I will be crowned king

Chapter 741 Familiar Smell

For a moment, Anson felt as if he had returned to that afternoon two years ago, when he confronted the respected mentor Mace Honnard in the basement of Clovis Cathedral; the same unpreparedness, the same lack of As for the retreat, the same strength gap is so huge that it is hopeless, and there is no possibility of a comeback.

The only difference is that this time I am playing the role of mentor.

It must be admitted that Phil Cressy's new ability is very strong and very creative... He uses the characteristics of the power of blood and combines the two major methods of black magic and blood magic to integrate his consciousness into flesh and blood - the previous one The Lord of the Abyss who did this even hurt Thalia, who was at full strength, even when she was defeated.

Even Phil Cressy is more perfect than his combination. The "flesh and blood" transformed by consciousness does not have a physical body, but it can cause damage to one's body and spirit at the same time. It is very close to the original Mace Hornard. The professor's "negative emotion flames".

If it was still before, I probably wouldn't have had any other option except to dodge desperately.

If...it's a pity, there is no if.

Although very creative, it could not smooth out the strength gap between the two parties; almost the moment he stepped into his own field, Phil Cressy no longer had any secrets about himself; it only took less than a minute, After turning on his "superpower", Anson collected enough information and found a way to counter its power.

In Phil Cressy's eyes, he used an explosion to neutralize his tentacles. In fact, it was just the opposite. His tentacles would burn, disintegrate, and turn into charcoal the moment they touched him... not even the ashes that flew away. Will touch his own body.

The rest is how to counter, or reverse infiltrate his consciousness to obtain more information; this is more difficult. After all, I have only been exposed to the relevant knowledge of black magic and have no actual operating experience. It took two minutes. There is no method developed with a high enough success rate.

Anson's field law is planning. The more information you collect, the higher the success rate you can formulate - from "successfully casting spells" to "countering the enemy", everything is within the scope of the plan; the information is insufficient or the more difficult it is. If it is too large, the success rate of the plan will be reduced.

And just when he was about to take a little risk, Phil Cressy actually split a part of his consciousness to attack him, which was equivalent to actively disarming the defense and sending it to the door; in only seventeen seconds, Anson successfully invaded his consciousness.

"...three minutes and seventeen seconds, you really gave me a lot of unexpected surprises."

With a slightly teasing tone, Anson walked happily towards the dull-looking Phil Cressey, looking at this guy who had caused him countless troubles and almost succeeded in killing him twice.

Gently stretching out his right hand, Anson snapped his fingers with a "pop!", and the scarlet color in Phil Crecy's pupils gradually faded away, slightly returning to a normal person - relatively speaking, the brilliance.

"Tell me, how did you survive in the first place?" Anson asked directly.

"After leaving Noulula's territory, I was discovered by the Shadow Demon and was forcibly taken to an indigenous settlement."

Phil Cressy, whose consciousness was invaded, looked confused: "They gave me an egg of the evil god and ordered me to let the Faithless Knights launch an attack on the White Whale Port."

"But because the oath was broken and the Knights lost control, I can only tell the members who are still loyal to the Cressy family to go to White Whale Port to eradicate the Clovis forces and the traitors who betrayed the Knights."

"They will all die, but in exchange, the gravekeeper is willing to give me a chance."

"What opportunity?" Anson asked.

"The opportunity to join them." Fel Cressy's eyes showed a bit of excitement and ecstasy: "Become a blasphemous mage, serve the eternally sleeping true gods, realize the ancient grand plan, and then..."

"Take back the Sailing City, take back the entire new world, and take revenge on the Bernard family!"

Sure enough... Anson twitched his lips without any surprise: "Second question, why did the Gravekeeper attack Beluga Harbor?"

"Their goal is not Moby Dick Port, but Anson Bach." Phil Cressy's expression suddenly became serious:

"The power he possesses is... crucial to the success of the big plan!"


Anson frowned slightly and said inexplicably: "What power?"


The moment he uttered the first word, Phil Cressy suddenly stopped, and his dull expression suddenly became sober, and then revealed unparalleled panic and fear.

Anson, whose expression suddenly changed, immediately gave up questioning and rushed to the side of the ruins left by the flames without hesitation.

