I will be crowned king

Chapter 688 The target is someone else


In the Storm Legion headquarters, Anson, who was about to send Thalia to Wintertorch City, was stunned on the spot, with a slightly gloomy expression on his face: "What do you mean missing!"

"I wish I could explain all this, but unfortunately I don't know any more about this emergency than you do."

The former Guards officer clasped his hands behind his back, and his face was filled with the self-blaming expression of a subordinate reporting a work problem: "When the Grenadier Regiment arrived, the tavern owner and informant were gone, and there was only the hanged bartender in the room - —Judging from the body, he has been dead for nearly half a day."

"Half a day...no one noticed anything unusual?"

"Normally there would be, but that's a bank construction site."

Fabian explained: "The smell of fish, alcohol and sweat, plus the noise of work being started, is enough to silence a murder."

This theory may sound a bit far-fetched, but it is indeed in line with the reality - the original good public security of Beluga Port was based on the "association and self-protection" of the Promise Keepers militia, plus the result of the Legion's iron-fisted suppression. Otherwise, there would be gangs all over the place, old and new. How could a port city with so many conflicts between immigrants and colonists and natives look both harmonious and prosperous?

If it hadn't been for the Cressey family, the death of a person in the tavern wouldn't even be worthy of being on the headlines of tomorrow's "The Good Guys of Beluga Harbor". At most, it would occupy an inconspicuous place in the cracks.

Anson calmed down his surprise a little, and while reviewing the entire incident in his mind, Anson thought calmly:

First of all, it can be basically confirmed that the informant should be the middle and senior management of Beluga Port, and may even have contact with the army's officer corps. Otherwise, he would not be able to obtain a series of information that is accurate to his itinerary for the day.

The time of the bartender's death was half a day before Ian Clemens and others prepared the "deal", so the informant's escape time should have been that morning - and he had met with Ian and the three of them the night before to arrange planned the arrest of the informant.

Killing the bartender to cover up his whereabouts proved that he was extremely hasty when escaping... The informant didn't know when the three Ians would appear, or even who the "trade" was. He just suddenly received the information and had to flee the scene as soon as possible. , he did not hesitate to cut off contact with all relationships.

So he was very clear about his determination to catch him, so he didn't hesitate when escaping...either this person knew him extremely well, or someone was informing him.

"In addition, the command received a total of double-digit homicides in the past two days, at least half of which were suspected to be related to the Faithless Knights, and left similar words like 'Revenge', 'Traitor', ' Slogans like 'Retribution'." Fabian continued to report:

"The situation is very similar to the previous assassination in the parliament restaurant and the failure of this arrest operation. There are almost no clues about the perpetrator. Every time when the scene is discovered, at least one day has passed."

In other words, they are not killing aimlessly. They can be found every time under absolutely safe conditions. Even with extremely strong concealment skills, it is a low-probability event, so it is planned... Anson looked at Throw Commander of the Bombardier Corps:

"Who is investigating the case?"

"...originally Lieutenant Colonel Carr and Lieutenant Colonel Norton."



Fabian, who held up the brim of his hat, nodded slightly and deliberately lowered his voice: "But after Miss Lisa Bach knew that Brigadier General you were injured, she took away the right to handle the case - now the Third Infantry Regiment and the Cavalry Company are working hard Cooperate with the guard company to search and apprehend suspects throughout the city.”


Okay, there's nothing wrong with it. It can disrupt their rhythm a little... Anson maintained his usual calmness: "So now within the officer corps, only Lieutenant Colonel Norton Crosell has no other tasks for the time being, and there is no one left. You're still in Beluga Harbor City now, right?"

As for Kal Bain...the Legion Chief of Staff can never run out of things to do, especially after he has a superior who trusts him immensely.

The grenadier commander thought for a few seconds and then gave the precise answer: "Indeed."

"Ask him to wait for me in the lounge on the left side of the parliament before four o'clock this afternoon." Anson nodded slightly:

"Also make an appointment with Baron Akers, also in the left-hand chamber of the Parliament - just say that I have a very important matter and hope to talk to him privately."

