I will be crowned king

Chapter 643 Attitude

Early morning in the northern suburbs of Yangfan City.

After many days of "leaving without saying goodbye," Commander-in-Chief Anson Bach finally returned from hunting, accompanied by the Governor of Sailing City Louis Bernard, Thalia Rune and many others, and returned to this incomparable place. The city that loved him.

That's right, after several people repeatedly discussed, proposed, revised, proposed and revised again, they came up with the "best excuse to cover up this trip": hunting.

In Anson's original words: "Unless all those people's brains were kicked into the well by a donkey and then poured cold water into their brains ten times, no one would believe that we were hunting."

The reason is obvious: first they leave without saying goodbye, disappear from the world, and no one can give any answer, and finally suddenly appear again as if nothing happened - no problem is the biggest problem!

But then again, even if there is a problem, so what? Do these people still dare to question it in public?

Instead of giving seemingly seamless excuses to make others suspicious, it is better to simply "admit" that there is a problem without giving any explanation. Even if you don't believe it, this is the only answer.

Of course, in addition to blocking everyone's mouths and all kinds of rumors and suspicions, there are still necessary comforts.

So on the day of the return, the governor of Yangfan City publicly announced in a high-profile manner that he would change his acquiescence to New World Company to vigorous support and make it a key link in the revitalization of Yangfan City.

Not only should they be allowed to operate in Yangfan City, but they should also be allocated a piece of land that is open enough to build a shelter and training base, exempt them from all taxes for the next year, and at the same time, they should be certified as an official security service established by the Governor's Mansion of Yangfan City. Organization - From now on, any external employment of security personnel by the Parliament and the Governor's Palace must be arranged by New World Company.

At the same time, Louis Bernard encouraged the "naturalized natives" in the city - free beast slave servants - to apply for jobs in the New World Company, promising that the Governor's Palace would hire 500 "glorious shooting army soldiers" by the end of the year, and there must be no shortage of local people. to two-thirds.

In contrast, there are attacks on private armed forces and mercenary groups.

For a colony that is full of wilderness outside the town, it is impossible and unnecessary to completely eliminate these guys who constantly switch identities between merchants, bandits, mercenaries, and colonists.

But Louis and Anson can restrict and suppress these people through other means - in addition to allowing New World companies to squeeze out market share, they can also set up special labor unions to "standardize and professionalize" the industry and suppress the behavior of small groups taking private orders.

Even the union itself is ready-made - the "Pioneer Union" in Winter torch city has been in operation for more than fifty years, specializing in providing various services from work to maps to the pioneers who are advancing further north. In addition to a small number of singles, There are nearly a hundred solo adventurers and various pioneering groups, large and small.

In addition to pioneering, these groups occasionally do the work of escorting business travelers, defending colonies, and escorting supplies. Because they always act collectively and rely heavily on supplies and intelligence provided by various colonies and strongholds, they are very law-abiding most of the time. Rarely do they commit acts of robberies or even attacks on towns.

After careful consideration, the two people felt that they could invite the Pioneer Union to Sailing City and cooperate with the New World Company to open a branch. They could even go one step further and make it the "official organization" of the Free Confederation - even if it would only end up bringing in half of the bandits. Becoming a pioneer is also a huge success.

What's more, their original purpose was not to deliberately target these people, but to restrict the liberal forces who hired private armed forces and at the same time suppress the activities of the Faithless Knights in the colonies.

Faced with the governor who suddenly seemed like a different person and "loved the people like his own son", the wealthy businessmen and industrial owners of Yangfan City cried with joy. They took the initiative to campaign for this initiative and expressed their willingness to fully support Louis Bernard's colonial reconstruction plan. .

After all, once the New World Company is completed, the money originally spent on security can be reduced by at least one-third, and the people hired will no longer be mercenary groups whose identities are unknown, have no credibility, and will cause trouble for their employers. They are regular troops trained by Officer Clovis who defeated the Imperial Army.

Which of the two is more trustworthy is obvious.

