I will be crowned king

Chapter 755 Father and Daughter Gossip

"Jihadi Army, what is that?"

In the living room of Franz's residence, Sophia, who frowned slightly, held a letter stamped with the church's seal and looked at her father in confusion: "Let me guess, some kind of antique from the Dark Ages?"

"In other words, the most noble cause and supreme glory of every Order Church believer."

Gently taking off the briar pipe from the corner of his mouth, Archbishop Luther Franz raised his sharp eyes and meticulously explained religious common sense to his daughter: "It is completely unknown when this name first appeared, but in writing It should be around 1,300 BC.”

"At that time, the empire urgently needed the church to assist it in expanding its sphere of influence, and granted the church the privilege of forming an army to protect believers and churches - to be precise, it should be recognized, because before that, the church already had its own armed forces."

"So the 'Holy See', His Majesty the Pope at that time, called this army the 'Holy War Army'; anyone who has a sword, shield, spear and the ring of order badge, regardless of origin, can swear to join."

"This order created terrible chaos at the time. Not to mention the idiots who sought death and provoked spellcasters and monsters. Various robbers and robbers under the banner of the church wreaked havoc on the countryside, causing the reputation of the royal family and the church to plummet."

"As a result, the emperor tightened his authority, and the church also 'regularized' the Holy War. Only those who issued a call at the Holy See and were recognized by the church can be awarded this honor."

"In the Dark Ages, due to the expansion of the empire's territory and various pioneering activities, conflicts with the Old Gods and even mutant monsters were extremely frequent. Therefore, His Majesty the Pope at that time often called for the formation of a jihadist army. Nowadays, most of the palace nobles of the empire are It was established at that time, rather than originating from the Seven Knights as they described themselves."

"Isn't it?" Sophia was stunned for a moment:

"Then how did their family name and the power of their blood come from?"

"It's the same as now, it's inherited." Luther Franz took a puff of his pipe: "Gifted people in the Dark Ages were much more common than today. Even the royal family would not restrict family members from marrying commoners, and was even very keen on it - —Because that way there will be a higher probability of giving birth to more talented people.”

"When the direct descendants gradually wither, the prosperous side branches and even outsiders who have just awakened the power of blood can inherit the surname; in this regard, the two major families of 'Holy Grail Knight' Roland and 'Wind Knight' Levent seem to be different. Paying attention to bloodline is actually more ancient."

"So this kind of bloodline power has the most awakened people, and they can easily form an army."

The girl couldn't help laughing: "If I remember correctly, the blood power of the Osteria royal family also comes from this, right?"

"Yes, if the royal family had been willing to abandon Osteria and inherit the surname 'Clovis', it could have extended history for another two to three hundred years." The archbishop responded: "It is really a pity."

"Because they didn't inherit an older surname?"

"No, because I have tried hard for many years but can't find enough evidence so that the Franz family can inherit it."

Sophia Franz: "...Father, you are off topic."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I remembered some old things." The archbishop waved his hand and asked, "What is the question you want to ask?"


The girl was stunned for a moment with her mouth open, then turned to look at the little maid who was sitting beside the coffee table in a daze: "Angelica, what's the question?"


The little maid who woke up was startled and looked at the two of them blankly: "What question...what question?"

The three people looked at each other in the quiet living room, each more confused than the other.

"Forget it, forget all this." The Archbishop took a puff of his pipe and said, "Angelica, go get some mulled wine."

"Uh...how about I make a pot of coffee, Mr. Luther."

The little maid said worriedly: "Fresh coffee beans and sugar are very effective in preventing forgetfulness and preventing Alzheimer's disease. I read it in the Clovis Truth Newspaper!"

The three of them looked at each other and were silent for another ten seconds.

"No need, I remembered what the topic was, thank you." The Archbishop broke the silence calmly, without showing any emotion in his eyes: "Go get us some mulled wine, as soon as possible."