He could clearly feel that the area where he controlled Feier's consciousness was being eroded back at a very fast speed; but that was not the power of Feier Cressy himself, but...


The next moment, Phil Cressy, whose five cheeks showed fear, unwillingness, anger, panic and shock, was blown to pieces in front of him.

The sound waves of the explosion tore through the air, directly crushing Phil Cressy into a shapeless liquid, which sprayed out wantonly around, leaving an irregular "original" on the ground burned by the flames. The overlapping pattern of "ring" and "six-pointed star".

It is exactly the same as the magic circle he used to force "blood sacrifice" in the original tower!

This is of course not a coincidence. The original ring symbolizes the source of power, and the six-pointed star is used for summoning. The combination of the two is the most standard sacrificial ritual of the Old Gods.

Combined with Phil Crecy's expression just now, the answer is obvious: someone controlled Phil Crecy from a very far away place and made him forcibly sacrifice himself.

Without any hesitation, Anson opened the area decisively, preparing to forcibly interfere with the ceremony.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that the light around him suddenly dimmed, and an indescribable biting cold penetrated the surface of his clothes and skin, directly invading his body.

The next second, hundreds of undead emerged from the shadows and attacked him at the same time.

Shadow Demon... Anson's pupils shrank slightly, and he snapped his fingers with his right hand.

Cursed magic, [Rising Fire].


The sudden rise of flames surrounded Anson's figure and surged around like a tide, illuminating the biting darkness.

Countless undead souls were instantly submerged in the sea of ​​fire, struggling and wailing, turning into a wisp of gray ashes and drifting away in the wind; the dim shadows weakened and they could only huddle under the firelight.

But this is not because Anson has successfully eroded the territory of the Shadow Demon, or even quite the opposite - even if he has captured the opponent's magical aura, he still cannot feel the opponent's exact location, and he cannot even discern the "superpower".

The reason why it can easily neutralize the opponent's attack is simply because "Elf Queen" Freya has severely damaged the Shadow Demon before, and the opponent's magic response may not even be one-tenth of its heyday.

But even so, Anson still couldn't completely resist the opponent's offensive; if the opponent hadn't taken the initiative, he wouldn't even have been able to cause any harm to the Shadow Demon that could lurk in the shadows.

Since this is the case, we cannot let this opportunity pass by.

Anson slowly closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, his pupils returned to scarlet again.


As the realm gradually opened, the blazing flames boiled around him again, like a steady stream of water, rushing towards the ritual circle left behind by the body of Fel Cressy.

Although I don’t know what the other party’s sacrifice is for, and how I am related to the “big plan” of the tombkeeper, I must not let them succeed!

The boiling flames burned the ruins and flowed on the ground like liquid; but at the moment when the magic circle was about to be swallowed up, a translucent shadow suddenly cut off the path of the "sea of ​​fire", and the surging tongues of fire were actually frozen, Finally completely solidified.

A series of malicious curses began to erode Ansem's domain, and crazy ravings kept echoing in his mind. Almost as soon as the idea of ​​"insighting into the shadow demon" came up, he was immediately overwhelmed by a sad, desperate, and frightened person. Thoughts interrupt.

Not only that, even the picture in my mind began to become blurry: there were clearly countless undead around, but the picture that the "superpower" saw was an intact and sunny Beluga Harbor!

At this moment, an extremely strong impulse suddenly emerged in Anson's mind:

Do not look back!

Never, never look back!

will die!

The fear of the unknown took over Anson's mind bit by bit, and also took control of his body... The muscles in his whole body were completely tense, and he could no longer make any movements, let alone "turn his head".


The magic circle on the ground began to emit a dazzling red light, and just a trace of the magical reaction overflowing from it made people tremble all over.

And Ansen, whose soul was eroded by the Shadow Demon, could only watch the ceremony complete.

He wanted to use the [Wound Canvas] to transfer away the negative effects exerted on him by the Shadow Demon; but his consciousness had been controlled and he could not even move his body, let alone cast a spell.

The Shadow Demon affects itself through black magic, and the methods of using black magic are "circles" and "threads." If you want to get rid of the influence, you must first make the other party ignore your existence.

