I will be crowned king

Chapter 778 Nightmare from the Past

Just as a flash of surprise flashed in the corner of Anson's eyes, the staggering Elf King Yser suddenly stopped and pulled out a long knife with his withered right hand, pointing the sharp tip at the two of them.


Anson subconsciously opened the field, activated the "plan" to copy a mist pipe at the corner of his mouth, and then used [Smoke Entertainment Home] to create a translucent smoke wall in front of the two of them.

The slightly absent-minded young knight silently pulled out the saber from his waist, hung "William" on the left side of his belt, and tightened his heartstrings at the same time.

But the old Elf King did not attack with a knife as they expected; not only that, the withered arm seemed unable to hold the handle of the knife at all, and the horizontal blade trembled and swayed in the cold wind.


Anson and Louis glanced at each other quickly, and saw some doubts on each other's faces.

Then, they discovered that golden-red fire and gushing smoke suddenly appeared behind the Elf King; the familiar sight and smell made their expressions change suddenly:

"Enemy fire is coming!"


There were no lines of soldiers in the empty streets, but there was a deafening roar of volleys of guns; hundreds of bullet marks roared in, and the "smoke wall" arranged by Anson instantly fell into pieces.

Without hesitation, the two of them dodged to the left and right directions of the street - facing a line of intensive firepower in an open area without cover or obstacles, gathering together would only make them think that the opponent's gun was not accurate enough.

While moving quickly, Anson began to operate the [Smoke Entertainment Home] again, turning the shredded smoke into more than a dozen fence-like bunkers, scattered in the open area between the two and the Elf King. At the same time, the remaining part was increased in concentration, covering most of the street.

Although the field was suppressed due to law erosion, the "smoke bunker" he created could not block the Elf King's volley; but it could at least hinder his vision.

Louis, who immediately understood, lowered his body, held his breath, and walked around the bunkers one after another as if walking through the trenches, approaching the Elf King.

He was already confident enough that the "Igor Moses Field" in front of him was the result of the erosion caused by the damage to Freya's domain and a combination of her recent memories.

"And if you want to repair the erosion, you must completely defeat it - more accurately, kill it completely!" "William" who was hung on the young knight's waist said in an extremely firm tone:

"Because the power of the Ysel elves is closely related to their emotions, they must use this memory, that is, the most ideal method in Freya's heart to defeat it. Otherwise, unless it directly erodes the domain in turn, the spirit shaped by these memories The body will not disappear."


The deafening volley of gunfire struck again, and the dazzling gunfire instantly swept away the "smoke fence" in the front row, tearing holes in the smoke that blocked the field of vision.

"Is there a more specific method?!" The expressionless young knight sprinted quickly, whistling bullet marks constantly passing by him.

Although he was unable to use the power of blood, Louis Bernard's physical fitness, insight into the environment, and reaction speed were still superior. There was a huge difference from someone who had to refresh the lower limit to gain an advantage once his ability failed.

"I don't know, I have to count on you." William said with a flat tone: "Among the three of us, only you have had close contact with Her Majesty Freya. You must recall that you were in Freya's house." In your impression, what is her father’s weakness, or what is he most afraid of?”

"you sure?"

"That's natural." The voice holding the lantern suddenly became serious again:

"This is science, Sir Louis Bernard, and you must believe in science!"

At the same time, Anson, who relied on the young knight to attract firepower, hid behind the smoke, and at the same time rapidly expanded his "superpower" to the surroundings, directly covering the entire Royal Court of Yser - Freya's spiritual realm.

When explaining the situation to Louis, he actually did not tell the truth completely. That is, although they will definitely encounter damage caused by the erosion of natural laws, not everyone must fight against it. They only need to repair the most critical flaws.

also. Repairing the damage will not allow them to find Freya's consciousness, and it is not necessary, because it is not a secret to him now. He only needs to activate his "power" and the target can be determined in an instant.

