I will be crowned king

Chapter 693 Joseph

"Why are you here?"

In the cold prison, Fabian pushed the door open and stared coldly at Joseph who was sitting on the bench waiting, with a little surprise flashing in the corner of his eyes: "This is not the place where the deputy commander of the shooting army should come...Joseph Your Excellency, you have crossed a line.”

The grenadier commander deliberately left the door open - there was a company of grenadiers patrolling outside the headquarters prison, and there was also Lieutenant Colonel Julien and his Fifth Infantry Regiment in the camp responsible for daily management.

Although he did not think that the former militia leader had the possibility of breaking through, he still had to be cautious and avoid many meaningless misunderstandings.

"Of course I understand this, but the situation is urgent and I have to take some risks!"

Joseph leaned forward slightly on the bench, his anxious face and exaggerated body movements made his explanation look a little funny: "Really, you can't delay it for a minute!"

"The prisoner who was just caught near the church has a great connection with the Harold Foundation. The person in charge of the foundation discovered the secret that Brigadier General Anson Bach is actually a spell caster! They are preparing to..."


There was no sign... The expressionless Fabian closed the prison door with his backhand. The loud sound made Joseph almost fall off the chair, and he stammered as if he was frightened: "Alright, get ready. …prepare…prepare…”

"What are you preparing for?" The former Guards officer held the door behind him with one hand and narrowed his eyes slightly:

"How did you know?"


"Answer first and the last one."

Fabian put his hands behind his back and slowly approached Joseph, who was shivering on the bench, until he stood in front of him, looking down at those restless eyes with cold eyes:


Feeling the pressure from the outside in, as if his heartbeat was about to stop, Joseph's rapid breathing took half a minute to calm down:

"It's John."


"Yes, it's the kid you caught, he told me!" Joseph quickly added:

"He said that he found a particularly lucrative job, helping a rich man in the city to track other rich people. Later he found out that the owner of the house was Harold's widow, and that the person he was following was an officer of the garrison. To say that Brigadier General Anson Bach is actually...is..."

Looking at the increasingly cold eyes of the Grenadier Captain, Joseph did not continue.

Fabian calmed down his expression slightly, took out a cigarette box from his jacket pocket, and silently turned around and walked towards the desk:

"That...child, why did he tell you this?"

"Well, we know each other - he used to be a thief in Changhu Town, and he was caught several times. I thought he was an orphan, so I often let him go in private... As time goes by, I'll get used to him."

While Joseph was trying to remember, he stared at the cigarette case in Fabian's hand: "I also gave him a lot of ideas, such as who can steal and who can't, and where to hide if something happens... So If anything happened, he would tell me first."

"Oh, that's right."

Using the candle wick, Fabian lit the cigarette: "Then did he tell you that he is actually a spell caster?"


As if he had heard the most incredible thing, Joseph was shocked: "This is impossible!"

"He almost blew up half of the street last night. Two gifted officers acted at the same time and captured him alive without exacerbating the situation." Fabian said sternly:

"Don't question my words, I'm asking you, Sir Joseph!"


Joseph timidly retracted his head to his chest, but his expression was still full of disbelief.

Staring at the wisp of smoke floating in his hand, the tense-looking Grenadier commander hesitated for a few seconds, silently put down the cigarette, and turned to look at the frightened Joseph:

"Why are you saying it now?"

"Although it is suspected of slandering His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief, you should have reported the information related to the safety of Beluga Port when I went to find you before. Coming here at this time, it is difficult for people not to doubt that you are out of business. For what motive."

"Because I dare not - Sir Anson Bach is a spell caster, and the Harold Foundation is waiting for an opportunity to assassinate the officers of the Storm Legion. How can I, an outsider, dare to speak casually about such a big thing without evidence?!" Joseph Suddenly he became excited:

"But it's different now. That kid John told me the night before yesterday that the president of the foundation gave him something very, very special as a reward - maybe this can be used as evidence!"

