I will be crowned king

Chapter 675 Colonial Attitude

The purest human happiness must be based on the pain of others.

Cedric Jinding had never thought of such philosophical thinking, let alone summed it up in his own language and style, but he did have a profound experience like all "pure happiness" people.

He is so happy now.

When I saw the ugly faces of the Clovis people turning away one by one, Reinhard's devastated back, and all the representatives of the Roland family looking up at me like a savior, I was not only stunned, but Crazy happy too.

The taste of power is so tempting and delicious at this moment.

This is just the beginning, there are more tempting delicacies waiting for you... Red Hand Bay, Black Reef Port, Sailing City, these colonies will soon swarm one by one, using the most disgusting words, the most disgusting words Begging for yourself in a humble posture, just like mortals begging for blessings from the Ring of Order.

Even if you show a little bit of fingertips, you can perform the miracle of turning stones into gold in their dilapidated fishing ports and mud pit-like cities; let the colonists squeeze their blood and sweat in the cold wind mines and dunghill-like farms and pastures all day long. Those who enjoy the comfort of the civilized world.

Eat macarons made by the palace pastry chef, drink soju as cold as water, put on fine clothes made of woolen and silk, and enjoy fine southern tobacco with seastone and golden nanmu pipes, and kerosene lamps illuminate the resplendent palace. The hall is filled with gold and silver decorations...even the carpet used to keep your feet warm is an imperial silk carpet.

As long as you bow to yourself, all this is not difficult to achieve.

With 800,000 gold coins in hand, a whole ship's worth of arms, New World hard currency, and the Roland family's business reputation guarantee, who would choose to refuse?


"We're very sorry, but we refuse."

In the Parliament Hall of Black Reef Port, Pushwood, a timber merchant and president of the Black Reef Port Chamber of Commerce, said expressionlessly.


The representative of the Roland family froze on the spot, thinking there was something wrong with his ears: "Respected, distinguished Representative Pushwood, what you just said is..."

"Black Reef Port is pleased with your friendship, but has to reject this generous offer." Pushwood emphasized his tone and repeated what he had just said:

"Although you are very welcome to invest here, if you want to open a bank or similar institution, including but not limited to money lending institutions, credit unions or even pawn shops... it is absolutely impossible."


Representative Roland was very puzzled.

Pushwood was very polite and said lightly: "What do you mean?"

"The bank...and of course the investment from the Roland family." The representative frowned:

"With the business reputation endorsement of the Roland family, plus the investment amount of 800,000 gold coins - even if this number is halved, it will be enough to rebuild Black Reef Port!"

"Yes, in fact, a cash flow of 200,000 gold coins plus manpower and materials is enough." Pushwood introduced: "To be honest, the Council is currently short of cash and cannot afford to hire people to buy Without enough beast slaves, the city's reconstruction work has been delayed..."

"Is that because our investment conditions are not favorable enough?"

"No, no, no... your terms are already the most generous and least harsh we have ever encountered."

"Or...Blackreef Port thinks it doesn't need a bank?"

“On the contrary, we really need it—land development, ports, mines, and the latest steel plants all require large sums of money for turnover. It would be great if there were banks that could lend large amounts of money at low interest rates. .”

"Or do you also have plans to set up your own bank?"

"Hahaha... You are really joking. We colonists ourselves are short of funds. The things that can be used as mortgage are of low price locally. Almost all hard currencies such as salt are imported. How can we do it ourselves?" Start a bank..."

"Then why don't you agree-?!!!"

Representative Roland was so anxious that he was about to cry. This was the first time he had encountered such a situation where no one was willing to take the money.

In the past, the normal situation should be that these poor people would take the initiative to pounce on them and beg themselves to give them loans, and all the conditions would be arbitrary; how could it be completely the opposite, that they would be eager to force them out, and the other party would continue to shirk and refuse? .

"Because this is not in the interests of Black Reef Port, and it is not in line with our current identity." Pushwood shook his head, with "deep regret" on his face:

"If it were in the past, maybe we would be overjoyed, but now Black Reef Port is part of the Free Confederation. Anything that may affect other colonies must be approved by the Supreme Council of the Confederation."

"Where will the Supreme Council be held?" the representative asked impatiently.

"Not sure, but we hope that the next meeting will be at Black Reef Port. The only thing that is certain is the time."


"It's hard to say, probably next spring."


Pushwood, whose expression remained unchanged, adjusted his golden bow tie and looked up and down at Representative Roland, who was clearly suppressing his anger: "If I guess correctly, your companions must be doing the same thing in Red Hand Bay, Sailing City or other colonies. thing."

"Please listen to my advice and advise them to stop. This behavior of the Roland family will not win the respect of any colony in the Free Confederacy; we welcome your investment and will not refuse to trade with you; but for obvious violations Any dignity-bearing colony would not accept such behavior."

"I...how on earth did we violate our business reputation?!"

The representative stood up angrily and shouted hysterically.

"You understand in your heart!" Pushwood said coldly:

"The trade contract between the Roland family and Beluga Port has long been spread throughout the Free Federation. Everyone is eagerly looking forward to it, hoping that it can drive the development of all colonies - now the Roland family suddenly jumps out and hides it. When everyone engages in such private activities, do you really think that we are all shameless villains like you?!"

At present, the Black Reef Port Chamber of Commerce is almost single-handedly supported by the Storm Division, and it relies economically on transfer payments from the previous "insurance" of the Storm Division. Outside the city, there are real estate purchased by the Luen family and steel plants that are almost completed. There are also Storm Divisions outside the city. A military base with a sign announcing the establishment of the New World Company...

