I will be crowned king

Chapter 660 Panic

Beluga Harbor Council, Lounge.

In the gorgeous room, Anson, with a slightly curved mouth, raised the "Dagger" revolver. The black muzzle was pointed at Chloë Musk, who was sitting on the sofa in the room. On the left side of his frightened and angry face, A "delicate and small" lead bullet left a hideous and ugly crater on the wallpaper that was still smoking.

Around the two of them, the dark shadows had long since faded, the thick white smoke had disappeared, and there was no headless body lying at the door behind them; inside the closed door, there was no trace of what had just happened. Signs of a fight.

Except for the craters, of course.

As for the reason... everything that just happened was just a "dream" of Chloë Musk.

But it didn't start from entering the door as he showed, but earlier; in other words, there was no "entering the door" process at all. The two of them were already in the lounge as early as the moment Anson saw him.

Chloë Musk directly confused Anson's memory, making him mistakenly believe that he met Chloé "outside the door" - long before the meeting, he had already invaded Anson's consciousness on the ceremony podium, confusing and confusing The illusion of sex is a "classic trick" of black magic, and the process is natural and familiar.

The purpose is also very simple, that is to test.

The result was as he expected, Anson was fooled; the words "didn't know enough about the lounge" directly exposed his thoughts and next plan. Colo immediately pursued the victory, arranged a large-scale dream, and continued to read minds deeply.

Of course, he also knew very well that Anson mastered at least one volume of the "Great Magic Book". This was no secret within the Faithless Knights. There was a risk of being discovered whether it was dreams or illusions; besides, conjurers have the ability to distort reality. , a head-on confrontation is quite detrimental to him as a black mage.

So Colo did the opposite. While shaping dreams and creating chaos to force Anson to distract him, he also strengthened his mind-reading and erosion of his consciousness. He pretended to completely control Anson's mind and deliberately revealed the weaknesses of his abilities in an indirect way. to each other.

Yes, he did not lie, and everything he said was true; only the truth without any falsehood can induce the enemy to believe that all the information was not leaked by the enemy on his own initiative, but was "reasoned" by oneself.

He succeeded again.

The characteristic of conjurers as a group is that they firmly believe in what they have carefully considered, otherwise their will will not be strong enough to "distort reality"... Anson Bach also has such a character.

There are at least 300 fully armed soldiers outside the parliament, plus a powerful gifted officer (Alexei). The riots everywhere may be put down at any time... The parliament may be quelled by thousands of people at any time. The storm divisions completely surrounded him.

In this case, the only way to end the battle as soon as possible and kill Anson Bach without leaving any obvious traces is to let him commit suicide.

Patiently... guided slowly... allowed Anson Bach to point the gun at himself with confidence, and believed that this was the only way to relieve the dream, defeat or even kill himself.

Even at the moment when Anson pressed the muzzle of the gun to his temple, he did not reveal any flaw, and still pretended to be exactly what a desperate black mage should look like when his plan was exposed.

This time, he almost succeeded.

If he had not discovered in advance that Chloe Musk was the black mage behind the Faithless Knights, had not been warned in advance, or was simply suspicious, Anson might not have been able to avoid death.

With the help of Alexei's "failure experience" of being disturbed at the scene and his careful observation of the way the other party sneaked into the parliament quietly, Anson already had a basic understanding of his "behavioral logic".

In order to strengthen the erosion, manipulation and mind-reading of the target's consciousness, the black mage must be at a very close distance and avoid unexpected interference; so Colo will never be in a position facing or close to the door, and at the same time It also needs to be able to have an unobstructed view of most of the space in the lounge, and there should be no obstacles blocking escape between the entrance and exit...

And Anson did not tell the truth. He already knew the lounge very well before entering the door, otherwise he would not have used this place as a place to ambush Chloe Musk; even if he was dragged into a dream, he could pass through the limited few Observe once to confirm your position.

Various reasons mixed together, allowing Anson to successfully fire a shot in the "perfect plan".

