I will be crowned king

Chapter 641 Explanation

Facts have proved that honest people also have tempers - and if you have to, it is best not to push a person with a good temper to the limit, otherwise you may not be able to accept the huge contrast.

After repeatedly confirming that the surrounding area had been cleared and safe, Louis dragged Anson into the tent in front of everyone, and blocked everyone except Lieutenant Colonel Norton Crosell from outside.

Seeing how "violent" the other party was, Lisa, who was worried about Anson being bullied, was about to follow, but Thalia raised her hand to stop him. The three girls with different expressions looked at each other and stood silently outside the tent.

In the deathly silent tent, facing Louis who was exuding a murderous aura, he very obediently sat down in front of the chair pointed by the other person, not daring to make any sound.

"Tell me, what are you thinking about?"

The dark-faced young knight gritted his teeth and said with his hands clasped in front of his chest that he was trying desperately to resist the urge to strangle this bastard: "You left your post without authorization and disappeared, or you were alone - have you ever been the commander-in-chief? The consciousness of being the governor of the Clovis colony?”

"Well, to be precise, I am not actually the colonial governor, there is someone else; and I am not alone, isn't there Lisa and..."

"shut up!"

Louis interrupted without politeness: "I'm not asking you to answer now. Listen to me first, and then explain when I say I can answer. Do you understand?!"

"Understood!" Anson nodded immediately and gestured with his right hand to sew his mouth shut.

"You may have thought that I would believe some of your seamless lies, pre-made excuses, perfect reasons and ten thousand people who could give you proof that you had to leave immediately and couldn't tell anyone... You are wrong Got it!"

Taking a deep breath, the young knight snorted coldly: "I'm not a fool. I know why you appeared here, and I also know exactly what excuse you probably used to convince Freya. If you don't say it, it doesn't mean that I don't understand everything. No idea.”

No one said you were stupid, and I never thought you knew nothing about this... Anson kept smiling, put his hands on his thighs obediently, raised his chest and raised his head, listening intently.

"But because it is so dangerous, as the commander-in-chief and... you should not act alone!" Louis said in a deep voice:

"You are the commander-in-chief, not a lone ranger! Putting yourself in danger will only make things more troublesome and more difficult. It is not the behavior of a knight at all - although you are not a knight either!"

"Of course, the war between the Empire and Clovis is not over yet. Strictly speaking... no, we are enemies. You will probably be very unconvinced when the enemy questions you like this, right?"

With a long sigh, the young knight sat down opposite Anson: "But I still want to say it! Whether it is the current Free Confederacy or the conflict with the Empire and Clovis, as the commander-in-chief of the garrison, you have unshirkable responsibilities. Responsibility."

"You are no longer the leader of the regiment, and you are no longer the commander of the lone army - it is hard to imagine that I am actually saying this to you - no matter what you do, you must first consider the overall situation, and then the solution to the problem. !”

"Fortunately, at least you did not lose your usual caution and told Lieutenant Colonel Norton Crosell the time and route of the operation as a record of the plan." Louis' tone softened slightly:

"But you were too cautious. You didn't even give him or others the power to temporarily mobilize the army. As a result, you wasted a lot of time on the recruiters when setting off. Otherwise, we should have arrived in advance!"


There was a flash of surprise in the corner of Anson's eyes.

He glanced at Norton next to him. The silent commander of the 3rd Infantry Regiment stood in the corner of the tent without saying a word, with an indifferent expression as if he was completely unaware that the conversation between the two people opposite him had turned to him.

"If you don't want to talk about what you did before, I don't have to talk about it, but you must tell me your next plan."

The young knight finally got to the point: "What do you think about the Old God sect forces and indigenous people in the New World?"

He actually knows the difference between the Old Gods and the indigenous people in the New World? That's right, after all, he is the heir to the Principality of Adlan, and the Crecy family, the leader of the Faithless Knights, is also a branch of Bernard. It is not surprising to have information in this area... Anson deliberately pondered for a while, as if after careful consideration. Slowly he said:

"Divide and conquer."

