I will be crowned king

Chapter 772 The one who was jihadist

On February 3, the year 102 of the Saint's Calendar, the Free Confederation, which had just become independent less than half a year ago, held its third supreme meeting to date in Beluga Harbor.

Compared with the life and death of the first time, the second time of dividing borders, cakes, dealing with post-war matters, especially the joining of Sailing City, this is the third time that the Confederation has finally begun to become more "formal" and no longer It is a grass-roots team that makes up the numbers and everyone can speak and vote.

The first is to limit the number of participants based on the proposal from Louis Bernard at the last meeting-in addition to the speaker or governor, each colony can only send a limited number of representatives and parliamentarians to participate. Currently, it is tentatively planned that each colony The upper limit is fifty people.

Among the participants, the number of people allowed to participate in voting must be further restricted - after rounds of quarrels, compromises, and exchanges of Yili, eighteen people were allowed in Sailing City, Long Lake Town, Red Hand Bay, and Black Reef Port There are fifteen people, and there are twelve people in Gray Pigeon Castle and Winter Torch City.

This number is linked to the financial resources and population of each colony, but it also makes certain concessions to weaker colonies; the speaker of each colony can propose motions, and the leader of the Supreme Council can decide the order and number of motions, which will be decided by the members who are allowed to vote. Voting is anonymous, and the remaining representatives can only observe the process and results.

When he first heard that this extremely "democratic" conference system was actually proposed by Louis, Anson was really shocked; it was not until Fabian and Alexey explained that he realized that this was actually the empire. A replica of the "Imperial State Council"!

As the leader of the parliament, Paulina Frey is almost equivalent to the emperor of the empire. The speakers of each colony are the grand dukes, and the parliamentarians are the wealthy families, old honors, knights and court nobles of each principality.

In a sense, the Empire is even more "democratic" than the Free Confederacy, because as long as you are a knight, you are theoretically qualified to participate in state meetings and meet the emperor on important occasions; you can even speak freely about yourself No one, not even the emperor himself, can easily interrupt your speech.

Of course, the prerequisite is that you must be a knight - which means you must have awakened the power of blood and be loyal to the emperor, or have a noble title of earl or above - otherwise none of the above will mean anything to you.

The reason why this system should be designed to be so democratic is that Louis' purpose is actually obvious: to completely kick Beluga Port, or Anson Bach, from the decision-making level of the Confederacy.

Anson had no objections to this, and he had no intention of really intervening in the agenda of the Supreme Council, because there was no need at all - he just wanted to sit on the spot and watch the speakers discuss what they wanted to discuss, and then he would be dismissed long ago. Just vote for the representatives you bought.

So the whole meeting went very successfully.

First of all, regarding the chaos caused by the previous animal slave trade, although everyone knew that it was 100% related to Anson Bach, they had no evidence and were very afraid of death, so they pinched their noses and unanimously approved the New World Company's investigation of the animal slave trade. in exchange for Reinhard's investment and low-interest loans in the colonies.

Holding high the banner of freedom and equality, Paulina Frey, in the name of the leader of Parliament, forcefully passed the bill allowing the freedom and redemption of the indigenous people; from now on, the freedom of the indigenous people and the slaves will truly be It's completely tied to money.

The second is the top priority of the entire conference and the fundamental reason for holding this conference-aid and trade agreements for the five eastern colonies.

The latter question is actually very simple, because we have nothing to trade with those five colonies, and the results are similar whether we sign or not. Even if we give them the same "most favorable trade" treatment as Ice Dragon Fjord, it doesn't matter; but when it comes to treating them The support will really involve the practical interests of each colony.

Considering that the current economic situation of all parties is extremely difficult, it was finally decided to share the funds for support materials based on the number of representatives in the parliament - since you have enjoyed the rights, you should fulfill the obligations.

Although the five colonies were not grateful for this, there was no disturbance at all; the total aid from the entire Free Confederacy was less than half of Ice Dragon Fjord, which fully exposed the former's falsehood and the nature of a protected vassal state.