"Also, I will stay in Beluga Port City during the period of my recovery. I will leave you and Lieutenant Colonel Alexei in charge of the daily work of the legion."

"What about Lieutenant Colonel Carl?"

"Him? Let him be temporarily in charge of the New World Company and the Shooting Army. This is more urgent."

Before he finished speaking, Anson suddenly remembered something: "Oh, by the way, have the shooting army soldiers recruited from Sail City hired suitable officers?"

"Already in place and officially inaugurated." Fabian immediately replied: "Because you were busy with the bank and the riots at the time, you did not report immediately - a total of one hundred officers, fifty each from Clovis and the colony. name."

"Who is the most senior person currently?"

"It's Captain Joseph."


"He is the former leader of the Changhu Town Militia." Fabian reminded:

"After the Supreme Council held in Gray Pigeon Castle, he voluntarily resigned from the position of 'Commander of the Long Lake Town Legion' given to him by the Long Lake Town Council, and voluntarily asked to join the New World Company; considering his experience in this area, we agreed."


Anson tried his best to recall, but he couldn't remember any outstanding achievements of the former militia leader.

"The Storm Legion is currently seriously short of personnel. We can't deploy many outstanding officers to fill the vacancies in the Shooting Army." Fabian paused and said meaningfully:

"Without affecting the combat effectiveness of the corps, Captain Joseph is already the best candidate for the commander of the shooting corps."

"……All right."

Although he didn't expect this servant army to play a big role, Anson still felt a twitching at the corner of his mouth when he thought that the people who would command them in the future would be "outstanding talents" from the empire's colonies.

"Tell Commander Joseph that the shooting corps must form the most basic combat strength before the end of this year. Lieutenant Colonel Carl Bain will serve as the commander-in-chief of the corps and be responsible for supplies, basic training subjects and camp management. He will serve as deputy commander, Perform on-site tasks." Anson solemnly said:

"He doesn't have to worry about his treatment. I will have a special interview with him in a few days... That's all."


The commander of the Grenadier Corps saluted, said nothing more, and calmly turned around and left the headquarters living room.

Anson, who was sitting on the sofa, calmly stared at the flames in the fireplace and was not in a hurry to leave; Thalia went to Wintertorch City, and now she was protected by a blasphemous mage, and at the same time she was protected by the tombkeepers of the Land of Rest. The Cressy family is keeping an eye on them, so they need to be more cautious than in the past.

At present, the opponent has become a group of guerrillas and has lost contact with the Crecy family. Logically speaking, even if it wants revenge, it should appear more random and unprepared than in the past. However, the actual situation is exactly the opposite. The action is rapid. The response was more decisive than ever before.

The most likely answer is that it's not just them who want to get rid of themselves...someone is going through all the trouble and providing them with all kinds of conveniences regardless of the consequences.

At this moment...


The crisp sound of ceramics made Anson turn his head subconsciously and found the little secretary standing beside him, placing a steaming, tan drink on the coffee table.

"This is what Miss Talia ordered, a hot drink that is good for sleep." Alan Dawn reminded diligently:

"In addition, she also asked me to collect all the wine stored in the headquarters and the mansion. Not one bottle is allowed to be taken out until you recover from your injury."

All... Anson looked at the drink in the cup and couldn't help but swallowed:


"grown ups?"

"That day...the day before I was invited to the restaurant by Reinhard, did you talk to anyone about it?"

"of course not!"

Alan Dawn said without hesitation: "Leaking the master's itinerary without permission is the most serious dereliction of duty for a clerk!"

"No, sorry, that's not what I meant." Anson waved his hand: "I wanted to say that besides you, who else would know my whereabouts that day - including Reinhard and Thalia."

"Who else..." The little secretary thought seriously for a few seconds:

"Then there are only three people."

"Miss Lisa Bach of the Guards Company, she can but should not know; Lieutenant Colonel Carl Bain, Chief of Staff, but he has been very busy recently and has no time to check your schedule. Colonel Fabian, commander of the Grenadier Regiment, he Being responsible for the defense of Beluga Port, I occasionally come to him for help, but rarely talk about work matters."

