I will be crowned king

Chapter 818 The plan is perfect

Under the banner of the Ring of Order, the golden-red artillery fire was like rounds of heavy hammers, pounding the ground crazily; dozens of bullet marks roared across the battlefield, exploding large swaths of smoke and dust on the Confederate Army's position.

As the Crusaders took the lead, the artillery positions of the Confederate Legion also began to fight back; strings of artillery shells drew graceful arcs in the sky, as if they had been calculated long ago, or they landed steadily in the trenches, Or they keep jumping on the battlefield like a cheerful ball. Every time they land and jump, there will be a heart-wrenching sound of bones breaking and flesh shattering in the dense queue.

As flesh and blood flew everywhere, a small commotion broke out in the ranks of the Jihadists; the formations destroyed by ricocheting bombs also affected the morale of the army. The soldiers who were still holding their heads high showed a slight panic on their cheeks.

"Quick, quick, quick! You bastards, haven't you even had enough breakfast?!"

"What, you maggots are the only ones who still want to eat canned food? Go ahead and have your useless dreams! Run! Run for me, don't stop for a moment without an order! Let me see which bastard dares to waste food and hold him back, I will personally Make it into a can and stuff it down the throats of you bastards one by one!"

On the simple artillery position, the artillery battalion commander Major Deroshenko personally took on the responsibility of commanding the ammunition hand. He stood naked to the upper body in the choking smoke and gave orders in a voice like dynamite. The position was given to Lisa Bach.

Holding the last intact six-pound infantry gun in the army, the girl with bright eyes seemed to have temporarily forgotten her favorite rifles and cans, and allowed her new military uniform to be muddy. She looked as excited as the first Children playing float and bowling.

But what she used was not tiles, stones or bowling balls, but a steel monster that could kill people thousands of meters away.

Although the Confederate Army did not have an advantage in terms of range or number of artillery, their condescending position and superb technology still slightly restored the situation.

Looking at the messy forward position suppressed by the opposite side, Ludwig, whose face was darkened, resisted the twitching of the corners of his mouth, waved behind him, and asked the messenger to blow the bugle for advancement.

"Line up—attack!"

To the beat of a lively drum, three infantry regiments, a cavalry regiment and a skirmisher regiment on the west side of the battle line stepped out of their positions and began to advance.

At the same time that they appeared, Louis Bernard on the opposite hillside suddenly shrank his pupils and put down the telescope in his hand with a solemn expression.

"...When the war begins, regardless of whether he can gain the advantage of suppressing artillery fire, Ludwig will definitely launch an attack from the west side of the battlefield first, and will 100% invest heavy troops..."

"Why? That's a good question. This is another reason why I chose to fight him here; Ludwig didn't dare to push us to a dead end. That would greatly increase the possibility of us resisting to the death and make him pay too much and unnecessarily. casualties."

"So he must attack from the west first, and then press the entire line, using diagonal tactics to force us to retreat to the east, towards the grassy forest."

"What you have to do is to take the initiative to fight, then pretend to be defeated, lure Ludwig's main force on the Western Front into the Western Front encirclement, cooperate with the Storm Legion, and completely defeat them..."

With Anson's instructions before the battle echoing in his mind, the young knight took a deep breath, and emotions of nervousness, apprehension and excitement hit his heart like a flood.

"Although it's a well-promised plan, it's really rude to ask a majestic imperial knight to pretend to be defeated." Louis, smiling, said to himself and slowly drew out his sword: "Just let me see. Let’s see if the guy on the opposite side is qualified to make Louis Bernard ‘feign defeat’.”

"Sailing City—Attack!"

"Long live Bernard——!!!"

A chaotic but powerful roar exploded on the right side of the Confederate position, followed by hundreds of figures crossing the hillside in front of them, closely following the knight holding a knife and raising a flag.

On the opposite side of the battle line, the Western Front troops of the Holy War Army who had just emerged raised their heads and subconsciously looked towards the direction where the shouts of killing were heard, and their eyes suddenly froze.

More than 5,000 sailing city soldiers were seen in a tight formation. Led by a knight holding high the eleven-star ring flag, they poured down the hillside like a flood, actively "greeting" themselves.

