"...If there is any group in Clovis that is closest to the army, it must be the workers in the outer city."

"High-ranking officers are responsible for commanding, junior officers are responsible for conveying orders, and soldiers are only responsible for completing the actions required by orders; factory directors and workshop managers are responsible for formulating production tasks, foremen are responsible for squeezing workers, and workers are responsible for repeatedly operating machines - the two have a high degree of mutual understanding Similarity.”

"Because of this, as an experienced military officer, my suggestion is to use similar means to manage military factories."

"As an officer, of course I have to meet the various needs of the soldiers as much as possible, and even provide various rewards to keep them motivated; but on the other hand, I cannot satisfy all their wishes unlimitedly."

"The same goes for the workers in the military factory. They must be frightened now. There are probably many who want to escape from Beluga Harbor... It's a bit like troops with low morale and about to go into battle."

"In the face of this situation, on the one hand, you have to dispel their most unrealistic ideas, and on the other hand, you also have to provide them with realistic goals and tangible benefits - such as material benefits."

"I can make a promise on this. The wages and subsidies in the military factory are definitely at the upper-middle level in the colony. The salary is on par with the army. The skilled workers, mechanics and engineers are on par with the mid-to-high-level officers, much better than they are in Clovis City. It’s just a lot more time.”

"I know that researchers like you don't like to deal with ledgers, but there is a shortage of talent in the colony right now, and I can't find another suitable person in charge of the arsenal."

"Of course, the above are just my personal suggestions. It will definitely not be that simple in actual operation, but I still hope that it can provide even slight help to you in mastering the military factory..."

After the actual operation, William found that the Commander-in-Chief was really humble.

The situation was exactly what he said: the workers were scared, but also practical, knowing that leaving the colony alone would be almost suicidal, and that they had to act collectively to have any hope of success.

In this case, I only need to dispel their "delusions" in this regard and turn their attention to other directions to solve the problem of people's unsteadiness and ensure that the military factory can operate stably.

Production plans, remuneration, health and basic living security... As long as these are provided, workers who work at least ten hours of high-intensity work every day cannot have any other thoughts after get off work except for rest and relaxation.

At the same time, just like the army will continue to recruit new soldiers, while replenishing the loss of combat effectiveness, it can also prevent veterans from raising prices and threatening the army... Factories can also use the same method to fight against skilled workers who have mastered certain production technologies.

But this also made William a little curious. Compared with an excellent officer and spellcaster, he was more like a successful factory owner who was proficient in maximizing efficiency and squeezing workers.

More importantly, he seems to have a good understanding of the industrial production process.

Unlike church scholars like him who had mastered the classics of Saint Isaac from books, it was also different from many real industrial owners in Clovis City.

Anson Bach... To him, these things seemed to be natural and taken for granted - both the tone of the story and the metaphors used were neither theoretical nor practical details, more like fragmented information. The product is a mixture of personal understanding.

But in just those little fragments, the information density has greatly exceeded any church classic I have ever read.

Excluding the possibility that he can predict the future, what kind of terrifying insight and ability to organize information is required to be able to put forward a "little suggestion" that is enough to be included in college textbooks like him?

Is this why the gravekeeper targeted him?

They want to continue their big plan and resurrect the three dead old gods, and Anson Bach is the key... I'm afraid it's not just because this spellcaster is also a gifted person.

Perhaps those "eyes" are what the tombkeeper really wants...

In the arsenal of noise, William gradually fell into a trance while facing the blueprint hanging on the wall.

Piles of scrawled lines formed a dozen different shapes on the drawings, ranging from simple to complex "artillery" and "rifle" shapes. Next to them were stickers of different sizes labeled "structure" and "time". ", "Cost" and other tips.

The walls surrounding the drawings are covered with formulas composed of various runes and numbers left in chalk.

Time is limited, cost is low, and structure is simple... Under these constraints, he wants to design at least one company-level fire support weapon, as well as an infantry weapon that can be installed on a large scale and is more cost-effective than the Leyden rifle.

