I will be crowned king

Chapter 686 Thalia-style

"Oh, dear Anson, you misunderstand."

In the prison of the headquarters, Talia looked at Anson Bach who was half-bandaged with a smile in her eyes. She shook her head slightly and her posture was graceful:

"I just had a few little questions and wanted to get answers from Mr. Eamonn; we had a nice conversation, I asked a few questions and he answered them, and that was it."

"Of course! If Anson feels that Talia is...a little jealous because she talked to a strange adult man without permission, Talia is willing to compensate in any way, at any place, at any time. ——After all, no matter how sincere words are, they cannot compare to actual actions.”

"Dear Anson, how do you feel?"

The girl with a soft voice leaned forward, her big emerald eyes blinking as if she couldn't wait.

Anson, who looked slightly stiff, glanced at the cold walls, solid iron fences, shackles at the corners and various torture instruments "same as the Guards"... and then his Adam's apple clicked, and his sincere eyes returned. When it comes to girls:

"No, I believe you."


"Really, absolutely true!"

"Dear Anson, you are indeed a kind and good person... No wonder Lisa pesters you so much." The girl's eyes seemed to be mixed with a bit of regret:

"But Thalia did just have a chat with this Mr. Aemon and convinced him to stop being so... stubborn and now he's willing to answer any questions Anson has."


"It's absolutely true." Thalia said with a smile: "Everything you ask will be answered truthfully, and it is absolutely impossible to lie - he has completely figured it out."

Okay... Anson took a deep breath and turned his eyes to Aemon, who was sitting next to the two of them; he was still wearing the clothes when he assassinated him, wearing a beautiful half-top hat, and there was no trace of dust or injury on his body.

Yes, even though he had been shot once in the neck and thigh, and was almost blown away by himself using [Rising Fire], and his blood spurted half a meter high, but now he has a completely new look, and even his skin looks better than before. It was much better an hour ago.

Holding back the questions, Anson pulled his stiff cheeks and asked:

"Your name and identity."

"Eamonn Ferndek, twenty-two years old, comes from the town of Schönbrunn. He has the blood of Lewente and is a talented wind knight. He was wanted by the trial for killing the bishop of the town of Schönbrunn. He later arrived at Sailing City and was arrested. Taken in by the Faithless Knights.”

The attacker said expressionlessly:

"Currently, the Faithless Knights are on the verge of disbanding, and the Cressy family has disappeared, so they join the 'Brave Hunters' pioneering group and arrive at Moby Dick Harbor, waiting for an opportunity to kill the traitors and the Storm Division Commander-in-Chief Anson Bach."

This... I haven't even asked yet, and you've already learned to answer it?

Looking at the dull face of the other party, Anson, who was full of complaints, glanced at the smiling and slightly proud girl next to him, and could vaguely see a bit of Lisa.

Of course, it may just be an illusion caused by the similarities between the two. After all, although Thalia has never met Saint Isaac, her rich experience and her improvement in blood magic will make her even a hundred this year. There's nothing surprising about age, and Lisa, well...

It seems that I can't be too arbitrary. I actually know very little about her, or I haven't asked her at all.

Anson, whose mouth twitched slightly, came to his senses and continued to ask:

"Who is the traitor?"

"Former Grand Master of the Knights, Ian Clemens." Eamonn said in a deep voice.

"How did you know it was him?"

"Because it is the Grand Leader's responsibility to protect the Black Mage, and at the same time, only the Grand Leader himself knows the Black Mage's whereabouts; unless he is next to him, the Black Mage is unlikely to encounter a life threat."

"Could it be that you accidentally encountered an enemy ambush?"

"Absolutely impossible. The Black Mage has the highest authority and can ask for help from members of the nearby knights immediately, or pass the information to the entire knights - unless there is an order from the Cressy family, the knights must obey."

"What about the accident?"

"No surprise."


After pondering for a moment, Anson's eyes revealed some clarity - he now finally understood why the three of them were so nervous and obediently obeyed his request.