The messy military uniforms, inconsistent weapons, and formations with no "quality" at all... could not conceal the amazing morale of this army. Before the artillery fire of the Jihadi Army stopped, they took the initiative to leave their positions and launch a counterattack against them.

This also proves from the side that the jihadist army's artillery fire is accurate, and it has moved the existence of the battlefield atmosphere group. Even the local militiamen with little knowledge can see through the nature of their paper tigers, and facing the sky full of artillery fire is like taking a leisurely stroll in the garden.

Faced with the sudden appearance of the enemy, the commander of the Western Front Jihad Army, after a brief hesitation, decisively issued an order to accelerate the advance, and let the cavalry regiment take the lead in attacking, harassing the opposite line of troops and forcing them to slow down; at the same time, the skirmishers Follow, control and capture the farm that is already in sight.

On the vast plain north of Yangfan City, there are only a few slightly raised earth slopes and these scattered manors between the two sides' positions, which can barely be used as bunkers or temporary strongholds.

But on the other hand, as long as you occupy these manors, you can obtain a forward position close to the enemy, which will hinder the enemy's attack and at the same time cover the movement of the rear-line troops.

Of course Louis also thought of the things he could think of.

"Stay in formation—"

Under the sound of iron hooves approaching rapidly, the young knight shouted angrily at the top of his lungs: "Form up! Raise your gun - get in position!"

Despite the panic, the Yangfan City militia still obeyed Louis' order. The dense queue of 6,000 people seemed to hit an invisible wall of air, and gradually stopped moving from front to back; the first line of defense knelt down on one knee, like a group. Thousands of rifles stretched out like hedgehogs.

Louis Bernard, wielding a sword and raising a flag, stood alone in front of the first line of defense, staring at the approaching smoke and dust, holding his breath.

Oh, why don't these people... run away?

The leader of the Clovis Cavalry Regiment, who was ordered to launch the attack, stared at the Sail City militiamen on the other side who suddenly stopped advancing. A bunch of question marks popped up on his head in disbelief.

In his impression, these "local armed forces" with little training and extremely poor equipment should immediately disperse as soon as they encounter a cavalry charge; the most tenacious will not be able to retreat across the board at most, and will never be like now. He stood firmly in place, waiting for a close encounter with him.

Hundreds of cavalrymen and thousands of militiamen were fighting hand to hand, fighting each other... This idea only lingered in the head of the cavalry regiment leader for less than half a second before he was instantly dismissed and gave the order to "turn in a roundabout way" to the cavalrymen behind him.

Just kidding, my monthly allowance is less than a hundred gold coins, what are you doing!

When the distance between the two sides was less than 100 meters, the Clovis Cavalry Regiment turned 180 degrees at an incredible speed and retreated from both wings at the same time.

The sound of horse hooves shaking the earth and the thick smoke deliberately raised covered their movements, making it difficult for the tense militiamen to see clearly their movements and unable to judge the enemy's movements. They only felt that thousands of thunders were coming towards them.

But Louis can do it.

Facing the smoke and dust that covered the sky, the heir of the Bernard family and the former imperial military attache curved his lips, and his faint smile was as cold as a raised blade.


The random shooting exploded behind the knight with thousands of gun flames. As his falling blade tore through the layers of dense fog, bright red bouquets bloomed in the dust.

Wails and hisses, one after another.

The Clovis Cavalry Regiment that was attacked did not stop turning in, or even drew their guns to fight back; hundreds of hussars speeded up and walked away without looking back.

Such a resolute and decisive action not only left the Yangfan City militiamen on the opposite side at a loss, but also stunned the entire Jihadi Army skirmishers that followed.

Unbelievably, before they could recover, they found that the group of friendly troops blocking the front had completely withdrawn, leaving them, the hundreds of skirmishers responsible for cover, directly exposed to the enemy!

Looking at the large army behind him that was at least a few hundred meters away from him, and then at the thousands of enemy troops that were almost in front of him, an inexplicable impulse surged into the head of the skirmisher, and he pointed his trembling right hand at the sky:

"I knew it! These horse dealers in the Eastern Fortress are absolutely unreliable! I...?!"

"Bang-!!!! Bang-!!!! Bang-!!!!"

