I will be crowned king

Chapter 715 The sun falls

"All in position, line up and fire volley - fire!"

Accompanied by Alexei's iconic hoarse voice, a uniform row of gunshots sounded outside the port again.

Two infantry regiments, the dazzling firelight illuminated the faces of the soldiers who were numb with fear. Their fingers, already stiff in the cold wind, mechanically pulled the triggers, then turned away from the shooting position and went to the back row to reload, and the next man lifted the gun. Aim, repeating the same work like an assembly line worker.

This is a battle that no one knows when it will end, or even if it will end.

According to Norton Crosell's guess, the time in Beluga Port—or even the entire New World, but he did not dare to say so—has most likely been completely disrupted by the intervention of the Gravekeeper, or has simply been lost. With the concept of time, everyone seems to be trapped in a huge cage.

As long as the interference does not end, the night will never stop.

As for how to prevent interference... It stands to reason that even a blasphemous mage cannot sustain such a large-scale distortion of the laws of nature for too long; after all, the more power is used, the more serious the backlash from the world will be.

This is also the price that spellcasters have to bear. Excessive evolution has made them unable to adapt to the natural world; the consequences of not limiting it are like a fish jumping to the shore. Death and destruction are only a matter of time.

But what Norton only masters is the prevailing rules of the old world, and this is the new world, the resting land where the three old gods rest... There are too many incredible things in this magical land.

The thunderous gunshots poured out rows of lead bullets, strangling the swarms of insects that were surging wildly in the firelight; they exploded into indistinguishable blue-green flesh and ignited pus like balloons punctured by a needle. Deep ravines flowed between the ice and snow.

Even so, there was still a steady stream of worms crossing the sea of ​​​​fire, swarming towards the ice-covered land amidst the collision of waves and fire walls, emitting sharp and shrill screams, torturing the nerves of every soldier.

Whenever the soldiers feel that they can relax their heartstrings, countless swarms of insects will arrive again as promised, rolling and singing towards them like white waves.

"Damn, there seem to be more of them!"

Alexey cursed loudly, his pupils trembling as he stared at the wall of fire in the distance: "We have to retreat, otherwise we will be drowned by them sooner or later if we wait a little longer!"

"No, this is absolutely not possible!" Norton, who suddenly came back to his senses, was shocked:

"These worms don't look like much, but in fact they are all part of the body of the Lord of the Abyss - if we can't kill them close to the coast, the port will fall soon!"

"Are you sure? Why do I feel like this place has fallen?!"

The commander of the Second Infantry Regiment gritted his teeth. Although he complained, he never meant to retreat: "How about you retreat with the main force first? If this drags on, we will all die here."

"I, I didn't mean to make a point, but..." Norton couldn't help laughing, and bitterly took out the pocket watch that had gone from six o'clock to three o'clock again: "I just thought that even if I retreated, the result would be Maybe it’s no different than staying here!”

"Damn it, you're just making excuses!" Alexey was almost hysterical:

"Can you please stop refuting me with a more reasonable-sounding reason every time I make a suggestion?!"

"I...I will fight for it!"

"Here's the Ring of Order! I can't believe I thought you were half a friend before."

Rolling his eyes deeply, Alexey turned his attention to the burning wall of fire again: "If you don't retreat, don't retreat. With us guarding here, Miss Lisa should be able to return to the Commander-in-Chief more smoothly. This We’ve probably evacuated to a safer place now.”

"Yes, that should be it." Norton nodded quickly in agreement, fearing that the other party would be angry again.

Even he himself had the same idea: with the 2nd and 3rd Infantry Regiments guarding the port, and Freya Moses Field to deal with the Shadow Demon, Lisa's actions should be quite easy.

After all, the two most threatening evil gods have been restrained. No matter how crazy the tombkeeper is, he will not invest more power in destroying a small white whale port, right?

Regarding this issue, Sheriff Lisa Bach, who was three streets away from them, had completely opposite ideas.

"Ugh wow wow wow wow wow...!!!!"

With an angry shout, the petite girl shot wildly at the indescribably dense enemy, and forcibly cut a bloody path.

The steam gun that had already been emptied of the gas tank was carried behind the girl's back. At the moment, she was holding a double-barreled shotgun that she was more familiar with; the hot lead bullets purified all the infidels who tried to get close to her in pieces, and they were The broken bodies were scattered all over the floor, and the thick plasma had even soaked the girl's trouser legs.

The number of enemies is far beyond imagination, and it is far more than the number of natives in Beluga Port City.

At this moment, the Chief Sheriff was extremely anxious - according to his and Elf Sister's reasoning, there were only two bad guys (Shadow Demon and Lord of the Abyss) who attacked Beluga Harbor. As long as they are brought to justice, Beluga Harbor will be restored. The peace of the past.

But according to the results of the Chief Sheriff's observations, their initial judgment may be wrong - those two bad guys have at least one accomplice!

"You must tell Anson...and that elf sister about this."

Biting the licorice stick at the corner of her mouth, the girl with scarlet eyes ran wildly in the darkness where she couldn't see her fingers. Her young hands didn't care about the temperature of the gun barrel. She loaded the ammunition skillfully and let out a low roar at the figure standing in front of her. .

One after another, the heretics were torn into pieces in front of the storm of lead bullets. Apart from leaving body fragments all over the ground, they were unable to pose any hindrance to the Grand Sheriff.

But there was no trace of happiness on Lisa's face at all... These heretics were just tools that the hidden bad guy deliberately released to delay time and cover its actions.

And its target is Anson Bach!

Staring with big serious eyes, the Chief Sheriff bit off the licorice stick at the corner of his mouth with a "pop!", jumped high, and threw a series of sparking cylindrical objects behind him.

"You must wait patiently, Anson—Lisa is here to protect you!"


