I will be crowned king

Chapter 709 Believe in Science

The brightly lit Beluga Harbor Parliament Hall was still bustling with excitement; well-dressed and calmly behaved male and female guests laughed and laughed to the melodious and soothing music, enjoying food and wine.

But for most guests, such a precious occasion is not only an opportunity to temporarily put aside their worries and indulge in pleasure; it is also a hunting ground for broadening contacts, attracting allies, and finding wealth.

Everyone is prey, and everyone is also a hunter; and skilled hunters often appear in the image of prey.

At least in Reinhard Roland's eyes, he was the most brilliant one.

Holding red wine in hand and wearing an elegant and calm smile, he walked around the entire hall, pretending to be casual, and constantly had "accidental encounters" with representatives of various colonies.

Either by being recognized by someone, or by being introduced by a third party (of course, a person who was paid in advance), or by accident, or by playing hard-to-get and waiting... This has long been summarized through family training and countless actual battles. With rich experience, he has ten thousand ways to meet the target he is targeting.

Relying on the name "Roland" and his humble conversation, Reinhard easily conquered most of the colonial representatives and became their close friends who talked about everything.

As the president of the New World Company (bank), Reinhard can easily become the second most dazzling star at the banquet by simply telling the other party his identity. All colonial representatives and businessmen who are in urgent need of investment and cash flow will swarm When he arrived, he was surrounded by water.

But how can the barbecue delivered to your door be as sweet as hunting it with your own hands?

Louis Bernard may be the only exception. The two have known each other before, and technically Reinhard is a generation younger than the heir of Adelaide... However, this small incident cannot ruin his good mood. What's more, the other party also took a loan of 200,000 gold coins from him.

In exchange, New World Company obtained a quarter of the equity of the Yangfan City Shipyard; considering the prospects of the future shipbuilding industry, it was equivalent to buying a gold mine at a low price.

Reinhard, who was in a good mood, swayed the glass of wine and was completely immersed in the environment created by the melodious music. He completely ignored the dark wind and snow outside the window and enjoyed the joy of feasting and hunting.

In the lounge separated by a wall, the three members of the "former Faithless Knights" who were also invited to the banquet had completely opposite feelings.

Ian slumped on the sofa, his whole body seemed to have been drained of energy, exuding a strong sense of decadence from head to toe; the cigarette in the corner of his mouth flickered and extinguished, exuding a faint pale white smoke.

The two people sitting opposite him also lowered their heads and remained silent as if they were thinking about something, with no desire to talk; on the contrary, the wine bottles on the table had been emptied in advance, with not a drop left.

After a while, Derek, who was sitting near the bed, seemed to feel cold; he stood up and prepared to draw the thick curtains tighter.

"it's useless."

The moment he grasped the curtains, Ian Clemens' indifferent words sounded in the empty lounge:

"That was not an ordinary snowstorm, but a precursor to the action of the tombkeepers... Their power and responsibility limited their scope of activities; only by temporarily opening the tomb and twisting the laws of nature could they gain some freedom... for the time being. "

"In other words, Beluga Port...or all the colonies...are already under the power of the Three Old Gods; no matter how many fires you light and the windows are blocked, you can't stop the erosion of ice and snow."

"It will slowly distort the laws of nature little by little, and most people won't even realize what's happening until the final moment."

"Even if we realize...it's not something we can fight against."

"so what should I do now?!"

The Wild Hunt Knight suddenly looked back with an annoyed look on his face: "So we just do nothing and stay here and wait to die?!"


Carno said lightly: "This statement is too kind. It is a luxury that we cannot enjoy at all."

"Even considering the best outcome, we will probably become sacrifices to the Lord of the Abyss or the Shadow Demon. Our bodies will rot, and our souls and consciousness will be imprisoned in their realm until they naturally collapse."

"And this is the best outcome?!"

The Wild Hunt Knight collapsed: "In that case, why don't we escape from this ghost place as soon as possible?!"

"Then where do you want to escape?"

The depressed Ian smiled miserably: "If the prediction is correct, the other colonies may also be experiencing the same situation... After all, strictly speaking, the entire New World is the tomb of the three old gods."

"As for escaping the new world and returning to the homeland, well...under the turbulent sea is the domain of the Lord of the Abyss; He will not let us...traitors go."

"So it's unfortunate, but there's no way we can escape."

The former leader of the Faithless Knights chewed on the butt of his cigarette, and the slight flicker of fire reflected the despair in his pupils.

This is a gamble.

In Ian's initial judgment, although the arrival of Anson Bach and the Luen family would break the balance of the new world, they could also serve as foreign aid to the Cressy family to a certain extent, so that the "gravekeepers" would not destroy them. Treat it as cannon fodder that can be discarded after use.

Things changed when the Cressy family broke with Anson Bach.

Phil Cressey's ambition and madness far exceeded Ian Clemens's imagination. Under the crisis, he decided to try to unilaterally reconcile with Anson Bach and help him expel the Knights' forces in Beluga Harbor. , leaving both sides with a little room for maneuver.

Then... the black mage responsible for maintaining the Knights died, at the hands of Anson Bach; the three of them became traitors to the Knights, and could only rely on each other's protection to avoid becoming a drowned dog that everyone wanted to beat.

Since then, remnants of the former knights have appeared one after another, chasing them and Anson Bach. In fact, Ian Clemens breathed a sigh of relief... because this shows that the Cressey family has really lost control of the knights, and has Unable to pose any substantial threat, without the Cressy family as the "leading party", the inexperienced gravekeepers have no idea that they are facing the risk of exposing their resting land to the world of order.

But he made the wrong bet and lost everything.