"And, and I don't think it's possible for any of them to do such a thing, they..."

"I see."

Looking at the little secretary who was suddenly panicked, Ansen interrupted calmly:

"I'm just asking."


Beluga Harbor Council, left-hand chamber.

Although it was only four o'clock in the afternoon, the snowflakes all over the sky and the sun covered by dark clouds had shrouded Beluga Harbor in a biting coldness; there were not many pedestrians visible on the streets where the cold wind was howling, only You can still see the lights and hear the bustle in the taverns and the mansions of the wealthy.

In the empty corridor, Norton Crosell, who was alone with his hands behind his back, walked towards the door of the side hall uneasily.

If I remember correctly, this should be the first... no, the second time the Commander-in-Chief requested to meet with him alone.

He raised his hand to knock on the door, but found that the door was open, which made him stunned for a moment.

At the same time, the commander-in-chief, who was chatting with another person in the room, immediately noticed the movement: "Lieutenant Colonel Norton, are you here?"

Raising his hand to say hello to his subordinates, Anson stood up and said, "Sorry, Baron, I may have to leave for a while, just a few minutes."

"As you please." Baron Akers smiled and said:

"We can talk over dinner, Commodore."

"Thank you." The smiling Anson bowed and walked out of the room. Before Norton could speak, he dragged him into the utility room next to him.


Looking at the door that was slammed shut, the dark and narrow space made Norton's heartstrings tighten even more. He subconsciously lowered his voice and said: "Commander-in-Chief..."

"Were you followed when you came here?" Anson turned his back to him and spoke in a low voice.

"Ah?" Norton was stunned for a moment and thought subconsciously for a few seconds:

"should not."

"very good."

Anson turned his head and glanced at Norton: "I have a very important and very dangerous task to give you - but before that, you have to tell me how many forces of the Truth Society are still in Moby Dick Port now. ?”

"Uh... not many." Norton said subconsciously: "I am usually not responsible for negotiation and communication tasks. I only know the contact information of a few informants."

"Can you confirm the identity, or safety, of these informants?" Anson asked.


Norton nodded slightly nervously, cold sweat falling from his temples: "I can even tell you their identities, but... why do you suddenly want to know this?"

"Don't ask, just concentrate on answering my questions." Anson's eyes moved:

"The situation is very simple. I suspect that there is an insider in Beluga Port who is leaking my whereabouts to the remnants of the Faithless Knights and the Crecy family, but there are no clues or evidence. Some clues need to be verified as soon as possible."

"I want you to contact the informants of the Truth Society and tell them that the Cressy family is waiting for an opportunity to wipe out your influence in the colonies. Find an opportunity to hide as soon as possible. If this is not possible, you can also ask for assistance from the Legion."

"At the same time, if they have some information related to the Cressy family, tell me as soon as possible - this matter will be left to you alone and report directly to me, without going through Carl Bain and Alan. Clerk Dawn.”

"Understood!" Norton's expression condensed:

"In fact, on the day you were assassinated, I had already tried to contact them once; but the informant seemed to know very little about the situation of the Faithless Knights and has not given me an accurate answer yet."

"Very well, keep in touch, and of course try to stay safe - they may also target the Legion's officers."

Anson said expressionlessly: "Besides, this is just one of your tasks. There is another thing I want to entrust you with, and only you can do it - I want you to track a person."

"The time is three days. After three days, you have to report to me his entire itinerary, where he went, and who he met. All must be recorded. At the same time, you are not allowed to alarm him, let alone reveal the details of the mission to him. Try not to let him Be aware of your presence; once you feel that he is on guard, stop acting immediately, do you understand?"

He cannot be discovered and cannot disclose details. It seems that he should be a colleague, and his identity and status are not low... Norton Crosell nodded slightly: "Understood!"

"So, who is the target you want me to follow?"

Anson smiled faintly, walked slowly to Lieutenant Colonel Norton, and whispered in his ear in a low voice:

"Chief of Staff of the Corps, Lieutenant Colonel Carl Bain!"

Sorry for the late update

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