I will be crowned king

Chapter 8 Sword Skills

Louis Bernard panicked.

Everything that had happened from early morning to now was like a roller coaster for him - first a thrilling and rapid turn, then an exciting rush high, and then a straight fall into the abyss...

I originally thought that when I first entered the battlefield, I would seize the opportunity to win and determine the direction of the war in one fell swoop. However, when I was most satisfied, I suffered a bloody head injury.


Why did the enemy retreat without any reason? Why was there an enemy force stationed at the artillery position? Why did they still have twenty-four pounders in their hands?

Why is this? !

The frightened young knight looked at everything around him, looking at the army that was in a dilemma under the enemy's crossfire. Under the protective wall of the artillery position, there were still traces of being ravaged by heavy artillery.

A corpse lying on the ground gushing blood;

Abandoned, tarnished flags of iris;

The unwilling roar, the gunshots that are still fighting back;

The battlefield...is really not a place where you can win glory in a glorious way!


A gunshot rang out, and Louis was thrown down by the guards behind him.


There was the sound of someone falling to the ground, and Louis, who was lying in the mud in panic, looked sideways; the guard whose neck was shot through by a bullet was lying next to him, staring at him with his empty eyes.

The blood gushing from his neck flowed across the cracks in the soil, staining his cheeks.

"grown ups!"

An officer who saw the knight falling to the ground rushed forward and helped the young knight up in a panic: "Order a retreat, sir! All the soldiers of the second battalion are willing to stand behind you until..."

"No, we can't retreat!"

Looking at the corpses of the guards on the ground, Louis Bernard suddenly raised his head and said with sharp eyes: "The enemy's firepower has exposed itself. They only have one battalion and only one artillery."

"Charge, organize another charge immediately! Our strength is three times theirs, and we can defeat them by rushing into the artillery base!"


Just as the officers were about to argue, a piercing bugle and roar suddenly sounded in the direction behind them.

The young knight looked back and his pupils suddenly shrank.

The Clovis, they are rushing up from their right rear!

"grown ups!"

"Go and seize the fort position, quickly!"

The pale-faced Louis Bernard immediately stood up and stared at the Clovis troops who were shouting to charge: "I'll stop them!"

As he spoke, he picked up the battle flag that had fallen on the ground; the golden iris, covered in dust and blood, fluttered in the wind among the gunpowder smoke.

The originally panicked imperial soldiers saw the flag and hurriedly gathered in the direction of the young knight; under the orders of the sergeants, they quickly formed a tight defense line of three rows in front of him.

"Raise your guns—everyone is in position!"

As soon as the words fell, the soldiers in the first row knelt down on one knee. The soldiers in the third row who had put away their rifles and stood straight also raised their rifles and aimed straight ahead from the gap in the second row.

The Clovis soldiers immediately noticed the movement on the opposite side, raised their guns one after another, and at the same time accelerated the pace of the charge.


Looking at the roar of the enemy, the young knight chopped off the sharp blade in his hand.


Following a round of volleys, the soldiers on both sides shrouded in gunpowder smoke shouted at the same time, stepping on the dead body of Pao Ze, and charged towards the enemy.

The chaotic hand-to-hand combat started with the first unlucky guy stabbed to death by the enemy's bayonet.


Kankan stopped the bayonet that almost penetrated his chest. Louis, whose eyes were red, stabbed him with his backhand. Private Clovis, who had not yet recovered, was chopped to the ground.

Almost at the same time, a soldier who was shot between the eyebrows fell at his feet.

"Keep the formation, don't panic!" The young knight stabbed the enemy's throat with another knife and shouted: "Don't let the enemy rush into the square formation, keep them on the outside!"

Powerless shouts echoed in the center of the battlefield, and the entire battlefield was already in chaos.

The moment the charge was launched, the entire Clovis private company had already moved from horizontal to column, piercing through the Imperial horizontal column that had just completed the salvo like a sharp blade piercing butter, splitting it in two and then began to outflank the enemy to the left and right; The charging Imperial soldiers were immediately attacked from the flanks.

By the time Louis Bernard realized that he had noticed it too late, there were not many soldiers standing around him; he could only see one after another Clovis privates in black and red military uniforms, surrounding and interspersed among the chaotic imperial phalanx. .


The sound of gunfire passed by Louis' ears, and another guard who wanted to cover him had his neck broken, and blood spurted out.