After the words fell, Louis, who was still a bit dissatisfied, immediately became serious: "Tell me more details."

"Simply put, it is to separate the treatment of the indigenous people and the Old God Sect into two different goals - although they seem to be the same thing." Anson explained:

"The beast slaves...the indigenous people rioted because we colonists not only controlled large areas of land, but also carried out very severe abuse and discrimination against them, not just because we were invaders and oppressed them. To enslave them and destroy their faith.”

"To be honest, I initially had similar thoughts when Hammer arrived at Ice Dragon Fjord, but the fact is that the indigenous people of the New World are different from us people in the Old World. They do not have the concept of 'territory', our villages, towns and cities In their eyes, they are no different from their traveling tribes.”

"As for slavery, even among the indigenous people, there are conflicts and disputes between different tribes, or even between clans of the same tribe. We are not kinder to the escaped tribesmen or captured enemies than we are, and this will not arouse their resistance. .”

"The real problem is that we have never been able to allow, or rather cannot accept, these indigenous peoples who are 'very different' from us to join our 'tribe'."

Anson's expression gradually became solemn: "If the number of colonists is large enough, or the old world and the new world are bordering, this is not a particularly serious problem - in the most extreme case, even tracts of 'extinction' can be considered A solution to a problem.”

Louis' face didn't look good, but he still nodded slightly in agreement.

"But the reality is that for a long time, the number of colonists cannot exceed the number of indigenous people; the number of indigenous people in almost all colonies is higher than the number of colonists. As long as the population of both sides can be maintained at a ratio of one to one in any town, there will be no problem of public security. and social stability will appear extremely stable.”

Anson took out a match and lit the pipe at the corner of his mouth again: "We must admit this, accept the indigenous people, and give them the opportunity to get rid of their status as beast slaves and integrate into colonial society."

"Integrate into the colony..." Louis' eyes suddenly lit up:

"New World Company?!"

"To be more precise, it's the Shooting Army - of course, the two are actually complementary to each other."

Anson blew out a breath of smoke: "By forming a shooting army, we will win over all the indigenous people who are currently willing to join or 'have the opportunity' to join the colony, and then use the channels opened by the New World Company to arrange for them positions that can participate in colonial society; escort, security, patrol, Pioneering...these are the most important and most arduous tasks in the colony."

“On the one hand, military management and corporate intervention have given these indigenous people a stable source of income and social security; at the same time, while allowing them to participate in social activities, it can also avoid excessive contact with colonists and cause too many unnecessary disputes. .”

This is not actually Anson’s original work. The local factory owners in Clovis are also keen to use non-local workers. The incompatibility with the locals makes them have to be deeply tied to the factory owners. They have no foundation and they can almost take whatever they ask for if the wages are enough. .

Of course, because of the increasingly prosperous "beast slave trade" in the New World, this group has also begun to get involved. In addition to poor production efficiency and the fact that it can only do the simplest heavy physical work, no one can get involved in the return rate. These are literally tool people.

Due to extremely low management capabilities and few sources of income, the New World colonies had to sell these beast slaves, otherwise they would inevitably cause turmoil if they stayed in the local area; as a result, there was a serious shortage of labor while at the same time they continued to export labor. strange phenomena.

Considering that the cake of the animal slave trade is too big, and the guests at the table come from all forces in the old and new worlds, Anson can't move lightly, of course, but he can change the ingredients for making the cake:

"And as long as the indigenous people in the colony can be appeased, the next step can be to launch a full-scale mobilization and announce the suppression of the Old God Sect!"

Louis' eyes widened.

Of course he understood what Anson meant, but when a genuine Old God sect said "Purge the Old God sect", it really made people think that there was something wrong with their ears.

"The reason why we have to come up with this slogan is that on the one hand, 'faith' is still the only means to unite the colonies of all parties. At the same time, it can also be used to divert conflicts and fight a 'religious war'!"

