I will be crowned king

Chapter 76 No. 55 Brahman Street

When Anson took Lisa's little hand and left Clovis Cathedral, he had a brand new suitcase in his hand.

Although he really wanted to exchange the check Ludwig gave him for a real thousand gold coins, his reason told him that it was a "little gold mountain" of almost 500 kilograms - he could move it all out. Rolling on gold.

Fortunately, the concept of "paper money" has been born in the 100th century of the Saints' Calendar, and has spread to every town and village along with the teachings and credibility of the Church of Order, making these exude a charming fragrance, light and sound The little piece of paper has the same allure as real money.

From this point of view, although the Church of Order and a certain "underground evil organization" Old God Sect both provide spiritual comfort - although one of them uses a more bizarre method - the gap between the two goes far beyond the spiritual level.

In terms of audience, the Ring of Order is the official belief of many kingdoms and principalities, endorsed by dozens or even hundreds of the most powerful princes and noble families in the world of Order, and is accepted by most of the lower class people;

In terms of material resources, the church has the power to collect tithes from the entire ordered world and is also the largest financial institution in the world;

And manpower is even less important - not to mention that every newly born and baptized child is a believer in the Circle of Order; just for the churches in one corner of the world, the number of employees of the Church of Order exceeds that of any other Existing countries and organizations.

As a spell caster who is preparing to work in an underground evil organization, every time he thinks about this, Anson feels that his future is full of light, a light that is so dazzling that he cannot see the way...

Sitting in a taxi that was summoned at random, Anson and Lisa set off from Red Brick Street, bypassed three major intersections, and stopped under a gas lamp on a street near White Lake Park.

Although it is called a "park", on the map of the inner city of Clovis, it is a large area with a medium-sized market, residential communities, two commercial streets and.

It is some distance away from the real city center of Clovis City, but very close to the red brick street where Clovis Cathedral is located. The transportation is convenient and the prices are not high.

From here, you can reach St. Isaac's College in just ten minutes by horse-drawn carriage, so it is almost a must-have place for students to go out and hang out; in the memory of the "former Anson", he got drunk and lay down on the street here more than once. The impression of being chased by the Guards.

The security is good, the price is a bit expensive, and it's not far from St. Isaac's College and Clovis Cathedral...

Draco Vertes, this guy really knows all about himself.

Anson, who silently rolled his eyes in his heart, held Lisa's little hand, who was still looking around. After asking a few passers-by for general directions, he walked towards the address on the postcard according to the memory of "former Anson".

"...No. 55, Boleman Street, on the left side of the cafe..."

Glancing at the bustling cafe next to him, Anson, mumbling to himself, put away the postcard in his hand, picked up the copper-plated knocker on the door and knocked hard.

"Dong dong dong!"


"Were you introduced here by Viscount Bogner?"

Beside the warm fireplace, an old woman wrapped in a dark purple thin blanket was curled up on the leather sofa, her slightly cloudy eyes looking between the wrinkled pale skin:

"Is that guy who deserves to go to hell still alive?"

Uh... Anson, who didn't know how to answer the question, twitched his lips and smiled slightly at the old woman: "It shouldn't be considered acquaintance, we just met once on the train..."

"I think only that guy knows about renting the house, so you must have been introduced by Viscount Bogner." The old woman said in an unquestionable tone with her thin lips.

She tugged on the thin blanket on her body and looked at Anson eagerly as if staring at prey:

"Tell me, what did that guy who deserves to go to hell tell you?"

How do you say it? How do I know what the old nobleman and a certain novelist said?

Anson chuckled and said:

"The transportation is convenient, the security is good, and everything from fireplaces to kitchens and bathrooms is fully furnished - it is the best choice for newcomers like us who have just arrived in Clovis City."

This explanation made the old woman narrow her eyes slightly, but the next second the slightly raised corners of her mouth turned into a cold snort:

"Hey... you really deserve to go to hell, even the person you met for the first time has to be deceived!"

"I guess he didn't tell you that the rent of this house is one-fifth more expensive than the surrounding areas, and there are additional expenses for the security company. You have to pay at least half a year's rent at a time, right?"

"No, Viscount Bogner told us." Anson shook his head and chuckled:

"After careful consideration, we believe that in a community as convenient as White Lake Park, the rent for only one-fifth more is a very good deal..."

Before he finished speaking, he found that the impatient old woman had turned her eyes away from him and turned to Lisa, who was sitting nearby and eating snacks in front of the coffee table.

Looking at the mess on the table and the dessert plate with nothing left, Anson felt the corners of his mouth begin to cramp again.

"Little girl, what do you think?"


Lisa, whose mouth was full of snack scum, suddenly raised her head and looked at the old woman alertly.

"I'm asking you, what do you think of this house?"

Lisa blinked, looked at the old woman in confusion and confusion, then looked at Anson, and then remained silent.

But the old woman was extremely persistent, her cloudy eyes revealed an extraordinary perseverance, waiting for Lisa's answer.

This silence lasted for half a minute. Lisa, who had been thinking for a long time, looked at her with a very serious look:

“The baked cookies are delicious!”

This incorrect answer made the old woman smile with satisfaction, and the corners of her thin mouth curved upward.

"Okay, I can rent it to you - but you still have to pay half a year's rent at once, plus the security company's fees, a total of seven hundred silver coins." The old woman withdrew her gaze and snorted at Anson:

"I want cash."

That's thirty-five gold coins... After a little calculation of Clovis's gold and silver exchange rate, Anson nodded:

"no problem."

"Are you an officer?" The old woman looked Anson up and down in surprise: "In my impression, no officer seems to be so generous."

"I made a small fortune recently." Anson said casually.

The old woman frowned, glanced at Lisa next to her with concern from the corner of her eye, and opened her thin lips slightly:

"Young man, if you still have some inheritance at your age, you should spend the money on investment rather than enjoyment, contract a recruiting infantry regiment or buy a few profitable stocks. Even if you don't think about yourself, you should think about your family. .”

"I know that many young people now would rather save money and buy a luxurious apartment or rent a high-end hotel room for a long time, as if their class will rise in this way; in fact, when they get older, they will have nothing but empty houses. There’s not much left…”

Anson, with a smile on his face, listened to the old woman's chatter without saying a word, as if he could already see what she looked like when she was young before his eyes.

"...Right now, I especially recommend that you invest in those security companies. This is the most profitable business in Clovis." The old woman tugged on the thin blanket on her body again, as if the fireplace was not warm enough:

"As long as you walk around the streets and communities with a rifle, you can make a lot of profits in a year; especially our Bolaiman Street, which has always been very safe..."


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