As soon as the heartfelt emotion came out of his mouth, it was completely covered by the random gunshots from the Yangfan City militia on the opposite side.

Unorganized shooting is not enough to cause any harm to the enemy, but for the Sail City militiamen who have just put down their hoes and picked up their weapons, pulling the trigger and hearing the gunshot can greatly inspire their inner courage.

As the last group of militiamen happily knocked out the lead bullets in their barrels, Louis immediately waved his sword and ordered an attack. The goal was very clear: to capture the farm and push back the enemies who tried to attack.

"Long live Bernard——!!!"

Fanatic roars resounded through the sky, and thousands of militiamen picked up their crude weapons and charged towards the enemy in a chaotic manner.

Looking at the oncoming Yangfan City militia army, the leader of the Jihadi Army Skirmishers quickly compared the distance between the enemy and himself, as well as between himself and the farm, and then quickly came to the conclusion just like the cavalry leader: it was too late.

Even if you can get into the farm ahead of the opponent, without cavalry cover, your hundreds of skirmishers will not have time to build a defensive position. The final result will most likely be your own death - being blocked in the farm by the opponent and being annihilated.

After understanding this, it was clear what to do next...More than 600 stragglers collectively moved back 180 degrees to join the main force.

So without any casualties, Louis and his more than 6,000 Sailing City militiamen successfully occupied the farm and pushed the battle line into the face of the Jihadi Army.

Even because the enemy retreated too quickly and decisively, Louis didn't even have a chance to pursue him, so he had to spend his energy on building a forward position... Thousands of Sail City militiamen expanded around the farm with the farm as the core, using the luggage and random items they carried on their backs. The sandbags, soil clods and broken bricks that could be found were piled up to build a low parapet.

When everything was almost ready, the Western Front Jihad Army, which had reorganized the "broken army", finally slowly began to approach. However, facing the already prepared Yangfan City militiamen, whose positions had been fully constructed, the Western Front Jihad Army After careful consideration, the commander thought that he should request reinforcements from Commander Ludwig.

Before the reinforcements arrive, in order to avoid the front and rear armies being disconnected and possibly being surrounded by the enemy, the best choice is of course... it is better to retreat first.

So a strange scene happened: Facing thousands of militiamen with low combat effectiveness and poor equipment, the Western Front Jihadi Army seemed to be possessed by evil spirits. They collapsed one after another without fighting. In the end, the main force simply Without releasing his gun, he withdrew from the battle and gave up his position.

Only the person involved knew what was going on, but the people around him seemed confused, as if the Jihad Army was afraid of the Yangfan City militia's actions, which directly made both parties look stupid.


"This...is attacking now?!"

Anson's eyes widened and he looked at the Western Front battlefield in disbelief; he did tell Louis that in order to make the enemy take the bait, it was okay to attack appropriately - but he did not say that he would attack Ludwig directly in the face. ah!

Even because he had turned on the "superpower" and directly witnessed the whole process, he was not too surprised; the Storm Legion officers headed by Chief of Staff Karl were simply petrified. What happened in front of them was beyond their imagination.

"What's next?"

After being stunned for a full minute, Karl, who was the first to regain his senses, immediately turned around and asked: "Louis has advanced the battle line to the infantry's charge line. If Ludwig attacks first, they are likely to be surrounded. Like us, Completely out of touch!"

"What should I do? I also want to know what to do. Don't repeat things that are obvious at a glance!" Anson couldn't help but rolled his eyes:

"There is no other way. Since this is the case, let's just push the battle line up! Notify the shooting army to advance from the east front and test Ludwig's main attack direction!"

"The Storm Legion is at the rear, following closely at the end of the Shooting Army's line, waiting for an opportunity to find a breakthrough!"

"Oh, by the way, find a way to send a signal to Alexei's 2nd Infantry Regiment and let him see if he can find an opportunity to attack Ludwig's artillery position; if there is no chance, you can pretend to scare them - I Believe in his ability!"

Anson issued several orders in one breath, gritted his teeth and scratched his hair, with helplessness written on his face.

For today's battle, he made a total of three plans, prepared at least twenty emergency measures, and thought of no less than a hundred worst and most undesirable results.

The plan was perfect, but it failed at the first step.

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