I will be crowned king

Chapter 751 Military Expansion and Reform

Regarding this result, all members of the shooting army expressed that they had expected it and were very satisfied - including some of the indigenous warriors who had become grassroots officers.

Originally, it was a bit too fanciful for a group of soldiers with "zero foundation" in any sense to want to double the training to reach the level of ordinary Clovis soldiers for thirty days.

The prerequisite for assault training to be effective is that it must first have a certain foundation. However, due to one or other reasons, the progress will fall behind and the full potential will not be realized-otherwise, the only result of high-intensity cramming will be to drive the instructors and soldiers crazy.

Of course, it’s not impossible to say that there are no results or anything like that.

Even if they are just cramming, these shooter army soldiers have received complete recruit training and formed the most basic company and platoon-level command structure. They have gone from being completely scattered to being... scattered with a minimum degree of organization.

If we can ignore their "little problems that are not worth mentioning" such as their instinctive turning, stiff movements as if they have no joints, complete loss of personal consciousness, and zero subjective initiative, and with about fifty officers, we can make the entire shooting army It's "moving".

That’s right, move in the literal sense!

Thanks to Karl's extreme training and Joseph's high-intensity brainwashing, the two-pronged Shooting Army soldiers have reached the level of "Steel Division" that has no orders and dare not even shake its head or relax - it is assumed that monkeys have been subjected to feedback experiments. There are two controllable switches, and the commands that today's shooters can obey are probably as many as the buttons on a TV remote control.

An order to charge with a bayonet requires about three steps for the Clovis soldiers, but almost twelve for the shooting army. The gap between the two sides is so confident.

To put it more bluntly, it is no problem to simply form a servant army composed mainly of indigenous people. They can also exert a certain combat effectiveness on the battlefield, but if you expect them to fill the vacancies of the Storm Legion, then you should just go to bed. .

This is not just a training level, it is simply two completely different modes... With the ratio of officers and soldiers in the shooting army, it is destined to only use the empire's rigid and tight-formation tactics, and after large-scale skirmish training, each individual The infantry regiments all have independent combat experience, and the Storm Legion, which is highly subjective, cannot cooperate at all.

Karl originally did not expect to reach this level. His hope was to break up the shooting corps and form auxiliary corps with "battalions" as units to serve as stronghold garrison, forward reconnaissance, harassment and raiding enemy supply lines; yes, That's how the Clovis treated cannon fodder... towards levies.

But the facts prove that this is not possible. At least the current combat organization of the shooting corps must not be smaller than the regiment. It must even maintain a "division" level organization in order to have cannon fodder-level combat effectiveness.

Extending the width of the battle line, distracting the enemy's attention, consuming the enemy's ammunition when necessary, and delaying the battle... are the battlefields where their training results can best be utilized.

To really improve the combat effectiveness of the Storm Legion, the best way is to select soldiers from the Clovis, or at least the Imperials and Hantu people who have received a certain degree of education, and directly add them to the grassroots of the Legion.

"...So, this is why you suggested directly accelerating the expansion of the Storm Legion?"

Looking at the schedule on the table, Anson tried his best to hold back his smile and said, "Aren't you going to create a miracle?"

"What a miracle, can it be eaten as food?" Karl shrugged, as if he had completely forgotten the chicken soup he had drunk:

"Now there are thousands of people in Beluga Port eagerly waiting for potatoes, bread, salt, charcoal, houses... more importantly, a job that can feed their whole family and an end to the disaster-stricken situation as soon as possible."

"Right now, there are still at least two thousand people living in large and small squares in the city. Food and fuel can be barely maintained, but the health situation is getting worse. However, it will take at least two or three months to completely complete the reconstruction—— In a few days it will be the New Year in the 102nd year of the Saint’s Calendar, and we don’t have much time!”

Upon hearing this, Anson immediately stopped smiling.

