I will be crowned king

Chapter 780 Fatal Weakness

When the half-elf nun manipulated her body to fall from the stone sculpture of the Circle of Order, screaming and rushing toward her, Anson finally realized that his initial guess was somewhat taken for granted.

To the elves of Iser...or at least to Freya Moses Field, the Circle of Order was something imposed on them by an outsider - and an outsider whom the elves looked down upon - and following this religion was A certain "fashionable" behavior, whether accepted or not, has nothing to do with "apostasy".

Because the true belief of the Ysel elves is actually the "ancestor worship" derived from the blood source, that is, they firmly believe that they are the noble blood descendants of the true god, and awaken the power given by the gods through the blood; the purer the blood, the stronger and nobler it is. , the thinner it is, the weaker and meaner it is... and so on.

From this perspective, it is not difficult to understand why Freya hates herself so much - first of all, stealing divine power as a non-elf is a heresy in the absolute sense, and at the same time, she also believes in relegating the "true god" to an evil order. ring, so he is still a pagan.

For Freya, who was born into a noble family and stood at the top of the pyramid of elven ancestor worship and belief, this wonderful combination of "heresy" and "heretic", let alone killing herself, even if she was wiped out in ashes, it might not be considered as resolving her hatred.

"Click - click - click -"

The crisp sound of broken ice echoed in the prayer hall. The arms, thighs, large intestine, head, lungs, kidneys hanging on the ceiling of the cathedral... fell like raindrops, jumping and squirming like puppets pulled by silk threads. , shrinking, twitching, and joy is coming.

Anson, who was instantly surrounded by countless cold flesh and blood, frowned slightly, raised his right hand, and snapped his fingers.

Cursed magic, [Rising Fire].


The blazing flames covered the layers of stumps and internal organs, and they were instantly wiped out.

But this didn't make much sense. Almost at the same time as it was destroyed, "new" flesh and blood resurfaced under the ceiling.

As long as the key memory to repair the gap cannot be found, or Freya's domain is simply eroded, this bloody cathedral cannot be destroyed, and the cycle will continue forever.

The "weakness" of the Elf King is to surrender to the empire in exchange for military assistance to help Israel become stronger, so Louis can defeat him in the name of "Imperial Knight" plus "the empire's advanced weapons"; in Freya's eyes, she What are the weaknesses of the bloodline that you are so proud of?

While thinking quickly, Anson activated the "plan" to replicate the effect of the anonymous glasses, while controlling the still-burning [Rising Fire] to continue burning, trying to slow down the "resurrection" of the surrounding corpses and gain time to break the situation.

"Despicable pagans, how dare you use stolen divine power in front of the true God?!" The half-elf nun once again let out a piercing scream, and the entire prayer hall trembled with waves of sound:

"You must go to hell-!"


Despair, anger, fear...countless negative emotions flooded into Anson's consciousness, crazily weakening his reason; he paused just now, and his eyes turned scarlet.

If it is an ordinary black magic mental attack, he can now rely on the field to distort or counterattack, or at least he can resist it based on experience; but now Anson has been affected by Freya's field, and his emotions have become extremely fragile and sensitive. If touched, it is like a scourge.

At this moment, he had the urge to directly open his domain and tear Freya's spirit into pieces!

Anson, who was clenching his teeth and suppressing his emotions, suddenly felt his eyes darken. There was a whimpering sound from the apparently closed walls. The sculptures on the pillars were given life, with tentacles and eyes growing out like vines. ; The dome and stained glass painted with various legendary oil paintings gradually distorted, and the characters in the paintings turned their heads and smiled ferociously at him.

The next second, the sharp voice of the half-elf nun sounded in his ears again:

"Be angry, be desperate, be fearful! These are the postures you should have as a heretic, and this is the true face of the depravity of heretics who deserve death!"

This... Anson's eyes widened.

Although the surrounding distortions are obviously related to the power of the three old gods, that chaotic and illogical power does not come from Freya's own magical reaction, but the power of natural laws!

It seems that because the Elf King was eliminated, it became aware of other "reality-distorting" forces in Freya's spiritual realm, which was its own existence.

