I will be crowned king

Chapter 628 Baker Family

Intruder? !

Anson's pupils shrank suddenly, and there was a trace of surprise in his eyes.

There are no traces of fighting around the four unfaithful knights who died violently, which proves that the place of the battle or at least the attack was not here. The corpses have not yet decomposed, and even the blood stains are very fresh, so the incident should have happened not long ago.

Ambush of outsiders... Settlement that cannot be easily discovered... Intimidating slogans... Not so long ago...

That colonial settlement controlled by the Old God Sect's spellcasters is probably nearby? !

But no matter whether it is the supernatural power or the range visible to the naked eye, there is no trace of a "village" or similar rural settlement at all - there are still countless towering ancient trees in the distance, and there are only three people just standing at their feet. The "forest path" that I made myself.

Where is it?

No, the biggest problem doesn't stop there.

The four corpses in front of me... If my memory was correct, I should have noticed its existence only when it was less than ten meters away.

With such an eye-catching logo, I didn’t see it until I was close to my face? !

While Anson was confused, the girl had already pulled out a brand new steam gun from her back. She was looking around with a vigilant muzzle. There was a grenade and a smoke bomb hidden under her left sleeve holding the butt of the gun.

"Don't... don't shoot, put it away quickly!" Phil Cressy finally came to his senses. As soon as he turned around, he was frightened to death by the black muzzle of the gun, and shouted in a panic:

"The indigenous people who have dealt with the colonies are very sensitive to the 'gun'! If they see it, they will think it is a declaration of war..."


Before he finished speaking, there was a roar from the jungle.

Feir, who looked horrified, didn't have time to scream. A loud sound penetrated his eardrum, as if he had been hit hard, and his body fell forward uncontrollably.

He was lucky... At the same time as the gunshot, Lisa, who was tapped on the shoulder by Anson, pulled the trigger at the same time; the whizzing lead bullet was shattered and deflected, and finally did not penetrate someone's head.

Without hesitation, the girl decisively threw the smoke bomb at her feet, and her petite body instantly rolled to a natural shelter next to a tree trunk.

Anson rushed to Phil Cressy who was lying on the ground at the same time, then took out the "anonymity glasses" from his arms and put them on, dragging Phil to hide directly opposite Lisa.

"Bang! Bang bang bang! Bang bang! Bang..."

Firecracker-like gunshots rang out one after another, exploding dozens of flickering flames in the forest; not only bullet marks, but also the trajectories of bows and arrows could be seen in the smoke that enveloped the forest.

Soon, the smoke dissipated.

In the originally deserted woods, dozens of figures holding long guns, short cannons, hatchets, bows and arrows suddenly appeared.

Some of them wore peaked caps or thick hoods, gray or brown coats, trousers and scarves, looking like colonists; some were wrapped in warm and thick leather fabrics, looking completely like indigenous people from head to toe... But Some of the colonists also carried bows and arrows, while the indigenous people carried brand-new rifles, gunpowder boxes and ammunition pouches.

Anson's expression was extremely serious.

Just like the four corpses just now, it was not until the moment of the gunshot that I "saw" these figures in my mind with my "superpower" turned on all the time; before that, let alone the sight, I didn't even notice the breath.

"This is a warning!"

Accompanied by a slightly younger voice, the ambushers surrounding the three people suddenly gave way from the front; a young figure wearing a half-top hat and pioneer attire, holding a knight's saber, walked into the encirclement, coldly Staring at the three people:

"Foreign intruders, you have broken into the territory of the Baker family; put down your weapons and be captured, otherwise... shoot to death!"

At the same time as the voice sounded, the girl hiding under the tree trunk had her right hand holding the trigger again. This time, there were two grenades hidden under her left hand. At the same time, she quietly opened the hem of her clothes that blocked the revolver at her waist.

Anson, who also ignored this warning, remained motionless, constantly searching the surrounding terrain and figures in his mind, looking for answers that he had not been aware of before.

The light smoke mixed with the lingering fog made the air in the forest somewhat depressing.

The young man straightened the somewhat worn but clean top hat on his head and waved gently behind him.