In this case, if Black Reef Port really dares to be a traitor, it does not require the Storm Division to take action. Gray Pigeon Castle and Red Hand Bay, which have long been eager to replace it, will also attack together.

Pushwood, the president of the Black Reef Port Chamber of Commerce, is a representative supported by the Luen family, and he is even less likely to betray his foundation for the benefit of Black Reef Port.

Of course, if the Roland family could also respond in the new world and summon a fleet and a legion of tens of thousands of people, the situation might be very different; but now they can't, so Black Reef Port is still the loyal port of White Whale Port. ally.

Looking at Representative Roland who was still confused, Pushwood covered his face and sneered, stood up calmly, and looked at the other person's face as usual:

"Dear Representative, I understand that in the eyes of the ancient wealthy family behind you, we colonial people are probably no different from uncivilized savages; far away from the civilized world, we are demanding material things without restraint, as long as we show a little from our fingers. Gold and silver can buy us off.”

"But I must warn you, even barbarians have dignity; for this dignity, we can temporarily curb our greed and proudly refuse charity like civilized people!"

"Now, you and your family have brought generous conditions, but the price is for us to break our promises and abandon our allies who have stood side by side in the war. I... Black Reef Port cannot accept this result!"

"Not just me, I believe that all the barbarians who still have dignity in the entire Free Confederacy cannot accept it!"

"For this humiliation, Black Reef Port will accept it." Pushwood snorted coldly:

"As for you, please go back to where you came from; this is a remote and desolate land of barbarians, and civilized people who are rude are not welcome - I won't send you far away!"

After the words fell, the livid Pushwood turned and left; left behind was the surprised, angry, and incomprehensible Representative Roland, who was stunned on the spot, not knowing what to do.


"Did he really say that?"

In Beluga Harbor, Cedric looked at the representatives he had sent out, his expression extremely ugly.

"Yes, but not just him, all the people in Black Reef Port, including the Speaker, have this attitude." The representative said tremblingly:

"These people seem to be possessed. No matter how high the conditions are, they always ignore us, and are even very...disgusted."


"Yes, it's as if we are not sponsoring them, but harming them!"

The representative tried hard to recall his painful experience: "At first they were very happy to know that we were members of the Roland family, but after just one day, everyone's attitude changed completely - including those who had previously shown kindness to us. Some of the congressmen even returned the gifts they sent out!"

Cedric gasped, his eyes looking dazed.

Not only Black Reef Port, Changhu Town, Red Hand Bay...even Sailing City, all the representatives he sent were treated coldly without exception.

It was fine at first, but as long as "banks" were mentioned, these colonial barbarians seemed to have changed. They wanted to drive them out of the city immediately, as if what they brought was not real money and hard currency. But a plague that could poison them all.

No, there's something wrong... There must be something wrong!

Cedric suddenly raised his head and looked at Reinhard who was isolated by him in the corner of the room. He found that his face had completely lost the disappointment of the past few days, only the familiar indifference and arrogance that he hated so much. .

The shocked Cedric froze at first, then seemed to realize something, looked at each other and roared:

"Did you...did you already know that it would turn out like this?!"

Facing his brother's question, Reinhard looked at him calmly, still playing with a glass of wine that had just been warmed:

"Of course I know."


"Not only do I know this result, I even know what will happen next." Reinhard directly intercepted:

"Because of someone's arbitrary opinions, the Roland family not only lost the major customer of Ice Dragon Fjord, but also had a rift in their relationship with the Free Confederacy, the original colony of the empire."

“Now they regard accepting investment from the Roland family as betrayal of their allies and aiding others in their misfortune. No one will be willing to continue doing business with us—unless he wants to be regarded as a traitor by the entire Free Confederacy and the Clovis people. !”

"You have to know that they, who have just experienced the War of Independence, are quite sensitive to this aspect; I can even assure you that if the current situation cannot be alleviated quickly, the family's trade income in the colonies will be reduced by at least one-third in the coming year. one."

"So what?!" Cedric said angrily.


Reinhard smiled: "My beloved brother, you seem to have forgotten that the Roland family is a family in the north of the empire, and the ocean trade in the rough sea has always been the top priority in maintaining the family's influence."

"Especially in the past two years, the war between the empire and Clovis has cut off a large number of trade networks and caused a big impact on the family. The reason why you don't feel it is because we have expanded our share of maritime trade and strived to expand everything possible. The expanded part—even smuggling.”

"And now, because of your series of actions, not only has the trade volume dropped sharply, but it has also destroyed the Roland family's business reputation. Even the bank plan that was already negotiated is on the verge of bankruptcy." Reinhard shook his head:

"It's already November now, and the Turbulent Sea has entered the sea closure period. If it's a few days later, we won't be able to return to the mainland until next year - what are you going to do if the Clovis insist on expelling us?"

"They don't dare!" Cedric's voice was filled with panic: "And, and I don't know this!"

"That's right, you don't know!"

Reinhard stood up abruptly: "You have been running the so-called 'Southern Trade Network' for half your life. In order to get a share of goods that the Levent family disdained, you wantonly consumed the reputation of the Roland family in the south, and you have done nothing to the colonies and ocean trade. Nothing!"

"In that case, how dare you act so unscrupulously and arrogantly think that the whole world revolves around you instead of the ring of order?!"


"We have only one choice now, and that is to seek forgiveness from the Clovis people, accept the concessions they made before, show the sincerity of the Roland family, and promise not to slander them again." Reinhard continued sarcastically. :

"Of course, for such a 'disgraceful' job, it will not be the turn of a noble family member like you to come forward. Your younger brother...that is, me will be responsible for doing it on your behalf and begging for the generosity of the Commander-in-Chief."

"Cedric Roland, from now on, there will be no room for you to speak in this negotiation!"

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