I will be crowned king

Chapter 658 Intimate Conversation

"Ah! Carve, statue it..."

"How could this happen! How could this happen?!"

"This, what exactly is this..."

In the chaotic ceremony scene, just as Alexei was about to approach, the crisp crackling sounds behind him and the exclamations of the crowd stopped him in his tracks.

The reaction of the people around him made the infantry leader subconsciously look back. He saw the head of the "bleeding" Harold statue, as if it had been hit by a solid bullet from a three-pounder. It was blown to pieces from the center, and the plasma-soaked fragments were flying in all directions. It turns into a "blood mist".

And in the center of the blood mist, plasma spurted out like a geyser, completely dyeing the entire statue red. It looked like a headless corpse that had just been beheaded but had not completely lost its vitality. It made some weird noise, as if the internal organs were twitching and squeezing. The sound of pressure.

No, this is a trap!

Alexey, who noticed something unusual, woke up instantly, but it was still a step too late.


As if he had seen some kind of picture that was beyond comprehension, his mind went completely blank, and endless gibbering screamed in his ears, roaring in a language that was absolutely incomprehensible to humans.

This state only lasted for a few seconds, perhaps even shorter than Alexey himself realized; but at this moment, the black mage who cast the spell had achieved his goal.

That would completely disrupt the ceremony!

By the time Alexey woke up, the person in charge of the foundation he had taken as a hostage had disappeared, and even the entire Harold Foundation was missing. People everywhere were panicking and fleeing toward the ceremony site and the gates of Parliament. crowd.

As for the Black Mage's aura, he completely disappeared. There were only frightened and lost faces in front of him.

Even the colonials, who were accustomed to certain "abnormalities", saw the scene in front of them beyond the limit of what they could endure.

Facing thousands of people who had completely lost their minds, the Storm Division soldiers with only more than 300 people could not maintain order at the scene, let alone stop them, even with volleys of guns and roadblocks.

It's one thing to shoot and kill a few prominent figures as a warning, but it's another thing to launch a massacre at the ceremony site; if you really want to kill all the spectators indiscriminately, the Storm Master can really only rely on bloody terror. to maintain rule in the colonies.

"Damn it, where are the reinforcements? Why haven't they arrived yet? That bastard Carl Bain, are you planning to see me embarrassed here?!"

Alexei yelled at a certain chief of staff who had been wronged and took the blame, as well as other "close colleagues" in the officer corps who refused to save him; but he actually knew very well in his heart that there must have been accidents elsewhere, even if there were reinforcements. There is no way to get in, otherwise we should have arrived long ago.

So he had no choice but to give up on tracking down the murderer, and instead began to blow the bugle, asking the troops to evacuate and guide the crowd as much as possible, and removed two roadblocks to ensure that the thousands of panicked people would not suffer serious stampede casualties - even if order could not be maintained. , at least try not to let them "kill each other."

"Keep the formation in line and don't stop unless someone directly attacks the formation!"

"Let go of the horses and remove the bayonets from the guns. If any suspicious elements try to cause a disturbance, shoot them on the spot!"

"Keep the rhythm, fire the empty gun to shock the crowd, and guide them to the preset exit!"

"Continue to send messengers and ask the Promise Keepers Alliance and the headquarters to send reinforcements as soon as possible - and by the way, find out what happened to other streets!"

After all, the Stormtroopers were still the actual rulers of the colony, and complaints and grumbles were unavoidable. But if they ruined their base for this, they would never have a foothold in the new world.


Teapot Street, Tavern.

Just when Alexei wanted to shoot everyone in sight, Chief Sheriff Lisa had already put his idea into practice.

"Stop, don't run!"

The girl shouted, and the two "dagger" revolvers roared at the back of the Wild Hunt Knight who was desperately escaping; lead bullets screamed and streaked through the burning streets.

At the same time as the gunfire roared, dozens of figures gathered at both ends of the street, also holding a variety of weapons, coming towards the high police chief standing alone in the middle of the street.