The figures surrounding the three people collectively took a step forward, with black muzzles and cold arrows aimed at their bodies.

"Wait...wait a minute!"

At the moment when he was about to explode, Phil Crecy, who was lying on the ground, suddenly jumped up and made a standard "surrender gesture" with his hands:

"I-we are not invading...intruders! We are...sent to negotiate!"

The stammered words, the panicked look - if he hadn't seen the unusually calm look on his face when he got up, Anson might have thought that the Phil Cressy in front of him was not the same person he knew.


The young man raised his hand to stop the people behind him, but his eyes still remained alert.

"In the name of the Lord, I come to negotiate with the lords of this settlement and sign a covenant of peace and non-aggression!"

Feir's words were not stagnant at all, and he was so fluent that he seemed to have memorized everything by heart in advance: "The war has come to an end, and there is a new owner of Sailing City. Naturally, we have to negotiate with surrounding neighbors!"

These words, which seemed to make sense at first glance, made the young man frown slightly, as if he was in some incomprehensible state: "Then, your master is..."

"Anson Bach!"

Feier said in a deep voice without changing his expression: "Draco Vertes, I am just a herald under the command of the Lord!"


When Anson heard a "familiar" name, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

And the "warm-hearted" Fehr has not forgotten them: "The two beside me are the Franz brothers and sisters, Ludwig Franz and Sophia Franz, your Lord's personal attendants, and I Let’s shoulder the important task of meeting and visiting the Baker family together!”

Lisa opened her mouth and almost pulled the trigger and shot this guy who was talking about running trains.

The young man frowned, as if he was making a very difficult decision. He was silent for a long time before saying coldly:

"I still don't believe you outsiders...but I can take you to Baker Town first and let my family decide whether to accept your negotiations."

As he spoke, he waved around again to let the attackers who surrounded the three people disperse slightly.

Fair immediately showed an expression of amnesty, and even did not forget to take off his hat and nod slightly to salute. The familiar action once again brought back some not-so-good memories of Anson.

The young man on the opposite side didn't take it seriously, and while calling everyone to evacuate, he motioned for the three of them to follow; the colonists and indigenous people holding long guns and short cannons surrounded them in the center as if they were escorting criminals.

Just as the group was about to leave, the young man suddenly stopped and turned to look at the three of them with a very cautious expression.

"Before setting off, there is one more thing that I need to know." He raised his right hand and pointed at the four figures above his head who were disemboweled and hanging on the branches:

"What is their relationship with you?"

While speaking, the young man's right hand was quietly pressing the handle of the knife; the surrounding colonists and indigenous people also turned around, staring at the three people's every move from all directions with cold eyes.

"It doesn't matter!"

Phil Cressey was the first to answer: "I don't know them at all, and I don't have the slightest impression - who are they?"

"It really doesn't matter?" The young man's expression changed slightly, and his wary eyes slowly moved towards Anson beside him.

"I really don't know what you're talking about." Anson also said without changing his expression or heartbeat:

"I guess they may be deserters from the enemies we fought with before - if that's the case, I have to thank you for solving these troubles for us!"

"Yes, yes, thank you so much; these people deserve to be cut to pieces with a thousand knives, a death that is not a pity!"

Feier on the side also smiled and responded.

But the young man did not continue to look at them, and turned his attention to the last petite figure.

Looking at the young man's indifferent face, Lisa looked at the four corpses above her head, looked around, looked at Feir who was secretly nervous and Anson who was calm, and then...


The protest of her belly was clearly audible in the dead silence of the forest.

With big, serious eyes, the girl, who was surrounded by a group of long guns and cannons, looked at the young man:

"I'm hungry. When will dinner be served?"


The journey to the Shell family territory was very peaceful. Not only were there no bodies hanging on the trees, but there were no animals in the forest.

The colonists and indigenous people who escorted the three people - or escorted - always kept a considerable distance from them and remained silent; not only did they not say a word to them, they also did not communicate with each other. , not even a whisper or a glance.

If it is deliberate, then it proves that their vigilance towards them has reached an incredible level; if not, then the quality of these "villagers" cannot even be matched by the storm masters, which is very strange.