But in the eyes of Chloe Musk, these complex factors and reasons all have a simple answer - she was betrayed!

Just when he was thinking about all this, Anson pulled the trigger again, and the screaming lead bullets hit him.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The gunfire flashed, and there were five more craters on the wallpaper behind Chloe Musk.

Almost at the same time that the "dream" was broken, out of his understanding of the commander-in-chief who was keen on using various firearms in close combat, he instinctively set up illusions around him that could confuse vision.

Anson, who missed the blow, seemed to realize the problem quickly. He decisively pulled out the bayonet hidden in the sleeve of his left arm and rushed forward. At the same time, he imprinted [Sharp Wind] on his right hand and threw it forward suddenly.


Strong blue air waves roared around the black mage, smashing the wallpaper, sofas, oil lamps, vases... various room decorations beside him, but did not hurt him at all.

Even so, Kolo's expression was still extremely ugly - Anson Bach wanted to use magic to forcibly block the position so that he could not escape.

It can cause hallucinations in time, but as long as the conjurer is still within the casting range, the opponent can distort reality at will; he can almost foresee that Anson will definitely prepare to use a range of conjuring magic next.

Sure enough... the moment their eyes met, the revolver in Anson's right hand disappeared, replaced by his fingers that were already pinched and ready to snap.

Looking at the blade that was already close at hand, Ke Luo, who was about to run away, suddenly stopped and his scarlet eyes widened!


Countless disorganized information and crazy murmurs poured into Anson's mind from his eyes like a flood; the [Sharp Wind] on his right hand and the spell he was preparing instantly dissipated, and his mind went blank.

While he was running wildly, he stumbled. With his rich experience, he finally avoided the tragic end of "stumbling on the spot", but he also missed his target.

It actually succeeded... A hint of joy flashed in Ke Luo's heart. While avoiding it, he spread out the "wave" again, and the dark shadow once again swept the entire lounge; and the difference from before was that it was no longer ferocious, but like a liquid. Surge, trying to envelope Anson.

These "liquids" were injected into the inner monologues of thousands of people at the extra-parliamentary ceremony, enough to drive a normal person crazy instantly.

Although he was a little surprised, Ke Luo felt that he had discovered the greatest weakness of the Commander-in-Chief, which was caution, even to an excessive degree.

Between killing or capturing the target and his own safety, the latter has absolute priority; in this regard, he behaves not like a conjurer, but rather similar to himself.

Is it possible that his mentor is actually a disciple of Mutt, the King of Dark Magic? Kolo made wild guesses without any evidence.

Sure enough... the moment he saw the flowing shadow, Anson realized the danger and decisively gave up the idea of ​​getting closer, quickly snapping his fingers with his left hand.

Cursed magic, [Rising Fire].


Golden-red fire rose at his feet, instantly covering all the shadows like burning grease on the water, and expanded to the surroundings at an extremely fast speed.

Still pretending to be panicked, Kolo ran towards the exit without looking back, constantly releasing all kinds of negative emotions to erode An Ansen's consciousness. At the same time, a small regret could not help but arise in his heart - if the Commander-in-Chief's If his character were just a little bit more reckless, he might still have a chance to kill him.

But there are no ifs in this world, only lies that seem to be the truth... He sighed softly, and the fragments from the "Great Magic Book" appeared in his mind.

Under the dazzling firelight, the surrounding shadows gradually faded, and the original calm was restored among the scattered embers.

And Chloe Musk had already calmly arrived at the exit of the lounge, looking at Anson Bach behind her with a gentle smile.

The scarlet pupils reflected a face that was extremely unwilling. The anger at failing to achieve success was beyond words, and the pupils shrank suddenly as if they wanted to cut themselves into pieces.

It's such a shame, but you'll never be able to do that.

Seeing you today is my last farewell to you; it is really a pity that I could not take away your life; but considering the "him" you and Beluga Harbor will face next, perhaps this should be called you misfortune.