The turbulent sea that separates the old and new worlds has a freezing period that lasts for half a year every year from October to March of the next year; although in recent years it seems to have eased slightly due to rising temperatures, so much so that merchant ships can even arrive at the end of November. Arrival in the colonies...but large-scale trade and military operations generally took place in the other half of the year.

So whether the Empire decides to accept the status quo or cannot bear the humiliation of losing a colony, they must make a final decision this New Year.

Similarly, although Clovis seems to have an obvious intention to give up the colony, whether he chooses to give up important raw material production areas in exchange for offensive and defensive capabilities on the frontal battlefield; or whether he chooses to seize the last edge and strive to bring down the empire seems to have been solved. The confidence was on the verge of collapse, and it was time to make a decision.

There is only three months left for the Storm Legion and the Free Confederacy to prepare.

"But if we want to complete the expansion of the legion, even if the cost is reduced as much as possible, it is not a small number." Anson narrowed his eyes slightly: "Our current money is spent on disaster relief, and we have also requisitioned a lot of legion materials. There are no more resources to devote to other projects.”

"I know, that's why I tried to see if the shooting army would work even though I knew it was impossible - but it didn't work." Karl shrugged:

"That's why we have to do two things at once."

"Which two?"

“Disaster Relief and Military Expansion.”

"you mean……"

"Recruit disaster victims and expand the legion." Karl leaned forward slightly and looked at Anson's eyes:

"Of course, it is not possible to put them directly into the army for re-training, as that would be unrealistic - but we can put them into the League of the Promise Keepers and establish a salaried, semi-part-time mutual aid system."

“In the past, whether the Faith Keepers Alliance was a militia that patrolled the streets, helped believers who were living in poverty, or maintained the normal order of the market, it was all a voluntary act without any coercion—in short, it was a loose mutual aid association. model."

"The advantage of this state is that the operating cost is low. The legion and the parliament only need to provide a little help and guidance, and at most the organization can donate. The disadvantage is that its structure is too loose, and whether it fulfills the obligations of the alliance depends entirely on its own consciousness."

"In the past, it was okay when it just started, but as time goes by, the number of people increases, and loose problems are gradually exposed - in short, I think the alliance needs at least a group of semi-full-time militia to undertake its various daily operations Most jobs in and public services should account for at least half.”

"This not only solves the livelihood of the victims and avoids simply sitting on empty seats, but also frees up a large number of the alliance's excess labor force and recruits those alliance militiamen who have received basic training into the legion."

"Based on preliminary calculations, we can probably recruit one to two thousand people. With a small number of disaster-stricken people willing to join, the number can be expanded to about three thousand people." Carl paused:

"Of course, this is a maximum consideration regardless of the cost; conservatively estimating, there can be at least more than a thousand recruits; it is uncertain how much combat effectiveness can be improved, but it is definitely enough to complete this round of expansion."

In Karl's eyes, the Storm Legion currently has one and only one core goal - expansion.

After fifteen days of crazy overtime work, he had completely calmed down from his initial state and completely recognized the reality: the Storm Legion was not the ring of order, Anson Bach was not the savior, and he had no "hands that could create miracles."

Since we can't create miracles, we should admit the reality openly and no longer expect to rebuild Beluga Port while relying on high-intensity training to create an army of servants that can fill the gap in the Storm Legion's combat power.

There are only so many supplies, and the assistance they can get from the outside world can only be a drop in the bucket. The Storm Legion must implement the military-first policy to maintain its combat effectiveness from declining, and then it can consider whether to show mercy at the right time.

The people affected by the disaster are very pitiful. Even if they become semi-full-time militia members of the Promise Keepers Alliance, they can probably only make ends meet to a very low extent. In addition, the Legion has to forcibly recruit a group of original alliance militiamen, which means that they still have to Fill the labor vacancies of this group of people.

But there is no way, this is the reality; not to mention that the legion has invested a large amount of materials for their reconstruction, and even used military supplies to ensure that they will not freeze and starve... The legionnaires who have been deducted from their dividends are also complaining to them All kinds of help are provided.

