I will be crowned king

Chapter 783 Absolute Confidence

Although he successfully chose to retreat as soon as Freya woke up, Anson was still eroded by his own laws during the process of returning to consciousness, and once again experienced uncontrollable emotions. He was ecstatic one second and furious the next. pain of.

The emotions of the Ysel elves are simply wild horses that run wild, and are in a state of control anytime and anywhere. If it is said that the difficulty for humans to stay rational and calm is probably in middle school, then for the elves, this is definitely at the forefront of scientific exploration. position.

Only at this moment, he could clearly feel that Freya's original statement of "I will kill you if I see you again" was definitely not a joke; and how difficult it was to be able to exercise restraint for the benefit of Louis afterwards.

In addition to losing control of his emotions, Anson also felt that the flesh and blood all over his body and limbs were burning violently; according to his guess, this should be caused by Freya's rapid expansion of the area after waking up, but she was still unable to fully control it.

When the burning pain gradually dissipated, his consciousness finally returned to his body, and his out-of-control emotions gradually calmed down, and the cold, mechanical, boring reason took back the dominance.

Slowly opening his eyes, he saw that Louis and William had obviously returned, but they had not yet gotten rid of the influence of Freya and the "malice of the world". They frowned, sometimes raised the corners of their mouths, and sometimes gritted their teeth.

As for a certain elf girl, she was still lying on the bed expressionless, as if nothing had changed; but the magical reaction that was so strong that even ordinary people could detect it proved that things were not as simple as they seemed.

While he was observing, Thalia on the side had prepared refreshing hot coffee. She carefully held the wall of the cup with both hands to keep it warm without making the coffee too hot to drink.

Anson silently took the coffee from the other party and took a small sip while keeping a smile, waiting for the others to fully recover.

After a quarter of an hour, the two of them finally began to look slightly dazed, as if they had just had a nightmare. It took nearly half a minute to return to normal.

"How does it feel?"

Putting down the empty cup, Anson asked casually.

"It's not good, it's very bad. I was thrown into the ice cellar first and then into the fireplace. I also deeply felt the inner world of a noble female elf, and was almost completely wiped out by this world... In short, everything is terrible from the inside out. .”

Without waiting for the young knight, William spoke first: "This is just a small request from me. If there is a similar situation in the future, please don't let me participate again."

"After all, I'm just a scientist... very bad at overly intense outdoor sports."

He lowered his head slightly, and his pair of dark purple eyes shone with unprecedented sincerity; quite a domestic dog took the initiative to run back to the cage prepared by its owner after living independently for a few days, and even locked the door with his backhand.

After hesitating for a moment, Anson met his gaze and said seriously:

"I promise you."

"Thank you!"

William let out a long sigh and lay down directly on the chair. There seemed to be a bit of fear that had not completely dissipated in his eyes; but besides the fear, there was also a bit of faint excitement.

The young knight beside him, who had also just returned to consciousness, was leaning on the side of the bed, nervously looking at the elf girl who had not yet woken up, with worried eyes.

Anson raised his eyebrows and couldn't help but want to speak, but Thalia stopped her with her hand. The girl, whose expression suddenly became serious, put her index finger on her lower lip and shook her head slightly at him and William.

Don't say anything, don't interrupt, that's the best... Thalia didn't speak, and said silently with her lips:

My dear Anson, you don't understand that for Freya, this is the picture she most wishes to see when she wakes up.

No, I know it very well... Anson, who had just passed by and was affected by Freya's emotions, complained in his heart and sat back quietly in his seat.

Thalia also sat quietly beside him, watching the elf girl and her knight with an expression as if appreciating an oil painting or a play, with a hint of envy in her emerald eyes.

William, who didn't want to stay long and was forced to keep quiet, simply leaned on the chair and fell asleep after holding back for a moment.

After another full hour, Freya's magic reaction finally calmed down, and she slowly opened her eyes. Her blurred vision quickly focused on Louis' tired and surprised face, and the original cold eyes quickly softened a lot.

"you're awake!"

The young knight who couldn't restrain his excitement quickly supported the elf girl's body and helped her sit up. There was still concern in his eyes: "How are you? Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere?"

"No, everything is fine." The elf girl shook her head and gently held Louis' hand:

"There's nothing to worry about, you don't have to..."

Before she could finish her words, the young knight with a tense face rushed forward and hugged the elf girl tightly in his arms.

He looked excited, as if he had finally found a lost treasure after going through all kinds of hardships.

Freya trembled first, then gently rested her head on Louis' broad shoulders, her hands clinging to his waist, her pale face filled with indescribable happiness.

Anson, who was slightly embarrassed, subconsciously turned his head, only to find that while Thalia was looking at the two of them intently, her body had leaned towards him very naturally.

William was sleeping soundly beside him.

After several minutes, the elf girl reluctantly let go of the young knight who was hugging her, and turned her gaze to the other three people in the room. Her expression changed from gentle to much colder.

But after the experience just now, in Anson's eyes, Freya's expression was no longer what it was originally; the other party's seriousness was just to suppress the strong emotional fluctuations in his heart, and was essentially the same as Colonel Roman, who was born with a dead face. the difference.

"Thank you for your willingness to lend a helping hand when I was in the most danger." Freya said lightly:

"Although it is only a matter of time before I fully recover even without your help, I still want to thank you all for being able to wake up early and not letting Louis continue to worry about me."

"No, you are so polite, Your Majesty Freya."

Before Anson could speak, Thalia stood up quickly and said with a ladylike smile: "It's just to fulfill a little obligation. After all, our current relationship is that of allies, and helping each other is the most basic courtesy. "

"What's more, if you are allowed to recover naturally, I'm afraid it will take a long time; we have nothing to do with it, and it doesn't matter if you wait slowly; it's just that Mr. Louis Bernard... is only an ordinary human being after all, and may not have that much time."

