I will be crowned king

Chapter 65 Turning point

Lisa, who was sitting in front of the window, hummed an unknown tune and dug out a small piece from the cake with a fork. Her careful expression and movements were like handling some kind of treasure.

The milky white cream is gently smeared across the corners of the lips, and the faint taste of juice echoes on the tip of the nose; the sponge-like cake enters the mouth with the tip of the tongue, and the sweet meringue mixed with eggs and sugar melts in the mouth, slowly... Lisa, with a mouth full of cream, He narrowed his eyes happily.

The two people sitting next to her spent more than ten minutes hurriedly disposing of the body, and sat down facing each other, panting.

"So...what are you going to do?"

Draco, who had a bruised forehead, smiled dryly, and carefully stared at Anson opposite, who was bowing his head in thought:

"Although I'm very embarrassed to say this, we are now on the same ship...er...or should be said to be people in the same box."

"Of course, you can still blame the death of these two people on me; it doesn't matter, it's human nature, I can understand it, I already had this kind of psychological accuracy before doing this..."

"Shut up!"


Draco leaned back in his chair, lowered his head and remained silent.

Anson, who was deep in thought, was in quite a tangled mood at this moment.

He wanted to shoot the novelist in front of him, but his reason told him that even if he did, the officers of the Guards would not let him go - not to mention that now that he was an insider, they would be even less likely to let him go. My own!

"How many Guardsmen are in the car?"

"It's not very clear...but it should be more than ten people and less than thirteen people. If you want to control one or two carriages to cause trouble, this is the minimum number of people."

Draco replied immediately, glancing at the two corpses stuffed under the armchairs: "Of course, there may be less than ten people now."

"Most of the men are waiting in the two third-class carriages. The only ones who can move freely are the three officers and... uh... the ones killed by the respected Miss Lisa."

"They didn't set an exact time to start and the specific carriage, because it was just a hot-headed plan; but I think the dining car and the No. 10 carriage we are in have a better chance. As for the reason... haha, I won't talk nonsense."

Because a certain "novelist" who stole their blackmail plan was currently in the No. 10 carriage... Looking at Draco who kept smiling apologetically, Anson felt that the corners of his mouth began to cramp again.

He took his pocket watch from the table, and the "ticking" hand had just crossed eleven forty.

If I remember correctly, the three Guards officers left the dining car at eleven fifteen... With a raised brow, Anson looked at Draco again:

"How long does it take to make a round trip from the front third-class carriage to the dining car?"

"Fifty minutes."

As if he had already guessed that Anson would ask this, Draco revealed a wry smile while answering:

"Actually, if nothing else happened, this was my original plan - sneak into the third-class compartment at the front first, and be caught by the flight attendant as a thief on purpose. Then I would find a time to take out the ticket for the second-class compartment and use it while the flight attendant inspected it. The time difference evaded the search by the Guards and returned to this box safely."

"But I didn't expect that there was also a member of the Guards among the flight attendants - the waiter whom I had replaced - he almost recognized me; what I didn't expect was that they also knew my ticket and seat. Later... uh... you know what happened next."

Yes, I know everything, and I also discovered that you have a special suicide technique.

Resisting the urge to roll his eyes, Anson let out a long breath... Fifty minutes, and he still had at most fifty minutes to think about how to deal with this matter.

The purpose of the Guards is to direct and stage a major train robbery. To this end, they need an unlucky guy who can take the blame and die on this train.

If you really want to help this "trouble coming to your doorstep", there are only two ideas:

The first is to sneak all the way over and kill all the guards officers before they can take action - killing people cannot make the trouble go away, but it can make the troublemakers disappear.

The second is to follow the other party's ideas - since they want to cause trouble, then help them make it bigger.

Resisting the urge to write a copy, Anson already had an idea.

"Okay... I can help you."

Before Draco's face showed joy, Anson interrupted coldly: "But before that, you have to tell me one more thing."

Why would a writer who writes novels for a second-rate popular newspaper and can't even afford a new coat or purse want to go against the Guards who control the security of the royal capital?

Make big news?

He has the story and the black material. As for the evidence...this world and era are different from Anson's previous life. Newspapers do not require an oath to publish news. Spreading rumors and slander is the most basic professional quality.


He even obtained the extortion materials, would he not be able to get the money?

So what is his purpose...


Smiling Draco wrote lightly: "I want revenge on the Guards."

"Two months ago, I received a job invitation from the Clovis Truth Newspaper. Along with it were several recent issues of their newspaper; on the inside page of the October 22nd issue, a very interesting article was published. An unfortunate accident.”

"A young man encountered someone robbing someone on the street where they usually hang out. He rushed towards him, subdued the robber and was cut on his calf by a sharp weapon."

"Just when he was covering his wounds and preparing to leave, the Guardsmen who called for help from the victim were mistaken for a robber and shot dead on the spot."

"Afterwards, the Guardsmen were punished, and the young man was blamed for not being in the 'dangerous area', and the matter was hastily... It's a very regrettable story."

Draco blinked and looked at the thoughtful Anson: "Victim, robber, young man, soldier... of the four people in the story, who is the murderer?"

"The victim calling for help? He was just saving himself; a robber? The current king will rob even people with serious jobs, otherwise they would not be able to survive."

"Soldier? He didn't know what happened. He only saw one person lying on the ground, one injured, and something in his hand;"

"As for the young man...he is probably the only one among the four who is qualified to say that he is innocent." The corners of Draco's mouth raised, but his eyes became sharper:

"None of them are murderers."

"The Guards are powerless in the face of the chaotic security situation in the royal capital... This organization that is behind the times is the murderer."

"Destroy their plan, put the public security of the royal capital of Clovis on the right track, and let 800,000 people live in a city where no one needs to be in danger and is ready to rob or be robbed at any time... This is my revenge. "

After the words fell, Draco sat up straight again, crossed his right leg, put his hands on his knees, and looked into Anson's eyes:

"By the way, that young man's name is Miller Vertes, and he is my last relative in this world, but you must have guessed it."

"This is my purpose and reason, Your Excellency Ansen Bach - I know that what I did is excessive and rude, and I know all their plans, but frankly speaking, I do not have the ability to escape from their hands, let alone Stop them.”

"I need your help...of course, not for free."

"All right."

Raising his head slightly, Anson sighed:

"But Sir Draco Wilters, I would like to remind you just in case..."

"I want a high price!"

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