Looking at the figure of the Wild Hunt Knight who had run away, looking at those figures with malicious intentions, and looking at the "Immortal Chancellor Harold" crookedly carved with a knife on the door of the burned down tavern, the girl pursed her lips tightly. Suddenly his cheeks puffed up.

This is the second time since she took office that she has let a prisoner escape from her hands (the first time was also the Faithless Knights) one-on-one, without holding anything back, and in front of her face, she just ran away so openly!

The High Sheriff was enraged, thoroughly enraged.

The messy gunshots exploded in the burning streets, whizzing past the girl's ears; homemade firearms and old pistols ejected broken lead bullets, piercing the hem of her coat and grazing the brim of her three-cornered hat.

The petite figure seemed to be unable to see the enemy. He skillfully loaded the revolver in his hand and picked up the shotgun that was still on the ground.

Load, turn, fire.


The dazzling gun flames knocked away the figure who was trying to attack. The gangster who was hit at close range felt as if he had been hit by a siege ram in the torso. His chest was completely sunken, and his ribs and internal organs were shattered under the influence of countless lead bullets. With hard work, it became a mess in the body cavity under the skin.

The next second, the gangsters whose sight was blocked by the corpses only heard a series of roars, and their companions beside them lost their heads.

The spraying blood obscured their vision, and the gunshots covered the screams, leaving them unaware of what had just happened.

Of course, they don't need to know.

The gushing revolver kept roaring, turning into meteors as Lisa ran wildly, leaving only an afterimage, continuously sputtering out fireworks that harvested sinful souls.

The girl proved with facts that the title of "Shotgun Sheriff" is absolutely worthy of its name.

When the gangsters finally came to their senses, half of them were already lying on the ground - and they were still posing a problem for the doctor.

The chief police chief, armed with two revolvers and a shotgun in his arms, had already rushed towards the remaining ordinary people.


The sharp roar resounded through the dome, frightening Derek who was hiding not far away; the Wild Hunt knight was surprised to find that he was actually frightened by the little girl in front of him.

It’s not that he’s not sure. In fact, even if he doesn’t run away, he is convinced that with the strength shown by the girl, he has at least a 60% chance of winning... but when a cute little girl comes towards you with a shotgun and is covered in blood. At that time, that weird "sense of oppression" inevitably made people feel at a loss.

"And if we really hurt her, like these guys who were shot in the head with shotguns, it would probably be the best outcome..."

The Wild Hunt Knight shook his head, took a deep breath, turned around and left the street of blood and fire.



Closing the door gently and looking at the empty parliament hall behind her, Chloë Musk sighed tiredly.

After relaxing slightly, he immediately forced himself to calm down as quickly as possible, pretending that nothing happened, and walked calmly to the parliament lounge.

Since Anson Bach reorganized the Beluga Harbor Council of 500, giving this place that was originally like a "vested interest club" a management function, there have been more rooms with various functions - smoking for private conversations. Rooms, offices where daily work is handled, small conference rooms for internal negotiations of various committees, lounges for temporary relaxation after meetings...

Not only can MPs relax and rest, there is also a dedicated cloakroom for changing clothes, which is very convenient.

The moment he pushed the door open, he suddenly heard an extremely unexpected voice.

"Your Excellency Ke Luo?"

A surprised Anson Bach smoked his pipe and shouted to Chloe Musk, who had his back turned to him: "Why...are you here?"

Ke Luo was startled at first, and then turned around after a moment of silence, with a very solemn expression:

"This is also what I want to ask, Your Excellency Commander-in-Chief...why didn't you maintain order at the ceremony and went to the parliament instead?"

"Why...sigh." Ansen sighed helplessly and smiled bitterly at him:

"You have seen the situation at the scene. If I were still there, the Harold Foundation would definitely incite everyone to ask me whether the statue and Speaker Mason are traitors. It would be impossible to have a rational conversation at all."

"Instead of further inflaming everyone's emotions, it is better to leave temporarily and let everyone calm down and figure out the whole story. Otherwise, if there are quarrels and conflicts, there will be no second result."