Glancing at the little maid who left quickly from the corner of his eye, Luther Franz shook his head: "You should let her join the club with you instead of wasting your energy on novels and third-rate tabloids."

"I don't care. Everyone should have their own hobbies and not be forced to do so." The girl retorted and looked at her father worriedly:

"Besides, don't you really want some coffee?"


The archbishop looked deeply at his good daughter: "As for that question... Ever since the sectarian schism war, the Holy War has been completely disintegrated, and has never been mentioned by any pope since then, because in the 40th year of the Calendar of Saints The Second Ordinary Synod in seven years has clearly limited the church’s authority in this regard.”

"So you're absolutely right, it's an old thing."

"Since it is an antique, why can the church still propose it, and you seem to be still supporting it, and even pushed the only heir... male heir to serve as the so-called commander-in-chief of the legion?" Sophia was very confused:

"Do you really think it is possible for the Empire and Clovis's armies to fight side by side? Even if it is possible, this matter will not be of any benefit to Clovis and the Franz family. However, Anson of the Free Confederacy tried his best to fight for Clovis. The allies that Wei has won, even if you cold-blooded guys don't care about his life and death and that of thousands of soldiers, shouldn't they be surrendered to the empire, right?!"

"That's right, so I wouldn't do that."

Luther Franz nodded slightly: "Dear Sophia, if you want to prevent something, what would you do?"


"You will do the exact opposite, or the same thing. You will do your best to cause trouble for your opponent, or achieve the goal before your opponent." Without giving his daughter a chance to explain, the Archbishop intercepted and said:

"So during the chaos in Clovis City, you would frequently go out alone in an attempt to find out the truth; when you heard that Ludwig was going to Hantu, you funded Anson Bach in an attempt to share some of your brother's credit; you couldn't see it; He was accustomed to newspapers from the church and the royal family, so he tried to engage in journalism; he didn’t want the colony to become an abandoned part of the kingdom’s strategy, so he tried every means to reveal information to Anson Bach and provide assistance.”

"This is your way, and every time you are extremely serious and proactive, you know how to learn from previous mistakes, and each time you do it more maturely than the last time; I appreciate and respect your advantages in this aspect. ; I will not intervene to stop it unless absolutely necessary."

"But you know, the paths to getting things done in this world are narrow, but to stop something... you have a lot of choices."

"for example?"

Sophia raised her eyebrows and immediately became attentive.

"For example, the Holy War Army." The Archbishop said in a calm tone: "If you want to form such an army, it cannot be done with the appeal of the Church of Order alone. At least it requires the cooperation of the Emperor; and if you want the Empire to come forward to organize it, The Church must ensure that Clovis accepts the request for an armistice."

"Even if you have just seen the document, it is not difficult to realize that this matter has no benefit to Clovis; but on the other hand, the church has made up its mind, and they will never let go of Rune who has arrived in the new world. , this extremely precious opportunity to hunt an apostle."

"I am the archbishop of Clovis and have no right to interfere with the Pope's decision. So what rights do I have? Very simply, I can suggest that the Kingdom of Clovis accept the empire's armistice request."

"Not only that, I will do my best to persuade, and even promote the Kingdom of Clovis to join the Holy War; not only Clovis, I have already written to the Archbishop of Hantu, asking him to persuade Francois The royal family also participated in the grand event!"

"This is a major event for the entire world of Order, and it is the highest honor that all Ring of Order believers can strive for. There is no reason for the empire to bear such a heavy burden alone - I think His Majesty the Emperor should feel the same way about this, even if it is for the sake of face, He couldn’t say no.”

"After all, in theory, he is not only the emperor of the empire, but also the supreme ruler of the entire ordered world and the guardian of the faith. If he refuses, it... will be a dangerous move that undermines the unity of the ordered world. He will never dare to do this!"

"That's right."

Sophia frowned slightly, her expression not very good: "Father, I, I feel like I have almost understood what you want to do..."