Anson did not intend to hide anything from Louis in this regard. After all, if you want to achieve this goal, the support of Sailing City and a certain Her Majesty the Queen is essential:

"War is just a slogan. What really needs to be done is to abandon the distinction between the indigenous people and the colonists, and turn the target of the old gods among the indigenous people. As for the numerous cult groups and private armed forces in various places, this reason can also be used to restrict Want and suppress."

"And because the slogan was proposed by us, we can control the intensity and direction of the entire action to avoid a truly out-of-control religious war - you know what I mean."

The young knight's expression was slightly unnatural. He thought Anson was warning him about Freya Moses Field.

But what Anson really wants to say is the liberals - these are the real culprits behind the colonial rebellion and the biggest vested interests in the entire incident. They have thousands of connections with underground armed forces such as the uncontrolled Old Gods organization. wisps of contact.

This is actually paving the way for the complete eradication of the Faithless Knights, and is also used to open up a gap for the Promise Keepers Alliance to enter the Sailing City in the future.

"By dividing the issues regarding the indigenous people and the Old Gods into two parts, we can avoid internal chaos to the greatest extent, and at the same time we have a new slogan to unite all the colonies; at the same time, we can promote our belief in the Ring of Order, and we can also pick up the plane. Ease relations with the world of order and avoid the recurrence of colonial wars.”

Anson continued: "Of course, if you want to solve the contradiction between the old and new worlds, you cannot do it with the Free Confederation and Ice Dragon Fjord alone. You also need..."

"I see."

Before he could finish speaking, the young knight took the initiative to take over the topic: "We must ensure that the emperor does not have the idea of ​​returning to the colony. Leave this matter to the Bernard family."

"When I sent the counter-rebellion troops back to the mainland, I had already entrusted them with a letter to my father; I explained the entire process of the war in the letter. As long as my father read it, he would understand that giving up the control of the colony Controlling and strengthening maritime trade is the most beneficial option for the empire."

"Does he really think that?"

"To be more precise, this was his original idea - to control a land that is far away from the mainland and cannot establish effective notification at all, what benefits can it bring to the empire?" Louis shook his head:

"Instead of trying so hard to maintain it, it is better to let it develop and help, establish a force that can truly be on good terms with the empire, and then maintain influence through trade and missionary means, then there will be no current dismal ending; but the reason The fact that it will become what it is now has something to do with the unlimited competition promoted by certain forces..."

The young knight said, gazing at someone with a meaningful look.

Anson still kept smiling, completely unaware of what the other party meant.

After confirming the next plan, Louis did not stay any longer. He just chatted for a while and then left. Before leaving, he did not forget to remind Anson to remember to make up an excuse for coming here.

Although neither of them mentioned it, the young knight could feel it just by dragging him into the tent. The seemingly relaxed and comfortable guy in front of him was reaching his limit. It would not be surprising even if he fell into unconsciousness without warning in the next second. .

As for what happened - just look at the ruined village, the burning woods, the "charred" suspected skeletons... everything is self-evident.

Since Anson didn't take the initiative to answer, it was equivalent to telling Louis to ask the elf girl who was traveling with him; there are some things that even friends don't need to explain clearly, just know it well.

It wasn't until the footsteps of the young knight could no longer be heard outside the tent that Anson turned his attention to Norton Crosell, who had been in the corner.

The silent commander of the Third Infantry Regiment stood up with understanding, walked up to Anson without hesitation, took out a letter from his pocket, and handed it over with both hands.

"This is……"

"Priest Carlin Jacques entrusted me with this letter, and he emphasized that it must be done after you have had a conflict with, or had direct contact with, the Old God Sect in the New World." Norton, expressionless, said in a deep voice:

"Allow me to reintroduce myself, Norton Crossell, a native of Northport, lieutenant colonel of the Army, commander of the 3rd Infantry Regiment of the Storm Division, and..."

"A member of the Society of Truth."

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