If he guessed correctly, he probably never considered that he could really kill the black mage at the time, but his "excessive" actions in turn affected the black mage's vigilance, leading the other party to believe that Ian and the other three were already in the process. He rebelled, was forced to take direct action, and bumped into himself while trying to escape.

The result was the death of the Black Mage and the collapse of the Knights. Countless members of the Knights who were still loyal to the Cressy family rushed to the White Whale Port, preparing to kill the traitors and kill themselves as the culprit.

The threat he posed to them was probably not just a threat to the ears of Ian Clemens and the others. They probably already had pictures in their minds, and they urgently needed an identity and place that could provide cover.

After thinking about this clearly, Anson began to ask the next question:

"The name of your accomplice, and the original plan of action."

But this time Eamonn did not answer directly. His stiff and upright body suddenly trembled violently, as if he had encountered some kind of obstacle or restriction. It took a few seconds for him to return to "normal" again, speaking in a monotonous voice with no fluctuations. The tone said:

"have no idea."


Anson raised his eyebrows and his expression condensed slightly:

"Is it because I don't know, or because I can't tell?"

"I don't know, I don't know the name of the accomplice." Eamon repeated what he said again: "There is no plan, I just know that Anson Bach will appear in the parliament restaurant at that time, except for Reinhard Roland." If anyone is present; if you control the only uncertain factor, Alan Dawn, you will get a chance to assassinate."

So detailed? !

Anson frowned. His acceptance of Reinhard's invitation was an unexpected incident. The only people who knew about it were himself, the little secretary and himself...


First of all, Reinhard took the initiative to invite, and the probability that he would accept it was not low; secondly, the meeting place was the parliament restaurant, and you had to prepare in advance to make an apple tart; if you are willing, it is not difficult to find clues.

But even so, if he could get this information and even guess that he was going there alone with only the secretary, the identity of this person might be unusual; he must have a certain understanding of himself and be able to contact both the president and the president of the New World Bank. Only Beluga Harbor Council or Storm Division Headquarters are allowed.

Who could it be... Ansen's eyes narrowed:

"Then how did you get the information?"

"There are special communication channels between the members of the Knights and external informants." Aemon said solemnly:

"As long as you spend a little money and confirm each other's identities, you can purchase the required information from your opponent."

"How do I confirm my identity?"

"There is an agreed-upon location and standard code."

"If you find it and tell the secret code, you can buy information?"

"Yes," Aemon replied.

Anson nodded silently, and ideas began to form in his mind.

"Last question." He looked at the attacker coldly:

"As far as you know, what will the Knights do next?"

"Obey the orders of the Cressey family, destroy the ruling foundation of the Stormtroopers and Rune families in the new world, assassinate important figures in each colony, take the lead in organizing the rebellion of the indigenous people and beast slaves, and..." Aemon paused again and stopped. The time is several seconds longer than just now:

"And the Extermination of the Truth Society."

Anson raised his eyebrows:


"They are a group of speculators, anti-social elements controlled by Clovis nobles and rich people! Their purpose is to create chaos and stability in the world of order, and create opportunities for Clovis' expansion - which is in line with the interests of the Crecy family It doesn’t match.” Aemon said solemnly:

"The Cressy family once cooperated with the Society of Truth to fight against the empire's rule in the colonies; now the Society of Truth has attracted the Stormtroopers, seriously threatening the survival of the Cressy family... It is time to completely eliminate them."

Oh, so last year's "Beast Slave Rebellion" and colonial turmoil were not only the tyranny of the Empire, but also a contribution to the Society of Truth... You are really everywhere, Draco Vertes!

When he thought that he was forced to come to the new world because of the fault of a certain novelist, Anson couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth again, and he even felt a little sympathy for Phil Cressey deep down in his heart.

Of course, I can only sympathize a little.

Aemon's answer continued: "After the death of the Black Mage, the scattered members of the Knights lost contact, and rebellions broke out in several strongholds; in order to avoid the traitors and to eradicate the culprits, some companions loyal to the Crecy family are moving towards Beluga Harbor is coming.”