A series of grenades exploded among the groups of pagans, and the raging flames whipped up by the wind caused countless shrill screams, reflecting the figure of the girl running away.


Beluga Harbor Council, Lounge.

William Gottfried stood in front of the window, his hands quickly sketching obscure patterns one after another on the wall; Ian and the three stood behind him, nervously maintaining the minimum breathing, trying their best to Avoid exposing your own existence.

With the fire extinguished, the lounge has been completely plunged into darkness; but unlike the outside, the room still maintains a certain degree of visibility; although slightly, several people can still see each other, including the weird things on the wall. runes.

According to William, this is because through the method of "communication", he convinced the "beings" outside that these people were not the targets they were looking for, and promised that he would never leave the room easily, so that he could get the "preferential treatment" .

In other words, this lounge has become a "safe house" in a sense - except for this small area of ​​more than 20 square meters, the light, sound and even time in the entire Beluga Harbor outside have been completely distorted. , became part of the "land of rest".

Although they didn't like this crazy "scientist" with a particularly bad temper at all, the three desperate people still decided to believe in each other for the time being - or in other words, they had already reached this point. In addition to believing in him and the "science" he talked about, There seems to be no other way.

"This... doesn't look good."

Staring at the changes in the runes on the wall, William's expression gradually became solemn: "They seem to be very anxious, but they are afraid of failure and dare not take action easily, so they are still in a stalemate until now... They are really a group of guys who are too cautious. "

After scoffing twice, William turned his eyes to the runes on the other wall again, his pupils shrinking slightly.

"Wait a minute, they seem to be still waiting - why? Obviously the longer it takes, the worse it will be for them. Why is there any need to continue to delay?"

William's expression became confusing again, biting the sterling silver pendant hanging on his chest, and his two eyes moved rapidly under the purple-black circles.

"So this is a trap? For their final grand plan, in order to ensure that nothing goes wrong...it doesn't seem very reasonable. Is there any information and preconditions that I don't know?"

He looked around quickly, and suddenly seemed to realize something:

"Oh...oh no, no, no, this is too crazy. He, they don't want...the Ring of Order!"

Looking at this "scientist" who was getting more and more nervous and kept talking to himself, the three of them, Ian, looked at me and I looked at you, exchanging glances quickly.

In the end, it was Derek who stood up and coughed slightly: "Well, William Gottfer..."

"Idiot, don't interrupt me!"

As if hysterical, the suddenly furious William shouted: "Don't you understand, we may be finished!"


Ian and the three were stunned for a moment.

"I said we were going to be finished. Which word of this sentence did you not understand? And I said, don't interrupt me!"

William gritted his teeth in excitement: "It's a big plan, the big plan is coming!"

"Yes, everything makes sense now! Why did the door to the Land of Rest open, why did the three tombkeepers appear at the same time, why were they targeting him... He, they saw the opportunity, just like Rune As a family, they are ready to seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity..."

As if he was completely crazy, the dilated William began to mutter to himself: "The key to the problem has never been the Old God Sect or the Land of Rest. The key to the problem is the Three Old Gods; and if you want to bring the Three Old Gods back, It must be…”


The moment he finished speaking, a dazzling light suddenly lit up outside the dark window.


The expressionless elf girl slowly lowered her right hand, her scarlet eyes following the direction of the falling flame spear.

It's over, it's all over.

She has seen through the essence of the Shadow Demon - possessing the power of both black magic and curse magic, hiding herself in the shadows, and being able to control the shadows at will; as long as there is a shadow left, she cannot easily hurt him. every cent.

It can be a shadow of real existence, or a shadow created by Him within the casting range; if you want to destroy Him, you must instantly illuminate all corners of at least a city, and then deliver a fatal blow.

It was almost impossible...for the former Freya Moses Field.

But after being stimulated to the extreme by her anger, even though her control declined rapidly, her power quickly increased to an astonishing height; enough to completely crush the opponent with just one blow.

The thank you that contained anger was also her sincere words to a certain extent.

The golden-red spear instantly penetrated the sky, and the blazing flames directly ignited the dark clouds and blizzards in the sky. All coldness and darkness were invisible under the light of the spear tip; the flames gathered into a point and rushed straight towards the earth.

In just a moment, it can ignite all the shadows within Freya's casting range, while not harming any flesh and blood or buildings with substantial existence.

This is certainly not because of some damn Clovis... If Beluga Port is hit hard, Louis' career will also suffer setbacks; and now that his control over power has declined significantly, he cannot make more fine adjustments at all. The target is relatively superficially "dark" and "cold".

But this is enough, after all...


Just when the elf girl had relaxed her vigilance, a cursed undead suddenly penetrated the dark clouds and struck downwards from high in the sky.

Why is there even a place like this? Could it be that someone slipped through the cracks before?

Freya raised her eyebrows and slowly raised her right hand to point in the direction of the undead attack; for her now, it was easier to eliminate an existence of this level than to breathe.

But the next second, the roaring undead did not turn into a ball of fire. Instead, the elf girl's right index finger was covered with a thin layer of ice crystals.

Freya's eyes widened.

Immediately afterwards, a touch that she had not experienced for a long time suddenly hit her, making her whole body tremble, and then she could not help but tremble.

At the same time, the ice crystals between them were still extending rapidly, eroding her entire right hand at a speed visible to the naked eye, followed by her wrist, forearm, upper arm, shoulder, and torso...

The trembling elf girl desperately recalled, but the inexplicable touch made her thinking become much slower, her breathing became more and more rapid, and her body gradually became more and more numb, and she was no longer under her control.

Finally... Freya, whose vision was blurry, finally remembered that familiar but long-lost feeling, that is...


The next second, the frozen elf girl fell from the sky.

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