"But what you want is not just as simple as expanding the army, right?" Anson suddenly said:

"The more than two thousand committed militiamen who have received initial training, or the Alliance of Promise Keepers, are your target."

"Oh, did you see it?"

The chief of staff's expression was very easy-going. Anyway, he had no intention of hiding it: "For such an armed organization that has firm beliefs and is somewhat semi-independent, it is not a good thing for the current Beluga Port."

"In the past, when we had just arrived at White Whale Port and had not yet established a stable foothold, this force could be used as a supplement to the legion; but now we already have a servant legion and a nominal alliance with the Free Confederacy. In fact... well, you Knows better than I do.”

"In this case, we no longer need Bishop Riper and his ecumenical followers to have semi-independent forces; it is not good for us or for them."

When Carl said this, his expression was extremely sincere; if anyone owns a violent machine, even if he himself is not prepared to cause trouble, it will easily arouse suspicion from others - he really does not want Bishop Riper, a man of all kinds, to Something happened to a good person in this sense.

In addition, Baron Akers, who has just turned into a fanatic and no one knows his true thoughts, continues to promote his heresy that "Anson Bach is the savior sent by the Circle of Order", which is very worrying. Could he be interested in those thousands of militiamen?

"In short, with the current situation, Beluga Port does not need a second armed group besides us; if there is one, it must either join, transform, or be eliminated." Karl concluded:

"Including these thousands of people in the expansion direction of the Storm Legion precisely protects this precious workforce of Beluga Port and prevents them from being innocently sacrificed for unnecessary reasons."

"I agree with your opinion."

Anson nodded slightly: "Then who do you think is more appropriate to entrust this matter to?"

"Of course you are the most suitable person, but you can't show up easily now - especially not in front of religious groups." Karl sighed helplessly:

"So I'll do it... plus Lieutenant Colonel Norton Crosell. This guy seems to be very well-informed through the grapevine. He should be able to help a lot when selecting new recruits - and he is actually very good at this. Logistics and organization.”

"Actually, I originally wanted Julien to come over and help me, but that guy is too difficult to get along with. You should just let him continue to be in charge of the New Year's celebration in a few days with Alan Dawn as you did before."

"Of course it's possible, but are you sure?" Anson frowned slightly and asked with a slightly caring tone: "You have enough work now, you really have to be responsible for this too."

"I know, but this is something I proposed on my own initiative. Of course, I have to personally implement it before I can feel completely at ease." Karl shrugged: "Speaking of which, in the past, I always implemented the plans you made. In situations like this, it seems that it is the first Second-rate."

"And there will be more and more in the future." Anson chuckled:

"After all, it's no longer time for Thunder Castle or Hantu. The size of the legion is getting bigger and bigger, and your responsibility as chief of staff becomes more important. As a military commander, I should focus more on decision-making."

"That makes sense."

Karl nodded, without saying goodbye, he calmly stood up, opened the door and left the headquarters living room, heading towards the officers' dormitory.

Just when he was about to reach the dormitory door, he suddenly thought of something and stopped in place without any warning.

Wait, that’s not right!

The reason why he wants to weaken the Alliance of Promise Keepers is because the alliance that has developed for more than a year has become too strong; and the reason why they are so strong is entirely due to Anson Bach's deliberate connivance.

The Luen family's textile factory, military factory, and Storm Legion warehouse in Beluga Port provided them with the cheapest Leyden rifles at nearly cost price, and organized training specifically for them. He was also personally responsible for this!

Later, when attacking Changhu Town, Fabian specially mobilized the alliance's militia to launch a feint attack. Although it had no effect, it allowed them to accumulate experience in field marches.

Because of this, when the Storm Legion expanded, these alliance militia immediately became the best source of soldiers - because they were trained and armed, and to some extent also had actual combat experience.

By the time it was time to weaken them, the entire Faithkeeper Alliance had developed into a large organization spread across all colonies. The local militias were no longer needed except to help each other, but the Storm Legion was eager to expand...

So, is all this still part of Anson Bach’s plan? !

Sorry for the late update

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