"Although there will be a little bit of risk, a little bit of uncertainty, a little bit of sacrifice...but there is no way. Who can make my dear Anson such a helpful person, a good person who never says no to his friends." Tully Ya's smile grew stronger:

"When you see a friend in trouble, you must lend a helping hand. Even if it embarrasses Talia and others, since you have already spoken, you have no choice but to do it no matter what."

After saying that, the girl tilted her head, deliberately showing a helpless expression.

"Oh...that's it."

Yun Danfeng snorted coldly, Freya stared into Thalia's eyes, and quickly glanced at Anson next to her who was trying to stay calm and silent with the corner of her eye.

He didn't say anything or remained silent. Thalia's flesh and blood tentacles had already tied around her ankles and were already moving upwards.

"In this case, I should express my gratitude to you all the more; as a member of the Moses Field family, repaying kindness is the most basic principle." Freya's voice became colder:

"Don't worry, Miss Thalia, I know what I should do."

"As expected of the Ysel Elf Royal Family, the head of the Thirteen Councils." Thalia nodded slightly, her smile slightly reduced:

"Then I'll wait and see."

In the quiet room, the Elf Queen and the head of the Luen family looked at each other, as if they were both ready to carve each other's figures into the depths of their souls.

Louis on the side turned his head and looked at each other with Anson, who had a slightly unnatural expression.

"Uh... cough, cough, um... Your Majesty Freya, how do you feel now? Has the law been completely repaired?" Anson coughed twice and quickly changed the subject:

"Also, how did you destroy the 'World Malice' that finally solidified into reality?"

"The world is malicious? The terms you heretics use are really confusing." The elf girl frowned slightly and said slightly unhappily:

"We call them 'original powers'. They are the basis for the birth, existence and continuation of this world. They are the sun, moon and starry sky, midsummer and harsh winter, prosperity and withering... the foundation for the evolution of all things; but for those who have inherited the blood of the true god, and who have stolen the true god You have strength, but it is a limitation.”

"It's actually no wonder. After all, our existence is to create our own laws, which conflict with the origin. Even if it is for balance considerations, we must be restricted."

Freya paused and said in a more serious tone: "So, when facing its interference, it must be completely eliminated, strangled, erased, and distorted."

"The method is also very simple, just put your own consciousness above the world."

"Putting your own consciousness... above the world?"

Anson frowned as he muttered to himself.

"This kind of thing is indeed not easy for you who have stolen power, but for the Yser elves who have inherited the blood of the true god, it is a matter of course." The elf girl raised her smooth chin slightly:

"For the beings living in this world, the world is everything, everything, and the end of the world is the end of everything; they cannot imagine, let alone understand the concept of 'beyond the world', let alone accept that once they are separated The world, why should it exist?"

"But for us who have reached the current state, this should not be a question that needs to be thought about; our enemy world, our goal... is to create our own world."

"To put it bluntly, although you probably agree with this, there are probably only a few people who can truly do it like the blood descendants of the true gods."

"To describe it humbly, we should have an equal relationship with the world; therefore, in the face of its interference and threats, fear and tension are unreasonable emotions. Suppression, destruction and even destruction are the Our style.”

"We are the law, we are...the world."

Freya's expression gradually became solemn, like a king looking down on his thousands of subjects.

Anson fell into deep thought.

He roughly understood the elf girl's thoughts. If he wanted to fight against the evil from the world, he must first get rid of the relationship with it, that is, he must regard himself as a completely independent individual, rather than a relationship of belonging.

In the eyes of normal people, the world and oneself are unequal, incomparable, and do not belong to the same level of existence at all; but no matter how weak a spell caster is, when he upgrades to become a blasphemous mage, he should be completely separated from this world. Become a completely independent individual without belonging.

This is also the reason why Lu En mentioned that if you want to advance to become an apostle again, you need to spend thousands of years to erase the "biological consciousness". If you cannot get rid of this, you will always be suppressed by the world and locked in this "cage" There is no way to escape.

"I see……"

Thalia seemed to have finally figured something out, and said with a very serious expression: "Thank you for the reminder, Your Majesty Freya, this may help us save a lot of detours."

"There is no need to say thank you. I just want to express my gratitude to Lord Anson and let you know this by the way, Miss Thalia Rune."

Freya said calmly, turning her gaze to Anson who was suddenly stunned: "Anson Bach, although you are a hateful Clovis, liar, heretic, and cultist, and you do things unscrupulously, there is almost no bottom line in your behavior. , there doesn’t seem to be anything noteworthy in terms of morality..."

"But! Even if you are like this, even if it is for not noble reasons, you will still be willing to lend a helping hand to others." The elf girl's expression was very serious: "I finally understand the reason why Louis will treat you as a friend ”

"Thank you, Anson, you are a good man."

Anson: "..."


Outside the hotel room, after watching William leave, Thalia suddenly stopped and stood in front of him with a worried expression.

"What, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, nothing." The girl shook her head and pursed her lips with obvious misunderstanding: "Talia has long understood that it would be abnormal for an outstanding fiancé like dear Anson to have no other suitors. thing."

"It is precisely for this reason that Thalia actually doesn't care much about the fact that Anson and Miss Sophia have always exchanged letters; it is also acceptable that the queen of the Ysel elf has a good impression of Anson. These are all It doesn’t matter, it’s just…”

She raised her head and stared into his eyes worriedly: "Louis Bernard...may be the only one Thalia does not have absolute confidence in."

Anson was completely frozen in place.

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