Looking at the revolver raised by Anson who refused to give up, a look of contempt flashed across the corner of Colo's mouth... Yes, his biggest mistake was not knowing how to give up. Even though it has been proven to be a meaningless move, he will still...


The golden-red gun flame flashed between the scattered ashes, and an extremely ugly blood hole appeared between Chloe Musk's eyebrows.

At this moment, the raised corners of his mouth froze.

He stood there blankly for a few seconds, then stretched out his hand to touch the place that felt vaguely cold, and found that the diameter was enough to put the index finger of his right hand into it.

"...So...touch the inside of your head with your hand...it turns out this is what it feels like..."

Chloe Musk, whose hands were trembling slightly, murmured to herself, and her eyes gradually became dull.

He raised his head and tried hard to lock the figure in front of him with his increasingly blurred vision. He tried desperately to recall the identity of the other party. It took him nearly ten seconds to finally remember what he wanted:

"...You...Anson Bach...you...you lied...lied to me..."

"No, I didn't lie to you, because I never answered you - I just pretended to be affected by the black magic you used to confuse your vision, that's all."

Of course, I was indeed affected, but I used my "power" instead of my eyes to aim... The expressionless Anson complained in his heart:

"This time, it's really time to wake up."

Khloe opened her eyes wide and moved her body desperately, trying to escape.


There was another gunshot, and the lead bullet ripped open the flesh and broke the ribs, and mixed with broken bones poured into the heart.

The unconscious Ke Luo slammed the door heavily and struggled desperately, leaving large blood stains on his twitching body.


Along with the heart, the entire chest cavity was completely penetrated by lead bullets, leaving a large bloody hole in the center of the torso; the broken wound was caught by the door handle behind him, and he was unable to move while hanging on it.


Along with the previous blood hole, Ke Luo's Tianling Cap was completely shattered, and the brain and flesh inside sprayed on the door. His stiff face suddenly leaned back and clung to the door panel.

Soon, the consciousness in his eyes quickly dissipated, leaving only two severely bloodshot eyes; his body that had stopped twitching was hanging sideways on the door, no longer moving.

After heaving a sigh of relief, Anson did not step forward immediately. He pointed the gun at the torso of Colo's body again and fired the last round in the magazine.


The lead bullet imprinted with [Concentrated Flame] quickly began to burn the moment it touched the corpse, and the fire covered the entire corpse at a speed visible to the naked eye; soon, the entire rest room was filled with a strong smell of burning.

After a while, Chloe Musk, who fell on the spot, completely disappeared, leaving only the blackened blood stains on the door panel and scattered charcoal on the ground.


Beicheng District, in a mid-range hotel.

Ian Clemens, who had just completed his "mission", was sitting quietly on a soft and comfortable bed, tasting the sky-high fake wine sold by the hotel owner, and at the same time, pretending to be casually reading the third-rate cheap novels provided in the guest room. .

Well, it is very consistent with the appearance of a middle-class family operating in the sugar industry who had just arrived in the colony. They were short of money due to the long journey, but they were unwilling to give up their past living habits on the mainland.

Pretending to be casual, he took out the sterling silver pocket watch in his pocket and found that in ten minutes, his wife (Carno), who was out shopping for daily necessities, and his cousin Derek, who was investigating the local candy market, would be back at the hotel.

He put down the cheap novel in his hand, drank the expensive fake wine in one gulp, stood up and walked to the door, preparing to greet them downstairs when they came back, and to inquire about the latest news from the hotel owner.

Just as he was about to push the door open, the candy merchant... Ian Clemens, the leader of the Faithless Knights, suddenly froze on the spot.


That familiar feeling like shackles and chains wrapped around the body...the oath curse used by the Cressy family to control the Faithless Knights...suddenly disappeared.

He raised his head suddenly, pulled out the dagger from his waist at a speed that was totally unsuitable for a candy merchant, and slashed open the palm of his left hand!

Scarlet blood overflowed from the wound, and the pain that followed told him that this was not an illusion.

Ian swallowed hard, but he couldn't feel a trace of information in his heart, only shock and...

Inexplicable panic.

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