You must find a way to repair this flaw as soon as possible, otherwise you are likely to encounter the same situation as Thalia when you were in the Tomb of the Three Old Gods, and face the laws of nature...the malice of this world!

The solemn-looking Anson raised his scarlet eyes and stared at the half-elf nun who was walking towards him step by step.

Tentacles grew out of her forehead, and her hair was covered with sarcomas; five eyes crowded together grew out of each of the ulcerated eye sockets. Yellow-green pus mixed with blood continuously overflowed from the corners of her mouth, nostrils and ears. ; The stiff body was constantly trembling, and the ice on his palms ignited a chilling flame. Every time his feet landed, the knocking sound gave Anson a splitting headache:

"Come on, let me, who is blessed and loved by the true gods...send you to hell!"



Two identical sharp blades collided, and passionate sparks bloomed wantonly in the eyes that looked at each other.

The imperial knight with a confident smile on his face decisively drew his knife and appeared beside Louis without any warning. Before the sharp blade could reach him, the biting cold wind had already cut off the ends of his hair.


Louis, who was completely unable to keep up with the opponent's speed, blocked almost instinctively, barely stopping the long knife that almost beheaded him. His golden hair blew away in the wind and fell on the steps in front of the door.

The moment the blades crossed, their eyes reflected each other's exact appearance; one was clean, tidy, confident and sunny; the other was scarred and looked embarrassed.

Not only is his speed and reaction, the "Louis Bernard" in front of him is also a crushing level for young knights in terms of strength; if he hadn't been experienced and strong-willed, he might have dropped his weapon as early as two minutes ago. He was beheaded by the other party.

So far, the battle has only lasted three minutes.

In order to avoid being caught by the opponent and killing him with one blow, Louis is always trying to fight the opponent closely and shorten the attack range; because the "self" in front of him can only use the most standard swordsmanship moves, fighting closely can greatly limit the space for display. Get some breathing room.

But the "Imperial Knight" has obviously realized this, and chose to use more varied attacks and speed to strike like a storm, leaving Louis with no time to take care of it.


The flickering sparks bloomed one after another, and the young knight, who had no time to parry, could only keep walking backwards along the steps, trying to find flaws in the familiar moves and movements.

Unfortunately, although he can sense the opportunity, he is far unable to keep up with the speed of the opponent's movements, making this counterattack meaningless... "Louis Bernard" can always make up for his mistakes in time when the offensive is interrupted. Defeat the young knight's offensive.


The knife stabbing at the face was easily dodged by the "Imperial Knight". The long knife in his hand suppressed the back of Louis's knife with an extremely confident smile, and slashed forward with the dazzling firelight.

The target is his head!

Staring at the oncoming blade, the young knight's pupils shrank suddenly. Knowing that he had no time to dodge, he took the lead and slid back. At the same time, he turned in the direction of the opponent's stance. The long knife in his hand used the twisting power of his waist to strike at "Louis Bernard" at the same time. "Head.

He wants to use the method of mutual destruction to force the opponent to retreat and avoid this round of offensive.

Sure enough... "Louis Bernard" frowned slightly, and the long knife that had been slashed stopped forcibly, blocking it between his neck and the young knight's blade.


Taking advantage of the opportunity of the collision of sharp blades, Louis decisively distanced himself from the opponent, raised the long knife in front of him, and gasped violently while being vigilant.

The battle for just over three minutes had almost exhausted his energy.

"I have a question... How can you be sure that he must choose defense instead of dying with you?" William's question sounded from the lantern on his waist.

"Because that's not pretty enough."

Staring at the opponent's every move, the panting young knight showed a self-deprecating smile: "For Louis Bernard, just winning is not enough... You must win beautifully enough, that is the most important thing."

"A true victory is either the enemy's willing surrender and defeat, or a fair and just defeat; otherwise, even winning a duel is a shame."

Yes, this is exactly the reason why Louis dared to retreat decisively when he was exhausted and outnumbered.