Fabian frowned slightly: "You mean, are you sure that he will hand over this thing?"

"The premise is that you can't hurt him." Joseph swallowed his thirsty throat, with a slight tremor in his rapid breathing:

"As long as you hand over the evidence, you have to promise to let him go and ensure his safety - and of course my safety."

Facing Joseph's gaze, Fabian's eyes suddenly became a little evasive.

He seemed to think for a while and silently took a puff of the cigarette:

"I promise you."


After receiving the promise, Joseph breathed a sigh of relief and stood up eagerly with a smile that he couldn't help but said: "Hurry up, I'll go in and help you convince that boy!"

Fabian nodded slightly, walked to the cell door without saying a word and took out the key; just as he unlocked the door, he suddenly hesitated for a moment.

Yes, the former Guards officer knew very well that he could not guarantee anything; if the cautious to neurotic boss knew that the secret of being a spellcaster was revealed, only the Ring of Order... or the Three Old Gods would know what he could do. .

But this hesitation was only for a moment. After opening the door outside, Fabian calmly walked toward the criminal's prison with Joseph, who looked worried.

After nearly a year of rectification, the headquarters prison, which was originally converted from a warehouse, has begun to take shape. Not only does it have a dedicated interrogation room, but each cell has also been strengthened and renovated to avoid the recurrence of those who were finally caught alive. The "unexpected surprise" of committing suicide in advance.

Accompanied by the echo of footsteps, the flickering cigarette butts stopped in front of a cell; Fabian put his hands naturally into his pockets and looked at the thin figure behind the fence:

"is it him?"

"Ah? Ah yes! Yes, yes...it's him!" Joseph nodded repeatedly, threw himself in front of the cell with a "bang!", and grabbed the iron fence with both hands:

"John...little John! Look up, look up quickly and see it's me, Joseph!"

Urgent words echoed in the dead silence of the prison. Fabian, expressionless, deliberately took a few steps back, hiding himself in the darkness and watching with cold eyes.

After a while, the figure in the cell reacted; he slowly raised his head, confused and somewhat dull, looking at the guy outside the iron fence who was calling his name:


"Yes, it's me!" Joseph nodded excitedly: "Are you okay?"

The young man said nothing, silently glancing at the shackles around his neck and the iron chains wrapped around his limbs.

Joseph was stunned for a moment and turned to look at Fabian.

The commander of the Grenadier Corps thought for a moment and said calmly:

"you sure?"

"I...can't." Shrinking his neck, Joseph looked nervous:

"But he, he does look in pain."

Although this is not an answer, it does make some sense... Facing the timid and confused eyes, Fabian opened the iron door of the cell, inserted the palm of his left pocket and took out a delicate small key, and smoothly He inserted the shackles on the young man's neck through the keyhole.


There was a crisp machine sound, and the shackles fell to the ground; a trace of astonishment flashed across the faces of Fabian and the boy in the cell at the same time.

Because the machine sound came from behind him, and it sounded particularly like...


Following the deafening gunfire, a trace of blood bloomed on the young man's forehead, forever freezing the expression of confusion and surprise on his face.

Fabian's pupils shrank suddenly, and his body that quickly tensed subconsciously turned around, dodged and fell to the side.

But in the end it was too late... A cold touch swept through his body instantly, his mind suddenly went blank, his vision began to become distorted and skewed, and his limbs were completely out of control.


With dull eyes, Fabian fell to the ground in a rather funny move, twisting his neck, so that Joseph appeared in his upside-down field of vision, as well as his complicated eyes and smoking lips. muzzle.

"If possible, I don't want to come to this point, but... who makes us enemies?"

He slowly stood up, and as he approached, he sighed to the twitching Grenadier Captain on the ground: "You are a cautious person, Fabian, but you are not cautious enough - no matter how much confidence and backhand you have, how can you let him How about being alone with a suspicious person without even a guard around you?"

"This is a lesson you must learn, no need to thank me."