The remnants of the Knights who are constantly attacking are just a cover, a bait, a scout and a cover-up; the purpose is to make everyone ignore the ever-increasing aura of the three old gods in the air.

Boil the frog in warm water... When you really realize the seriousness of the matter, it's too late.

"So what should we do, really just do nothing?"

The Wild Hunt Knight is still not ready to give up. The wildness given by the power of blood makes him not ready to wait for death, or a fate worse than death: "At least you should tell Anson Bach the situation and let him know the seriousness of the matter. Bar?"

Faced with the question from their best friend, Ian and Sir Carno looked at each other and sighed softly: "I have thought about this...but I don't think it is a good idea."

"First, all the situations so far are still just my speculations. We have no real evidence to prove that Beluga Harbor is gradually being polluted by the power of the Three Old Gods; secondly, even if we tell him, we don't have any good solutions. ——Said and not said are the same.”

"Finally... Thalia Rune, the fiancée of Anson Bach, is most likely a member of Clovis' most prestigious blood mage family; if the Rune family is infiltrating into the new world, it is impossible for them not to notice it. What is happening in this land...it is not our turn to remind them."

Moreover, revealing too much content will also attract too much attention from the other party, which is not good for him who always wants to keep a low profile and avoid getting burned... This is also what Ian is worried about.

"It makes sense. I think your judgment is completely correct."

In the dead-silent lounge, a fourth person's voice suddenly sounded.

The three people with shocked expressions raised their heads at the same time and cast their astonished gazes in the direction where the words came from - a figure wearing a faded bachelor's uniform and two big dark circles under his eyes walked into the room at some point and sat right next to him!

"Based on my observation of Brigadier General Anson Bach, if you tell him this kind of intelligence, then he will first pretend to have 100% trust, and then he will try every means to investigate and confirm the authenticity of the intelligence. But these are not the last words. Importantly, because of this intelligence, you will arouse his alertness. This commander-in-chief is really the type who is cautious and meticulous."

"Considering your relationship with him, I think this may not be of any help to you - OK, I'm done, can you put down your weapons?"

William Gottfried slowly raised his gaze, glanced lightly at the long knives already placed on both sides of his neck and the tip of the gun pointed at his heart, and spoke lightly to the three people with different expressions.

"Who are you?"

Ian Clemens, who was chewing a cigarette, frowned slightly and quickly glanced at the door next to him that was opened at an unknown time.

He was very sure that he did not hear the sound of the door opening, nor did he sense any breath approaching... In other words, the other party's concealment skills were even better than his own.

"Colonial technical advisor, former associate professor of St. Isaac's College, William Gottfried." William's face showed a look of impatience:

"Do you have no ears or no eyes? This is the third time I have introduced myself since I came to the colony."

"So what, we haven't seen you before!" the Wild Hunt Knight said irritably.

"Ah...that's your problem, not mine."

William said matter-of-factly, and tapped the blade on his neck impatiently again: "Can you please take this thing away? I'm not a soldier, I'm a scholar, a scientist!"

"I'm sorry, William Gottfried..."


"Associate Professor William Gottfried!"

Ian, who frowned, raised his hand to say hello to Derek, who reluctantly put away his weapon: "We don't have any malice, but please explain clearly the purpose of your sudden appearance and why you know about us. Did the commander-in-chief tell you your identity...?"

"First of all, I don't have any purpose. This is the public room - you are the ones occupying the public space, and I still live in this parliament." William rubbed his neck, his cold eyes seemed to penetrate everything:

"Secondly, the 'Commander-in-Chief' you call me doesn't take me as a 'technical advisor' seriously, and is even less likely to tell me this kind of information, so your worries are misplaced."

"Then what are you..."

"It's really very simple. I hate banquets, so I want to take a rest here. I happen to know some of your secrets. It's that simple." William explained:

"As for the two things you want to know most, why didn't you find me and how did I know these secrets... Let's put it this way, I am a runeologist, is that clear?"


Carno on the side slowly narrowed his eyes: "I'm sorry, but you may have to explain it more clearly."

"I can, but that won't help the problems you are encountering." William shrugged, stood in front of him skillfully and drew an "original rune":

"How do you survive the power of the three old gods and the gravekeepers of the Land of Rest? That is your problem - it happens to be my problem too, we have the same goal."

Ian Clemens's pupils shrank slightly.

"No offense, but in my opinion, you are like a group of ants who are worried about being accidentally stepped on by humans - afraid of things that you have no power to do because you have neither the power to compete with them nor the ability to communicate with them. .”

"It is true that you talented people with the power of blood are powerful enough in front of ordinary people, but you are still unable to compare with the real evil god, at least not yet...Only by yourself, you and the thousands of Beluga Harbor people outside The possibility of surviving this catastrophe can only be placed on their compassion."

"In other words, zero."

William was talking eloquently, seemingly unaware that he was being surrounded by a group of armed thugs, who could kill him quietly without leaving any traces with just a slight move of their hands:

"Fortunately, I am a person with excellent communication skills. If I am lucky, I may be able to figure out the other party's true intentions; but I cannot do everything by myself, and I still need your help."

As he said that, he tried his best to look at the three of them from the sofa: "Excuse me, can I count on you?"

Ian bit his cigarette, looked at each other with Carno and Derek, and then nodded slightly: "Of course, what do you need us to do?"

"Oh, it's not a particularly complicated thing. Ordinary people can do it, but it requires great courage, perseverance, and unswerving perseverance to do it!"

William Gottfried's expression became serious for the first time, and the dark purple circles under his eyes shone with some indescribable brilliance:

"I only need you to do one thing, and that is..."

"Believe in science!"

My body has recovered a bit and I can renew normally.

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