I will be crowned king

Chapter 639 Similar Plan

Under the cold moonlight, densely packed corpses swarmed around the three of them.

They lurk in the darkness of the night, waiting patiently like wolves that drive to kill their prey, suppressing their bloodthirsty impulses, sharpening their claws, and waiting for the perfect hunting moment.

"I do not understand."

Facing Anson's indifferent muzzle, Phil Cressy still looked surprised and unbelievable: "Since you have already discovered it, why do you need to expose it?"

"You clearly know that as long as you do what I say, you will be able to escape from here - I have no intention of harming you!"

"No, you just don't have that chance...for the time being." Anson corrected him coldly:

"You have been monitoring us since we entered the Baker Mansion; you pretend to be an 'ordinary person' with no power, but you are the most dangerous among the three...delicious tea soup."

"That's all out of necessity!" Phil Cressy defended:

"It's all her, Lulu...no, it was forced by Noulula! She created us, and made us become her disguise, pretending to be her family! We, at least I don't want to do this at all, But there’s no way to escape!”

"Prayer room...you saw the statue of the original ring, that is the shackles used to imprison us!" Phil Cressy became more and more excited as he spoke:

"As long as there is anything that is not in line with her wishes, we will all fall into a fate worse than death; as long as she is still alive, even wanting to die is a luxury!"

So Baker, Nora and Mrs. Camille are really parts separated from "Lulu". They not only got "emotion" but also some power, and they each have the power of the three major magics. It's interesting... Anson thought secretly in his heart.

Fair Cressy - or Mrs. Camille didn't seem to want to continue this topic. She sighed softly and took a deep look at the Baker Mansion in the distance:

"I don't know why, but Nolula's power has been severely weakened... Although it is impossible to kill her with our power, we can still seal her."

"As long as her magic reaction is temporarily suppressed, I can regain my freedom, and you can also lift the restrictions around the settlement and escape, killing two birds with one stone." His expression was very sincere:

"I don't have any extravagant wishes. I just hope that I can leave here and leave this land. You can never imagine how terrifying those 'grave guards' are... You dare to set foot in their forbidden territory. You are crazy!"

"Really?" Anson raised his eyebrows, as if he was suddenly curious about this:

"Tell me, what are the scary things about them?"

Feir's throat twitched, and his eyes showed subconscious fear:

"I, I can't tell; but one thing is for sure, that is Noulula... She may be the most potential among the 'Gravekeepers', but she is also the youngest and the weakest."

"They sent her here just to test the strength of the invaders and find the most threatening enemy; now you have been exposed, even if you are far away from this land, you are still in trouble!"

As he finished speaking, Phil Cressy shuddered involuntarily, and his scarlet pupils trembled slightly, as if there were eyes lurking in the darkness behind him, spying on him.

Lisa on the side became alert and looked around with a steam gun, as if she was ready to blow the heads of the guys who were spying on her and Anson.

Anson touched the girl's hairy little head and continued to ask:

"In that case, why do you need to run away; or do you have some way of evading them?"

"No." He lamented, and a miserable smile appeared on Phil Cressy's face:

"But even if not, I still can't help but want to fight for it, even if it's a year, a month, a week or even just one day. I want to experience the days of 'freedom', and I want to see other than this land that is covered in ice and snow all year round. , what does the ‘old world’ you call it look like?”

"There are many vague memories in Phil Cressy's consciousness. I plan to go and see for myself, at least not to live in vain."

"Then I can only wish you good luck." Anson shrugged with emotion and put down the "dagger" revolver he had been holding in his hand:

"After all, the old world is not a paradise. What awaits you may not be all good intentions, and it may not be better than here."

"I understand." Phil Cressy nodded seriously, then turned around, preparing to break out.

"Wait a moment."

At this moment, Anson suddenly spoke and stopped him:

"Before departure, I have a little question that I would like to ask you."

Phil Cressy, who had his back turned to him, did not speak, but looked back inadvertently and cast a doubtful look.

"Now you are Mrs. Camille..." Anson paused and asked like an understatement:

"…or Phil Cressey?"