The general attack on the conference lasted for a week - considering that the colonies are too scattered, this conference is likely to be the last opportunity for all parties to come together for various private deals, negotiations, and alliances. If the alliance is not completed now, there will be ideas later. The cost and price are not as simple as they are now.

The only slightly regrettable thing is that Louis Bernard did not show up until the last day; it was precisely because of the delay in the arrival of the governor of Sailing City that the colonies were timid in making decisions, delaying the efficiency of the entire meeting. .

But Anson didn't care about this. His goal had been achieved - to have the Supreme Council hold a formal and important meeting at the designated place and time.

What he wants is this result. It doesn't matter what the content is or whether there are any results.


Outside the city of Beluga Harbor, the Supreme Council.

Louis Bernard, who was standing in the center of the front hall, pacing with his hands behind his back, stopped in front of an oil painting, his eyes lost in thought.

The oil painting itself is nothing outstanding, but the theme of the painting is the offensive and defensive battle outside the City of Sails - City of Sails, where the Free Confederacy and the Clovis army unite, and the golden iris blooming in the wilderness is blazing under the smoke and fire of the guns. combustion.

The author's name is also marked below the painting: David Jacques.

And not just this work, there are more than ten paintings in the entire front hall, almost all of which are his works, and the themes are basically related to the colonial war of independence; some are tragic, some passionate, and some are almost full of symbols Meaning, and some are so realistic that their souls will feel touched...

The quality of the paintings ranges from high to low, and even in the eyes of the young knight, most of them have nothing to do with "art" and can only be called "commodities"; but there is no doubt about one thing - anyone who enters this hall will see No one who sees these paintings will have a favorable impression of the Empire.

For the people and rulers of the Free Confederacy, these various oil paintings will continue to strengthen their memories, making them realize how they got to where they are today, and why the Confederacy became the Confederacy.

When this memory is continuously strengthened, it becomes harder for the Free Confederacy to find hatred for the Empire - because their existence, power and interests are originally based on rebellion against the Empire.

A burst of rhythmic footsteps sounded behind him, and the lost young knight sighed and put back his divergent thoughts.

"Amazing building." Louis, who slowly looked back, whispered to Anson, who was walking towards him:

"It only took less than half a month to build such a hall that can accommodate 500 people in the wilderness, as well as the attached courtyard and walls. It is really amazing."

"If it were the empire's construction workers, I'm afraid it would take two...no, it might not be completed in three months, and it would only be in a rough state without any decoration."

"Thank you for the compliment, but I'm afraid the construction workers in Clovis are at the same level." Anson smiled and said:

"I have a technical consultant, and it was only thanks to his help that we completed the building in just half a month."

"Technical Adviser?"

"He is a mathematician and has specially designed a set of interesting equations for us. He can pack the scattered building materials or parts according to certain rules in a short time, and then they can be packaged in another place in a short time. Rebuild." Anson shrugged:

“But due to some misunderstanding, he was wanted by Clovis’s trial and was forced to flee to Beluga Port. I hired him with a high salary as a technical advisor to the colony, responsible for weapons research, factory operations, and all... technical issues. "


"The inquisitors of Clovis seemed to regard him as a member of the Old Gods, believing that he could communicate with evil gods through runes and even summon evil gods."


"Clovis is slightly more open than the Empire in this regard, but occasionally there are some talents who study special subjects. Unfortunately, they are suppressed or even persecuted by the church; fortunately, at least there is room for them in the colonies. .”


Although it was clear that his close friend in front of him was answering his questions seriously and expressing his inner feelings by the way, for some reason, the usually calm young knight suddenly felt the urge to draw his sword.

However, after a moment of silence, Louis still showed a faint smile: "I guess... this is the reason why you insist on holding this supreme meeting outside the city of Beluga Port instead of directly in the parliament in the city?"

