I will be crowned king

Chapter 718 The most critical moment

The moment the words rang out, an indescribable sense of oppression erupted behind the two of them, like the air wave when a cannonball hit the ground. Immediately, the entire ruins were once again engulfed by unfathomable darkness.

The stunned Anson hadn't figured out the situation yet, and the "superpower" in his mind immediately failed; not only that, even the casting range no longer responded, and he lost his sense of distance as he was shrouded in darkness.

The next second, a biting chill hit him from behind, causing him to tremble all over, and his conscious consciousness began to become blurry; it was as if there were a pair of eyes, a pair of eyes that could pierce flesh and blood, peering into his memories and memories. soul!

The unparalleled sense of oppression, the insight that shattered all disguises, and the fear that he was unable to resist... reminded him of Professor Mace Honnard under the Clovis Cathedral, and he also removed the disguise and completely transformed into the version of the blasphemous mage. .

No, this is even more powerful and terrifying than the professor!

This...is this the Lord of the Abyss or the Shadow Demon? No, this is not like the breath I felt before, and the voice just now sounded very familiar, just like...

"Fair Cressey looks exactly the same."

That's right! Just like Phil Clay...huh? !

Anson's eyes widened in astonishment, and his entire consciousness seemed to have come to a standstill; he could vaguely feel the cold, deep power wandering wantonly in his mind.

He subconsciously wanted to fight against this force, but some kind of instinct kept warning him that if he really did this, he might have to pay an unimaginable heavy price.

"And it's right, I would never do something so reckless if I were you."

Phil Cressey's voice sounded again, with a hint of teasing and ridicule in his tone: "Unknowingly becoming an enemy of an unknown existence... Oh, dear Anson Bach, you are not so reckless. guy."

"To be honest, I imagined a lot of scenes of reuniting with you, but I never thought it would be like this... Well, it's always hard for us to make everything go as we want, right?"

"Just like you probably don't want to be a lackey of the Rune family, I don't want my Faithless Knights to be completely killed by you and a group of traitors, and have to rely on the charity of the tombkeepers of the New World to survive."

"In fact, we can definitely become friends, because essentially we are all the same type of people - weak and helpless, but with a heart unwilling to be ordinary; able to endure temporary humiliation as long as we can get a bright future."

"So... you can imagine how regretful I am about this outcome."

The moment the words fell, the cold darkness began to sweep through Anson's consciousness, and the consciousness that had already fallen into a trance gradually began to solidify.


Thick tiredness swept over me like a tide, gradually swallowing up the little sanity that was left. Some familiar hallucinations even sounded in my ears. The cold and sinking dreamland was like a gentle velvet pillow, quietly Wait for yourself to go...



The cry that penetrated the eardrum made Ansen wake up instantly. The biting cold hit his face, and the thick black fog enveloped the surroundings, making it impossible for him to determine where he was now.

But it didn't matter...because the next second the petite figure tore through the black fog with the double-barreled shotgun in his hand, and fell from the sky in a savior-like posture.

"Everyone - get down!"

The dazzling gunfire split open layers of obstacles. The blood-soaked sergeant skillfully changed the ammunition, biting the fuse at the corner of his mouth. The moment the reloading was completed, he threw the smoking cluster grenade over his head with his backhand.


The blazing golden-red fireball illuminated the darkness, and also illuminated the hideous and terrifying faces; countless cursed undead dispersed in the light of the fire, and shrill wails hovered in the night sky.

The stunned Anson had no time to hide, and decisively reached out to catch the police chief who fell from the sky and almost hit the ground head first - at the cost of being hit hard on the head by the hot barrel of the gun in the girl's hand.

Anson, who was trying his best not to scream, gritted his teeth, his expression twisted to the extreme, and he looked fiercely at the girl who was still trying to break free from his arms: "Tell me, who asked you to come?!"

"No one but Lisa herself!"