The moment the words fell, Lisa, whose little head was being pressed, suddenly started up and subconsciously widened her eyes.

Looking at the head of the Cressy family who looked extremely ugly, an incomplete but generally clear clue emerged in Anson's mind:

The Faithless Knights, who were hunted by the Church of Order and have been wandering around the New World all year round, got in touch with the Old God Sect that guarded the tombs of the Three Old Gods for some reason. One of them needed a safe hiding place and enough power to protect themselves, and the other needed Information and intelligence on "intruders" are in a relationship of mutual use.

The original plan of the Faithless Knights, or Phil Cressy, was probably to use the dispute between themselves and the Empire to provoke a colonial war, expel the imperial forces while drawing chestnuts from the fire, and rely on the power and intelligence network of the Faithless Knights to become a colony. The actual controller behind it.

This is actually very similar to Anson's plan. The difference is that behind him is Rune, and the Faithless Knights are preparing to join forces with the Land of Rest - the "gravekeepers" need to avoid being disturbed by intruders from the tombs of the three old gods. The existence of the Faithless Knights and the Crecy Family can completely achieve this goal.

For the Old God Sect in the New World, he who has integrated the power of the New World and the Rune family behind him is a threat that they cannot ignore; for Feier Cressy, he has changed from an ally to a threat - both sides After reaching an agreement on annihilating themselves, this carefully arranged "trip to Baker Territory" took place.

It's just that the Old Gods of the New World have the same distrust of Fel Crecy, and that cup of tea soup should also be one of the means used to monitor him; it's just that he used it in turn and took the opportunity to obtain "Noulula" part of the power.

In the darkness, twisted figures lurking in the corners suddenly stood up one after another, their scarlet blood pupils flickering like candlelight, surrounding the three of them.

"Oh...it's really troublesome."

After a long silence, Phil Cressy let out a long sigh, and looked at Anson with a complex and helpless expression: "See it through but don't tell it... Why don't you understand such an excellent quality?"

"I really don't understand." The expressionless Anson snorted, biting his pipe and raising the corners of his mouth slightly:

"Especially to an insincere liar - seeing your plan succeed is more painful than my own plan failing."

"Yeah, then it seems we are quite similar."

Having said this, Phil Cressy, who had his back to the two of them, suddenly raised his right hand, as if preparing for the surrounding carrion corpses to pounce on him and kill him.

Lisa instinctively raised the steam gun, and two revolvers loaded with ammunition were revealed under her opened coat, plus four or five throwing knives and various grenades surrounding her waist.

At this moment, the two of them felt a slight vibration from the ground beneath their feet, as if it was not just ordinary mud but some kind of living thing.

Hmm... living thing?


A huge tentacle of flesh and blood broke out of the ground. It opened its spiral-shaped bloody mouth from the "tentacle" directly in front of the tentacle, and came towards the two of them!

At the moment when the ground cracked and roared, the stunned Ansen looked at Lisa who jumped up with him; the girl, who was also shocked, instinctively pulled out a grenade from her waist and threw it towards the tentacle's mouthpart with her backhand.

Without any hesitation, Anson decisively snapped his fingers.

Cursed magic, [Rising Fire].


The flesh-and-blood tentacles that shot straight into the sky were like water balloons that were suddenly inflated, and exploded to pieces with the bursting fire; the uncontrolled flames swept around like shock waves, illuminating the earth in the rain of blood.

Countless rotting corpses that were swallowed up screamed shrilly in the sea of ​​​​fire, constantly stretching their arms upward to escape; but what greeted them was not only a petite figure falling from the sky, but also lead bullets that screamed at death.

"Uh wow wow wow wow...!!!!"

The girl screamed loudly and rushed into the sea of ​​fire decisively. The bullet marks that tore through the air were dyed the color of blood, and she blew the heads of the surrounding corpses one by one.

Seizing the opportunity created by Lisa, Anson frowned and started the fog pipe again. Thick white smoke enveloped him, and at the same time, the revolver in his right hand instantly locked onto the figure that was attacking him.

Without any warning, milky white water vapor hit us.


At the moment of life and death, Ansen, who was tense all over, directly activated [Smoke Entertainment Home], and the "smoke shield" he threw out exploded the moment it collided with the water vapor.