Is there any way or props that can prevent the other party from noticing me, even for just a short moment... um, props?

Anonymous glasses!

Anson instantly remembered the magic prop that had helped him resolve several crises.

Of course, this prop cannot be effective against the Shadow Demon, but what if I can simulate its effect in the field?

Without hesitation, Anson voluntarily gave up the resistance, and at the same time began to continuously collect all the information about black magic and anonymous glasses in his memory, and formulated a brand new plan:

【Reproduce the ability of anonymous glasses】!

In an instant, one message after another began to appear in my mind:

... Understand the function of anonymous glasses... Master the basic operating principles of black magic... Without losing the control of consciousness...

A few seconds later, a faint cloud of smoke appeared on both sides of Anson's cheeks, constantly changing shapes: black-rimmed glasses, gold-rimmed glasses, telescope, monocular...

Golden monocle!


In an instant, Anson felt that the curse in his consciousness disappeared, and his "superpower" completely returned to normal.

In the picture in his mind, a translucent undead attached to shadow is floating behind him!

No wonder Freya missed and was defeated in the end... If you want to kill the Shadow Demon, it is not enough to just erase all the shadows. You must also kill all the undead summoned by him.

As long as there are shadows on the earth and as long as an undead successfully escapes, the Shadow Demon cannot be killed. At most, it will only be weakened as before.

With one's own strength, it is obviously unrealistic to want to be like the Elf Queen and drop a huge pillar of fire that can obliterate all shadows in one go; but one can do the opposite and use the power of the Shadow Demon to suppress the opponent in turn!

A perfect plan gradually took shape in Anson's mind, and with the slightly raised corners of his mouth, he once again opened his territory to the surroundings.

The scope of the domain continues to expand, from the body to the surrounding ruins, then to the surrounding streets, then to several surrounding main roads, and then to distant commercial streets, markets, churches, hotels, residential areas...

Until the entire Beluga Harbor is accommodated.

Almost as soon as the domain opened, the shadow demon who had just lost its target immediately captured Anson's figure, and immediately attacked with hundreds of undead and enough negative emotions to cause an ordinary person to collapse in an instant.

But at the moment when they were about to approach, all the undead suddenly paused, as if they were being grabbed by the throat, and stopped in place very abnormally.

"Oh, is this...did you notice something was wrong?"

Looking at the undead that surrounded him, Anson's lips curved with pride: "So... where is the problem?"

"The Shadow Demon, who rules the Shadow Kingdom and drives millions of undead, can't even get close to a little... conjurer like me?"

Under the bright moon, Ansen looked at the hundreds of undead with a disdainful smile.

And the shadows behind them.

Just when Anson finally found a way to confront the Shadow Demon, the whole city finally felt a little abnormal.

In the brightly lit parliament lounge, Carl Bain looked back and forth at his feet several times, and his eyes widened in shock as he glanced at William next to him:

"This, this can't...can't be related to Anson, right?!"

The technical consultant with a strange expression did not answer his question, but fell into some kind of meditation, looking at the moonlight outside the window as if his infinite curiosity was aroused.

Looking at William who looked like he was dumbfounded, the chief of staff couldn't help but shake his head, and his eyes accidentally glanced at Lisa in the corner; the girl curled up in a ball, there were a few glistening lines on her cheeks at some point.

Some kind of indescribable guilt made Karl's heart tighten—did he not take her seriously enough?

It is true that Lisa is very strong, but she is still just an ordinary little girl. It is normal for her to cry after suffering such a heavy blow suddenly...

"Not at all."


"Karl, you have a look on your face like 'Did Lisa cry because Anson came back?' That's not the case."

The girl huddled in the corner stuck out her tongue at Karl: "Lisa is a good girl, and good girls are very strong!"

"No?" the chief of staff was stunned:

"What's that for?"


The girl hesitated for a long time, frowned and said hesitantly: "In Anson's breath, there is a faint, but very familiar smell mixed with it, but Lisa just can't remember who it is, and she will cry when she thinks about it. come out."

"Hmm, who is it..."

Sorry, I'm late going home!

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