In fact, William already had a complete idea on the day he heard Anson's request, but...

"This is not enough..." Staring at the formulas on the wall, William murmured to himself: "Anson Bach, what you and your army need is not the kind of toy that can be easily dealt with."

"Once it has the support of the church, the empire's counterattack is not something that the current White Whale Port can resist. And if the Luen family is exposed to the world..."

"Unless you can withstand the counterattack of the entire old world, your only fate will be to be wiped out in ashes."

"But... with those 'eyes', you should have been aware of this possibility, right?"

After a slight pause, his eyes fell on the corner of the wall; a series of complicated formulas seemed to have come to life in William Gottfried's pupils.

"For us mortals, there is no better description of this world than this...Saint Isaac said." A smile appeared on William's lips:

"I hope it brings you some unusual 'surprises' like the first time I came into contact with mathematics!"


Beluga Harbor Council, small smoking room.

Reinhard had just opened the door and walked into the house. His energetic expression instantly revealed the exhaustion that could not be concealed, and he said feebly:

"The parliamentary representatives of Long Lake Town and Red Hand Bay have agreed. They will urge the colony to send a batch of cost-priced grains and pickled products as soon as possible as an aid to Beluga Port."

"That's great."

The young secretary standing in front of the wine cabinet suddenly brightened up and quickly handed over the newly filled glass of wine with both hands: "Thank you for your hard work, Mr. President."

"It's nothing hard. They agreed on their own initiative."

Reinhard, who took the wine glass, shook his head and sighed as he sat down on the sofa next to the fireplace: "In the end, these are all the work of Lord Anson Bach - even Black Reef Port and Gray Pigeon Castle are planning to lend a helping hand. Coming."

"But on the one hand, it was too far away, and on the other hand, they themselves had not fully recovered from the War of Independence, so I rejected it."

"But even if the relief supplies can arrive successfully, we still have to find a way to solve the current situation ourselves."

"But with Lord Anson Bach's appeal and the resources at his disposal, it won't be a problem at all."

"Yeah..." The little clerk nodded slightly, fully agreeing with Reinhard's words.

Whether it is port reconstruction or rescuing thousands of victims, what is needed is not just supplies, but the ability to quickly mobilize, transport and provide rations.

In the current new world, only the Storm Legion...or Anson Bach has such power.

From the moment the sun rose, the little clerk, who was also extremely tired, began to communicate and negotiate with the Beluga Port Council as the "Commander-in-Chief's Representative" to discuss coordination and management work.

The Storm Legion has more than 5,000 soldiers, but Beluga Port, which has undergone rapid development, is already a port city with a population of tens of thousands. Without the cooperation of the administrative machinery, it is impossible to effectively solve any emergencies.

Baron Eccles, the "Colonial Tax Officer" who had turned into a fanatic, personally came forward to purchase enough fuel and building materials for thousands of people to survive the winter from the "Heating Committee" and "Timber Committee" and asked the "Livestock Committee" and "Food Committee" to guarantee Bakeries and meat markets in the city are open as normal, and malicious price increases are strictly prohibited. Chambers of commerce are mobilized to set up affordable grocery stores around the squares where victims gather, and a batch of daily necessities are provided for free...all costs are borne by the council.

This was the immediate reaction of the Beluga Harbor Council after the disaster.

Just a year ago, the so-called "Parliament of Five Hundred" was a standard colonial self-governing assembly - it didn't know what it was and had nothing to govern.

As a witness to everything, the young secretary was not only proud that the colony was making great strides towards bureaucracy and proceduralism, but occasionally felt a little inexplicable panic.

Because if you are just a colonial governor, an overly efficient management may not be a good thing - efficiency means cost. To maintain the current parliament, you have to pay a huge cost.

The reason why colonial parliaments appear so incompetent is because this "small government" and "inefficient" state can maximize everyone's interests and concentrate wealth in the hands of a very small number of people.