Soon, dense purple spots appeared in the scene in Anson's mind, of which three were the most obvious, namely the church, the palace and... the Elf King in front of him.

Freya's consciousness was entrenched in a less conspicuous palace deep in the palace, wrapped in blazing flames and completely isolated from the surrounding ice and snow.

If the guess is correct, it should be that only by controlling the scale to this extent can we avoid the eyes of the laws of nature. For this reason, he does not hesitate to allow the corrosive natural forces to almost completely control his own domain... Ansen secretly thought in his heart.

To ensure Freya's safety after she regains consciousness, the three most obvious flaws must be repaired, otherwise it would be the same as forcibly waking up a person who has stayed up for three days and three nights to prevent him from sleeping to death.


The sound of a neat volley of gunshots interrupted his thoughts. The young knight with several bloodstains on his body was forced to dodge backwards, and more than a dozen stray bullets landed around Anson.

At this time, the trembling long knife in the Elf King's hand slowly turned and aimed at his location.

"For...Iser's glory...for Moses Field's...future!"

The old Igor shouted hoarsely, wearing the crown crookedly, his face was completely distorted, and his eyes were stained with blood full of hatred.

Anson immediately tried to dodge, and at the same time continued to create smoke to create opportunities for himself and Louis; if it was a real battle, he could also avoid the opponent by copying the effect of the "anonymous glasses", but now he opened the realm and stepped into Freya. Mental vision is nothing less than operating with a searchlight in the dark.

So it would be better to take advantage of the fact that his goal is "big enough" to create some opportunities for Louis - after all, he is the one who knows Freya best.

"It's now!"

William, who was hanging on the young knight's waist, trembled: "The Elf King's attention has shifted. Did he recall any memories related to his weaknesses?!"

"I don't know!" Louis, who had just been forced to retreat once, frowned:

"Although I don't have a good impression of His Majesty Igor, in Freya's eyes he has always been a wise, wise, and kind father. He has no weaknesses, and..."

"You are wrong! The more powerful and wise the image is in the memory, the more obvious their weaknesses will be, because the impression is one-sided and incomplete, and the spiritual body shaped by it will only be more obvious in this regard! "

William paused and seemed to realize something: "You just said there is more, what else is there?"

"And..." Louis' face turned even darker:

"Also...I feel like something's not quite right."

"Something's wrong? I don't quite understand this very colloquial language... Uh, I'm sorry, you're right!"

This time even William's voice became much more panicked.

The young knight looked up and saw several golden-red meteors piercing the sky and heading steadily toward the street where they were.

There was still no sign, and there was still no shadow of any cannon. It still followed the direction pointed by the Elf King's sword, directly covering the entire area.

"For...Iser's glory!"


The meteors tearing through the wind and snow burst into dazzling fireworks in the silver-white sky.

The stunned Louis turned his head and looked behind him. The expressionless Anson still kept the action of snapping his fingers just now.

Cursed magic, [Rising Fire].

Although in order to avoid hurting Freya, he could not reversely erode her domain, but it was not difficult to see through her laws and neutralize them through insight.

This is also the advantage of the "Plan" law... Although it does not look very strong, it is extremely applicable. Combined with the "power" that can gain insights and obtain information, it can cope with almost all situations.

"You who have tarnished the glory of Iser will not be lucky enough to be forgiven by the Ring of Order!"

The Elf King's voice suddenly became extremely angry, and the trembling Yser sword in his hand was suddenly raised high above his head: "The thunder of God will punish and wipe out the sins that should not exist."

The cold blade slashed down suddenly, making a harsh and sharp whistle.

Before they could figure out the situation, a dark hole appeared in front of them, big enough to put their heads in.

Although it was almost translucent, the expressions of the two people who recognized the thing changed instantly.

This is...a sixty-eight-pound carron cannon? !