The "Louis Bernard" on the opposite side is almost a replica of himself, even more extreme than himself before the Battle of Thunder Castle. He adheres to the spirit of chivalry to an almost rigid level, even if it puts himself at risk. .

And this is who Freya thinks of herself...

"External challenger, can you end your pointless duel?!"

Standing in front of the gate, "Louis Bernard" holding a knife looked down at the panting young knight below: "In the name of Her Majesty Freya Moses Field, if you are willing to surrender and admit defeat, as a knight, I can forget the past." , granting you a glorious ending!”

"I appreciate your generosity, but it's not possible." After calming down his breathing, Louis showed a bitter smile on his face:

"I must defeat you and enter this palace because... I am also her knight."

As soon as he finished speaking, "Louis Bernard"'s expression darkened.

"Yeah, then there's nothing we can do." He said coldly, and pulled out a brand new revolver from behind:

"Although the use of firearms violates the standards of ordinary duels, it is my supreme duty to protect His Majesty; even if it goes against the creed in my heart, I have to do it."

"In the next battle, I...will not show any mercy!"


In the twisted and weird cathedral, the half-elf nun who had been completely transformed by the power of the three old gods was pressing closer. Her crazy expression seemed to have seen Anson being tortured in hell and in extreme pain.

At this moment, the cold wind whistling outside the window suddenly stopped.

Not only that, the streets that were originally shrouded in cold wind and ice and snow actually had sunlight shining in; the golden morning light passed through the stained glass, leaving a hazy and sacred light in the prayer hall.

The half-elf nun suddenly stopped, with a look of shock and disbelief on her completely twisted cheeks.

Just before my eyes, I was in a trance. The crosses that were originally scattered throughout the hall were replaced by benches. The priests and believers who were crucified on them were all slumped motionless on the benches, with their heads bowed in a posture of prayer.

The quiet scene seemed to be no different from every ordinary morning salute in the past; but such a strange yet familiar scene completely stunned the half-elf nun.

"Wh-what on earth...why..."

Before he finished speaking, a beam of sunlight passed through the vault of the cathedral and fell on the half-elf nun.

The dazzling light made her tremble all over, and she subconsciously wanted to avoid it; in a daze, something incredible came into view.

The unbelievable half-elf nun mechanically looked back bit by bit, momentarily sluggish.

The originally broken stone sculpture of the Ring of Order actually appeared in her sight intact.


The half-elf nun, whose legs were weak, fell to her knees and looked up in despair at the stone sculpture that had no trace of blood and exuded infinite solemnity and solemnity. Tears flowed from her ten eyes.

"I...I didn't mean to...I didn't...I didn't mean to betray you...betray my faith..."

The lost half-elf nun cried, crawling on the floor warmed by the sun on her hands and feet; every time she crawled a certain distance, the mutation in her body dissipated a little: "I was wrong... I'm sorry... I was really wrong... I thought you abandoned us!"

"I failed your test and my faith was shattered by the cruel reality... But you did not abandon your believers... You have been protecting our souls... our weak... helpless souls..."

"Praise the Ring of Order, praise you, who protects thousands of living beings..."

"The one true God!"

The crying half-elf nun finally crawled to the stone sculpture of the Ring of Order, and gently lay on top of the stone sculpture in her original posture, with a relieved smile on her lips.

Under the golden sunshine, it turns into dewdrops that disappear with the wind.


"I have a proposal!"

Just as "Louis Bernard" raised his revolver, the young knight said loudly: "Since we are all knights, we might as well abandon our firearms and duel in a knightly way, and decide the winner by life and death!"

"This time, I will fight until the end!"

After saying that, Louis decisively raised his saber, pulled out a revolver from his body, and threw it on the ground.

"Oh?" Seeing his move, "Louis Bernard" showed a smile of surprise and admiration: "I didn't expect... you were at a disadvantage and took the lead in making such a noble proposal. It's really shameful."

After that, he decisively threw away the revolver: "Since you insist, of course I accept the challenge, with sword skills..."


Before he finished speaking, Louis, who was standing with a knife, tapped the trigger of the pistol with his left hand hidden in his waist.

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