But then again, it is extremely weird that a group of natives and colonists can live in harmony.

The young man walked at the front of the team, leading the way while not forgetting to introduce the situation of the settlement to the three of them.

He calls himself Nora Baker. He is the eldest son of Master Baker and Mrs. Camille and the heir of the Baker family. He rules the "Baker Territory" and all the surrounding forests, rivers and meadows.

Based on his gestures, Anson roughly guessed that it roughly covered the entire virgin forest in the northern suburbs of Yangfan City.

About ten years ago, this place was just an ordinary colony. There were about three or four small settlements of indigenous people around it. In order to compete for territory, food and water sources, various fights often broke out, causing death and injury to each other.

This state lasted for a long time until Mr. Baker brought Mrs. Camille and the young Nora to this land.

He used very gentle methods to calm down the disputes between the two sides, and persuaded the colonists to open their arms and accept the indigenous people living around the settlement; at the same time, the indigenous people who had been in constant conflict with the colonists because of their beliefs and customs also came to Baker With the persuasion of the master, he accepted the "new civilization" brought by the colonists.

The two parties put aside their prejudices and coexisted harmoniously under the leadership of Mr. Baker, living an isolated, comfortable and prosperous life.

As for why Mr. Baker can do things that countless empires, Clovis colonists, and even the army cannot accomplish, the reason is very simple...

"My father is a great believer of the Three True Gods and a spell caster." Nora Baker said with great pride:

"He was also a colonist, but he soon discovered the hypocrisy of the Ring of Order and the piety of this land to the Three True Gods, so now the Baker family has abandoned the past and integrated with the land of rest. There is no distinction between them.”

"Relying on his devotion to the Three True Gods, he resolved all conflicts and disputes between the two parties, and used his own power to protect the entire settlement from any outside intrusion. He has protected this land for ten years."

Ten years... Assuming that the other party is not lying, this settlement controlled by the caster has existed for ten years. It is not like a recent threat as someone said.

Anson slowly looked back and glanced meaningfully at Feier; the latter twitched his throat and forced out a smile of unknown meaning.

"I also have a younger sister who was born when my father became the lord of this settlement."

Nora Baker, who didn't notice the expressions of the two people, lowered her head and looked at Lisa with a somewhat doting expression:

"Her name is Lulu, and she is about the same age as you; I have a hunch that you will become good friends and talk about everything."

Lisa didn't speak, she kept clutching her gurgling stomach, dragging the hem of Anson's clothes listlessly, and staggering behind.

Noila didn’t take it seriously and continued to lead the way.

Finally, as evening approached, everyone finally stopped; along the forest path at their feet, a small village emerged in the jungle.

Winding fence walls, farmhouses made of thatch and logs, vegetable gardens surrounded by fences... and surrounded by the entire village in the center, a three-story stone building, which looks somewhat similar to Clovis's recent buildings. A very popular mansion.

Like the previous "Corpse Road Sign" and the attackers, Anson didn't find even a trace of the existence of this village before approaching here.

At the same time as they arrived, a large number of people had gathered outside the gate of the village. It seemed that they should have been waiting here early.

There are old and young among them, big and small, indigenous people and colonists... Judging from the formation, there are three to four hundred people, which should be everyone in the village.

Right in front of the crowd was a middle-aged man who was also wearing a half-top hat and a black windbreaker; beside him stood a good-looking lady about thirty years old; between the two of them, there was There is a little girl hiding behind the lady's skirt, peeking over here.

Not surprisingly, this should be the Baker family... Anson thought secretly in his heart.

Just before the three of them spoke, Nora Baker suddenly abandoned them and ran quickly to the middle-aged man's side. The family all showed kind smiles, taking off their hats or lifting their skirts:

"Dignified guests of Sail City, welcome to Baker Territory."

While the family greeted them politely, the surrounding villagers, whether they were on the opposite side or those who had just attacked them, all bowed and saluted, moving in unison.

Anson's expression was slightly stiff.

This place...is really getting weirder and weirder.

A batch of characters have been updated...

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