The Chief Sheriff stood proudly and looked at the smoking (literally) wound on Anson's forehead with a little apology: "If Lisa hadn't arrived in time, Anson and you would have lost. Anson should thank Lisa. right!"


"If you want to quarrel sometimes, you can do it later."

The young knight's low voice sounded from the side: "The most important thing now is how to deal with this lackey of the Old God Sect."

"Oh, my dear Cousin Louis, it is so hurtful to say that."

Looking at Louis Bernard holding the elf girl in his arms, Phil Crecy, who slowly walked out of the black mist, had a look of sorrow on his face, so much so that the tentacles growing from the top of his skull and ears shrank a lot:

"Speaking of the Old Gods...you are holding one in your arms, and so is the guy next to you, and so is the one in his arms - I know you want to express your disgust for my relative, but this kind of This statement is quite unfavorable to you now."

At this time, Phil Cressy has "taken on a new look": a torso made of tentacles, a skull that is twisted into a shapeless shape, six arms of different sizes holding sharp blades that seem to have life, and only his cheeks still maintain their original appearance. Outline.

Of course, the premise is that you must ignore the dozens of eyeballs of different sizes that crowd the entire face.

"On the contrary, being forced into helplessness and taking the initiative to fall... is the essential difference between you."

Gently laying the elf girl down on the clean ground, the young knight spoke righteously, completely unaware of the rather unnatural expression of someone next to him: "Pursue power at any cost, even willing to abandon your dignity... Fair Cressy, this is who you are."

"Oh, you mean that I am the same as your beloved brother, the dead Kroger Bernard?" Feier sarcastically said again:

"That's a real honor."


The moment the words fell, deafening gunfire sounded simultaneously.

Staring with big scarlet eyes, the figure of the High Sheriff quietly rushed to Cressy and pulled the trigger of the shotgun in his arms; the hot lead bullets penetrated his torso like a violent storm, tearing at it. It opened up horrible bloody holes.

But almost at the same time, the torn wounds were repaired by the surrounding pus; huge tentacles of flesh and blood broke out from the surrounding ruins, attacking the girl from both sides at the same time.

Poof - poof -

Two translucent vapors passed by Lisa's side at the same time. Lisa, who had the instinct to dodge, watched in surprise as the two thick, large, pus-bearing tentacles turned into pieces.

"If you want to provoke me, this level of ridicule is not enough."

Slowly putting away the long knife thrown by Anson, Louis said without changing his expression: "Compared with the sarcasm I have heard before, this is at least an entry-level level."


Phil Cressy smiled excitedly, and a tentacle covered with scabs burst out from the ruins beside him, helping him block Anson's [Hunting], and exploded into a blood mist all over the sky:

"Maybe I really underestimate you a little. After all, we all have the blood of the Sea Knights in our bodies. There may be some kind of tacit understanding between us."

"For example, now...why do you think I haven't torn all the troublesome guys like you into pieces?"

He howled at the top of his lungs, and huge pustules suddenly burst out from the tentacles on his body; with a tooth-piercing sound, new flesh and blood grew under the broken surface, making his body a little larger than before.

"Because you can't do it!"

Squinting his eyes slightly, the young knight easily dodged the tentacles coming from his side; the silver-white sword light flashed past, and the huge tentacles fell apart again.

Talented people with the power of the Sea Knight bloodline will influence each other. Louis can get his abilities from Feier, and vice versa.

He is now convinced that the other party must be very aware of the weakness of his bloodline power, so he continues to provoke; as long as his emotions are affected by his words, he will definitely not be Phil Crecy's opponent without the power of his bloodline.

No, it's definitely not just that.

Among the chaotic ruins, Anson's expression was extremely ugly - he finally figured out the reason for Phil Crecy's sudden appearance.

If it was to kill himself and Louis, there was no need for the tombkeeper to let a "defeated general" who had lost to both of them at the same time do it. He didn't even need to waste important tools. He could completely crush himself with his own hands.

