I will be crowned king

Chapter 746 Messenger of God

Compared with the Storm Legion who survived the disaster, the guests who had spent the whole "night" hiding in the White Whale Port Council without any danger, the congressmen and the local wealthy businessmen who came from afar were far less optimistic.

When night falls, everyone pretends that nothing has happened, because the change of day and night in the new world is already obvious;

When some guests appear abnormal, everyone just treats them as unwell, which is a common occurrence in colonies where there is a lack of medical treatment;

When gunshots and explosions rang out one after another, and flames shot into the sky, everyone still didn't take it to heart - the rebellion of the indigenous people or the rebellion of a few mercenaries was not big news in the colonies; with the strength of the Storm Legion, there was no need to worry about it. ;

When the gunfire got closer and closer, even just a few streets away from the Parliament, the emotions of the guests who had been calm and composed finally began to show signs of instability;

When the "rumor" of Anson Bach's disappearance gradually spread, even the MPs in Beluga Harbor began to panic;

When the undead in the sky were flying on the earth, countless abyss worms poured into the streets and alleys of the city, all shadows disappeared, golden-red light pillars shot straight into the sky, and a purple moon appeared in the sky...

When all this was so realistically displayed before their eyes, awakening the long-standing memories that made them tremble before going to bed as children, the ignorant but well-informed colonial people had a very clear understanding in their hearts. :

"This is a miracle! It is a miracle brought down by the Ring of Order in the dark and sinking new world!"

"Gentlemen, ladies, everyone——! Please open your eyes, embrace the faith in your heart, awaken your conscience, and feel God's mercy and forgiveness to us people!"

In the center of the dimly lit hall, Baron Aix, wearing a top hat and a black trench coat, dressed just like the upper class of Beluga Harbor, stood in front of the crystal chandelier that fell from the vault, and spoke impassionedly to the surrounding guests.

This governor-general envoy and colonial tax collector, appointed by the Privy Council of Clovis and canonized by the royal family, has become a complete fanatical believer after "witnessing" the truth with his own eyes:

"Who saved the doomed Beluga Port from despair? Who awakened the sleeping dawn from the long night?"

"Who protected us who were defenseless, could only cry weakly, were shrouded in darkness, and were almost reduced to sacrifices and playthings of evil gods?"

"It was God, it was the great Circle of Order that saved Port Beluga from the devil summoned by the cultists! Brigadier General Anson Bach is the messenger of the Circle of Order!"

"Once upon a time, I was just a false believer who regarded faith as a habit, but actually did not believe in the existence of the Ring of Order. In my ignorant mind, all this was just a trick to deceive myself and others."

"But now I finally wake up - the Ring of Order is so great that even a devout believer like me will feel pity and grant the opportunity to witness the miracle with my own eyes."

"Yes, I saw it! I saw Brigadier Anson Bach walking out of the sea of ​​fire, and saw the ring of order emerging from the moon using divine power to remove the curses dropped by the devil from his body one by one - what an honor it is. !”

"The Ring of Order has called his messenger and given him a new mission, that is, our beloved Brigadier General Anson Bach will not only save Moby Dick Harbor, but also become the savior of the entire new world. With the power of the Ring of Order, In the name of spreading correct teachings to every corner of this sunken land!”

Thunderous applause and cheers exploded around the hall. The guests were so excited that they looked at the figure with tears in their eyes as if they were preaching, which completely pushed the already warm atmosphere to the climax.

For the colonies, whether it is the legendary Old God Sect, the bizarre heretical beliefs, or the evil gods hiding in the shadows, they are not things that can be scorned or bedtime horror stories told by lunatics, but they are truly their This part of life is no different from cold, plague, disease, and famine—in a sense, it is even more terrifying than the latter.

It is precisely because of this that after experiencing the long night, they believed everything the suddenly pious Baron Aix said, and even felt a sudden enlightenment.