"What about the other part?"

"He is rushing to the Winter Torch City and instigating the local indigenous people and beast slaves to start a riot and seize the colony and Clovis Fortress."


"Because it's an order from the Crecy family."

Anson did not ask any more questions, and there was no need to ask anymore.

Aemon, who stopped answering questions, sat expressionless, his eyes without a trace of emotion unblinking, as if they were empty shells that had been deprived of their souls.

Or really just an empty shell.

As a blood mage, Thalia's strength is undoubted; according to her own words, without any restrictions, no flesh and blood can go against her will - this is the privilege given to her by the blood of rune.

The moment he fell into her hands, Aemon's fate was already doomed.

Even through several meetings, he even felt that Thalia's ability in this area was constantly "improving" - from the earliest waiter of Lund Manor who could be seen as a living dead at a glance, to the half-idiot leader of the beast slave mercenary group, The "life-size doll" Nolula, and then the assassin who could hardly see any problems in front of him.

Maybe after a while, she will be able to create a living dead without any flaws.

The girl slowly looked back and looked at someone who was deep in thought:

"How, will it help the next action?"

"It's so helpful!" Anson immediately took over the words and looked into those emerald eyes solemnly:

"Thank you, Thalia. Without you, I don't know how much time it would have taken to dig up so much useful information."

"You're welcome."

The girl smiled sweetly: "Thalia is also very happy to be able to help - at least she can make up for Anson a little, although this is far from enough."

No, no, no, that's enough... The corners of Anson's mouth were about to curl up, and then he showed a serious expression: "What do you think of the information about Phil Cressey's intention to seize Winter torch city?"

"He is just an insignificant clown, but behind the clown stands the gravekeeper of the resting place." The girl's eyes narrowed:

"Winter is coming, and they will not give up this opportunity; whatever they want to do to Winter torch city, they must be stopped."

"But we can't do anything now - winter has come, and it is impossible for the Storm Division to cross the wilderness and brave the wind and snow to support Winter Torch City at this time." Anson frowned slightly:

"It would be better to send only a few people than not to send anyone at all."

"That's right, so the storm master can't act rashly. Staying in Beluga Port is the wisest choice." The girl agreed:

"But if you only send one person, Thalia can do it."

Um? !

Anson's pupils shrank suddenly: "You mean..."

"Since their attention is on Anson, it means that as long as Thalia avoids the gaze of the tombkeeper, she can move freely in Winter Torch City without worrying about receiving too much attention." The girl's eyes flickered:

"And with the protection of the entire Storm Division and Lisa, Anson will be safe in Beluga Harbor; if they are together, it will easily attract the enemy's attention."

This is indeed true, but Anson still can't believe that Thalia would leave for such a simple reason, especially now that Luen is about to arrive at White Whale Port.

"You really think so?"

"My dear Anson..."

Looking at the man in front of her who was cautious but trying to hide it, and whose expression seemed to be mixed with a bit of worry, Thalia smiled:

"If it's for my father, you don't have anything to worry about; although he is not particularly satisfied with you, it is not completely unacceptable."

"In fact, you have met before - if he really dislikes you, the last time we met would have been at Lund Manor."


Lund Manor?

It took Anson a lot of effort to calm down his shock and fear.

Thalia stood up slowly, patted his shoulder and turned away with a chuckle, leaving only Anson with a blank face and Eamonn with an expressionless face, alone in the cell.

Ten minutes later, Fabian, who was guarding outside, carefully pushed open the iron door of the prison; he coughed lightly first, and then said after seeing Anson looking at him:

"The Commander-in-Chief, the President of the Harold Foundation and Harold's widow are here to request a private meeting with you."

Harrods Fund…Ian Clemens? This guy reacts very quickly.

Ansen, immersed in the lingering power of his "father-in-law", frowned: "Did he say why?"

"He said that as long as he conveys the request, you will naturally understand the reason." Fabian shook his head:

"So, do you want to invite him in?"


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