this moment...

"So...you found a bunch of bad guys to help you reduce the cost of raising a shooting army, and by the way, you opened a security company that can squeeze out all the small mercenary groups to the point where they can't do anything?" Karl raised his eyebrows:

"While raising private soldiers for yourself, you also have them work for you to make money. The unscrupulous idea of ​​not suffering any losses is really your style."

"I think you have ignored the social significance that this army can produce and its contribution to the long-term peace and stability of the entire New World." Anson retorted confidently:

"Not to mention the benefits brought by reducing the number of dangerous indigenous people by 20,000, just how many jobs can be provided by various supporting industrial chains and how much wealth can be created for the entire New World - they should also thank me!"

"Go talk to those homeless mercenaries and adventurers about this - life in the homeland is miserable enough, but in the new world, you are forced to compete for jobs." Rolled his eyes:

"One more thing, even if you can recruit enough soldiers, what about the officers - even if it is only at the company level, 20,000 people will still need 200 to 300 officers to operate, otherwise they are worse than a bunch of thugs!"

"Don't worry about this. I already have a complete plan. You just need to work with the Marine instructors to help me train them." Anson patted the adjutant on the shoulder:

"The training time is six weeks for each batch, and each batch is 4,000. Before the spring of next year, I want to see 15,000 trained shooters on standby to fight for the independence and freedom of the new world!"

Arm the indigenous people of the New World and defend the New World from interference from the Old World... This is perfect.

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