After all, if he had not been inspired by the Ring of Order, why would Brigadier Anson Bach suddenly disappear and then suddenly reappear from the thunder and lightning after his disappearance, ending the darkness that shrouded the entire White Whale Port?

If it was not the Ring of Order that eliminated the Shadow Demon and the Lord of the Abyss, and saved Beluga Harbor from the pagan evil gods, who would save his life and soul like a candle in the wind?

"Praise to the Ring of Order! Praise to Anson Bach, the savior of the new world -!!!"

Pious cheers echoed in the hall, and one after another, many people who had doubts in their hearts gradually dispelled their confusion and joined in the carnival of the aftermath of the disaster.

Among them was Reinhard Roland, the president of the New World Bank, who had just recovered from a coma and had no idea what was going on. He was hiding in the corner, looking at everyone with mixed emotions as if they were collectively going crazy.

As a collaborator, it is certainly a good thing for companions to gain such huge reputation; but on the contrary, this "prestige" will inevitably cause the division between the old and new worlds to continue to expand.

Called by the ring of order, the messenger of God... This kind of charisma that can no longer be described in words may be fine if it only stays in Beluga Harbor, but the guests present today include the upper echelons of the colonies, which means No matter what happens, it will have an indelible impact on the Free Confederacy and even the entire New World.

And reshaped under this influence, tightly united around Ansen Bach, and unparalleled in fanaticism, can the Free Confederacy still reach a compromise with the Empire and avoid a senseless war?

Reinhard didn't know, but he knew one thing very well, that is, from now on, there will be no second reputation or power in the entire new world that can surpass Anson Bach.

Regardless of whether he accepts that title or not, he is already the de facto uncrowned king of the new world; any force or individual who dares to oppose this result will be completely crushed by the fanatical believers present.

Listening to the cry that made his eardrums hurt, Reinhard's eyes narrowed and he suddenly discovered something was not quite right about the other party.

The messenger of the Circle of Order, the savior of the new world, the beloved Commander-in-Chief of the Colonial Legion, he...

Gone again.



In the icy and snowy wilderness, a chestnut-haired girl wearing a fiery red classical empire dress stood in the snow that was half a person deep. She looked back with a trace of astonishment in her eyes and murmured in the direction of Beluga Harbor. Talk to yourself.

Although it was only for a moment, and although it became extremely weak due to the distance and environment, she was absolutely sure that the breath was... her father.

Father has arrived at the land of rest, and is he still with Anson?

Thalia's eyes widened with curiosity, as if she were a girl of thirteen or fourteen, and she was completely stunned.

But this breath only lasted for less than a minute, and disappeared completely... Only Anson Bach's magical reaction remained in the chaotic Beluga Port.

Why would the gravekeeper’s target be Anson Bach? Who was the person who kept sending messages to the surroundings? Why did his father’s aura suddenly appear and disappear immediately...

What happened in Beluga Harbor?

Too many questions filled the girl's heart, and her slender eyebrows frowned slightly, making the ice and snow raging around her unwilling to leave traces on her body.

In other words...it is impossible to leave any traces at all.

The biting cold wind mixed with thousands of crystals whistled under the gloomy sky, but before it got close to the girl's delicate collarbone and smooth arms, it had already turned into wisps of breeze, gently blowing the girl's red earlobes, and curling them. The curly hair swayed gently.

As for the ice and snow... they disappeared the moment they touched the skin.

If the tombkeepers still stick to their posts and the gate to the resting place is closed, Thalia will never be as comfortable as she is now; not to mention the ice and snow around her, just the barrier surrounding her is enough to block her steps; even if Even if you search the entire snow-capped mountain from top to bottom, you will never be able to find the correct path to the land of rest.

But now, the legendary Boridim is very close to her.

This was actually not Thalia's initial expectation... In her initial thought, she should have delayed the attack of the tombkeeper as much as possible, and bought opportunities and time for Anson to enter the land of rest; with the help of Noulula's power, As long as Anson can successfully enter Boridim, he can not only avoid the pursuit of the tombkeeper, but also avoid conflict with his father.