However, in order to support the New World Company and the Pioneer Union, whether it was land acquisition or recruitment of indigenous people in the city, Louis and the Sailing City Council almost only collected a symbolic purchase price. In addition, there was still one year of tax exemption, which meant that the Sailing City could not benefit from the New World Company. I got half a copper plate for my operation.

At the same time, due to the popularity of the New World Company, a large number of indigenous people who had stable jobs in the city - jobs that even the poorest colonists were unwilling to do - joined the New World Company one after another, resulting in a large labor gap. The Government House and the Parliament had to spend more money to hire plumbers, cleaners, excavators and coolies to clean up the ruins and bury the bodies, which greatly delayed the speed of reconstruction.

Faced with this extremely real problem, Anson, as the largest beneficiary of the New World Company, gave a very simple solution: transfer the population.

After two riots and a siege, the infrastructure of Sailing City was severely damaged and it could no longer bear such a large population in the short term; then it might be possible to transfer some of it to other colonies to reduce the burden on the city.

While transferring the population, these immigrants who are about to leave can also be hired to specialize in the work of cleaning up the ruins; in this way, they can earn the travel expenses and resettlement expenses to the new colony, and Yangfan City can get the vacant land that can be rebuilt after the ruins are cleared, killing two birds with one stone. .

However, whether this method is good or not, there is still a small problem - where does the money come from?

Even with the support of wealthy businessmen and industrial owners, there is still a big gap in the cost of rebuilding a century-old colony, which is not what this Sailing City, which has been looted more than once, can afford.

Very simple, borrow.

Facing Louis, who was looking at the bill and scratching his head, Anson proudly said that he had negotiated a deal with the Roland family behind the Northern Chamber of Commerce, and soon a large amount of local investment would arrive and take shares in his private bank to support Yangfan. Urban Redevelopment provides low-interest loans that are absolutely affordable to the people.

Louis noticed something strange, but he doubted whether Anson could really convince the Roland family - in his impression, the Roland family, who always seemed like good guys, were not as generous to their investment targets as they seemed. Always very vigilant.

Can the Free Confederation, which has just won its independence and has not even been recognized by any country in the Order World, really be recognized by them?


"...Dear elders, please allow me to answer this question in two parts."

In the brightly lit luxurious conference room, Reinhard Roland gently picked up the exquisite white porcelain cup. The hot coffee soaked his dry throat with the rich aroma. He inadvertently glanced at the notes that bounced on the table. :

"In the first phase of the war against imperial rule, these seemingly vulnerable colonies have proven that although they may not be able to defeat the empire's counter-rebellion forces, they are enough to shake the empire's rule over them."

"This is enough to prove that Archduke Edland pointed out in the ninety-fifth year of the Apostolic Calendar that the empire's rule in the New World was not stable and that a unified autonomous organization should be established. It was a very wise suggestion; it is a pity that our Emperor cannot give up a piece of it. He always insisted on sending governor-general ministers to try to strengthen control of the royal domain that belonged only to him."

"Now the colonies have independent unification and nation-building programs, supreme arbitration and administrative organs on the basis of getting rid of imperial rule. They even have a slogan to unite each other, which is hatred of the empire."

"Please note that all of the above are only the result of the spontaneous formation of the former imperial colonies and the current Free Confederation itself, and do not involve the Clovis people or the Clovis who defeated Sir Bernard Morwes. officer."

Along with the quiet discussion under the lights, a slightly hoarse young voice echoed under the gorgeous vault:

"It is no exaggeration to say that even if His Majesty Emperor Herred can really send a large army to conquer the colonies immediately, under the current situation, unless more than a quarter of the colonial population is massacred, it is absolutely impossible to return the colonies to the empire's rule!"

"To achieve this, it will take at least two years for an army of 100,000 people, or ten years for an army of at least 30,000 people, and at the same time, it will take the trade blockade of the Empire's 'Grand Fleet' to achieve the effect."