Damn it!

Biting his trembling lips, the young knight waved the saber in his hand, feeling ashamed of his powerlessness.

He looked around desperately, looking for any possibility that could reverse the situation of the battle, or even slightly change the status quo, and temporarily repel the enemy; but all he saw was that he was at a loss in the melee. Shooting at the falling figures.

Without even looking back, Louis could guess that the charge to attack the fort position had been frustrated again - otherwise what he heard now was not the wailing screams of the soldiers, but the cheers of the captured wall.


The sharp blade pierced the chest of a Clovis private, and hot red liquid sprayed on his face.

The moment he pulled out the sword from the corpse, a sense of imminent danger pierced Louis' heart.



The saber he swung in the air in front of him knocked away the incoming bullets.

Louis, who was still swinging his sword, suddenly raised his eyes and looked in the direction where he had just fired.

An officer with black hair and brown eyes appeared in his field of vision, holding a gun with a stunned and stunned expression on his face.

It's him? !

Like a hunter eyeing his prey, Louis Bernard, wielding a saber, pounced on the figure.

Anson's eyes widened and he was stunned.

what's the situation?

Shooting the bullet away with one knife... Is this something a human can do? !

He was frozen in place, his feet motionless, and his hands were still mechanically repeating the action of loading ammunition - memory and inertia made it almost instinctive.


The sharp blades met and fire burst out.

The moment Anson locked the gun, the young knight had already rushed in front of him; the sharp blade that fell head-on was barely jammed by the bayonet, but he was finally not beheaded by the knife.

But the force of the impact alone almost made Anson unable to hold the gun. He took a few steps back before barely keeping his body steady.

In an instant, he saw the opponent who had failed with his sword pull out a gun from his waist.


The bullets exploded in the dirt, and Anson rolled on the ground without a trace after escaping the bullet. When he stood up, the Leopold rifle in his arms had already cocked the bolt and locked the bolt.

Louis' expression changed slightly when he noticed it, and he froze in place, preparing to dodge his next shot.

But Anson did not pull the trigger. Instead, he straightened the bayonet on his rifle and rushed directly towards Louis.

There were only three steps between the two of them. Counting the length of the bayonet and rifle, it was only a thrusting distance!

The next second, the slightly trembling bayonet tip stopped in front of the young knight's neck.

Anson, who was motionless, looked a little stiff - the saber in the opponent's hand was also pressed against his throat.

"Sure enough, it's just as I guessed..."

Looking into each other's eyes, Louis, who was covered in blood, had an "unsurprising" expression on his face:

"Gifted people can sense each other. Although I don't know your identity, the power of blood contained in you... The commander guarding the artillery position is you, right?"

Ansen remained expressionless and silent, his heart in turmoil.

So the opponent was able to deflect the bullet with just one strike because of the power of his bloodline, right?

Potential stimulation? Body strengthening? Ability that has limits on the time or number of times it can be used... Anson is very distressed. "Former Anson's" memory has so little information about the power of blood that he doesn't even have anyone to refer to.

His eyes were completely black, how should he fight? !

"I have to admit, you are really powerful: holding on to the fort alone, you let me, who had three times the force but was careless, end up in this situation." Louis Bernard on the opposite side was still talking to himself:

"But I don't intend to give up - I am Louis Bernard, a knight of the empire. In the name of the family and the ring of order, whether you accept it or not, I will invite you to a duel!

Since we are all talented people and commanders of each other's armies, let us use one-on-one duel to decide the outcome of both sides! "

As he said that, the young knight with a serious expression took two steps forward, holding a gun in his left hand and making a trick with his right hand holding the knife. He used the handle of the knife to knock Private Clovis to the ground who wanted to sneak attack.

Seeing that the other party looked very powerful and wanted to fight to the death with him, Anson was stunned for a few seconds and thought for a moment, threw the Leopold rifle in his hand to the ground, and pulled out the saber from his waist.

Louis' eyes lit up with a solemn expression, and an admiring smile appeared on his lips.

"I didn't expect that... as a Clovis noble, you can actually have such a chivalrous demeanor. It's really shameful." As he said that, the young knight also decisively threw away his gun and generously moved the gun on the back of his left hand. Behind you:

"In that case, let us use the sword skills with each other in the way of our ancestors..."


Anson stood with the sword in his hand and pulled the revolver trigger with his left hand hidden in his waist.

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