But things didn't go as she expected.


Pale white thunder flashed in the leaden gray clouds, and the cold wind mixed with ice and snow was still roaring hard, but it was obviously bluffing.

The unmoved girl continued to move forward, and the towering mountain peak in the distance gradually revealed its majestic outline, appearing at the end of the field of vision like the boundary of the world.

"...In order to protect the beacon of evolution, the apostles set up three borders for Boridim - the non-existent barrier, the eternal wind and snow, and the city standing on the top of the mountain..."

"...Even if the invaders can destroy the outer barriers and force their way through the blizzard, they will be stopped at the top of the mountain. The altitude of thousands of meters and the mountain is so strong that even meteorites cannot damage it, which is enough to prevent any invasion by an apostle or below. Those who feel despair..."

The words of her childhood father echoed in the girl's heart, and an unprecedented enthusiasm poured into her heart; it was a kind of excitement and excitement that could not be described in words, and it was a happiness that was enough to destroy any calmness and reason.


Thalia murmured to herself, subconsciously speeding up her pace.

After the entire Old God Sect has fallen for thousands of years, and even the grand plan has become history to some extent, he will become the first spellcaster to reopen the true god's tomb and explore the truth of evolution and the truth of the past.

And all this is because of Anson Bach.

Thalia had very complicated thoughts about this man who always seemed to be full of confidence and never lacked plans.

At the very beginning of everything, Anson Bach...he just got rid of Mace Honnard and retrieved Lisa's "gift"; regardless of the invitation or the identity of the "fiancé", he just wanted to find a suitable reason to get rid of the other party. That’s all.

He was obviously aware of this, but he still came, and he also found a very interesting way to avoid being solved by himself and his father - proving his use value.

To this day, Talia still can't forget how shocked she was when the other party mentioned that "the Rune family has entered the new world."

Because all this is not just out of a simple desire to survive, but also to "protect" Lisa - a "sister" who is not related by blood and has only known each other for less than a few months from the Luen family.

Thalia was jealous, and she was jealous of her sister who was of the same blood as her and was much younger than herself.

Everything that happened after that, Anson Bach proved his "use value" with practical actions-the expansion of the August Military Factory and the growth of the Storm Division. He was indeed gradually realizing that goal bit by bit. It looks extremely ridiculous, but it looks like a very beautiful "blueprint".

When he came back to his senses, the Luen family had laid a solid foundation in White Whale Port and became the uncrowned king of the entire Free Confederation; as long as the New World Bank completely covers all colonies, the former fantasy will become a reality.

But this also means that Anson Bach has gradually lost its use value to the Luen family; what is even more dangerous is that Anson himself seems to be unaware of this.

After thinking for a long time, Thalia decided to leave the opportunity to enter Boridim to Anson, but in the end it backfired and instead allowed herself to successfully find the correct entrance to the Land of Rest.

At this point, things were completely beyond her control. After a brief hesitation, she headed towards Boridim alone.

The ice and snow gradually dissipated, and the ancient mountain top in the center of the field of vision became increasingly clear. The roof of the earth that had stood for thousands of years was displayed in front of the girl in an attitude that had not changed since ancient times.

In the dead silence, Thalia stopped unknowingly and looked up at this holy land common to all true God believers with infinite longing.

"According to my father, only invited 'guests' can find the gate of Boredim, but now..." The girl who was talking to herself slowly raised her right hand and stretched forward.

Just when she was trying to liberate her power and find the entrance, a golden door suddenly appeared right in front of her!

Suppressing her inner excitement, the girl took a deep breath to calm herself down a little, then slowly raised her hands and pushed the door open.

Boridim, which had been dusted for thousands of years, once again appeared in front of the world.

Before this moment, the girl had fantasized about countless scenes, and the stories her father once told appeared in her mind: row upon row of strange streets, thousands of twisted fields, the towering original tower...

But when she really saw the ancient resting land, Thalia was so excited that she was shocked and froze on the spot:

"Where...is this?"

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