I will be crowned king

Chapter 760 Malice from the World

"When I broke through the invisible barrier, crossed the blizzard that blocked everything, and arrived at the foot of the towering mountain, I thought that what was waiting for me would be the ruins of an ancient city, symbolizing the most glorious days of the true God's followers. Ruins or ruins, or monuments that are still glorious but stained with dust.”

"But... I was wrong."

"There is nothing behind the door, streets, buildings, towers... except for the endless darkness, the mountains covered with ice and snow, and the bottomless caves, there is nothing, although you can still feel the laws around you being affected by a certain force. The power was completely distorted, but the entire city disappeared, as if it evaporated the moment the door opened."

"I originally thought that this was some kind of higher-level twisted field that allowed Boridim to block unauthorized intruders, but I soon realized that this was not the case; because in a cave at the end of the mountain, I found The entrance to the tombs of the true gods.”

"It was a huge base, shaped like a barren mountain range with completely exposed rock formations, but it was not a skyline across the field of vision, but a ring... not a thin ring, but an obscure one with depth, The first consistent straight line.”

"I tried to infiltrate some flesh and blood into them, and found that they quickly lost contact with me. Some of them aged and corrupted at a speed visible to the naked eye, while the other part seemed to have a brand new life, and even began to divide, reproduce and evolve. cycle."

"After testing it almost ten times, I can finally confirm that there are at least five overlapping timelines in the base. The shortest one is only about a hundred years apart, and the longest one is incalculable... Multiple time lines are in the There are repeated overlaps, and the base that originally looked like a square in our timeline has been visually distorted into a circular shape that is completely counterintuitive."

"Anyone... unless they can accurately discern the direction and associated nodes of each timeline, will be completely distorted like that pedestal, existing in all time, and completely abandoned by all timelines."

"Talia still doesn't want to give up so easily, because there is a familiar breath coming from behind the pedestal... The blood of Pluto flows in the blood mage's body, so Thalia knows very well that the remains of the three true gods are there. .”

"But when Thalia once again put flesh and blood, or even integrated into part of the 'subject', into the base, not only did they begin to lose contact with me, something that contained strong malice and a strong sense of oppression The breath escapes from the pedestal.”

"The breath was very weak, but Talia immediately chose to retreat. The moment she rushed to the exit, strange feelings began to flow into Talia's consciousness. The world in front of her began to become no longer normal. The mountains were in front of me. My eyes were upside down, and the thousand-year-old snow beneath my feet turned into an immortal soul. The howling wind outside the cave began to make me feel suffocated... And when Thalia finally evacuated from Boridim, the wilderness shrouded in blizzards seemed to be here too. Taking on life for a moment, trying to trap Thalia.”

"At this moment, Thalia finally understood that the malicious aura...it came from this world."

After a short pause, the girl's voice was mixed with a little trembling: "Even though the true gods have passed away, the world still has not stopped resenting them. Any spellcaster who tries to get close will be entangled with that malice until Escape in time, or be trapped and die in that wilderness forever.”

"A wilderness surrounded by ice, snow, fierce winds, and a chaotic timeline."

Anson, who was sitting by the fireplace in the quiet lounge, suddenly felt a biting chill.

For everything the girl just confided, he had reason to believe that he had simplified it several times and left only the important content. As for how he found the base of the mausoleum, how he became aware of the chaotic timeline, and how he got rid of the malice of this world. , escaping from the blizzard wilderness... Thalia didn't even mention it.

But as long as you think about it, you will understand that it is definitely not as leisurely and calm as she described.

[...As for the gravekeeper and the resting land, don't worry, Thalia will tell you everything...]

What Lu En said came to Anson's mind. In other words, he had already guessed what his daughter wanted to do, and even predicted everything that would happen next, including the mysterious disappearance of Boridim and the three-dimensional world covered in it. The "malice of the world" is clearly visible on the tomb of the old gods.

In this case, why didn't Rune explain to his daughter that in order to set foot in the resting land that was impossible to enter, a conflict broke out between him and the tombkeeper that was so fierce that they wanted to eliminate each other?

No, that's not the case.

Although the initial conflict occurred between the Gravekeeper and the Rune family, starting from Ed Levent, various assassinations or targeted targets have actually gradually targeted herself, just because Thalia needs to protect herself. His safety was almost never left, so this point was not exposed too obviously, causing Talia's subsequent misjudgment.

In other words, from the first time he met Phil Cressey in the mine, the gravekeepers had already started to target him... The question is why did they do this, and what did they want from him?

Karl dug out some information from the "technical advisor" William Gottfried. The goal of the tombkeeper was to realize the big plan, and the prerequisite was to resurrect the three old gods, and he himself was to resurrect the three old gods. key.

So...what's the key?

Not to mention that they are already dead, how can a group of tombkeepers who are far below the level of evolution be resurrected successfully? The bones of the old gods are still filled with the endless malice of this world. Just a little leaked is enough to make a blasphemous mage. Running away, the light is just a base entangled with countless timelines... a base entangled with timelines... timelines...

Um? !

Several very horrifying thoughts suddenly appeared in Anson's mind, and his suddenly shrinking pupils subconsciously turned towards the ceiling above his head... The biting cold hit him again.

The foundation of the mausoleum entangled in the timeline, the disappearance of Boridim...could it not be related to him? !

No, no... I am indeed entangled in two timelines that are thousands of years apart, but the node I am entangled with is myself, not a certain building or object. It should be... estimated... that it is probably unlikely to have any impact on Boridim... Bar?