"If you encounter something that may harm your interests but cannot be stopped, it is certainly brave to stand up to resist, but sometimes joining it is also a good choice." The Archbishop nodded slightly:

"If it were to change from the original act of the emperor alone to the event that the entire world of order participated in, the preparation time would be extremely long on such a huge scale, and every move would no longer be a secret. Rumors would simplify and exaggerate all the complex content. Then spread it ten thousand times."

"The Holy See hopes that this action can lay the foundation for future interference in the secular world, so not only will it not oppose it, but it will strongly welcome it; forming a huge army that covers the entire world of order is a very expensive thing."

"The Holy See has the best talents, the most advanced technology, and the best warriors, but they do not have complete road infrastructure or a warehousing chain that can supply thousands of troops... but Clovis does."

"So they will give the money to the Kingdom of Clovis and entrust the Privy Council and the Railway Commission to be responsible for part of the logistics of the Jihad Army." Sophia murmured:

"The larger the army is and the more countries it involves, the more orders it can receive...even enough to make up for the war losses in the past few years?"

"Well, that's right."

Luther Franz nodded: "I am even more optimistic about that number. Maybe we can complete the 'Grand Cross Project' that has been suspended for many years and take the opportunity to connect the entire country."

"The most important thing is that the money cannot be handed over directly to the Kingdom of Clovis, but will be taken over by the church bank, which means..."

"The Franz family will... take over." Sophia's pupils shrank suddenly.

Just thinking about that astronomical sum, a girl who claims to have become calm about money will feel trembling all over, and her heart will beat as if it is about to burst out of her chest.

"You can only talk about this at home, don't tell anyone - including Angelica, and your brother." Luther Franz looked at the girl, paused for a moment and then nodded slightly:

"Very good. It seems that I don't need to tell you how important this matter is to the family."

"On the other hand, a large-scale holy war army cannot be as commanded as the emperor's army of knights; not to mention the various rifts within the empire, Clovis's soldiers will definitely not obey the orders of the imperial commander. The Hantu people will not even accept the request of the Clovis people, let alone stand under the fleur-de-lis flag."

"In the end, this unimaginably huge army must be torn apart, each doing its own thing. It is impossible to have a unified and coordinated arrangement and command system. It is closer to locusts, ants without leaders, or those playboys in the inner city who have nothing to do all day long. .”

"Even if this kind of legion is large in number, it is not difficult to defeat it."

"As for the elite of the Holy See, the Judgment Knights...their target is the apostle, or rune. Unless the situation forces them, they will not participate in a frontal battle."

Luther Franz paused, and then said in a very regretful tone: "To be honest, originally I was even planning to include Anson Bach and his army into the Holy War Army, but he and the Luen family The involvement is too deep, and I’m afraid they have been regarded as enemies on opposite sides.”

"And the Free Confederacy..." Sophia added:

"The empire will definitely do everything possible to target them as heretics and jihadists so that they can regain their lost colonies."

"But with an army like this, I don't see much chance of them succeeding."

The archbishop emphasized his tone and picked up the pipe he had just put down again: "If everything goes well, then this holy war army will never be completely assembled before May, and it will not be officially launched until June at the earliest; and unless it can Achieve results, otherwise we must retreat before November."

"Including the time on the road, the Free Confederacy and the Storm Legion only need to ensure that within four months, the Crusaders cannot establish a colony in the New World that can nominally declare victory, and the war will be over."

"The Holy See spent money, the Empire spent troops, Clovis took the opportunity to recuperate, and the New World gained independence - we all got what we wanted most."

"And this is how you stop the empire and the Holy See...join them, and then use the most legitimate means to destroy all links." Sophia said softly:

"Those who appear to be allies are actually enemies; those who appear to be betrayers are actually supportive, using helping hands to disrupt plans and using slogans to cover up actions."

"That's right." The Archbishop smoked his pipe and lay on the sofa as if relaxing:

"We generally call these 'politics.'"

Suddenly I wanted to write a daily life between Sophia and the Archbishop...

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