The painstaking efforts to make Beluga Port prosperous seemed to have benefited the Storm Legion and the Rune Family a lot, but if the costs were included, it actually only maintained a no-loss, no-profit situation.

The same is true for the Free Confederacy... Anson has no need to march into Sailing City, let alone liberate all the imperial colonies.

It is in the best interests of a colonial governor to vassalize Changhu Town and Red Hand Bay, and at most control Dongju City as a strategic fulcrum to engage in a long and long-term confrontation with the empire.

Colonial Governor…Colonial…Governor…

As a clerk, Alan Dawn always prides himself on being one of the people who knows Anson Bach best; so when more and more information proves that Anson’s ambition may not only be the governor of Ice Dragon Fjord, but even more than just When I was a colonial governor...

He panicked a little.

If this kind of panic in the past was just a deep-seated speculation, then after the disaster, the current foundation and strength of Beluga Port began to completely explode, and the speculation began to gradually become a reality.

The little secretary doesn’t mind abandoning the Franz family and switching to Rune, and he doesn’t mind becoming enemies with the Empire and even the Kingdom of Clovis to some extent, but...


After swallowing the drink in his mouth, the silent Alan Dawn continued to flip through the thick documents in his hand.

His expression and reaction were completely visible to Reinhard sitting opposite.

Sure enough, the situation was exactly as I thought... Reinhard shouted with excitement in his heart.

The original panic completely disappeared at this moment, replaced by unprecedented ecstasy.

Although he has always regarded entering the Free Confederacy as the goal of the New World Company's success, to be honest, whether as a member of the Roland family or the president of the New World Bank, Reinhard has never taken the Confederacy seriously.

After all, regardless of its size, it is at best a large autonomous parliament. Relying on it, New World Company cannot get any real help or benefits just because of its name, and it is even less possible to control any company like a church bank. Financial and real industries within a kingdom.

But if it's a kingdom, then... it's completely different.

Yes, that was it... Reinhard was now absolutely convinced that this was what Anson Bach really wanted.

What is a commander of a corps, what is a colonial governor, what is a confederacy?

Compared to a kingdom, they... hmm, what are they? !


"Quite simply, nothing."

Facing a group of soldiers whose faces were full of hope and expectation, Carl Bain, who had just returned from the headquarters, said angrily:

"Your commander, Brigadier General Anson Bach, is neither the 'savior chosen by the Ring of Order' nor a devil heretic who can summon a purple moon."

"He is just an ordinary person - of course, an ordinary person with the power of blood - no different from you, me, or any Clovis person who is healthy and has sound limbs!"

"But he saved Beluga Harbor!" Before he finished speaking, a soldier immediately stood up to retort:

"If he was not the savior chosen by the Circle of Order, why was he able to save Port Beluga by himself?!"

"He didn't, so he's not!"

Without giving others a chance to shout, Karl Rico, who is experienced in this area, retorted:

"It's you, it's me, it's all of us who save Beluga Harbor!"

"Without the desperate and bloody battle of the 2nd and 3rd Infantry Regiments, it would definitely not only be the port area that was destroyed; without the timely response of Fabian and the other regiments, thousands of fanatic believers would have killed half of the living people in Beluga Port."

"I do not deny that Brigadier General Anson Bach has made some contributions, but as his subordinate and his comrade-in-arms, I will never say that he saved Beluga Harbor alone!"

"I know that many of you have 'heard' some rumors." Karl looked around:

"But remember, rumors are just rumors because they have not been officially verified!"

"So I emphasize once again that this matter ends here. If any soldier is found to be spreading rumors, he will be prosecuted immediately by military law - do you hear me clearly?!"


"Very good! Remember, Brigadier General Anson Bach is just an ordinary person and a soldier who is loyal to the kingdom. He is no different from you!" the chief of staff said loudly:

"It has nothing to do with any savior, heretic, or devil!"

"Well... at least that's it for now..."

Karl, who had a weird expression, couldn't help but muttered in a low voice.

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