The roar that shattered everything echoed in the streets for a long time. Although he successfully dodged the fatal muzzle at the moment when his bones were shattered, Ansen, who was unprepared, still felt that his eyesight went dark, and the tinnitus kept echoing in his mind. "Superpowers" were also forcibly turned off.

He subconsciously looked forward. The young knight's pale face and ears were covered with blood, but his figure was still as firm and determined as his eyes. The body supported by the long knife was like a marble pillar, as stable as a mountain.

"Anson!" Louis stood up suddenly and shouted at the Elf King while brandishing his sword:

"I thought of what to do to defeat His Majesty Igor!"


Holding back the dizziness, Anson snapped his fingers again, and the smoke controlled by [Smoke Entertainment Home] once again blocked the Elf King's vision. At the same time, two consecutive golden-red light beams hit the rickety figure wielding a long knife.

Curse magic, [Hunting]

"Boom——! Boom——! Boom——! Boom——!"

Golden-red flames continued to explode around the Elf King. No matter the flames, explosions or smoke, they did not cause any harm to him, as if these were just phantoms that existed side by side.

But this was enough. Anson's purpose was just to create some interference, draw his attention to himself, and gain opportunities for Louis, who was approaching.

As if he noticed something, the Elf King raised his sword again, and the golden-red gun flame lit up behind him.

And this time the number is three times that of before!


The sound of neat rows of gunfire shook the empty streets, and hundreds of bullet marks whizzed past. The scale was enough to turn a compact infantry company into corpses in an instant.

But...it's not enough to stop a knight named "Louis Bernard"!

Wielding a long knife with several gaps in it, the young knight's face, shoulders, and arms were all torn open by lead bullets, but none of them could slow him down.

The gap of more than ten meters seemed to him to be a distance that he could traverse just by stepping forward; the sharp blade in his hand was like a hunting beast showing its fangs.

Almost at the same time, the afterimages of a whole row of artillery appeared under the buildings on both sides of the street, and the dark and cold muzzles of the cannon instantly locked onto his galloping figure.


The expressionless Anson snapped his fingers again, and the original smoke dispersed, forming "smoke walls" dozens of meters high on both sides of the street, blocking the cannon directly in front of the muzzle.

Although it was still not enough to block the bombardment, it could at least make it impossible for the Elf King to aim.

"Dang-!!!! Dang-!!!! Dang-!!!!"

The thunderous sound of artillery shook the streets, and the buildings on both sides collapsed in the smoke and fireworks of the explosion, mixed with the collapsed smoke and shattered ice dust, playing an exciting symphony.


The sword knocked away the sharp blade in the Elf King's hand. The young knight, panting slightly, looked at the aging, panic-stricken face with mixed feelings in his heart.

But this did not prevent him from placing the long knife on the right side of the frightened and angry Elf King's neck, and at the same time reaching for the pistol on his waist with his right hand:

"Igor Moses Field, I, Louis Bernard, as an Imperial Knight and Royal Attaché, sentence you to death!"

Yes, this is what Freya fears most about her "wise and kind" father.

The rise of the Yser elves relies on the connivance of the church and the support of the empire, and they have the strength to fight Clovis and vassal the Seven Cities Alliance of the Vast Earth; therefore, they may not be afraid of Clovis, who has defeated them many times. People, but they must be in awe of the empire that single-handedly helped them become powerful.

In the eyes of his dear daughter, Igor Mosesfield, who once visited Xiaolong City and was determined to move closer to the empire, brought the once-declined Ysel elves into a powerful empire by forming an alliance with the empire. the way.

Then after losing the aid of the empire, it quickly declined and fell into civil war. The Clovis people took advantage of it and broke through their proud royal court... Pain flashed in Louis' eyes.

After a brief hesitation, he pointed the muzzle of the gun at Igor's eyebrows and suddenly pulled the trigger.


The lead bullet penetrated the Elf King's head, and the expression of despair gradually solidified on his face; the crooked crown fell to the ground and rolled on the cracked ice for a long distance.

Eventually it disappeared.

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