"I see, what you said makes sense." Chloe Musk nodded slightly:

"Indeed, if you had been at the ceremony just now, the situation might have been much more troublesome than it is now; Lieutenant Colonel Alexei, who has been forced into a panic by the people from the Foundation, may actually be forced to shoot and kill people. "

Outside the quiet lounge door, both of them sighed meaningfully.

"What about you, Mr. Chloe Musk?" Anson asked:

"You are the mediator in charge of the committee. Everyone trusts you. If you are on the scene, you should be able to help a lot. Why did you come to the parliament alone?"

"Just because everyone can trust me, I can't stay there."

There was also a bit of a wry smile on Ke Luo's face, and he said lightly: "As long as I am still here, those who have not yet made their own decisions will regard me as another 'flag' and push me out to negotiate with Lieutenant Colonel Alexei or you. Embarrass the Stormtrooper.”

"As a local, I am willing to play for Port Beluga, but that does not mean becoming someone's pawn."

"Are you a local?" Anson asked in surprise:

"Sorry, but I think your name sounds more like..."

"Imperial people, yes." Ke Luo nodded slightly:

"To be more precise, I am an Adelaide. My grandfather even had the honor to go to the castle to meet the Grand Duke of Adelaide - this matter was regarded as a family honor by his elders and my father's relatives. Every time Brag to your guests at holiday parties.”

"But later our family left our hometown and came to the New World to make a living and finally settled in Beluga Harbor. There are actually not a few such 'locals'. Although this is a Clovis colony, not only the Clovis can integrate Here—this is the beauty of the new world.”

"That makes sense."

Anson couldn't agree more.

In terms of conversation, thoughts, and manners, the mediator of the committee in front of me behaves completely like a second or third generation immigrant born in Beluga Harbor; on the one hand, he really identifies with his identity as a local, and on the other hand, he can feel Due to the estrangement between himself and other Clovis immigrants, he integrated more actively and eventually became a "mediator" recognized by all parties.

So he went a step further: "Then what do you think of today's events?"

"I respect the trust that the deceased Speaker Mason placed in me, and do not think he is a so-called traitor; as for the widow of former Speaker Harold...she should just be emotionally disturbed due to excessive grief."

There was a bit of sadness on Ke Luo's face: "In any case, the Harold Foundation does represent some voices; Beluga Harbor and even Ice Dragon Fjord do have feelings for the locals, but they don't want too much interference from the locals. , their dislike of Storm Division is not purely directed at you."

"I may be crossing the line by saying this, but your support for the imperial colony has also stimulated the people of Ice Dragon Fjord to some extent... Since they can, why do White Whale Port and Gray Snow Town continue to hang Clovis? flag?"

"Of course I understand this." Anson nodded:

"But the scale of Ice Dragon Fjord is too small to exist independently; I believe that as long as local traders continue to come to Beluga Port, various supports and preferential terms for the colony will appear, and the people of Beluga Harbor can be stimulated. Loyal to the royal family of Osteria."

"You have great admiration for the royal family's loyalty, but many locals don't even know about the existence of the royal family except for the kingdom." Ke Luo shook his head:

"In addition to wealth and preferential treatment, if you want Ice Dragon Fjord to truly identify with the mainland and give up its independence, you need more other conditions."

"Oh, do you have any good ideas?"

Anson's eyes lit up: "If possible, please give me some advice."

"What you said is too exaggerated, Your Excellency Commander-in-Chief. They are just immature suggestions."

Having said this, Kolo waved his hand and pointed to the lounge opposite: "How about we go in first, make a pot of hot coffee, sit on the comfortable sofa and continue chatting? We just experienced a chaos, said To be honest, my physical strength can no longer support me to continue standing and chatting.”

"Of course, I'm rude." Anson smiled apologetically:

"Please come in first. I've been away for too long and I'm not familiar with the structure and location here."

"Ok, no problem."

After the words fell, Ke Luo stepped forward and gently opened the door of the lounge.

Just when he was about to enter the room, with his back to Anson, he suddenly made a "click!" sound, turned his head 180 degrees behind him, and a pair of scarlet blood pupils suddenly opened.

And in the center of the bloody pupils, Anson's indifferent face was reflected.

And the gun has been pointed at his head!

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