I will be crowned king

Chapter 670 North of the Turbulent Sea

"It was really flattering that the commander-in-chief of the garrison greeted him personally."

Before Anson could step forward, a young man standing in the front row spoke first, looking up and down with slightly narrowed eyes: "I thought it would be hard for the Clovis people to find a general who could defeat the empire. He must be an eyewitness." Here’s the guy above the top.”

After the words fell, the expressions of Reinhard and Fabian on both sides changed at the same time.

Anson, who had the same expression as before, stopped, but did not take back the right hand that was ready to hold the other person's hand. He looked at another more familiar figure: "This is..."

"Cedric, Cedric Roland." Reinhard coughed:

"The fifth heir to the Roland family, he is in charge of more than two-thirds of the family's trade in the south; and he is one of the six palace attendants designated by Her Majesty the Queen to be canonized this year."

Following Reinhard's sonorous and powerful introduction, the young man named Cedric raised his head slightly, with a graceful and noble posture that was somewhat admirable.

So he didn't hear anything wrong with this introduction... Anson felt a smile in his heart.

Being the fifth in line of succession means that his actual status within the Roland family is not much higher than that of Reinhard. Being in charge of southern trade means that he probably knows nothing about the colonial economy.

As for the palace attendant appointed by the queen, his background is probably quite strong. Most of them have a strong backing through the maternal line, but it has nothing to do with him personally.

In three sentences, Reinhard had successfully sold out all the details about his brother, and took the initiative to show his favor to him; so there was a dispute within the Roland family about whether to invest in the colony, but the intensity was not very strong... Anson instantly understood it. Relationship.

"Dear Lord Cedric, you seem to have some misunderstanding about me."

With a slight smile, Anson turned his outstretched palm into an upturned finger: "My military rank is colonel, and my position is garrison commander and commander of the Storm Division."

"In the Kingdom of Clovis, only officers at the legion level can be called 'generals'; this is different from the empire, so please be careful when addressing them."

"Such a trivial matter, of course I... huh?!"

The words stopped abruptly, and Cedric, whose expression suddenly changed, stared at Anson, who had a normal expression. This bastard, he was saying that Clovis is different from the Empire. Isn't it true that anyone with no integrity can be called a general? !

Just when he was about to question, Reinhard next to him had already spoken:

"Different regions and different countries will naturally have different customs and titles; but as long as both parties remain sincere, even if there are misunderstandings about these titles, it will not affect our cooperation."

After saying that, he took the initiative to step forward and extended his right hand to Anson: "Long time no see, Commander-in-Chief Anson Bach. On behalf of the Roland family and the Northern Chamber of Commerce, I would like to extend my sincere greetings to you and Ice Dragon Fjord."

Almost at the same time, the members of the Roland mission behind him took off their hats and bowed to the Storm Division officers who greeted them; only Cedric stood there with a livid face and straight back.

Does this tell me that he is the leader of the entire mission... Anson chuckled softly in his heart and held the other person's hand:

"Distinguished guests, your arrival makes the entire Ice Dragon Fjord feel honored."

Looking into each other's eyes, with their hands clasped, everything was self-evident.

Almost at the same time, the officers of the Storm Division, who felt comfortable as they watched a group of officers bowing their heads to themselves, also held their canes in one hand and took off their hats with the other, and returned the greetings to each other uniformly; even the chief sergeant put her three-cornered hat on her body. The movements of stroking the chest and bending over were impeccable.

Although a girl is using chivalry etiquette, there is something slightly wrong...

After a few brief exchanges of greetings, the entire mission, surrounded by officers, boarded the carriage prepared in advance and drove to the White Whale Harbor Parliament to enjoy a "carefully prepared feast."

As the commander of the Grenadier Corps, the officer in the Storm Division whose nominal status is second only to Anson, Fabian was assigned to go to the banquet first; the mission was not in a hurry to set off, and first conducted a final on-the-spot inspection near the port before investing...


The northern part of Beluga Harbor is located near the city gate.