Looking at Phil Cressy's weird body shape and the indescribable feeling of oppression that was terrifying at first, an answer gradually took shape in Anson's mind.

"Louis, run! It's a trap!"

"Of course I know this is a trap, but..."

"No buts, we have to get out of here - it's too late!"

"No, you're too late!"

With a cunning grin, Phil Cressy burst out into a hysterical roar. The pustules on his body began to grow rapidly, and the eyeballs on his cheeks turned white one after another, gradually turning into a rich scarlet color.

The young knight froze on the spot, looking at Anson who looked extremely ugly, with a look of astonishment and a bit of uneasiness.

The frowning Anson stared intently at Phil Cressy, who was about to turn into a pustule, and a cold sweat of fear slid down his temples.

"What a pity, Anson Bach... If you could have reacted earlier, I might have had to put in more effort to kill half of Beluga Harbor."

Phil Cressy sighed, his face that was already indescribable showed emotions that humans can understand.

The name of that emotion is despair.

"No...the real pity is that we clearly could be friends, but we became enemies."

"So, goodbye...enemies."


The moment the words fell, Phil Cressy, who had completely turned into a pustule, exploded like a water balloon, bursting out countless pieces of flesh and blood.

Countless pieces of flesh and blood swept in like a wave. Without any hesitation, Anson pounced decisively on Lisa, who was still stunned. At the same time, he activated the mist pipe and [Smoke Entertainment Home] in an attempt to block the explosion of flesh and blood.

But it was too late in the end, and the unformed smoke was instantly washed away by flesh and blood... Hundreds of tentacles surged out of the huge waves of blood, rolling and galloping towards several people.


Just when they were about to be swallowed up, black metal pillars five to six meters long protruded from the rubble of the ruins without any warning, and spread out in a row in front of several people, forming a wall that could barely block flesh and blood.

"Finally caught up!"

Anson's pupils suddenly shrank.

An extremely rough voice suddenly sounded in the ruins—Drake, brandishing two knives, with his bare upper body appearing out of nowhere, appeared between the two of them.

But what surprised him was not the Wild Hunt Knight himself, but the figure on his back.


The pale evil girl looked like a broken doll, clinging to Drake's back, with only a pair of bright red eyes.

The moment their eyes met, Anson suddenly felt that it became difficult to breathe. The familiar experience came back again. His consciousness seemed to be forcibly taken away, and he began to lose control of his body.

The scene in front of him began to produce some kind of hallucination: Derek, who was carrying the evil girl on his back, was yelling something loudly, seeming to be in panic. Lisa next to her found that she began to stop moving, shaking her body in fear, and using her His little hands slapped him over and over again.

On the other side... Nolula stood slowly on the spot, using her gentle hands to help herself up from the ground, her scarlet pupils staring into her own eyes all the time:

"Anson Bach...at the most critical moment...must go to...the resting land..."

"At the most critical moment..."

"When...it's not too late..."

Staring at the blood pupil that seemed to suck away all his consciousness, a certain tiredness and drowsiness came over him again, and the picture in front of him sank little by little, gradually falling into darkness.

In the sinking, the world began to shake, but it was still like an abyss with no end in sight, only the calls that kept ringing in my ears.


The voice was very slight, and it sounded somewhat similar to Lisa but definitely not. Anson was very sure of this, because Lisa would never use such a gentle tone.

"...Anson... wake up... we are almost there..."

Well, almost there?

Where are you going? hell?

Anson wanted to laugh out loud... At this moment, he felt that he had regained his body and the feeling of his heart beating, and everything was slowly recovering.

However, when his vision was completely restored, he was stunned by the strange figure looking at him with a concerned look on his face:

"Who are you?"


The other party was also stunned for a moment, as if he wanted to laugh but didn't know where to start: "You fell asleep and ended up forgetting all your colleagues and bosses?"

"I...that's me, the second mentor of Bright Star City, the person in charge of the mutant life form alchemy room..."


I wish you all a Happy New Year!

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