"...What?" This time it was Anson's turn to be stunned.

"Completing a large building in a very short time can simultaneously demonstrate the strength of the Free Confederacy and the five eastern colonies, showing that the Ice Dragon Fjord is still strong after the catastrophe and has not been weakened in any way; and a building dedicated to the Supreme The hall built by Parliament can also be used as a reason to continue to hold meetings later.”

The young knight with slightly raised eyes seemed to have completely seen through someone's thoughts: "Placing it outside the city instead of inside the city is to make the Confederacy mistakenly think that it will not be attacked by Ice Dragon Fjord and Beluga Harbor. pressure, but in fact the entire building was built at the choke point of the Beluga Port land route, adjacent to the shooting army camp, and far away from the headquarters located on the high ground."

"Not only is it sandwiched in the middle of two military fortresses, this large building itself is also an excellent defense facility; once a war breaks out, it will be the natural land barrier and last line of defense for Beluga Port - even if the city is captured, As long as this building remains, most of Beluga Harbor will still be under the control of the Storm Legion, and they can leisurely formulate an attack or retreat plan."

"You have anticipated the empire's counterattack plan and are fully prepared."

"I don't know what you are talking about." Anson shook his head: "It's just to give the Supreme Council a place to hold meetings without having to borrow a place from the Beluga Harbor Council."

"No, you know exactly what I'm talking about!"

Louis, whose expression suddenly became serious, took a step forward. Anson, who was obviously a blasphemy mage, couldn't successfully dodge, and he held his shoulder: "It is about the survival of the Free Confederacy, and even all the colonies in the New World. We can no longer watch the fire from the other side. It’s time to bide your time!”

"I know that you may still be planning to win over the east and form an alliance with the thirteen colonies to force the empire to give up the idea of ​​retaking the colonies; but now it is not just the empire that has ambitions for the colonies, but the whole world! "

"...the whole world?" Anson's expression finally lost its calmness. Looking at the anxiety on the young knight's face that could hardly be concealed, he couldn't help but frown slightly:

"Did you...get any news?"


Just when Louis was about to say something, the door to the side was suddenly knocked open, and a panic-stricken Lieutenant Colonel Norton Crosell hurried into the front hall from outside, holding an unopened letter in his hand.


Norton, who was panting slightly, suddenly stopped, saluted and said, subconsciously glancing at the young knight next to him: "There is your letter, it was just sent."


Before Anson, whose pupils shrank suddenly, had time to be surprised, his eyes instantly focused on the stamp on the letter - that was the family crest of the Franz family!

The reason why he was surprised was that Sophia never used this when sending letters to him. The only people who would put this stamp on the letter were her beloved old boss Ludwig and Archbishop Luther Franz.

Countless possible moments flashed through his mind. Anson calmly took the letter and looked at the commander of the 3rd Infantry Regiment with a focused gaze: "Do you know the person who sent the letter?"

As a member of the Society of Truth, Norton certainly understood what the Commander-in-Chief was asking: "Knowing."

"Then..." Anson held the letter between two fingers and shook it slightly: "What's the content of the letter?"

This time Norton did not answer directly. He glanced at the young knight next to him, his lips slightly parted but he hesitated to speak.

Seeing the expressions of the two people, Louis immediately understood. Although his emotions were extremely tense, he still smiled at Anson and said:

"I suddenly remembered that I have something else to do. Let's talk about it tonight."

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned and left the front hall without even giving Anson a chance to speak.

Looking at the disappearing figure of the Governor of Sailing City, Norton decisively closed the door, moved closer to Anson, and spoke in a low voice with a deliberately low voice.

Anson could remain calm at first, but as the content continued to escalate, his expression began to become extremely anxious like Louis just now.

When Norton stepped back and stood up, Anson's expression finally returned to calmness, but his heart was already in a mess: "So... after a thousand years, the church is organizing another holy war."

"And we are... the ones being jihadi?"

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