The Governor's delegation, who had just enjoyed a sumptuous meal of "Imperial Flavor", came to this virgin land that had yet to be developed at the warm invitation of the Harold Foundation and Talia.

It is close to the North City Gate and is the only way for suburban mine workers to enter and leave the city. In addition, the large warehouse was blown up before, and a community where some workers, indigenous people and new immigrants gathered gradually formed.

In order to take care of some kind-hearted nobles in the mission and avoid being seen as poor by them, the Alliance of Promise Keepers worked together with the Storm Division to clear the entire neighborhood one day in advance - of course, also to prevent the appearance of unknown attackers - nevertheless , a dozen luxury carriages suddenly appeared in the middle of the dilapidated area, which still attracted the attention of many sheds and wooden fence windows.

"Everyone, please see, this is the location of the Coal Mine Bank that we finally determined after many selections!"

At this moment, Carl Bain, as the general person in charge of the entire project, pointed to a large shack covered with snow and explained to Baron Aix and many Clovis nobles behind him:

"This place is not only close to the city gate, but is even connected to several streets and city main roads at the same time. It perfectly meets the bank's needs for convenient transportation; considering that this is a bank that uses 'coal' as its final collateral, it shortens the distance from the main local coal mines. It can also significantly reduce costs.”

"In addition, the surrounding areas are still slums, so everything can be completely rebuilt and matched with corresponding public works. We are also preparing to import high-grade natural volcanic ash and hire famous local painters and architectural designers to participate in the construction."

“Not only that, we are also planning to rebuild the streets around the bank, building the most fashionable townhouses in the country, rooftop courtyards, and high-end commercial streets... We will renovate them according to the standards of the inner city of Clovis, and use this as a model. Promote it throughout the city! Completely reverse the backward and barbaric spiritual outlook of the colonies..."

Surrounded by a group of nobles, Karl talked eloquently, constantly recalling the draft that the little clerk forced on him dozens of minutes ago, with a little personal expression, Miss Thalia and William Sethi The cooperation of Colonel Er and others made the shantytown in front of them vivid and colorful.

It was as if apartments and shopping malls that didn't even have drawings were sprung up under his spit and fingers, and appeared vividly in front of the members of the mission.

Perhaps due to the effect of alcohol, Baron Akers also nodded seriously: "Your Excellency is right, the construction of a colony should not only focus on wealth, but also pay attention to the aspect of civilization."

"However, the cost of such a large-scale renovation must be quite high. Can Beluga Port and Ice Dragon Fjord alone really undertake such a huge project?"

"Please don't worry about this. All the initial investment for the renovation will be paid in advance by the Luen family."

Thalia stepped forward slowly, smiled at Baron Akers and said: "If the colonial council is in financial difficulty, it can also use a portion of its annual trade volume as collateral to temporarily borrow a sum of money from the Luen family... with favorable interest rates."


Baron Akers' eyes lit up: "Beautiful lady, your generosity is truly beyond words."

"Please also allow me, on behalf of the royal family, the Privy Council and the colony, to express my gratitude to you 120,000 times!"

"Everywhere, these are all things that should be done." She quietly dodged the other party's attempt to kiss the back of her hand, and the girl's eyes were extremely sincere:

"When we came to Beluga Harbor, we already regarded this place as our home; how can we be so generous in order to build the front yard of our own home?"

"Dear lady, I really don't know how to thank you."

"Dear Baron Aix, you have nothing to thank me for."

The sincere words between the two people made the atmosphere peaceful and the host and guest enjoyed themselves.

At this moment, Fabian, who had specially changed into a black trench coat and a top hat, appeared outside the team; the crowd, attracted by the talkative adjutant and enthusiastic Thalia, did not notice him at all. figure.

The low-key Grenadier Commander quickly walked up behind the little clerk and stuffed a note into his collar.

The little clerk, who was completely unaware, was shocked. He did not dare to look back. He slightly leaned back on Fabian's shoulder, who was squatting down, and said in a low voice:

"How's it going?"

"We have just entered the parliament, and we have to fight for at least another hour." Fabian echoed:

"Let the mission continue to wander around the north of the city. Don't let anyone get close to the city center or around the port."