Moreover, Talia also mentioned that the base was entangled in at least five timelines with completely different intervals from short to long, and she was only entangled in two, so it could not be the cause of her own fault.

But... we cannot completely rule out the possibility that he will "travel" in the future, causing more entanglements...

The more he thought about it, the more fear he felt. He clenched his teeth, and thin drops of cold sweat broke out on his forehead. A kind of fear that seemed like the reincarnation of fate remained deep in his consciousness like a brand.

Thalia, who noticed something strange, did not say anything immediately, but took water and a hand towel from the nearest side, gently wiped away the sweat on her forehead, poured half a glass of water, and warmed it in her hands.

The cool comfort brought Anson back to his senses. As soon as he lowered his head, the girl thoughtfully handed over the water glass with a handkerchief: "Anson, are you okay?"

"I'm fine!"

He immediately retracted his thoughts and drank the water in one gulp. He breathed lightly for a moment before looking at Thalia again: "Thank you, I'm much better now."

"Coffee, or rum?"

The smiling girl slowly stood up and walked towards the wine cabinet next to her: "Should we go back to Luen Mansion first and relax and have a good night's rest?"

"Don't bother, just rum." Panting slightly, Anson pointed to the bottom of the wine cabinet, where Carl Bain secretly hid the Tirpitz:

"I just suddenly thought about something clearly, and I...can't calm down completely."

The calm girl didn't ask any questions, silently poured two glasses of rum, and did not forget to put ice cubes in one of the glasses. She handed it to Anson with a smile: "Don't be nervous, dear Anson, everything is over."

"With father's protection, the entire new world will no longer be able to threaten our existence." Thalia paused with a smile and sighed: "Of course, if there is a chance, we still have to figure out Boridi The reason and whereabouts of Mu’s disappearance, as well as the method of entering the true god’s tomb.”

"Can't you just ask your father?" Anson took the wine glass and asked pretending to be curious: "As an apostle, and an apostle who has experienced thousands of years, he must know a lot of truths that we have never known, right?"

"That's true, but it's a pity that he will never tell us."

The girl shook her head regretfully: "My father is very stubborn and rigid. He follows many rules that are no longer binding but once existed, even if those rules no longer even have the meaning of existence."

"Just like Boredim, He will tell me about the existence of this ancient city, tell me what it looks like and how to enter, but will never help me when I want to set foot there - because Boredim is ancient The guidelines require that all spellcasters may enter only with permission."

"The same goes for the tomb issue. Unless I have discovered the truth, He will only provide clues, not even clues, if those ancient principles have ever required Him to do so."

No, I'm afraid it's not just the rules, it's also closely related to His identity as an "apostle". As I have repeatedly warned before, knowing too much about the content of another timeline will only be harmful and unhelpful. The safest method is Still looking for answers in this world line... Ansen thought silently in his heart, and a clear clue gradually formed in his mind.

Obviously, the ridiculous "blueprint" at the time was not enough to impress Lu En who didn't know him yet, so the answer can only be that he had already done it intentionally and had been waiting for the right time.

As an apostle, He could not easily move, so this responsibility fell on Thalia - maintaining the family, negotiating with the tombkeepers, looking for Boridim... and gradually realizing the goals of the Rune family.

The mellow wine poured into the body, first feeling cold, and then followed by a heart-warming heat, which completely calmed down Anson.

"Okay, let's put aside the worries for now and let's talk about some good news."

Touching Anson's glass lightly, the girl took a sip of rum: "Dear Anson, congratulations on finally crossing the boundary and becoming a glorious blasphemy mage."

"If true God believers were still active in the world, you would be qualified to form your own family now; of course you can even today, but you can no longer make it public like you did at the beginning... You are only in your early twenties. Blaspheme the mage, all the famous families who get the news will go crazy for you."

"Really?" Anson forced a smile and could only continue following the girl's words: "Is it such an exaggeration?"


Thalia's expression condensed, she took a deep breath, and looked at him with a meaningful expression: "That's because you still don't understand what this means."

"The one who had achieved a similar record before you was your mentor, Mace Honnard, who succeeded before the age of seventy... Although he used some small means, his father admired his talent very much and even allowed him to use part of the Rune family. resources to strengthen his own power among the Old God Sect in Clovis City."

"Even during the years when true God believers were most active, there were very few who could achieve this kind of achievement at the same time as you, and each of them was a genius who became active and achieved great achievements later."

"My father's most frequently mentioned best friend, Lisa's father August, is such a genius - of course, exaggerating due to excessive admiration is not excluded." The girl showed a helpless smile:

"It's interesting to say that my father was once an admirer and follower of August; even after a huge conflict broke out and they parted ways, and even had to kill each other, there was still no change at all."

"All followers of false gods, ignorant fanatics and elves who claim to be descendants of the true god must thank August for his gift... This is the mantra he talks about most, but he never explains it. The reason."

At this moment, Anson's expression suddenly became a little strange.

Talking about the interesting things in the past, Talia seemed to have lost all her previous demeanor and turned into an innocent and lovely girl just like Lisa: "Sometimes I can't help but think that if there is a chance, maybe my father will Will choose to marry August.”

"Unfortunately, they are all apostles. The path of evolution leaves them with no choice but to continue to move forward alone into unknown distances."

"But we are different. We have not yet evolved to that level. We still retain the personality of intelligent life, and we can still enjoy the supreme joy brought by each other's flesh and soul..."

Thalia raised her eyes and stared into Anson's stunned eyes: "Before that sad time comes, we still have a thousand years to enjoy the best parts of this inferior existence..."

At this moment, Anson couldn't help but tremble!

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