As the words fell, Joseph, who seemed to have suddenly changed, pointed the gun at the stiff-faced boy and pulled the trigger again.

"Bang! Bang-bang!"

One shot to the temple, one to the top of the skull, and one to the heart.

Fabian, who was paralyzed on the ground, struggled desperately, but every time he finally regained consciousness, the cold touch would sweep over him again, taking away control of his body.

"Stop struggling. I had already completed the hint the moment you walked in, and it has been continuously strengthened every time we look at each other. How about recalling how many opportunities I created to meet your eyes?" Joseph chuckled and said:

"Oh, this is another lesson for you: never, never, never look into the eyes of a black mage, no matter how confident you are in yourself."

"I originally thought this was an attempt that you should have known about. After all, the guy you work for is a spell caster, and his 'fiancée' is the head of the Luen family... It seems that I am lucky."

"But don't worry, I'm not planning to kill you - like I said, I don't want to be your enemy, I'm just forced to do it."

As he spoke, he put the revolver that had just killed the boy into Fabian's hand: "So you give up resistance now, so that I can easily insert the memory into your consciousness."

"Don't worry, large-scale deletion of memories is a very delicate job. I don't have the time, so I will just make slight changes: 'Fabian fell into the trap of the Faithless Knights, but at the last moment he killed the person who was trying to escape from prison in time. Prisoner, and was knocked unconscious to the ground by Joseph who came to rob the prison'... ended."

"Anson Bach may be aware of the magical reaction on your body, but he will never have any doubts about this explanation. The gunfire just now will definitely bring in the soldiers outside, and they will all become your witnesses. You are Innocent."

While speaking, flashbacks of various scenes began to appear in Fabian's mind. The original memories began to be twisted, torn, and broken bit by bit...and then reassembled like a puzzle, turning into what seemed like Same but slightly different look.

Feeling that his memory was being constantly deleted, Fabian gritted his teeth and tried his best to recall the original memory; but this weak resistance was not worth mentioning in front of the black mage, just like a child trying to compete with an adult Same strength.

But even if the gap is huge, weak resistance is still resistance, which gives Joseph a headache because he is unwilling to make a fatal blow, for fear that using too much force will directly turn the grenadier captain into a fool.

As time passed, the sound of military boots and iron whistles outside became clearer and clearer; no matter how strong the soundproofing effect of the prison was, the close proximity and multiple consecutive gunshots were enough to attract soldiers patrolling nearby.

Glancing at the increasingly painful Grenadier Captain on the ground, Joseph frowned slightly and had no choice but to give up - anyway, the goal had been achieved, and it was impossible for the other party to dig out any information from a dead man.

The most important thing now is to get out of here as soon as possible!

Joseph, who had thought clearly about this, stood up decisively, and while maintaining Fabian's "line", he quickly rushed towards the prison door; he wanted to escape from the heavily guarded legion headquarters in full view of everyone.

Anyway, I have been exposed, and I am worthy of the "favor" given by those bastards. The most important thing next is...


The sudden sound of gunfire interrupted his thoughts and stopped him in his tracks.

With an expression of disbelief...or incomprehensible, Joseph slowly looked back, and Fabian, who should have fallen to the ground unconscious, appeared in his sight.

He was leaning against the iron fence, his right leg pierced by lead bullets already stained red with blood. His right hand that fired the gun was still hanging by his side. The body supporting his left arm raised another revolver and aimed it at Ruo Joseph's head.

"Fabian, you..."

"I suggest you shut up, because it's me who should be asking questions now - otherwise it won't be my thigh that the next shot goes through."

Suffering from both physical and mental pain, the pale-faced Fabian gasped: "Oh, you really should have killed me when you still had the chance, oh, Joseph..."

"...My dear, Uncle Joseph!"


The moment Joseph's pupils shrank suddenly, the closed prison door was kicked open.

With the light shining into the dark prison, a thin figure walked in, muttering something as he walked:

"Let me see, let me see, who is bullying our deputy commander of the army?"

foreshadowing recycling

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