"Okay, then please ask Your Majesty the Chief of Staff to delay for a while."

The little clerk nodded repeatedly and pursed his lips.

Just when he withdrew his gaze, Carl Bain, who was already dry from talking, took advantage of the gap between Baron Akers and Miss Thalia's conversation and glanced at them from the corner of his eye.

When their eyes met, the little clerk immediately seized the opportunity and made a few quick gestures to him with his hands in front of him.

Wha... what, you still have to fight for... at least two more hours? !

Karl's heart suddenly went cold. In just a few dozen minutes, he had already said everything he could say in the draft. No matter how hard he fought for it, he couldn't just make it up, right? !

But at the same time, the little clerk had already looked away, and Baron Akers, who had finished talking to Thalia, also turned his attention to himself again.

Feeling more and more eyes around him, the adjutant could only scold an unscrupulous boss in his heart while forcing a smile:

"Well...since we talked about the future construction of the Coal Mine Bank, I wonder if you are interested in visiting the largest local coal mine. We have also prepared some small surprises for you. As for what the surprises are, then..."


Beluga Harbor Council, Smoking Room.

"Thank you for forgiving Cedric's rudeness and giving the poor Roland family a little bit of sympathy."

In front of the warm fireplace, a complicated-looking Reinhard took the wine glass from the Commander-in-Chief and said apologetically: "I assure you, his attitudes are all his own problems and absolutely cannot represent the Roland family. Any ideas!”

"Dear Lord Reinhard, you don't need to have such worries at all." Anson sat leisurely on the sofa opposite, playing with the rum glass in his hand: "To be honest, I still think that Lord Cedric He’s quite cute, the type who doesn’t hide his worries.”

"He was just spoiled by his mother and my two great uncles."

Reinhard shook his head, his expression full of disdain: "Even the southern trade was handed over to him because it has been controlled by the Levent and Morwes families all year round, and there is no room for the Roland family to interfere too much, even if You can brag about even a little achievement."

"However, since the unification of Hantu last year, the power of the Morwes family has been reduced a lot, and the Levent family's control of the south has also become looser; if it weren't for the business opportunities of the Colonial Bank, the family might really Turn your attention south.”


Recalling Ed Levent who was killed by an unknown spellcaster on the Green Dragon, Anson couldn't help but raise his eyebrows:

"The Levent family...is in a very bad situation now?"

"It should be said that they have never had an easy time. Caught between the emperor and the church, they have always been a thorn in the side of both parties and a target to win over." Reinhard shook the wine glass in his hand:

"However, there are indeed rumors that if the empire loses this war, the Levent family will compete with the Hered family for the throne; if they really succeed, based on the relationship between the Levent family and the church, I am afraid that the Church of Order will be worse than it is now. Become stronger.”

"This is not good news for those forces that are not well received by the Holy See."


Anson nodded slightly...Whether it was the Kingdom of Clovis, the Roland family or the New World colonies, they were basically not welcomed by the church.

"Of course, this is just a rumor. After all, the power of the Herred family has been deeply rooted for thousands of years. Except for the Wharton family who had descendants of the Wild Hunt Knights in the early days, there was an emperor. After that, the throne has never been handed over to others. The so-called The 'Elector' has long been a decoration - including our Roland family."

Reinhard shrugged: "As for the emperor...the empire's 'grand fleet' is basically in the hands of the Bernard family of Adlan; on this mission to Beluga Port, we will be escorted by the fleet of the Bernard family, so as long as we don't If something unexpected happens, this colonial war of independence, which has lasted for two years, will most likely end with an imperial compromise."

"Of course, in order to protect the face of the empire, the whole process will be very long, and there is no guarantee that some accidents will not occur...so you cannot let down your guard yet."

"For example..."

"It's still the Church of the Circle of Order."

Reinhard stood up slowly, and his expression suddenly became serious: "On the day we set out, we received a temporary notification from the Adlan Tribunal, saying that they were chasing a certain spellcaster and asked us to avoid their route."

"Target...north of the Turbulent Sea!"

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