Before the opponent could get within three steps, Anson's figure turned directly into smoke and hid in the surrounding smoke with the help of [Undead Mist].

He learned about the power of Fel Crecy's bloodline in detail from Louis Bernard. He knew very well that in addition to controlling water vapor and long-range attacks, the other party had also been strengthened in all aspects of his body. Moreover, he was a conjurer, and he was at the same level as him. Even a stronger blood mage is seeking death if he goes head-to-head.

After missing the blow, Fel Crecy did not rush forward in a hurry. He immediately and cautiously threw three streams of water vapor around and behind him. He remained vigilant in the smoke that had surrounded him, and his stern eyes were no different from those of a certain knight.

The moment he looked back, a wisp of flying mist suddenly transformed into his left hand holding the revolver, aiming at the back of his neck and pulling the trigger.


The dazzling gun flame illuminated the darkness, reflecting the ferocious face of Mrs. Camille.

She seemed to appear out of thin air behind Phil Cressey, and screamed at Anson with a face with half of his head smashed:


"You must die!!!!"


Endless gibbering and shrill wails exploded in Anson's mind; Anson, who had just recovered from the smoke state, had no way to hide, and his vision suddenly went dark.

Just as he was about to fall, his left hand, which had always been free, suddenly let go, revealing an ordinary jewelry box.

Shadow doll? !

Seeing the magic prop in Anson's hand, the spirit of Phil Crecy suddenly appeared, and he decisively dropped Mrs. Camille's body and turned around and ran away.

He just wants to kill this troublesome commander-in-chief, and is not ready to die with him!

But in the next second, the shadows did not pour in like a tide as he imagined, overwhelming all the activities around him; there was still silence and no sound in the thick fog.

For a moment of astonishment, Phil Cressy immediately realized that he had been deceived - it was an identical ordinary jewelry box!

And this moment was enough for a girl who had been waiting for the opportunity for a long time.

As a weapon specially created for the talented members of the Judgment Knights, the steam spray gun can not only fire five times or even ten times the rate of fire of an ordinary rifle, but can also directly fire out all the stored "ammunition", turning it into a weapon comparable to a six-pound cannon. one strike.

Feir, who had not yet recovered from the shock, opened his eyes wide, looking at the girl standing on the pile of corpses, looking at her pointing the muzzle of the gun... and her young little hand that decisively pulled the trigger.


A deafening loud noise exploded into a scarlet blood mist, directly obliterating Phil Cressy's left hand and left foot, and the flesh and blood from half of his face was sprayed into the surrounding mud.

But as a "reward", he also avoided the fate of being shot to death - and for the blood mage, as long as he is not dead, a little flesh wound is insignificant!

Lisa, who noticed the mistake, immediately tried to rush forward to hit the target, but Phil Cressy, who was lucky enough to survive, did not intend to give her this chance, and threw a stream of water vapor with his backhand towards the girl.


The translucent water mist exploded the "pile of bones" to pieces, and the splashing body parts and pieces of flesh passed by the running petite figure; Lisa, with a determined face, was not repelled, but continued to move toward Fair Clay. Xi's figure pounced.

Although the thick fog obscured her vision, the innate blood of Augustus allowed her to clearly detect the opponent's magical reaction; even if she closed her eyes, she could accurately lock on the target.

As if fighting to the death, Fair Cressy did not escape from the thick fog, but continuously threw out stream after stream of water vapor at the oncoming girl; each time it seemed that he could tear her to pieces. , but always pass by each other.

"Uh wow wow wow wow...!!!!"

A sharp cry exploded from her small chest again, and the bright silver bayonet pulled out a lightning-like arc of light in the air and rushed towards the figure.

But the moment she burst into the smoke, the girl couldn't help but widen her eyes.

What was waiting for her was not Fel Cressy, but a flesh and blood monster with countless broken corpses, whose torso and head could not be distinguished, and with pus constantly flowing from his body.

The girl charging towards the bayonet showed her bloody fangs!

The Land of Rest copy is unlocked, and Anson is one step closer to becoming a non-human being...

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