"The expenditures and casualties incurred for this are at least two to three times that of the Clovis war over the past year or so; if Clovis had intervened by then, the cost would have been even more."

"Frankly speaking, I don't think the wise and wise His Majesty Herred would be able to distinguish between defeating Clovis and seizing the colonies, which is more important and vital to the life of the empire."

Straightening up slightly, Reinhard smiled and concluded: "The Free Confederation that was born from this is a huge market rich in resources but in urgent need of capital investment; even if the Church of the Final Order divides parishes in the New World, the Roland family will be the first to occupy it. You can still win more benefits than you have in the past.”

"It's not just wealth, it's power, the power to control an area, a country, to serve its interests and make concessions!"

"The premise is that this area and the so-called...'Free Confederacy' can maintain their existence for a long time."

A slightly older voice interrupted him: "Reinhard, according to the intelligence you collected, this so-called 'Free Confederacy' may really have the will and ideas to resist the empire, but fundamentally... they are just a mess!"

"They were able to defeat the Empire because of the reinforcements from the Clovis people. They were able to avoid the outbreak of internal conflicts because of the deterrence of the Clovis army...even the gray doves who resisted the Empire most strongly and were called the so-called 'Freedom Flags' The leader of the fort, Paulina Frey, is simply a puppet supported by the Clovis people."

"Forgive us, the elderly, cautious old men, for having some doubts about you, who are confident, young and full of energy; because we have not seen anything about a country that is free from imperial rule and longs for independence."

"What we saw was just a puppet that was used by the Clovis people, manipulated, and manipulated at will; and it was a group of puppets that were as timid as mice, had no independent opinions, were selfish, and were cowardly and easy to bully."

"Such an investment object will inevitably make us cautious old people a little worried, fearing that our investment will become an object of random manipulation and misappropriation by the Clovis people."

"Especially...under the premise that they have already set up colonial governors with great fanfare and are preparing to intervene in this new world war."

Facing the questioning eyes, Reinhard looked very calm and calm - if he was not 100% sure, he would not bypass his brother, who is the president of the Northern Chamber of Commerce, and confront the family elders in person.

"Your concerns are not unreasonable. How to protect the interests of the family is also what I am most concerned about." Reinhard flipped through the notes gently: "And this involves the second part of my answer, the Clovis people in New Zealand The power of the world.”

"As a witness with my own eyes, I can guarantee you the following: for at least the next twenty years, the power of the Clovis people will never be able to extend to the west of Black Reef Port!"

"The reason is also very simple. Their total population cannot support their annexation of the Free Confederacy, and maintaining their current control is already the limit; at the same time, the Free Confederacy is already a relatively complete whole. Assuming that the Clovis people try to be like the Empire If we treat them the same, the outcome will never be better than that of Emperor Herred today."

"In addition, please allow me to express some doubts about Clovis's remarks in support of the colonies, because assuming that they really planned to confront the Empire in the New World, they should not have only sent an army of less than five thousand until now. Human troops were stationed and no decent aid was given.”

"To be honest, this really doesn't look like an attitude that really wants to support, it's closer to a simple gesture; because if the war continues, and if you want to keep the fruits of victory so far, Clovis must fight with the Empire at sea. Fight - and the Clovis navy..."

Reinhard smiled slightly and did not continue.

The old people on the other side obviously understood what he meant, and added in a low voice: "You mean that the Clovis people are deliberately making a gesture, and are actually planning to use the colonies as bait, and still decide the outcome with the empire on their homeland?"

"For a powerful army with a small territory and a weak navy, expansion of its nearby territory is the option that best suits its interests." Reinhard said solemnly:

"Therefore, indulging in or even abandoning the colony was the best choice for the Clovis people."

"I heard that the investiture ceremony of the 'Female Governor' of Ice Dragon Fjord happened to be held recently. If you don't believe me, you can wait for the information sent back by my elder brother from Clovis. The royal family of Osteria and Clovis What is the attitude of Wei's nobles towards the colonies..."

"You will find out by then!"

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